umsgpack — u-msgpack-python 2.8.0 documentation (2024)

# u-msgpack-python v2.8.0 - v at u-msgpack-python is a lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer# module, compatible with both Python 2 and 3, as well CPython and PyPy# implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the# latest MessagePack In# particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application ext# types.## MIT License## Copyright (c) 2013-2023 vsergeev / Ivan (Vanya) A. Sergeev## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE# AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,# OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN# THE SOFTWARE.#"""u-msgpack-python v2.8.0 - v at sergeev.io is a lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializermodule, compatible with both Python 2 and 3, as well CPython and PyPyimplementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with thelatest MessagePack Inparticular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application exttypes.License: MIT"""import structimport collectionsimport datetimeimport sysimport ioif sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 3): from import Hashableelse: from collections import Hashable__version__ = "2.8.0""Module version string"version = (2, 8, 0)"Module version tuple"############################################################################### Ext Class############################################################################### Extension type for application-defined types and data

[docs]class Ext(object): """ The Ext class facilitates creating a serializable extension object to store an application-defined type and data byte array. """

[docs] def __init__(self, type, data): """ Construct a new Ext object. Args: type (int): application-defined type integer data (bytes): application-defined data byte array Raises: TypeError: Type is not an integer. ValueError: Type is out of range of -128 to 127. TypeError: Data is not type 'bytes' (Python 3) or not type 'str' (Python 2). Example: >>> foo = umsgpack.Ext(5, b"\\x01\\x02\\x03") >>> umsgpack.packb({u"special stuff": foo, u"awesome": True}) '\\x82\\xa7awesome\\xc3\\xadspecial stuff\\xc7\\x03\\x05\\x01\\x02\\x03' >>> bar = umsgpack.unpackb(_) >>> print(bar["special stuff"]) Ext Object (Type: 5, Data: 01 02 03) """ # Check type is type int and in range if not isinstance(type, int): raise TypeError("ext type is not type integer") elif not (-2**7 <= type <= 2**7 - 1): raise ValueError("ext type value {:d} is out of range (-128 to 127)".format(type)) # Check data is type bytes or str elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and not isinstance(data, bytes): raise TypeError("ext data is not type \'bytes\'") elif sys.version_info[0] == 2 and not isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError("ext data is not type \'str\'") self.type = type = data

[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Compare this Ext object with another for equality. """ return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \ and self.type == other.type and ==

[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """ Compare this Ext object with another for inequality. """ return not self.__eq__(other)

[docs] def __str__(self): """ String representation of this Ext object. """ s = "Ext Object (Type: {:d}, Data: ".format(self.type) s += " ".join(["0x{:02x}".format(ord([i:i + 1])) for i in xrange(min(len(, 8))]) if len( > 8: s += " ..." s += ")" return s

[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Provide a hash of this Ext object. """ return hash((self.type,

[docs]class InvalidString(bytes): """Subclass of bytes to hold invalid UTF-8 strings."""

############################################################################### Ext Serializable Decorator##############################################################################_ext_class_to_type = {}_ext_type_to_class = {}

[docs]def ext_serializable(ext_type): """ Return a decorator to register a class for automatic packing and unpacking with the specified Ext type code. The application class should implement a `packb()` method that returns serialized bytes, and an `unpackb()` class method or static method that accepts serialized bytes and returns an instance of the application class. Args: ext_type (int): application-defined Ext type code Raises: TypeError: Ext type is not an integer. ValueError: Ext type is out of range of -128 to 127. ValueError: Ext type or class already registered. """ def wrapper(cls): if not isinstance(ext_type, int): raise TypeError("Ext type is not type integer") elif not (-2**7 <= ext_type <= 2**7 - 1): raise ValueError("Ext type value {:d} is out of range of -128 to 127".format(ext_type)) elif ext_type in _ext_type_to_class: raise ValueError("Ext type {:d} already registered with class {:s}".format(ext_type, repr(_ext_type_to_class[ext_type]))) elif cls in _ext_class_to_type: raise ValueError("Class {:s} already registered with Ext type {:d}".format(repr(cls), ext_type)) _ext_type_to_class[ext_type] = cls _ext_class_to_type[cls] = ext_type return cls return wrapper

############################################################################### Exceptions############################################################################### Base Exception classes

[docs]class PackException(Exception): "Base class for exceptions encountered during packing."

