The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

SUN Telephones after 8 p.m. SUN CLASSIFIED WANT ADS FOR QUICK ACTION WANT ADS. Dial MA. 1161 Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


ART. DANCING 17 BUSINESS PERSONALS MARRIAGES IN MEMORIUM 17 17 BUSINESS PERSONALS BUSINESS PERSONALS irinw POPULAR MUSIC BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME IN SCENIC SUITS SPORT COATS Do hot buy until you see our used and new suits and sport coats. Many Printed and published every day by THE SUN PUBLISHING C-A-P-I-L-A-N-O H-I-G-H-L-A-N-D-S The finest of all Subdivisions for the Attention! Miss Di'ane Wiles, Popular Piano Studios now reopened, 310 Empire ciil'. Hastings and Seymour. i DEATHS SCI I ELL On Sept.

20th, 1940, in hospital, Carl Schcll, age 76 years, and formerly of Campbell River, B.C. Funeral Monday, Sept. 2d, at a.m., from The T. Edwards Co. Memorial Chapel, Granville at 10th Rev.

N. W. Robinson officiating. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. Medical Masseurs and Physio.

Therapists Colonic Irrigations 825 Granville Street THE BEST EQUIPPED ON THE SANDFORD In loving memory of Arthur Jumcs Sandford, passed away Senteinbcr 20, 1944. from us but leaving memories Death can never take away; Memories that will always linger, While upon this earth we Slav. Ever remembered by his loving wife. MAN OF MODERATE MEANS Buy a Lot there today pre-war quality, up-lo-uate styles Suits, used $18, $15, $10 Suits, new, blue serge $34 Suits, blue and brown stripe $32 Spoil coats, ercv tweed, new 518 PA. 4712 or MAr.

7750. Enroll early, H1NKSMAN HEISLER On Thursday, September 19, 1946, in Holy Rosaiy Cathedral, John Hlnksman to Hlld Kathleen Heirler of Vancouer, B.C., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Beasley of a 1 1 l'a MacDONALD BROWNSEY On August 13th, 1946, at Clyde Memorial Church, San Francisco, oy Rev, J. C. McPheeter, C.

A. MacDonaid, New-Westminster, to Gladys (Sue) For the HOME you'll build tomonow icssons guaranteed, music nee. Ab. Hinc, Guiliir and Banjo, 422 a years to pay for your l-o-t 20 years to nay for your H-O-M-E Sport coats, used $10, $7.50, nicnaras si. MAr.

4i)n. CARD OF THANKS Including CARBON ARC LAMP (of Battle Creek), as far as we know the only one in Canada. Used In NERVOUS DISORDERS, TONING UP Guitar, banjo and mandolin, guar- Trips in private cars are being en-Joyed dully by citizens and visitors alike to this modern community. COMPANY LIMITED at its Head Office, bun Building, 500 Beatty Street, Vancouver. B.C.

KATES Special 3-day rate Ho per line per da; 1 day per line 11c. 2 days per line per day 16c. 6 day tone week) per line 78c. 26 days tone month i per line $3.13. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, ENGaUe-ments, Funeral Notices, Cards of Thanks, Memorial Notices not exceeding ten lines, per insertion; each additional line, 17c daily.

BY CAKK11.K. I.HU Per Month anieiMi. neg. clay, BAy. aura.

THOMPSON Kevin, who died September 20, 1944: Loving-thoughts, true and tender, Just to show we still remember. Ever remembered by A.M.. Accordion, violin, piano. Frank passing through Stanley" Park, over iNicnois. k.k.

8585. Music rrec. AND ALL SKIN DISEASES, ETC. See Future Ads WHAT THE OUARTZ r.r.AVAWTi" Mrs. S.

Campbell and family wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for many kindnesses, messages of love and understanding and beautiful floral offerings from many friends tendered during' the illness and death of our dear husband and father, Samuel Campbell; Play Popular Piano. 20 lessons. Lions uate Bridge, up capnano Koad to beautiful CAPILANO HIGHLANDS. Don't miss the opportunity of seeine Ten Williams, BAy. 3079.

MAY KELLINGTON On Thurs. September 19th, 1946, In Canadian Memorial Church, by Rev. G. Harrison Villctt, Edgar Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs.

H. May, Lulu Island, to May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keliinglon, Vancouver, B.C. THE SHORT-WAVE AND CrRCIlf.tHf Glailolian Orchestra CAN DO FOR YOII! Dances, weddings, parties.

FR. 6158 this Shangri-la community in the making, following the pattern of Vancouver's dynamic development at any time 'vp an elf You Tophatter's Orchestra for recep- THOMPSON In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Eammon Kevin Thompson, who died September 20, 1944, R.I.P.: As we loved you, so we miss you, In our memory you are near; Loved, remembered, longed for always, Bringing many a silent tear. Everv hour we dearly miss him, STRACIIAN DRUMMOND On ECZEMA treatment (mm trilno COffliNG EVENTS 1 iwns anci parties. KAy. ooybk.

We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our relatives, friends and nelphlinrH fnr their mnnv npt nf a virgin territory today a thriving community tomorrow. Make an ao- You'll find Is just the thins. Eileen Todrick. Piano and Theory. Thursday, September 19th, 1946, in Dunbar Heights United Church, by pointment now by phoning MArlne ZKO) uruce St.

BA. 1130L. kindness and beautiful floral offer-! ings during our recent bereavement. I treating Eczema rhis firm specialize blemish to your skin aoiy, ano oy all means got CAPI- Wanted, pianist for small string Li-ftwu colored DooK et Special thanks to Rev. T.

W. Scott Is with Information and man of Dron- orcnestra; pleasure. Box K3H8, Sun. MUSIC INSTKUCTION DINE AND DANCE AT THE GREEN GABLES 6241 East Hastings Every Saturday nignt, dancing from nine till? Featuring BASIL HUiMEK ai the piano. TURKEY DINNER For reservations phone FAir.

5644Y nr (JT.en. 11(11. Caterine to You'l oisiatseiui to one's eyes. '11 find that you can't worK VHIir health'. tor ills consoling words; Dr.

S. A. Bell and the staff of the Bumabv erty at SERVICE REALTY. 1402 If Vancouver Block. 736 Granville St, Funeral Directors.

sadly no we feel his loss; Lonelv is our home without him, Help us. Lord, to bear the cross. Ever lovingly remembered by Mother, siste- Sheila, brothers Lyle an Lambert. THOMPSON In lovine memory of It's a tob on the -Mrs. W.

L. Morrison and Family. LEN HOLLAND ACCORDION STUDIO Modern, Standard, Classical. Music Free. 422 Richards St.

MAr. 2032 Kev. riugn uae, David Jonn stracnan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W.

Strachan, Dewdney, B.C., to Christina Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Drummond, 3431 W.

24th Vancouver, B.C. WICKENS WALKINSHAW On Thursday, September 19th, 1946, in Christ Church Cathedral, by Very-Rev. Dean Cecil Swanson, William Gordon Wlckens, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W.

