The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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HTE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: "MONDAY 1928 WESTIELD PITTSIELD the WARE HINSDALE 9 Stockbridge 11 The burial of Mrs rances Austen 75 of South A rederick Misses has 9 Williamstown to 1) are SMITH COLLEGE look riday rr 9 3 9 Mil 9 George A Mole of Cliffwood street HATIELD ADAMS EASTHAM ETON High Wa the money to go the seniors LEE GRANBY 0 da It on AMHERST did main fixjor by boat direct from there to the like to Bremen her former tea will Wooley afternoon taken for make its time on of 10 over the agency Miss Wit li On the re church70000 Automobile Ordered Returned April 11 A hearing was held district court yesterday morn and gn vacation 9 of for nr Our New Sets of Silver with service for eight is a novel and practical idea for small families and for brides 00 STOCJiBIUDGE 3 9 9 this morning The a conference love participated In by conference visitors The pulpits of the Alexander Beach Williams Student One of Those SUNDAY TO BE LAST IN BAPTIST CHURCH New American hotel on Wednesday evening at 6 and later inspect the new Eagle plant given an object occurrence The I an injunction earlier in Hinsdale April 11 Leroy 25 who died yesterday at lived on lower Main street of James satis 1847 know to postpone the trip She also two sisters living In Poland The willrequire about three months will go by rail cemetery yesterday The funeral was held in South Lee at 2 o'clock Walter Rathbun and family have returned 'from Palm Beach Jr flnd Airs William allon who haVe been at Palm la have returned io Stockbridge Sage hall His toj Is State English Poetry in 1900" NEW HIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE QUESTION JV GRAIIAM Corp 4 37 IIOWAmt ST' Undertakers If you want less expensive Silver we have it of course but you must not expect it to last as long as the bet ter grades rank Win Jow Warren Underwood Charles Roadstrand RIVER 112 Diy or Nlgbt Rtirr BMetl Wctiillng Mrs Mary Ann (Knickerbocker) Burr of 5 Wallace place was marricu to George Edward Bissett of 113 Tyler street at the irst Baptist church parsonage yesterday after noon at 230 by Rev Maurice A Levy The bride wore blue fiat crepe and her attendant Alias Marguerite Burr old rose canton crepe Kenneth Good rich was best man A reception was held at the bride's home Air Bis svtt is a General Electric company foreman April This Year Like 1S96 The first eight days of April this year were the coldest for that period since 1896 according to city hall rec ords kept by Louis Cummings clerk of the board of public works The mean temperature in 1926 and 1896 was 31 Airs A Rhoades will be in charge of the ortnightly club meeting at South church tomorrow afternoon and (Mrs Olney Carpenter will read a paper on "Current Events" I AIRPLANE OICIALS INSPECT THE AIRPORT Williamstown April The Will iamstown Welfare association will give secondannual community entertalnmeqt May 7 and college authorities have offered the use of Chapin hall The Alount Hope chorus has also: volunteered its serv and several hundred persons expected church will hold an all day meeting on Tuesday in preparation for the 25th annual May festival which comes on Saturday Aiay 1 The women of the Wesley Alethodist church will serve a meat pie and salad supper on Tuesday evening from 530 until 730 The third and last of the musicals by the Elshuco trio the gift to New England colleges by Airs Coolidge of Pittsfield will come on Wednesday evening at 815 in College hall and is open to the public Airs Samuel Hubbard teacher in the junior high school will pronounce the words for the spelling match to be conducted on Monday evening ai der the auspices of the Parent Teacher association with sixth grade pupils taking part Mr and Airs Arthur Phillips of Nutting avenue entertained this eve ning at bridge in honor of Mr and Airs Henry Judkins who will leave early in the summer for their new home in Longmeadow Close friends of the JUdkins were the guests Companions of the orest will hold a card party and social tomorrow Seized 1 xe in rp ing and the Hudson coach seized by the state police in the arrest of An thony Paola of Boston who was arraigned recently on liquor law vio lation charges was ordered return ed Three defendants were arraign ed for maintaining illegal slot ma chines and suspended sentences were imposed The hearings on the dis posal of the machines will be held the 18th Charles A Alonroe was before the court on a case continued fromSix months ago on a charge of vag I rancy and the papers were ordered filed The funeral of George Robinson was held yesterday afternoon at the home of his daughter Mrs Alanlej Cheney at Cone park Rev Ed ward Bradley rector of St George's church officiated The