[docs]class UnpackException(Exception): "Base class for exceptions encountered during unpacking."

# Packing error

[docs]class UnsupportedTypeException(PackException): "Object type not supported for packing."

# Unpacking error

[docs]class InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): "Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object."

[docs]class InvalidStringException(UnpackException): "Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking."

[docs]class UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): "Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking."

[docs]class ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): "Reserved code encountered during unpacking."

[docs]class UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): """ Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. """

[docs]class DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): "Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking."

# Backwards compatibilityKeyNotPrimitiveException = UnhashableKeyExceptionKeyDuplicateException = DuplicateKeyException############################################################################## Exported Functions and Glob############################################################################## Exported functions and variables, set up in __init()pack = Nonepackb = Noneunpack = Noneunpackb = Nonedump = Nonedumps = Noneload = Noneloads = Nonecompatibility = False"""Compatibility mode boolean.When compatibility mode is enabled, u-msgpack-python will serialize bothunicode strings and bytes into the old "raw" msgpack type, and deserialize the"raw" msgpack type into bytes. This provides backwards compatibility with theold MessagePack specification.Example: >>> umsgpack.compatibility = True >>> umsgpack.packb([u"some string", b"some bytes"]) b'\\x92\\xabsome string\\xaasome bytes' >>> umsgpack.unpackb(_) [b'some string', b'some bytes']"""############################################################################### Packing############################################################################### You may notice struct.pack("B", obj) instead of the simpler chr(obj) in the# code below. This is to allow for seamless Python 2 and 3 compatibility, as# chr(obj) has a str return type instead of bytes in Python 3, and# struct.pack(...) has the right return type in both versions.def _pack_integer(obj, fp, options): if obj < 0: if obj >= -32: fp.write(struct.pack("b", obj)) elif obj >= -2**(8 - 1): fp.write(b"\xd0" + struct.pack("b", obj)) elif obj >= -2**(16 - 1): fp.write(b"\xd1" + struct.pack(">h", obj)) elif obj >= -2**(32 - 1): fp.write(b"\xd2" + struct.pack(">i", obj)) elif obj >= -2**(64 - 1): fp.write(b"\xd3" + struct.pack(">q", obj)) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge signed int") else: if obj < 128: fp.write(struct.pack("B", obj)) elif obj < 2**8: fp.write(b"\xcc" + struct.pack("B", obj)) elif obj < 2**16: fp.write(b"\xcd" + struct.pack(">H", obj)) elif obj < 2**32: fp.write(b"\xce" + struct.pack(">I", obj)) elif obj < 2**64: fp.write(b"\xcf" + struct.pack(">Q", obj)) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge unsigned int")def _pack_nil(obj, fp, options): fp.write(b"\xc0")def _pack_boolean(obj, fp, options): fp.write(b"\xc3" if obj else b"\xc2")def _pack_float(obj, fp, options): float_precision = options.get('force_float_precision', _float_precision) if float_precision == "double": fp.write(b"\xcb" + struct.pack(">d", obj)) elif float_precision == "single": fp.write(b"\xca" + struct.pack(">f", obj)) else: raise ValueError("invalid float precision")def _pack_string(obj, fp, options): obj = obj.encode('utf-8') obj_len = len(obj) if obj_len < 32: fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0xa0 | obj_len) + obj) elif obj_len < 2**8: fp.write(b"\xd9" + struct.pack("B", obj_len) + obj) elif obj_len < 2**16: fp.write(b"\xda" + struct.pack(">H", obj_len) + obj) elif obj_len < 2**32: fp.write(b"\xdb" + struct.pack(">I", obj_len) + obj) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge string")def _pack_binary(obj, fp, options): obj_len = len(obj) if obj_len < 2**8: fp.write(b"\xc4" + struct.pack("B", obj_len) + obj) elif obj_len < 2**16: fp.write(b"\xc5" + struct.pack(">H", obj_len) + obj) elif obj_len < 2**32: fp.write(b"\xc6" + struct.pack(">I", obj_len) + obj) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge binary string")def _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp, options): obj_len = len(obj) if obj_len < 32: fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0xa0 | obj_len) + obj) elif obj_len < 2**16: fp.write(b"\xda" + struct.pack(">H", obj_len) + obj) elif obj_len < 2**32: fp.write(b"\xdb" + struct.pack(">I", obj_len) + obj) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge raw string")def _pack_ext(obj, fp, options): obj_len = len( if obj_len == 1: fp.write(b"\xd4" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + elif obj_len == 2: fp.write(b"\xd5" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + elif