S. Wlckens, to Catherine Anne (Kay) younger daughter of Mrs. Ann Walkinshaw and the late E. J. Walklnshaw.

Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Anthony and family wish to or an office in the town. if you get the proper pep For the work you have to d0r BANQUETS and PRIVATE PARTIES our specially Eammon Kevin Thompson, who died THE NEWEST THING IN OIL Developed for the armed forces, now released to the public. SUPREME COMPOUNDED MOTOR OIL Keeps motor cleaner.

luuiot: ai dUitlN J. LEWIS'S thank their many friends, neighbors and relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy and the beautiful floral tributes, also Reverend E. Is September 20, 1944: R.I.P.: ELENA BONGIOVANNI MALCOLM MERRETT Vol Piano Classics Popular ST. ANDREW'S AND CALEDONIAN SOCIETY Annual wnpral meeting. Saturday.

me proper course for you. PILES! PILES! PILES! nriMITl II T-T mn 1. I Beginners a specialty MAr. 3791 u. uraaen, D.u, lor his consoling words, and Dr.

D. Moffatt. nurses Sept. 31, Cambrian Hall, 17th and Be 11CBATMENT treated successfully at once byJDie Joe Mlceli, teacher saxophone, clar Reduces ringand valve sticking. method Main, a p.m.

Election oi omcers and staff of St. Paul's Hospital, the Tucxdo suits, used $18 Tuxedos for rent, shirts, etc. $3.50 Suitcases, new and used IN OUR JEWELRY DEPARTMENT 10'i discount to all Servicemen and women Men's wrist watches, $7.50, $11, $13.50 Ladies wrist watches, $8 to $16.50 Late style wedding rings $3 Diamond engagement rings $18 35 tax on jewelry Fast guaranteed watch repairing by our own watchmakers Prompt attention to mail orders SAN FRANCISCO TAILORS Pawnbrokers, Est. 1908 52 W. Hastings St.

Vj Block E. Woodward's Dept. store I PILES I Not Just Relief: But Permanent Correction. We use the new Kecsey system NO PAIN No Knife No Anaesthetics No Loss of Time from Work AN OFFICE TREATMENT THAT PRODUCES QUICK, PERMANENT RESULTS Literature upon request Consult: ROBERT D. WRIGHT, N.D.

Naturopathic Physician 104-5-6 Bank of Nova Scotia BIdg. (First Floor Up) 602 W. Hastings PAc. 6519 HOURS: 9:30 to Sat. till 2 p.m.

Evenings by appointment only KANTHOLINE JELLY Remedies Asthma Bronchitis Catarrh Hay Fever Whooping Cough Sinus From all Drug and Departmental Stores NOTICE Furs sold by the Viking Fur Co. are a saving of at "Our Low Overhead Does It" VIKING FUR CO. 1047 Granville St. MArlne 3033 DEATHS inet, violin. Room 1, 422 Richards, suits.

vow give yuu quiCK-je- without Inconvenience to au. and yearly reports will be the business nf the eventne. Moving pic piiunu MAr, Z01Z. paiiDearers ana T. Edwara ana son for their kindness in the loss of a loving husband and father.

tures oi the 1946 games will be Popula'r and Classical Piano" Stan Gilbert. FR. 1945. shown. Alex C.

Wilson, Sec. God's ways are strange but wonderful, To leave the frail and old. To take the young and beautiful, The choicest of the fold. Someone remembers, somebody cares, Your name is mentioned in somebody's prayers; Morning and evening, and all the day through, Somebortv's heart Is sorrowing for you. Ever remembered by his loving Aunt Mattie.

825 -nn 11, mm Bee (jg. JOHN J. LEWIS St. MAr. 8055 FREE FREE FREE DANCING We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts Missionary Bible College and High 7H' ARM TO r.

A MPL- Vancouver's Best and most popular to uuiii anu vHinisn iree. More power. Better bearing lubrication. Tougher oil rfiim. SPECIAL PRICE 51.15 PER GAL.

-(Bring your own container) WESTERN AUTO STORES Operated by MACLEOD'S LTD. 510 W. GEORGIA PHONES, PAc. 3174-3175 Beautiful'l-carat diamond, set in ladv's lovelv mounting ssnn lkn 6111 WAVE laQy wh0 names the School, 3801 Myrtle St. pnone uex.

1)477. Registration for High School, Sept. 23 and Bible School, Oct. 4 and 5. The best training in a Christian atmosphere.

Write or phone for a 28- "iuoi luu dressine nance scnool reminds you IF YOU CAN WALK WE CAN TEACH YOU TO DANCE THE LILAS MOORE is all you" have or iSfng ALEXANDER On Sept. 18, 1946, Edwin James Alexander, age 59 years, late of 6591 Nelson Horseshoe Bay. West Vancouver. Survived by his loving wife; 2 daughters, Mrs. H.

V. Pavne, Garrow Bay, West Vancouver, Mrs. K. J. Dalrymple, Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver; 1 sister, Alice, Jersey, Channel Islands; 1 brother, H.

P. Alexander, Edmonton, 1 grandson, Robert Dalrymple. Funeral service Saturday, Sept. 21, at 1:30 p.m., from the Evangelistic Tabernacle, 185 East lllh Vancouver. Rev.

W. J. Em Baxter and Rev. W. A.

Bennett officiating. Interment Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Holly-burn Funeral Home, West Vancouver, of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our many friends. Especially the doctors, nurses, Mr. Cranke, Rev.

Berry of Shaughnessy Hospital, the 62nd Battery, and the Friendly Service Club during our sad bereavement in the death of our son and brother. in page free catalogue. 10 FUNERAL DIRECTORS HAPPY TIMES SOCIAL CLUB 518 W. Hastings St. PAc.

8836 being supervised 'bTMrs. 'il OPPOSITE SPENCER'S nan tenr.l. xm.i in HnWn ii. A Three-stone blue sapphire clia- (Embassy Ballroom) 1024 Davie at Burrard Whist every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday CENTER HANNA LIMITED Established 1893 Distinctive Funeral Service VANCOUVER lessons, private. PAC.

74U3. Mrs. Hammersley, Ted and Dorothy. IS PERSONAL Large Cash Prizes 1049 W. Georgia PAcific 0161 t0 soul by tr-sFokes Gentleman with car and undevel- GRAND AGGREGATE WHIST PRIZE S1U0 contest: also 330 niKhtly prize We wish to express our sincere thanks and.

appreciation to our many friends and neighbors with special T0 ThlleJtie genlUI, and mencrthe in charge. every Saturday at 8 p.m. Mount opea country property wishes to contact unattached lady In 30's, intelligent and refined but fond of out "JM In conscious vflfSe inunu ring, set in is-K wnue gold $300 Beautiful diamond bridal set. Original value $250 $125 Fine diamond-set wrist watch, 38 fine diamonds, 32 fine blue sapphires, 18-k fine white gold case $1250 Beautiful diamond and blue sapphire bracelet, consisting of 212 fine cut diamonds, 22 fine baguette diamonds, 24 Oriental sapphires, set in platinum J3000 B. C.

COLLATERAL 77 East Hastings door life, to share interest in devel NORTH VANCOUVER "Burrard 'Funeral Chapel" 1208 Lonsdale North 626 LADNER: Ladner 20 POWELL RIVER. P.R. 3161 SIMMONS McBRIDE LTD. 1995 Broadway BAyview 5402 E. A.

Simmons F. E. McBride (And Associates) "A DIGNIFIED SERVICE" HARRON BROS. LIMITED COLDICOTT Pased away Sept. 19, 1946, at his residence, 2722 Franklin Harold Coldicott, age 67 years.