bearers were Wheeler IL Watson John II Martin James Pollard and William An drews Burial was in airmount cemetery The Junior auxiliary nutrition class of the irst Congregational church will meet in the church parlors to morrow evening at 730 3 Alfred La Prise has bought of Ed ward IL Bossidy two (niilding lots ad joining his resilience' on Utah street heights where he plans to make his home Judge Sanford has rendered his de cision in the case of JSrnest' Knight against Herbert Ladd 'He found for the plaintiff in the sum of $11043 and costs of $1350 The case was brought to recover on a repair bill Mrs Hull and daughter Louise landed In New York Saturday from a several weeks European trip' The marriage of Miss Alargarct Brophy and Douglas Broderick will take place this Monday morning In St Peters church A wadding break fast and reception will follow at Way side inn Sunset inn on Rossiter street will open for the summer on May 30 The proprietors who have been In Wil liamstown for the winter have arrived here A picture of Tinker who has been on the New York police force as a detective for the past 36 years was recently published in the New York papers He is a brother 01 George Tinker of Egremont erally spends part of his here Dr William AV Leavitt the Pittsfield Alasonic 124 South street The to be more than 100 Plan to Act or Appoint ment of Building Commis sion This Week Westfield April 11 Leaders in the city government will make an effort the coming week to start action look ing to the appointment of the special committee that will select a site and pflns for a new high schooL Before the Legislation had sanctioned the borrowing of the $500000 the mayor submitted a recommendation to thecouncil that a committee of five be appointed The council seemed to be lieve that the recommendation was premature it was tabled In the meantime something was done to ward clarifying the manner in which thq committee was to be appointed The mayor desired this privilege and then it was changed to the mayor and finance committee Last week a leader in the council advanced the pian to have the mayor the presi dent of the council and a member of the finance committee sit in and name the members of this committee It Is felt that in the event that the council has to pass upon the issue and since it will be responsible in the end for the actions of the com mittee that it should at least have a say in the selection of the com mittee It is further contended that the city is represented by the council and not by the mayor and that the committee will be responsible to the people through the council and there fore the council or its direct repre sentative should appoint the commit fee for such an important project It is expected that the matter will come up for action at the meeting of the council Thursday night ire Pump Installed Hatfield April The Barton fire pump purchased by vote of tho town at the last annual meeting has ar rived and been installed Chief Paul Ballse of the local fire department is instructing the members of the Center company in operating it There will be a public demonstration of its work at Mill bridge Prospect street Tuesday evening at 615 Miss Mildred McT eod of the fresh man class at the University of Ver mont who has been ill with scarlet fever in a sanitarium at Burlington is recovering and is now at the home of her parents Mr and Airs Hugh AIcLeod on School street The athletic association at mith academy will conduct a benefit dance in the town hall Monday evening the proceeds to be used for the support of the school baseball team Newcomb's orchestra of Northampton will furnish music Charles Powers returned today to Winooski Vt to resume his studies at college after enjoying the Easter vacation at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Lawrence Pow ers of Chestnut street Bernard Kiley has returned to hlr studies at the Catholic university Washington after spending the spring vacation at his home on Pros pect street returned today to' their studies at Cornell university Miss lorence Shea is visiting her brother in New York Miss Iola Drumm Aiiss Alary Bar ry Thomas Dun and rank Dale v'alle have been chosen a committee with power to appoint subcommittees to arrange for the senior class play to be given in the Ixnox town hall in May Mrs Joseph Whistler and Mrs George olsom are in New York for a few days the Weekly Eagle published Wednesday now is 18012 and Daiiy i agle lioii grounds will be closed to play here after Street Clean Up Under Way The business section of the city and Park square received its annual scrubbing last week In addition corps of men under Deputy Superin tendent George Keife brushed the streets of all the winter's accumula tions Work will now start upon the scraping of the semi hardened resi dential streets