obj_len == 4: fp.write(b"\xd6" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + elif obj_len == 8: fp.write(b"\xd7" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + elif obj_len == 16: fp.write(b"\xd8" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + elif obj_len < 2**8: fp.write(b"\xc7" + struct.pack("BB", obj_len, obj.type & 0xff) + elif obj_len < 2**16: fp.write(b"\xc8" + struct.pack(">HB", obj_len, obj.type & 0xff) + elif obj_len < 2**32: fp.write(b"\xc9" + struct.pack(">IB", obj_len, obj.type & 0xff) + else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge ext data")def _pack_ext_timestamp(obj, fp, options): if not obj.tzinfo: # Object is naive datetime, convert to aware date time, # assuming UTC timezone delta = obj.replace(tzinfo=_utc_tzinfo) - _epoch else: # Object is aware datetime delta = obj - _epoch seconds = delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400 microseconds = delta.microseconds if microseconds == 0 and 0 <= seconds <= 2**32 - 1: # 32-bit timestamp fp.write(b"\xd6\xff" + struct.pack(">I", seconds)) elif 0 <= seconds <= 2**34 - 1: # 64-bit timestamp value = ((microseconds * 1000) << 34) | seconds fp.write(b"\xd7\xff" + struct.pack(">Q", value)) elif -2**63 <= abs(seconds) <= 2**63 - 1: # 96-bit timestamp fp.write(b"\xc7\x0c\xff" + struct.pack(">Iq", microseconds * 1000, seconds)) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge timestamp")def _pack_array(obj, fp, options): obj_len = len(obj) if obj_len < 16: fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0x90 | obj_len)) elif obj_len < 2**16: fp.write(b"\xdc" + struct.pack(">H", obj_len)) elif obj_len < 2**32: fp.write(b"\xdd" + struct.pack(">I", obj_len)) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge array") for e in obj: pack(e, fp, **options)def _pack_map(obj, fp, options): obj_len = len(obj) if obj_len < 16: fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0x80 | obj_len)) elif obj_len < 2**16: fp.write(b"\xde" + struct.pack(">H", obj_len)) elif obj_len < 2**32: fp.write(b"\xdf" + struct.pack(">I", obj_len)) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge array") for k, v in obj.items(): pack(k, fp, **options) pack(v, fp, **options)######################################### Pack for Python 2, with 'unicode' type, 'str' type, and 'long' typedef _pack2(obj, fp, **options): """ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes. Args: obj: a Python object fp: a .write()-supporting file-like object Keyword Args: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping a custom type to a callable that packs an instance of the type into an Ext object force_float_precision (str): "single" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 single-precision floats, "double" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 double-precision floats Returns: None Raises: UnsupportedTypeException(PackException): Object type not supported for packing. Example: >>> f = open('test.bin', 'wb') >>> umsgpack.pack({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}, f) """ global compatibility ext_handlers = options.get("ext_handlers") if obj is None: _pack_nil(obj, fp, options) elif ext_handlers and obj.__class__ in ext_handlers: _pack_ext(ext_handlers[obj.__class__](obj), fp, options) elif obj.__class__ in _ext_class_to_type: try: _pack_ext(Ext(_ext_class_to_type[obj.__class__], obj.packb()), fp, options) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError("Ext serializable class {:s} is missing implementation of packb()".format(repr(obj.__class__))) elif isinstance(obj, bool): _pack_boolean(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, (int, long)): # noqa: F821 _pack_integer(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, float): _pack_float(obj, fp, options) elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, unicode): # noqa: F821 _pack_oldspec_raw(bytes(obj), fp, options) elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, bytes): _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, unicode): # noqa: F821 _pack_string(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, str): _pack_binary(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): _pack_array(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, dict): _pack_map(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): _pack_ext_timestamp(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, Ext): _pack_ext(obj, fp, options) elif ext_handlers: # Linear search for superclass t = next((t for t in ext_handlers.keys() if isinstance(obj, t)), None) if t: _pack_ext(ext_handlers[t](obj), fp, options) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException( "unsupported type: {:s}".format(str(type(obj)))) elif _ext_class_to_type: # Linear search for superclass t = next((t for t in _ext_class_to_type if isinstance(obj, t)), None) if t: try: _pack_ext(Ext(_ext_class_to_type[t], obj.packb()), fp, options) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError("Ext serializable class {:s} is missing implementation of