He leaves to mourn his passing his loving wife, Annie Elizabeth, and 1 daughter, Frances Edna, at hnmi' 4 brother. Walter. Vancou thanks to the Harvey and Adams families for their kind messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during our recent sad bereavement In the loss of our beloved mother. Also to the secretary, Mr. Jackson.

and the doctors of the Pleasant Branch 177 Canadian Legion Hall. 3214 Main St. 35c. Old-time dance every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday A new feature that you'll enjoy every Wednesday "Great Waltu Night" Howdcn Ballroom, 1313 Granville oping property In spare If interested vrite for particulars, giving particulars- of self. Box K212 1 "r8t trod thai remind you, Nellie of sun.

LEARN TO DRIVE A CAR ver; Horace, Nanaimo; Robert and Louis, of England; also 2 sisters, Nellie and Olive in England. Funeral Would you like to go away but are Ladies! Buv TH 55 East 10th FAir. 0134. 122 W. 6th, North North 134.

Gaelic class In King Edward High School on Tuesday, the 24th inst. Ail interested are urged to attend. Time 7:30 p.m. For further particulars, C.P.R. Medical Association, with special thanks to Dr.

Weldon and Dr. Shirer. We also wish to thank the Sisters and nurses of Saint Vincent's Hospital for their kindness during her long illness. It Is easy using the new dual controls. Experienced man at one wheel assures safety while you learn.

MAr. 4675, mornings. Thoroughly respectable, reliable', V.nBf service Saturday, sept, zi, at p.m., In the Roselawn Funeral Chanel. Broadway at Commercial MAKE EXTRA MONEY With This Book FORTUNES IN FORMULAS uunca. uuuuic vvjii taic iui juui home.

Small remuneration; highest pnone Air. aanu in nno recines. nrocesses. trade se Orkney and Shetland Society. Fri next winter now.

We have a fliim lection and you'll moneyt Use oup yXy wptb T- accordance w)th P'T'1-I stores t0 wrve yM ice SWEET SIXTEEN LTD-! 1618 Commercial oi-j TT Drive, Rev. J. E. Whittles officiating. Interment, Moose Section, Ocean View Burial Park.

Stratford on Avon Mr. t. McAdam and Family. NUNN THOMSON LTD. Established 1913 Directors of Funeral Service Cor.

10th Ave. and Cambie St. FAir. 0221 reierences. or particulars apply box 908, Sun.

crets and formula for home, farm and workshop. Practical money- Mrs. Cooke and son wish to thank Fisherman, middle 30's. lonesome papers please copy. day, Sept.

20, White Rose Ballroom, 1336 W. Broadway. Whist, 8-9; dance, 9-12 p.m. Refreshments (bring sugar). Lobban Sisters' Orchestra.

and broke after 2 years bucking DORE Passed pecaefully away In Rev. Evans and E. D. Edwards and friends for their kindnesB and floral tributes during their recent MCKiniey Driving scnool At Trimble Service Garage 4494 West 10th Ave. MICE, RATS eradicated and premises RATPROOFED.

Also, insects of all kinds exterminated. Vacating of premises unnecessary. Work guaranteed. Vermin Chemical Co. Ltd.

making ideas ror paints, ayes, cements, fumigants, Insecticides, soaps perfumes, adhesive and hundreds of other subjects. GranvUie "220 CHAPMAN FUNERAL HOME Dignified Funeral Service at moderate cost General Hospital, John Dore, Sept. 16, 1946, in his 86th year. Survived by 4 sons. Joseph in Eneland.

Harry in Joi 2315 MairSt 427 Columbia jtNew Westminster waves ana nara luck, but still willing to work, now willing to admit defeat, like to meet lady or widow with means; object, matrimony. Box K69, Sun. WHITE ROSE BALLROOM Old-time Dance very Wednesday anfi Saturday Embassadors Orchestra 802 W. Broadway FAir. 6500 IN MEMORIAM "DOROTHY AtH.

,1 1 Steveston, John in Wosley, Vincent In Millardvllle; 2 daughters, Mrs. 818 pages, pound in ncn ciotn. $1.69 ($1.79 postpaid) Book Department DAVID SPENCER LTD. BAKER In lovine memory of a 696 Homer St. Phone MAr.

4847 WANTED THE T. EDWARDS CO. Memorial Chapel Granville and Ave. Phone BAy. 0608 B.

Gogain, Vancouver, Mrs. George l. Heureux. Jack Fish Lake. 26 FURS! dear wife and mother, Annie Marion Baker, who passed away Sept.

20, 1941: See our excellent clearance values. Dorothy Creme Powder Dorothy Creme Moderne soe-Sl Hn Dorothy Facial Mask Dorothy Face Powder grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren. Home for 15-year-old boy, preferably on farm, where he could help around the place and attend high school; fond of animals. Reply to Box H1018, Sun. GRANDVIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL Dienlflcd and Efficient Service NORQUAY DISTRICT SOCIAL Whist Drive Norquay Hall Monday, Sept.

23rd. Refreshments, prizes. Tickets 25c Old-time, modern dance, every Saturday, Foresters' Hall, Broadway at Klngsway. Freddy Knight, M.C. Restyling, remodelling and repairing expertly done.

PAPPAS FUR STORE Strictly private funeral service ny request. Interment Mountain View Every day more and more people are finding our modern credit plan a perfect solution to their shoe problem. You, too, can simplify your footwear problems by opening a 30-day 1349 Commercial Dr. HAst. 0083 nil, Stick Obtainable at Your Beauty Salon.

850 Granville MAr. 3927 Cemetery. Central Park Funeral Home in charge. G. W.

Hamilton Undertaking Co. Want to adopt eirl. 2 to 5 years Loving and kind In all her ways. Upright and just to the end of her days; Sincere and true, in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind. Ever remembered by her loving husband, Horace, and family.

PRATT'S BEAUTY SUPPLY CO. LTD. FERGUSON Passed away Septem Ltd. Main-Kingsway at 7th Ave. Phone FAir.

0268. (Between Orpheum and Capitol) Wanted Old gold rings, watch cases, chains, gold dentistry, diamonds, binoculars, telescopes, cam of age; a good home in California, with responsible parents. All details handled through Samuel H. Wagener, avyinuur oireet. ber 19th, 1946, Gavin Ferguson, 1296 W.

10th age 63 years. Sur charge account. Choose your shoes from our large and varied stock of fine quality footwear, correctly styled BELL FUNERAL HOME Dance every Wednesday and Saturday to Alf Carlson and his Old-time Orchestra, Hastings Auditorium, SL'8 East Hastings St. 1235 E. Hastings HAst.

0015 eras, for cash or trade. Bring to Attorney at Law, bui Bank or America Building, Oakland, Calif. "A Golden Rule service" international jewelers, 413 w. Pender, near Homer. houTldftnt'ai and priced wnnin tne range oi uu.

Terms according to W.P.T.B. regulations. THE MODEL BOOT SHOP Lill will not go away if you will come back. I am waiting for you HOLLYBURN FUNERAL CHAPEL A. D.

Walsh vived by his loving wife and a son, Gavin, in the Merchant Marine overseas. Funeral service Monday, September 23rd, at 10 a.m., at Nunn Thompson's Chapel, 10th Ave. and Cambie, Rev. J. Dinage Hobden officiating.

Interment in Ocean View Burial Park. BROOKMAN In proud and loving memory of our only son. A.B. Stanley Brookman. Moonlight trail riding, hay rides and wiener bakes a specialty.