that are deep rutted as the result of the frost leaving the ground and the subsequent passage of heavy traffic over them The high way official issued hia annual warn ing to property owners to clean up all alleyways and to make a prac tice of using containers for loose papers that blow into the main high ways An inspection of the alleyways has been made and conditions have been found far from satisfactory Methodist Pastors In Local Bishop rederick Iete delivered the sermon at the services at the Alethodist church sermon followed feast that was members of the and parishioners Baptist irst and Second Congrega tional churches were occupied by visiting conference clergymen this morning The Prospect Hill minstr I show to be staged by the Parent Teacher association promises to be one of the best ever gievn in this city It will be given two nights Wednesday and Thursday in the school hall The program contains many attractive numbers The cast Includes: Inter locutor William Wholean end men William Rowan James Krom Edward Egan Thomas lanagan Joseph itz gerald John AIcGowan Ballads will be sung by George Shea James Crean Joseph Kenney and John Sullivan All members of the Legion band are requested to be at Legion neauquarters Saturday when measurements will be uniforms This band will appearance for the first Alemorial day Grand Patriarch Richardson of the grand encampment of the stats was presented with a Roman gold Hamilton full jewel watch at the banquet tendered him on riday night Saturday morning Mr Richard son took the visiting state officials oa a tour of the city The second annual spring concert of the Westfield Choral society will1 take place at the Alethodist church Wednesday night when Lillian Gus tafson of New York will appear1 Tickets are now on sale The association will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4 IS when further action will be taken upon the salary question Officers of Westfield lodge of Elks will be installed tomorrow night with Past Exalted Ruler Walter Ker rigan in charge On Wednesday night a testimonial banquet will be tendered to retiring Exalted Ruler Harry Will iams who has been in the chair since the lodge was instituted The city office will be open Alonday Wednesday and Saturday nights from 7 to 830 the com ing week Sportsmen and dog licenses will be issued The open season on trout will start Thursday the 15th rne Hillcrest Park Cemetery Park Plan Cemetery' with per petual care Prices reasonable partial payment plan t41 'cniisTNUT street Call IUVER ffiMJ or RIVER 3144 31 stories to England Bros block on North street thereby bringing out tp the front two stories in the rear now under construction The work is to be completed September 15 This ad dition will make the block a six story structure and will add 56 per cent of floor space above basem*nt George Haynes is architect Philip Schwarz has sold to Bliss eight lots on Gunn's Grove tun Pontoosuc lake Robert Robertson realtor leased these houses: rederick Peterson's 187 Wendell avenue Airs William Cushing of Beacon street Boston Alfred Whitte more's bungalow 75 William street to Prof William Lisponard Robb of Rensselaer Polytechnic institute Troy Harry A Dunbar home 71 Bartlett avenue to John AV AlcClar en of Brunswick street Judavlne cot tage vontoosuc lake to Mrs A Belknap of Brooklyn The will of Kate Raifstanger Great Barrington has been filed probate She beaueaths various tides of jewelry to relatives $100 to town for care of cemetery lot 100 pieces of Haviland china to a cousin Ethel Shea The residuary legatees are two sons Earl of Great Bar rington and John of Danbury CL The will was drawn December i last By the will of Hylan Rood of AVilliamstown a son Ernest ami a daughter Grace Carrier each re ceives $1 and the rest goes to the was Your dear old gran dmother out the wisdom of her years used to say: am too poor to afford anything but the She had learned the secret of economical buy ing and people of today seem to be reaching the age of dis cretion in buy ing life than they once Personal Service Double Burial Service 'Amherst April II A double bhrlal took place this afternoon following the funeral services for Mrs Alary Kellogg Hawley when she find the body of her the late Henry Hawley were burled in Wildwood cemetery The body of MrHawley had oeen resting in the vault since bls death in early winter Rev Clair Luther of the Second Congregational church and Rev Churles IL Hamlin conducted the Service jointly The services fur Mrs Jiawley were at the home of her jiephew larry Sears on Main Thft'bearers wore Ned Kellogg Harry Alien Harry Sears and Louden Ren wick ail or smneni Tlio 1 Oppose Tonic Permits for Breweries Adams April 11 Members of the have voted to send a let ter to Gen Lincoln Andrews against a permit given to breweries for