packb()".format(repr(t))) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("unsupported type: {:s}".format(str(type(obj)))) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("unsupported type: {:s}".format(str(type(obj))))# Pack for Python 3, with unicode 'str' type, 'bytes' type, and no 'long' typedef _pack3(obj, fp, **options): """ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes. Args: obj: a Python object fp: a .write()-supporting file-like object Keyword Args: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping a custom type to a callable that packs an instance of the type into an Ext object force_float_precision (str): "single" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 single-precision floats, "double" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 double-precision floats Returns: None Raises: UnsupportedTypeException(PackException): Object type not supported for packing. Example: >>> f = open('test.bin', 'wb') >>> umsgpack.pack({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}, f) """ global compatibility ext_handlers = options.get("ext_handlers") if obj is None: _pack_nil(obj, fp, options) elif ext_handlers and obj.__class__ in ext_handlers: _pack_ext(ext_handlers[obj.__class__](obj), fp, options) elif obj.__class__ in _ext_class_to_type: try: _pack_ext(Ext(_ext_class_to_type[obj.__class__], obj.packb()), fp, options) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError("Ext serializable class {:s} is missing implementation of packb()".format(repr(obj.__class__))) elif isinstance(obj, bool): _pack_boolean(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, int): _pack_integer(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, float): _pack_float(obj, fp, options) elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, str): _pack_oldspec_raw(obj.encode('utf-8'), fp, options) elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, bytes): _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, str): _pack_string(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, bytes): _pack_binary(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): _pack_array(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, dict): _pack_map(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): _pack_ext_timestamp(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, Ext): _pack_ext(obj, fp, options) elif ext_handlers: # Linear search for superclass t = next((t for t in ext_handlers.keys() if isinstance(obj, t)), None) if t: _pack_ext(ext_handlers[t](obj), fp, options) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException( "unsupported type: {:s}".format(str(type(obj)))) elif _ext_class_to_type: # Linear search for superclass t = next((t for t in _ext_class_to_type if isinstance(obj, t)), None) if t: try: _pack_ext(Ext(_ext_class_to_type[t], obj.packb()), fp, options) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError("Ext serializable class {:s} is missing implementation of packb()".format(repr(t))) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("unsupported type: {:s}".format(str(type(obj)))) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException( "unsupported type: {:s}".format(str(type(obj))))def _packb2(obj, **options): """ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes. Args: obj: a Python object Keyword Args: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping a custom type to a callable that packs an instance of the type into an Ext object force_float_precision (str): "single" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 single-precision floats, "double" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 double-precision floats Returns: str: Serialized MessagePack bytes Raises: UnsupportedTypeException(PackException): Object type not supported for packing. Example: >>> umsgpack.packb({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}) '\\x82\\xa7compact\\xc3\\xa6schema\\x00' """ fp = io.BytesIO() _pack2(obj, fp, **options) return fp.getvalue()def _packb3(obj, **options): """ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes. Args: obj: a Python object Keyword Args: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping a custom type to a callable that packs an instance of the type into an Ext object force_float_precision (str): "single" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 single-precision floats, "double" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 double-precision floats Returns: bytes: Serialized MessagePack bytes Raises: UnsupportedTypeException(PackException): Object type not supported for packing. Example: >>> umsgpack.packb({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}) b'\\x82\\xa7compact\\xc3\\xa6schema\\x00' """ fp = io.BytesIO() _pack3(obj, fp, **options) return fp.getvalue()############################################################################## Unpacking#############################################################################def _read_except(fp, n): if n == 0: return b"" data = if len(data) == 0: raise