S1.50 for an evening's entertainment. Valley Riding Academy. DExter 0962L. -lv S2SL have found 1807 Marine West West 134 and will go 50-50 in everything. Write 57 West Hastings RCNVR, who was lost in the sinking MT.

PLEASANT UNDERTAKING CAMEO PORTRAITS 528 W. Hastings (opposite Spencer's) Kodak developing, printing, enlarging, copying, coloring, passports and photostats. Prompt service. PA. 3650.

Wanted good cameras, any kind oacK eany. Let me know where you are. Can't leave you. I want to see you before Sunday. Jim.

Kingsway at ljlth Ave. FA. 0058-0059 dT alcnoi. Vancouver M0' Hollyburn Box 111. New Westminster Box 3.

Victoria Box 1 Duncan Box 986. Sardi. Box i Kelowna Box 419. YD! 1 UfMTt nTrrw Independent Funeral Service Ltd. 705 W.

Broadway FAir. 0528 Embassy Ballroom Modern Dancing Every Night Ernie Buchanan's Orchestra Hear Frank and Ernest discuss the Bible every Sunday over CKMO at 10:30 a.m. WE'RE OFF TO THE RACES SEE US FOR STOP WATCHES 1-5 or 1-10 seconds, and priced from $20.50. Real value HERBERT INGLIS, JEWELERS 708 W. Pender (at Granville) PAc.

2814 Gent, sober and clean, would like to meet a one-man, reliable lady of slender build. 40-45. for shows. Armstrong funeral directors. BARLEY Passed away September 20, 1946, Charles Ashton Barley, 2660 Alma Road, In his 74th year.

Survived by his loving wife; 1 daughter, Mrs. D. Bool, Winnipeg; 2 sons, Samuel, Vancouver, and Wellington, Montreal. Funeral service Monday, if we "mm n. 304 Dunlevy HAst.

0141 or hmus St. croix, September 20, 1943:. A token of love and remembrance, To a son we can never forget; His loss a lifetime's regret. Your smiling face seems to sav, There's a voice that we're longing to hear; We will meet again some day. Loved and remembered by Mother and Dad.

Wanted Medals, coins, antiques, Jewelry, old china, glass, pictures, old gold, silver, diamonds, dental gold, swords statuettes, curios, watches. Freeman, 507 Richards St. dances and outings. Particulars first letter. Object, matrimony.

Box K68, Sun. see for yourself It's" JfflS JSP th.V.w.J Home Funeral Chapel, 742 E. HAst. 6194. tvZ v.

7-, wcuty 10 grace vour 1:30 p.m., In Simmons McBride Funeral Chapel, Broadway at Maple. Rev. T. J. Funeral Directors 8835 Hudson, LAng.

0517. Gentleman would like to correspond with refined girl or widow, age ARCADIAN HALL, 6th and Main Old-time dancing Frl. Saturday. Hall for rent. FAir.

2484. Barn dance tonight and every night with stars of CKNW at Town Hall, Pender and Burrard. 39c before 9 p.m. Stanley smith officiating. PATERSON FUNERAL HOME BOYS' AND GIRLS-SCHOOL SHOES TOBAN BROS.

238 ABBOTT ST. Wholesale and Retail "One Short Block from Hastings" New arrival of women's small size shoes. All sizes. Lots of colors, all heels, $2.98 to $6.95. DEXALL'S SHOE STORE 2609 Granville, between 10th and 12th Shoes for the whole family Open till 9 p.m.

Saturday H1149. Sun. 538 8th St. New West. 241 BROOKMAN In loving memory of a dear nephew, A.B.

Stanley Brookman. Refined lady, love to take care of a tai jet at ALAN'S CARPETS 2638 Main St. FAir Rio. Central Park Funeral Home. 3642 For roller skating it's the Trianon, and Fraser.

Every evening, 8 p.m. Klngsway. DExter 1207. eioeny couple or keep gentleman's home, or be companion to refined GOODYEAR Passed away suddenly, Sept. 16, 1946, Frank Goodyear of 952 Hornby Vancouver, In his 68th year.

Funeral announcements later. Central Park Funeral Home In charge. Wanted; TfnTnnntlr. RCNVR. who was lost in the sink RUPTURE SUFFERERS ROSELAWN CHAPEL ing of HMCS St.

Croix, Sep. 20, 1943: laay. box K140, sun. Leo Smuntan and his band every night at Alexandra Ballroom. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR RUPTURE 1669 East Broadway.

FAir. 3010 ladies and gentlemen, of all ages, to correspond with Pen Pals, ret red ranchers, nrettv Christian eentlemah. aee 43. would WATER! WATER! If your water pressure's low, the trouble's with the pipes, you know. The Clensol people will restore your water pressure watch it pour.

CLENSOLE PIPE CLEANING CO. MAr. 9045 622 Homer St. like to meet Christian lady between BABIES' NEEDS Gain comfort and security, We have the support for you, Modern and sanitary. 12 vears in same location.

CHAPEL HILL COMPANY Broadway at Alma Road. BAy. 0455. 11 MONUMENTAL WORKS ages of 30 to 38, for companion. Ap- piy box 5315, sun, New Westminster, wealthy widows, American business men, plantation owners, throughout Canada U.S.A., Mexico and West Indies.

Small fee. Write to Secretary for free particulars. Enclose stamped envelnne T3rtv Umn For baby A free gift. Send baby's name and date of birth if under 1 year to Babee-Tenda, 510 W. Hast-ings, opposite Spencer's.

MAr. 7308. M. R. Hodgson, 4th Floor, 576 Seymour English lady, widow, 64, wishes to C.E.

WILLEY Granite and Marble Memorials. Reasonable. 31st, Fraser. FA. 3598M.

HINCHCLIFFE On Sept 19th, 1946. William H. Hlnchcliffe of 923 Odlin Road, Lulu Island, age 63 years. Survived by 2 brothers, C. E.

and F. Hlnchcliffe, of Vancouver. 1 sister, Mrs. E. C.

Richards, of Long Island, New York. Funeral, Saturday, Sept. 21st, at 3 p.m., from The T. Edwards Co. Memorial Chapel, Granville St.

at 10th Avenue. Interment, Masonic Cemeterv, Burnaby, Rev. Patrick Ellis officiating. Toronto papers correspond witn gentleman as companion or pen friend, retired business man preferred. Box K216 Sun.

CATHOLIC SUPPLIES meres a iaca mat is haunting as ever, There's a voice that we're longing to hear; There's a smile we'll remember forever, Though we try to forget every tear; There's a sad but sweet remembrance, There's a memory fond and true; There's a token of affection dear, And heartache still for you. Ever remembered by Auntie Sylvia and Margaret. ili.xv, aun. FURS Restyled Repaired Made-to-Order Expert Workmanship Low Rates Free Estimates POLAR FURS LTD. 548 Granville St.

PAc. 6856 W. R. Chandler Memorials, 39th DIAMONDS We pay highest prices in the city, any size, any quantity. Get our free appraisal first.

Goldbloom Son Ltd. 701 Dominion BIdg. PAc. 4037 Missals, Rosaries, Medals, etc. Kaufer's, 673 Richards St.

PAc. 4421 Widower, 45, home, clean habits wants to meet respectable girl: no and Fraser. FRaser 1230. The Pioneer Memorial Sculptors 12 CEMETERIES in the hands of OPTOAIETRIS1 objection to one child. Matrimony if cAinruj.

we are proud to in- suited. BOX K248, sun. Clyde M. McLeod, Optometrist 2526 W. 5th Ave.

BAy. 7470. piease copy WE BUY Gold, silver, Antique silver and jewelry. Guaranteed watch Jewelry repairs. PACIFIC GOLDSMITHS Single man, 30, with a home on FLEXIBLE WINDOW SCREENS Patented fly screens for push-out type windows: up to 8 sa.

the new wlln HOPFE Passed away Sept. 15. PHOTOGRAPHY Mountain View Cemetery Purchase Perpetual Care for Your Burial Plot. Apply City Clerk. City Hall.

13 FLORISTS 1946. at Alert Bay. Mathlas Hopfe of vancuuver lsiana to meet single girl or widow, 25-30, who likes country life. Box 1032, Sun. BROWNE In remembrance of our RUSSIAN duch*eSS BEAUTY' SALON 1 768 Granville St.

PAc sln over 8 sq. ft. 50c sq. ft. 3617 W.

48th 2754 Elein Bumabv. formerly of BRIDGMAN'S "The Kiddies' Studio" 600 Robson St. MAr. 3553 corner Dunbar. KErr.

oaJb. PAc. 9722 413 Granville WOT 17 A Trn Gentleman would like lady, 45-55, for companionship. Oblect. matri Hardesty, Alberta, in his 6Utn year.

Survived by his wife, 2 sons and 2 dauehters. all In Alberta. Funeral BROADLOOM RUGS mony. Give height, weight, etc, to loving mother, Mrs. Phobe Elizabeth Browne, who passed away September 20, 1945: Fondly remembered.

By her loving son and daughter-in-law. Will and Rosemary, and granddaughter, Dianne. FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings, Social Functions Anywhere. MA. 5807.

Eves. MA. 6663 service Saturday, Sept. .21, at 1:30 Dusiuov, nun. Gas automatic hot-water tanks delivered immediately S1187-, CLIP-ON BED LAMPS -mf, -f1r with adjustable metal flharle Prtmlnt SPECIAL FLORAL DESIGNS We make attractive Floral Designs for all occasions.

Our designers will be pleased to meet your individual needs. Flowers Telegraphed HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Latest shades, all wool, custom made. Seamless, up to 13 feet wide, by any length. Phone PAc. 2058.

PACIFIC RUG CO. 339 W. Pender Vancouver, B.C. Business girl would like to meet p.m., from central rarK runerai Home. Interment Ocean View Burial CASH FOR DIAMONDS Bring those diamonds for cash on the 'spot or high trade-in value on various articles to International Jewelers, Diamond House, 413 West Pender, near Homer.

Gold buyers. We re-weave your old rugs into new, thick, beautiful reversible rugs to fit any room, any size. Aladdin Carpet Weavine Co. Wedding photos, flash and formal. girt lor companion.

Apply Box K276. Helmer Volsey. FAir. 2847. Sun.

vriui grone lr sTn Park. Rev. J. W. Smith officiating.

HUTCHINS Passed away Septem her 19th. 194S. Morris Charles Hutch- LODGE NOTICES FLOWER SHOP MAIN FLOOR BUTTERFIELD loving memory of Thomas W. J. Butterfleld.

E.R.A.. 4th Class. Gentleman, with own home, steady income, wants companion housekeen- Mail Orders' HARDWARE 576 Richards St. pac sbw inn 1064 Balfour aee 73 years. INFORMATION WANTED Branch No.

185, Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Members, attention. The er between 35 and 40. Box B930, Sun. Funeral service Saturday, September who was lost in the sinking of the HELEN'S PHOTO SERVICE 1009 Robson Vancouver, B.C.

Any size 8-exposure roll developed, printed, 35c. 12 prints, free 5x7 enlargement, 35c. Add return postage. Enlarging Copying Coloring. CONSTIPATION? 3463 Euclid Vancouver.

DEx. 0557 whole executive, as undersigned, decided there will be no meeting of this i- cnnt nno. IQAtZ Lady, middle-aged, would like to meet other ladies for company. Box 21st, at 4 p.m., in wunn inomnson Chapel, Tenth Ave. and Cambie, Rev.

Reward for location and recovery of a Ford de luxe sedan, year 1940, color black, serial No. 1A14270, license B.C. 2015. Phone W. H.

Bal-lantyne, FAlrmont 6213L. nixiv, aun. WE BUY DIAMONDS Any size or quality, immediate cash We also buy antique jewelry and silverware j. p. westman oiiiciaung.

uem tion. A nSrk9? a.nd Clipper Cameras DEVELOPING AND PRINTING nca49.a.m4Read-v at 5 P-m- dally. G00D CAMERAS VANCOUVER PHOTO SUPPLY LTD Refined girl desires escort to a nnms st. uroix on sept. 20, 1943: We who loved you, sadly miss you, As It dawns another year; In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are always near.

Ever remembered by his mother, Gladys and Jack. Bladder and Urinary trouble? Sinus? Sciatic pains? At that critical age? Drancn uu riiuay, ocjji. umi, j-iu, st the Legion Hall. (Signed) Executive: Frank Mole, W. Wotton, R.

W. Richardson, O. Humphrey, W. J. Mur-phy, B.

Reeves, H. Weaver, G. Golrile. Panned awav Seotem aance, iairly tall and good dancer. B.C.

Collateral. 77 E. Hastings Wanted To know the where ber 18, 1946, Elizabeth Johnston of r-articuiars to Box K204 Sun. ARE YOU "LONELY? Meet your oji fiowe St. Wnrlf Inor mnn wstulH lila abouts of Jack McLean, formerly employed by-George Riviere of Wells.

Please communicate with George BIRTHS meet lady. Matrimony, If suited. IDEAL among our thousands of members. For free particulars write National Correspondence Club, P.O. Box 753, New Westminster.

B.C. 1413 unaries r. in ner lum yem Survived by her loving husband, James Creighton; 1 daughter, Mrs D. Griffiths; 2 sons, George of Vancouver and James at sea; 1 sister in Toronto. 2 hrothers and 1 sis oua xiaai, aun.

want Keuet matures way David Rogers, 308 445 Granville St Phone PAc. 7852, 1:30 to 6 p.m. CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIRS Repaired and Re-covered. Expert service In your own home. Free estimates.

PAc. 6788 BENEDICT Born to Mr. and Mrs. nnrira w. Benedict.

West Vancouver, CHESTERFIELD CLEANING 1 Gentle Zephyr Foam Method Removes dust, dirt, revitalizes, Latest equipment in Vancouver. CneuterflelH annln. Kiviere, wells, B.C. CLARK In loving memory of my dear husband, Charles H. Clark, killed in action In Friday, September 19, 1946, at North Will board baby girl under three months; clean home; motherly care and reasonable board.

Steveston 9Y. Vancouver lienerai nospiiai, auu. International Investigation Agencies Ltd. MAr. 7055 144 W.

Hastings Licensed, Bonded Investigators 25c LIONS PHOTO 25c P.O. Box 434, Vancouver, B.C. 8 exp. rolls, 25c reprints, 3c giant size, 5c ea. Order now; please add return postage Is there aJadv who would like to ter in Scotland, and 1 grandchild, Donna Griffiths.