InsufficientDataException() while len(data) < n: chunk = - len(data)) if len(chunk) == 0: raise InsufficientDataException() data += chunk return datadef _unpack_integer(code, fp, options): if (ord(code) & 0xe0) == 0xe0: return struct.unpack("b", code)[0] elif code == b'\xd0': return struct.unpack("b", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xd1': return struct.unpack(">h", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xd2': return struct.unpack(">i", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] elif code == b'\xd3': return struct.unpack(">q", _read_except(fp, 8))[0] elif (ord(code) & 0x80) == 0x00: return struct.unpack("B", code)[0] elif code == b'\xcc': return struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xcd': return struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xce': return struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] elif code == b'\xcf': return struct.unpack(">Q", _read_except(fp, 8))[0] raise Exception("logic error, not int: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code)))def _unpack_reserved(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xc1': raise ReservedCodeException( "encountered reserved code: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code))) raise Exception( "logic error, not reserved code: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code)))def _unpack_nil(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xc0': return None raise Exception("logic error, not nil: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code)))def _unpack_boolean(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xc2': return False elif code == b'\xc3': return True raise Exception("logic error, not boolean: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code)))def _unpack_float(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xca': return struct.unpack(">f", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] elif code == b'\xcb': return struct.unpack(">d", _read_except(fp, 8))[0] raise Exception("logic error, not float: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code)))def _unpack_string(code, fp, options): if (ord(code) & 0xe0) == 0xa0: length = ord(code) & ~0xe0 elif code == b'\xd9': length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xda': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xdb': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not string: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code))) # Always return raw bytes in compatibility mode global compatibility if compatibility: return _read_except(fp, length) data = _read_except(fp, length) try: return bytes.decode(data, 'utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: if options.get("allow_invalid_utf8"): return InvalidString(data) raise InvalidStringException("unpacked string is invalid utf-8")def _unpack_binary(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xc4': length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xc5': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xc6': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not binary: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code))) return _read_except(fp, length)def _unpack_ext(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xd4': length = 1 elif code == b'\xd5': length = 2 elif code == b'\xd6': length = 4 elif code == b'\xd7': length = 8 elif code == b'\xd8': length = 16 elif code == b'\xc7': length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xc8': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xc9': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not ext: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code))) ext_type = struct.unpack("b", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] ext_data = _read_except(fp, length) # Unpack with ext handler, if we have one ext_handlers = options.get("ext_handlers") if ext_handlers and ext_type in ext_handlers: return ext_handlers[ext_type](Ext(ext_type, ext_data)) # Unpack with ext classes, if type is registered if ext_type in _ext_type_to_class: try: return _ext_type_to_class[ext_type].unpackb(ext_data) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError("Ext serializable class {:s} is missing implementation of unpackb()".format(repr(_ext_type_to_class[ext_type]))) # Timestamp extension if ext_type == -1: return _unpack_ext_timestamp(ext_data, options) return Ext(ext_type, ext_data)def _unpack_ext_timestamp(ext_data, options): obj_len = len(ext_data) if obj_len == 4: # 32-bit timestamp seconds = struct.unpack(">I", ext_data)[0] microseconds = 0 elif obj_len == 8: # 64-bit timestamp value = struct.unpack(">Q", ext_data)[0] seconds = value & 0x3ffffffff microseconds = (value >> 34) // 1000 elif obj_len == 12: # 96-bit timestamp seconds = struct.unpack(">q", ext_data[4:12])[0] microseconds = struct.unpack(">I", ext_data[0:4])[0] // 1000 else: raise UnsupportedTimestampException( "unsupported timestamp with data length {:d}".format(len(ext_data))) return _epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds)def _unpack_array(code, fp, options): if (ord(code) & 0xf0) == 0x90: length = (ord(code) & ~0xf0) elif code == b'\xdc': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xdd': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not array: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code))) if options.get('use_tuple'): return tuple((_unpack(fp, options) for i in xrange(length))) return [_unpack(fp, options) for i in xrange(length)]def _deep_list_to_tuple(obj): if isinstance(obj, list): return tuple([_deep_list_to_tuple(e) for e in obj]) return objdef _unpack_map(code, fp, options): if (ord(code) & 0xf0) == 0x80: length = (ord(code) & ~0xf0) elif code == b'\xde': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xdf': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not map: 0x{:02x}".format(ord(code))) d = {} if not options.get('use_ordered_dict') else collections.OrderedDict() for _ in xrange(length): # Unpack key k = _unpack(fp, options) if isinstance(k, list): # Attempt to convert list into a hashable tuple k = _deep_list_to_tuple(k) elif not isinstance(k, Hashable): raise UnhashableKeyException( "encountered unhashable key: \"{:s}\" ({:s})".format(str(k), str(type(k)))) elif k in d: raise DuplicateKeyException( "encountered duplicate key: \"{:s}\" ({:s})".format(str(k), str(type(k)))) # Unpack value v = _unpack(fp, options) try: d[k] = v except TypeError: raise UnhashableKeyException( "encountered unhashable key: \"{:s}\"".format(str(k))) return ddef _unpack(fp, options): code = _read_except(fp, 1) return _unpack_dispatch_table[code](code, fp, options)########################################def _unpack2(fp, **options): """ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object. Args: fp: a .read()-supporting file-like object Keyword Args: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping integer Ext type to a callable that unpacks an instance of Ext into an object use_ordered_dict (bool): unpack maps into OrderedDict, instead of dict (default False) use_tuple (bool): unpacks arrays into tuples, instead of lists (default False) allow_invalid_utf8 (bool): unpack invalid strings into instances of :class:`InvalidString`, for access to the bytes (default False) Returns: Python object Raises: InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object. InvalidStringException(UnpackException): Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking. UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking. ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): Reserved code encountered during unpacking. UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking. Example: >>> f = open('test.bin', 'rb') >>> umsgpack.unpackb(f) {u'compact': True, u'schema': 0} """ return _unpack(fp, options)def _unpack3(fp, **options): """ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object. Args: fp: a .read()-supporting file-like object Keyword Args: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping integer Ext type to a callable that unpacks an instance of Ext into an object use_ordered_dict (bool): unpack maps into OrderedDict, instead of dict (default False) use_tuple (bool): unpacks arrays into tuples, instead of lists (default False) allow_invalid_utf8 (bool): unpack invalid strings into instances of :class:`InvalidString`, for access to the bytes (default False) Returns: Python object Raises: InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object. InvalidStringException(UnpackException): Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking. UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking. ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): Reserved code encountered during unpacking. UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking. Example: >>> f = open('test.bin', 'rb') >>> umsgpack.unpackb(f) {'compact': True, 'schema': 0} """ return _unpack(fp, options)# For Python 2, expects a str objectdef _unpackb2(s, **options): """ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object. Args: s (str, bytearray): serialized MessagePack bytes Keyword Args: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping integer Ext type to a callable that unpacks an instance of Ext into an object use_ordered_dict (bool): unpack maps into OrderedDict, instead of dict (default False) use_tuple (bool): unpacks arrays into tuples, instead of lists (default False) allow_invalid_utf8 (bool): unpack invalid strings into instances of :class:`InvalidString`, for access to the bytes (default False) Returns: Python object Raises: TypeError: Packed data type is neither 'str' nor 'bytearray'. InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object. InvalidStringException(UnpackException): Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking. UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking. ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): Reserved code encountered during unpacking. UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking. Example: >>> umsgpack.unpackb(b'\\x82\\xa7compact\\xc3\\xa6schema\\x00') {u'compact': True, u'schema': 0} """ if not isinstance(s, (str, bytearray)): raise TypeError("packed data must be type 'str' or 'bytearray'") return _unpack(io.BytesIO(s), options)# For Python 3, expects a bytes objectdef _unpackb3(s, **options): """ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object. Args: s (bytes, bytearray): serialized MessagePack bytes Keyword Args: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping integer Ext type to a callable that unpacks an instance of Ext into an object use_ordered_dict (bool): unpack maps into OrderedDict, instead of dict (default False) use_tuple (bool): unpacks arrays into tuples, instead of lists (default False) allow_invalid_utf8 (bool): unpack invalid strings into instances of :class:`InvalidString`, for access to the bytes (default False) Returns: Python object Raises: TypeError: Packed data type is neither 'bytes' nor 'bytearray'. InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object. InvalidStringException(UnpackException): Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking. UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking. ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): Reserved code encountered during unpacking. UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking. Example: >>> umsgpack.unpackb(b'\\x82\\xa7compact\\xc3\\xa6schema\\x00') {'compact': True, 'schema': 0} """ if not isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError("packed data must be type 'bytes' or 'bytearray'") return _unpack(io.BytesIO(s), options)############################################################################## Module Initialization#############################################################################def __init(): global pack global packb global unpack global unpackb global dump global dumps global load global loads global compatibility global _epoch global _utc_tzinfo global _float_precision global _unpack_dispatch_table global xrange # Compatibility mode for handling strings/bytes with the old specification compatibility = False if sys.version_info[0] == 3: _utc_tzinfo = datetime.timezone.utc else: class UTC(datetime.tzinfo): ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0) def utcoffset(self, dt): return UTC.ZERO def tzname(self, dt): return "UTC" def dst(self, dt): return UTC.ZERO _utc_tzinfo = UTC() # Calculate an aware epoch datetime _epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=_utc_tzinfo) # Auto-detect system float precision if sys.float_info.mant_dig == 53: _float_precision = "double" else: _float_precision = "single" # Map packb and unpackb to the appropriate version if sys.version_info[0] == 3: pack = _pack3 packb = _packb3 dump = _pack3 dumps = _packb3 unpack = _unpack3 unpackb = _unpackb3 load = _unpack3 loads = _unpackb3 xrange = range else: pack = _pack2 packb = _packb2 dump = _pack2 dumps = _packb2 unpack = _unpack2 unpackb = _unpackb2 load = _unpack2 loads = _unpackb2 # Build a dispatch table for fast lookup of unpacking function _unpack_dispatch_table = {} # Fix uint for code in range(0, 0x7f + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer # Fix map for code in range(0x80, 0x8f + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_map # Fix array for code in range(0x90, 0x9f + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_array # Fix str for code in range(0xa0, 0xbf + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_string # Nil _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc0'] = _unpack_nil # Reserved _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc1'] = _unpack_reserved # Boolean _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc2'] = _unpack_boolean _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc3'] = _unpack_boolean # Bin for code in range(0xc4, 0xc6 + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_binary # Ext for code in range(0xc7, 0xc9 + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_ext # Float _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xca'] = _unpack_float _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xcb'] = _unpack_float # Uint for code in range(0xcc, 0xcf + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer # Int for code in range(0xd0, 0xd3 + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer # Fixext for code in range(0xd4, 0xd8 + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_ext # String for code in range(0xd9, 0xdb + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_string # Array _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdc'] = _unpack_array _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdd'] = _unpack_array # Map _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xde'] = _unpack_map _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdf'] = _unpack_map # Negative fixint for code in range(0xe0, 0xff + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer__init()
umsgpack — u-msgpack-python 2.8.0 documentation (2024)
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