Funeral service Sept. 21, at 3 p.m., from the Grandview Funeral Chapel, Commercial Dr. at Kitchener Rev. S. Barber officiating.

Interment Lawn meet a quiet, home-loving working recovers. 1.0"yr wttten guarantee. Prompt service. BAy. 2646 CLEAR COMPLEXION -Anything you put on your skin should Be the best.

For pimples BROWN Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Brown (nee Elizabeth Anson), 2527 Charles at Grace Hospital, Friday, September 19, 1946, a FOUR-STAR PHOTO SERVICE 6082 FRASER AVE. 25c for 8 exposures Mrs.

Poulin Bouplcl of Medicine man, box 04BZ, sun, New wesrr. Hat, Kinaiy get in touch with me at Cecil Hotel, Room 136. Your sister Young man would like to meet sincere, broad-minded young lady for Roll developed and printed. Reprints 12 for 35c with free 5x7 enlargement. son.

Section, View Cementery Kay. INSOMNIA Successfully treated at your own home without drugs. JOHN J. LEWIS i i Diemisnes, -use Italy, September 20, 1944: There's a little white cross In Italy, Oe'r a grave I never may see, Roses of love's remembrance, Twine in my memory; He gave his life with the Seaforths, At the battle for And with his comrades lies sleeping there. Somewhere in Italy.

Sadly missed by his wife. Flor-ence, and daughter, Rosemary. CARSON Born to Mr. and Mrs. T.APSON On Sept.

18. 1946. Mrs cumpaniunsnip. r.u. box Aib, city, IS MUSIC.

ART. DANCING Trip off, sorry. Have to await AMERICAN FASHION Ladles' suits and coats, made to order: also children's coats and outfits L. Carson, 2029 Turner a son, Thomas Lyall, Wednesday, September 825 Granville St. MAr.

S055 Anna Larson, aged 91 years, late of 2625 E. 57th Ave. Survived by one son, Louis, at home, and two grand completion; Op. MAr. Ted.

POPULAB MUSIC 18, 1946, at Grace riospnai alterations. All work guaranteed. Dramatic Club beine formed. Men Be the Entertainer You Wish To Be HALL To Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Hall 11 rxr.i. We can sell your handiwork at the best prices. Linen, artificial flowers woodwork, etc.

Get ready for Christmas SalPR. Pnntaet Vnl.b Mrs. uyki. FAir. 8392, JURISIN FURS OFFERS Sale 13 off all coats JURISIN FURS 927 Denman St.

MAr. 3057 oniy. i-none KErr. 2337L. PIANIST, VUCALIST, GUITARIST Learn to Play the Conlev Way PLASTIC AND METAL MOULDING nee Thelma Arnold), Lynnmour.

B.C., at North Vancouver General Hosnltal on Seotember 17. 1946. a 17 BUSINESS PERSONALS children. Funeral saturaay, sept, at 3 p.m., from the chapel of G. W.

Hamilton Undertaking Klngsway and Main to Ocean View Burial Park, Rev. D. E. Tillman officiating. iatiw ir, The modern trim that is easy to Install.

Now available at CROSENA In loving memory of daughter, Bette Claire, 7 lbs. Hi oz our aear motner, Mrs. urosena. wno Don't hesitate, enroll today. The Conley School of Music is designed especially for you.

Make music your hobby It's delightful, Interesting and Instructive. Phone MArlne BEDSPRING SERVICE Mattresses, bed springs repaired, recovered, etc. 1690 Kingsway. FAir. 1422.

AN INDISPENSABLE HOME MEDICAL BOOK MODERN HOME PHYSICIAN Frilled hv VTCTnTI DnntMCHM tl Madsen's Carpet Linoleum Services 7th at Granville St. Phone BAy. 5084 passed away septemrier 20, 1936: HETHERINGTON To Mr. and Mrs. MAGMUSSEN Passed away at her SIDNEY HYAMS Fur Stylist, 771 Dunsmulr (at Howe).

PAc. 6425. ivciunna Filed, all types. Complete accounting service for smaller firms. E.

Eugene Marquardson Rm. 112815 W. Hastings. PAc. 8921.

CHESTERFIELD REPAIRS Your chesterfield A .1 ueep in the neart lies a picture, Of a loved one laid to rest; In memory's frame we shall keep Because she was one of the best. A complete encyclopedia of health written in non-technical language. Over 2000 reliable articles, alphabetically arranged, 728 pages, 232 photographs, 700 line drawings. It will For Furs That Guarantee To Satisfy home in Albion, Sept. 17th, 1946, Hilda, beloved wife of Olaf, age 71 years.

Survived by her husband. 2 sons, 1 daughter, and 1 brother. Funeral services Sept. 21st, 1946, at 1 p.m., at Saywrlght Chapel, Haney, Rev. Stanley Berrldge officiating.

Interment Maple Ridge Cemetery. Biggar, papers please Madame Farrell; psychologist; advice. Private readings; confidential. FAir. 2230L.

157 W. 13th Ave. For Your Drug Needs The London Drug Store, 800 Main St. Phone PAc. 3847 8010 for your appointment.

The Conley School of Music. 411WestHastlngs: PIANO STUDENTS Learn as you enjoy yourself with Roberts' POPULAR PIANO COURSE You start by combining lovely melo Lovinsdy remembered and sadly ed in your own home now. Call missed by all her family. ten you wnai to ao in an emergency, when to use simple home remedies PERMANENT WAVES Individually styled. MER-MAE BEAUTY SALON LUDLAW In lovine memory of and when to call a doctor.

It is also recommended for Its manv prac a ciear wire ana motner. fcva i.uaiaw. MAr. 4619 316736 Granville St. copy dies with an interestine and full BIRTH CONTROL Imperial Imports (Western) Dept.

P.O. Box 227, Vancouver. who pased awav September 20. 1927: McHARDY September 19th, 1946. accompaniment.

A delightful study T. L. Hetherington (nee Kathleen Parks), 1348 Woodland Drive, at the Vancouver General Hospital, on, Wednesday, Sept. 18th, 1946, a daughter, Chervl Lvnn. Both doing well.

Armstrong, B.C.. papers' please copy. INDER To Mr. and Mrs. Lionel R.

Inder (nee Winifred Jealouse), 2502 Balmerston West Vancouver, at the North Vancouver General Hospital, on Sept. 17th, 1946, a son, David Lionel. LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. J.

R. Lewis (formerly Dalyn Barker). Portland, Oregon, on August 19th, 1946, a son. OWEN Born to Mr. and Mrs.

D. Milton Owen. 5910 Highbury at St. Paul's Hospital, Thursday, September 19. 1946, a son.

tical articles on every conceivable STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING (Evenines Onlv) Always so good, unselfish and kind. ui iiij'Liiiii turn iianuuii. ROBERTS' SCHOOL OF MUSIC For rug and chesterfield cleaning, Evelyn Donovan, Suite 306 1915 Magic Rug and Chesterfield Cleaners. 314 Fairfield 445 Granville St. one on tnis eartn your equal we find, Honorable and true In all your wavj.

aspen ni your own personal neaitn, PRICED AT S3.95 PER COPY MAIL ORDERS 30c EXTRA Book Department, Main Floor Haro. FAc. laHJ. FA. S0J6.

nasi, utiuu ior tree estimates. Singleton Upholstering Repairs Button holes, cloth-covered buttons, buckles and frilling made up quirklv, zippers, shoulder pads, threads, bindings, in stock. B.C. Sewing Supplies. 1025 Robson.

MAr. 9713. Hair and Scalp Health it assured when you use HARRIS HAIR TONIC Purchase supplies at the B.C. BEAUTY BARBER SUPPLY 64 VV. Hastings St.

MAnne 3441 Rosa Jane, beloved wife of George U. McHardy. of 5368 Ross in her 57th year. Survived by her husband. 1 son, George of Vancouver, and 2 daughters, Miss Margaret Miss Rosa, at home, also 3 sisters and 1 brother In England.

Funeral service in Mount Pleasant Undertaking C.l TTTARS ntllTA Loving and faithful to the end of UAV1U SPENCER LTD. For the best in guitar tuition; new your days. "Omar" Psychic Psychologist. Bring him your problems. 777 Burrard, Suite 58.

PAc. 1105. Curtains, drapes, expertly hand laundered; specialize in drapes, straight edges. Superior Curtain Cleaners, 1224 Davie St. MAr.

0711. PILE SUFFERERS GET QUICK TJirr trip aim usea guitars, isiDsons strings uIthmit irffBi-v ku n.ln BIRTH CONTROL Graduate Attendant. Leta Davles uoiug 11,11 (1 1 Honest and liberal ever upright. Just in your judgment, always right: Loved by your friends and all whom you knew. One in a million, that wife was you.

anu Lie Armona picK-ups. RAY NORRlS Associate Teacher at Paramount Music Service Chapel, Saturday, sept. zist, at i p.m., to Mountain View Cemetery, Lt-Col. Rev. C.

C. Owen, D.D., officiat Expert landscaping, plowing, lawns built and repaired; also No. 1 cow manure for immediate delivery. R. No.

205751 Granville MAr. 8915 iu, uniniui, nieeuing or swollen piles. Pllocaine brings quick relief fmm firat. nnnllnetinn onrl ninfHFSTER Born to Mr. and 44a Granville.

MAr. 4654 ing. uu 1 Cameras, binoculars, compasses, type- Biusnorougn, Air. 777b. Many vears have passed, our hearts Old-fashioned jewelry, diamonds, silver bought for cash.

MAr. 9410. Talt's, 806 Robson, opp. Courthouse. McKAY Passed peacefully away in POPULAR PIANO AND VOCAL Personal and Mail Courspx Eczema, psoriasis, Itching piles, leg benefit from continued use or money refunded.

Suppository or ointment. eefh fn 1 o. at B1t Saskatoon on Sept. 16. 1946.

Amanada, Mrs. G. W. Ribchester (nee McKenzie) of 1314 West 7th at St. Paul's Hospital, on Friday, September 13th, 1946.

a daughter. Carol. sun sore Ai time rolls on we miss you more; A loving mother, tender and kind. "Our success is built on giving you widow of the late Joseph McKay, 3695 Bride Cake ingredients by mail C.O.D, Galloway's Blackburn's Market uicers, aranruii. iry reenjore ointment.

Thousands satisfied. 256 East Hastings and all dept. drug stores. 1 an running- ham Drug stores and other drug What beautiful memories you left wmeis. gou ciuos.

luggage, shotguns, etc. See us first Highest prices paid. B.C. Collateral. 77 E.

HastlngsT Have your antiques, gifts and jewelry polished and "old or slhvor nlateri Ramnnakl. t-1 stores, man cjraers. REX MUSIC STUDIOS Canada and U.3.A. Wilf Wvlie Karle Hodsin TRUMP Born to Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence TrumD (nee Watson), 1177 Nu-Bone Corsets fitted in home. 204 Birks BIdg. MAr. 6829. Wlllingdon Burnaby.

survivea by one daughter, Mrs. J. G. Metcalfe, Burnaby: 1 son. Otto.

In Winnipeg; 2 sisters. Mrs. T. N. Reece.

Saskatoon. 1XP UAiir behind. Lovinelv remembered by her husband, Roy, and family. RELIABLE VERMIN EXTERMINATORS 1390-B Granville St. 422 Richards.

MAr. 4720 Some of the things you need some Douglas now leading at the House West 39th at the Vancouver General Hospital, Thursday, Septem ui me nine. Mrs. M. S.

Eaton. Winnipeg; 1 bro GUITAR or Hiitmore. 74 Granville. J. A.

Fitchett MAr. 4955 Co, 701 Holden BIdg. PAC. 24591 MctNTOSH In loving memory of ber 19, 1946, a son, 7 IDS. 11 oz.

Both well. ther, Russell Boyle, Seattle, Wash. Funeral Saturday. Sept. 21.

at 3 p.m., Some of the things you need all our dear son and brother. WOl. Don We specialize in remodelling and Silk Shirts, Uniforms Linwood Co- 106 Hastings. PAc. 7825.

Hawaiian and Spanish Special new tunings and improved methods enables you to play in orchestra or repairs, fur garments made to order. Daryl Mcintosh, R.C.A.F.. aged 21 ui liiiic. en from Central Park Funeral Home. Interment Ocean View Burial Park.

OLD PHOTOS COPIED HOUSTON FURS -A 'j a. nasmiKa. i CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Chesterfields beautifully cleaned In your home by shampoo and vacuum machine, also rugs. vears. killed In an aeroplane accident on active service, Crescent.

B.C., Drop in any time and we will do WARNER Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Warner (nee Joyce Booth), at the Vancouver General Hospital, Thursday, September 19th, 1B46, a 144 W.

Hastings TAtiow 1631 MAr. 3625. Campbell's. 581 Granville soio. lunes ana cnoras, 1st lesson, BARNEY'S MUSIC STUDIOS See us for your instruments! Rev.

J. W. Melvin officiating. September 20. 1943: and also our Wanted, an assistant matron and WM.

"HI IU BCI 1 1 11 SERVICE MEN'S WEAR McKAY Passed away Sept. 18th, B-K DOG MEAL Your Dog's Uhoice 679 Granville' St. MAr. 3420 dear son and brother, Wilbur (Toadv) pnone DEx. 1565 daugnter, nevenie uianne.

914 Robson. MAr. 2850 at his residence. James Alfred Mcintosh, aeen nine vears. ana six a nousekeeper ror a small children home.

Must be fond of children. Box 918 Sun. WIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. C.

Wight Made-to-order plastic curtains. McKav, late of 2878 Church Fort Langley. age 71 years. He leaves to ARE YOU GETTING BALD? Is Your Scaln Itchv? Tailor-Maid Mfg. KErr.

1765L. months, who passed away September 23, 1926: WINDOW BLINDS MADE TO ORDER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY xtr J. vtr (nee Mary Berrvman, R.N.), on Sept. 17th, 1946, at St. Paul's Hospital, a mourn, besides his lovine wife.

Under Kay'a Chinese method hair Mme. Gunn. palmist clairvoyant, ACCORDIONS For rent or sale; also repairs. Our modern methods of Instruction enables you to play all types of accordion music. BARNEY'S MUSIC STUDIOS 679 Granville St.

MAr. 3420 son, Gordon Grevine. 1738 East 11th. 1 to 9. HAst 2730 FREE MARRIAGE HYGIENE, Birth control book.

Adults only. Modern Health Supplies, Dept. Box 188, Vancouver, B.C. 556 Seymour St. Phone PAe.

1154 must oe grown in snort time. Dandruff removed and fallen hair stnnneil ENGAGEMENTS sons. James Godfrey, Seattle: Arnold J. Edmonds, 1 daughter. Mrs.

M. Rogers, Fort Langley: 1 brother, Duncan, 1 sister. Mrs. H. Graham, COLONIC PHYSIOTHERAPY In 6 treatments.

Kav's hair iinulrt. Cabinet mantel mirrors made to order. Dey'g, 655 Nelson. MAr. 7443.

K1 7. laQ trantmant n. II 1 o- HOME PHOTO 2555 Granville near 10th Will pay highest prices for j'our also 6 grandchildren. Funeral service SeDt. 21st.

at 2 p.m. (Day- If 1,, an, 1 1. Large bottle, 52.25. By mall, 52.35. Good care to your hair.

314 Dominion rugs in any condition. Litx. voot. Mr. and Mrs.

P. Skaaravlk announce the engagement of their only daughter, Margit Mary, to Mr. Harold James Pylius, Ladner. The wedding will take place Friday. Sept.

27th, 1946, at 8 p.m.. In Trinity Lutheran God sometimes calls his servants home. Whose years are In their orlme: For he has better measures than the pendulum of time: Som '-orkers quickly do their task. Of service and of love. So their promotion early comes, To higher works above.

Sadly missed by Mom. T)ad, sister Beverley and Aunt Etftel. lioht Timoi In St. Ceoree's Anellcan Any size 6 or 8 exp. roll 25c.

12 prints, free 5x7 enlarge't 35c w. Hastings. MAr. UENTKE E. M.

Leonard, R.N. Post Graduate Mayo Bros. llT9Vancouver Block. MAr. 3723 DO YOU NEED CASH? We call on you with lots of If fnr your carpet If you call FAir.

3333. Church. Fort Langley, Rev. T. E.

"THE ACCORDION CENTRE" The best In tuition; new and used accordions at the lowest cost. BOB DRESSLER CURLY KEMP See our phone book ad. for details Paramount Music Service 445 Granville MAr. 4654 Wedding invitations same day. Church Printers.

1052 W. Pender. CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY MOLES AND SKIN BLEMISHES Harris officating. Interment. Fort Laneley Cemetery.

Columbia Funeral Secure your gifts now. taking ad made Church, Annivme, Removed by sunlight treatment Draperies, slip covers, etc, to order. FAir. 2158Y. Service In charge.

vantage oi our "tasy Term iay- Mr. and Mrs. O. Stavens. 1774 E.

Phone PAc. 9713. E. J. Fridleifson, N.D- 603 W.

Hastings, Vancouver. Away t-ian." ravments at no extra Hobson's Stationery for Greeting MacRAE Sept. 15. 1946. Alexander Hastings, announce the engagement of their daughter.

Margaret Emmyln, tn Mr. Melvtn Erirkson. son of Mr. cost, come in and look around. arns, iihi liranvme su near uavie.

MarRne In his 32nfl year, servea SANDFORD In loving memory of POLARIZE YOUR FURS Renews Lustre Prolones Wear POLAR FURS LTD. overseas In World War former Thyme. Catnip. Marjoram. Saee ENTERTAINERS Amateur and professional.

Great opportunity! Apply office. State Theatre. See us first. You will learn faster and better at the Harmony Guitar GURVIN JEWELERS Scientific Watch Repairing Authorized Gruen Dealers Artnur jumps sanoioro. wno passea chief nf nnllce of Kamloops.

ox-. H. Marlean. 116 Blackburn's Mkt 548 Granville St. PAc.

6856 survived hv one brother in Scotland DIAMONDS WANTED Purchase any- size, paying best price In the city. Piease contact immediately. 115 Vancouver Bick. Wanted Good Used Cameras, Equipment and Binoculars -VANCOUVER PHOTO SUPPLY LTD. 631 Howe St.

OK Hair Restorer. Replacement 710 W. Hastings, opposite Post Office sway septemoer vu, jiMi. We often think of davs eone by When we were all together. A shadow o'er our lives has cast THE CLOCK HOUSE soon, tree advice, wi smythe.

Studio. Orchestra practise. Guitars Exchange your old watch or dock Funeral Monday. Sept. as.

at luiu p.m., from the Home Funeral Chapel. Rev. H. Berry officiating. Interment Soldiers' Plot, Mountain View and Mrs.

Melvin Erickson. of Vancouver. Th wedding will take place September 2Sth. 1946. at 6:45 p.m..

In Grandview United Church, Rev. R. Moses offici a ting. Mr. and Mrs.

William Deans. 4377 West 15th announce the en- of their only daughter, Sargaret Morrison King, to Mr. William Ernest Llovd. elder son of Mr. ruinisned.

fac. 2411. vzi Kicnaras. Readings by appointment Mrs. Pollock, KErr.

1015L. Our loved ones, gone forever. Sadly missed by Reg and Emma. for a new one. Watches and clocks repaired.

574 Seymour. Would you like some cash: I call with lots of It In exchange for your pi KADIANT HEALTH SALON REDUCING COURSES Health Treatments Cabinet Steam Baths Scientific Massage STANDARD SLENDER IZER Supervised bv Reg. Phvsician. 1009 NF.IJiON ST. MAr.

5424. Vacuum cleaners for rent 75 cents per day. MAr. 9713. ROBINSON Passed away Sept.

SA-NuryKU in loving memory iGardens ploughed with Itractor. DExter 0S90F. Joe Miceli ann his orchestra For dances and private parties. MAr. 2812 MAr.

Don Kline's Orchestra, 5 to 9 pieces: modern library; dances, parties, etc. AL. 0391L. carpets If you call, FAir. 3335, or JOIN THE C.C.F.

Mrs. H. Krlstiansen. PAc. 1104.

and Mrs. Ernest Lloyd. 3609 Don- Air. 8221. I can advance you rapidly ln Pitman Shorthand and Tvplng.

H. Thorpe. MAr. 8013. 615 Pender Mme.

Fontaine, clairvoyant and oalmist from Edmonton. 433 E. 25th. 1946. Dason B.

Robinson, 2681 Etonj" "earT Iatner granoiainer. aged 75 years. Funeral service Arthur James Sandford who passed Mctidav. Sept. 23.

at 2 p.m., in Nunn away September 20, 1944: Thomsons chapel. 10th Ave. and i God's greatest gift "Remembrance." Cambie Rev. J. W.

Leighton of- Ever remembered by Edna and ficiating. Cremation. No flowers by Lorraine. Charles. Gordon and request, I sisters Annie and Gertie, PRURITUS AN I (ITCHING PILES) Best results guaranteed.

3. W. PERRIN. NJ) P. Grey Hair Retards You! "Bay Rum-Sulphur Compound" gives natural color.

50c by mail postpaid. Cen- raster Drive. Victoria. B.C. The wending will take place on Fridav.

October lth. 1946. at 7:30 p.m.. In Mount Pleasant Gospel Hall, 8th Ave. and Ontario.

ROB ROY Orchestra (Engagements) JOHNNIE RENNIE. Accordionist. Accordion lessons. MAr, 1686. "Estelle." reading 2-5, Esquire Cafe, near Vogue.

2518 Alberta St. FAir. 1417 Continued on Page Twenty tral Drug. 16 Cordova, PAc, 5638..

The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.