the manufacture of malt tonics and requested the withdrawal of the permits The organization also voted to communicate with Representative Allan Treadway Senators Butler and Gillett asking them to take a strong stand against any modifica tion of the act including the return to light wine and beer The annual banquet of the Ameri can Legion minstrel cast was held in St Alark's parish house last night The affair is given each year after the entertainment The evening was spent in reviewing songs of the show and short after dinner speeches Announcement has been made of the engagement of Aiiss Rachael Love daughter of Air and Airs Levi Love of Columbia street to Louis Miliette son of Air and Airs Arthur Millette of Quaker street The cere mony will take place in Aiay Several hundred people were turn ed away from the doors at Plunkett Junior High school this aft ernoon where pupils of the local Notre Dame school gave a musical entertainment The auditorium was packed to capacity and many requests were made to repeat the program which consisted of patriotic songs and drills and several solo numbers 9 night Tlte annual reunion of St parish will take place at the Com munity building AVednesday night Tickets are now Ieing sold in the various sections of the city by a wom an's committee An attempt was made last night by a young mon to steal the auto 1 mobile icelonging to IL Post The car was parked in the rear of Mr place of business The attempt was frustrated by Mr Post putting on liglits that lighted up the place where the car was parked George Kopek of Lewis street whose home was raided riday afternoon on a John Doe warrant was arrested last night and will apjiear in the district court charged with keeping and ex posing liquor for sale on the i ne stock ot me Eaglet publishing company is all own ed by Mr and Airs Miller and her Miss Cora Hallenbeck of this city The Pittsfield Dope club is to have a meeting and dinner at the Granby April 11 Through the di rection of Aiiss Allldred Boice the Hampshire county agent in home economics the following books have been placed in the public library for the use of the food selection class and any other homemaker who desires to avail herself of the latest ideas in cooking anj nutrition: "eeding the by Dr Mary Swartz Rose "The Newer Knowledge of by Dr McCollum "Boston Cook ing School by annie Nur rett armer "Body Mechanics and by Leah Thomas and Dr Joel Goldthwait "Child by Angelo Patri the amily Agnes Dunham Norman AVhlppen Hampshire county agent for the boys and clubs and Air Howes of the state work have been in town looking over the work of the Handicraft club They commended the work highly The girls of the Horae Economics club had a special outing riday when they got up a most successful 'dinner at the home of their club lead i er Mrs Ashley Randall of Taylor I street Airs Randall is doing fine (work with the girls in the household alliance of Unity (arts Blessing Pittsfield for four The IL Hampson company inc years until early last winter when has received the contract to add AoJh secured a position with the Gen Seond Annual Affair to Be Held Tonight at Odd el Hall North AdaiftsAprll" ll Arrange ments are' complete for the second on' nual Elks' 'charity ball to be held in Odd Eelows' hall Wellington hotel tomorrow night Two representatives from A Trayon Decorating pany of Cohoes started Work this afternoon covering (he daitee hall with blue and gold bunting while the ceiling is concealed with sky Jlue material and shining stars A life size elk of white material is to be stationed in the middle of tlw floor while electrical effecta at each side will add much to the hpReki4ne of the ballroom Eddie' Wilcox's or chestra will furnish musle for the con cert which begins a( 8 and a dance program will start promptly at 9 Ex alted Ruler Charles Herron and wife will lead the grand tnarelf followed by officers of the lodge and quests wife Caroline A The will drawn July 19 1917 The police detective bureau is ing for the thief who got away with 1 ij iiouna iejf vc uett ironi rarket 534 Tvler street on niglit The new Christian Science on AVendcll avtuuu is to cost according to the building permit is sued by Inspector John lynn Herbert Pike is the contractor AVil liam AlcCulloch is to build a $9U0u house on Spadina parkway North street traffic platforms this season are to be four instead of live feet wide The Pittsfield League of Women Voters has elected these officers: President Aiiss Sue Dexter vice president Airs A AVishart secre tary Mrs Charles Crowell treas urer "'Miss Helen arrell The Eaqe Printing Binding com Iaiiy is to issue on May 1 a directory of Stockbridge Stockbridge State Line Richmond Lee Lenox Tyringham Otis? Sandisfield Becket Washington Dalton Hinsdale Lanes boro and Hanco*ck The book has been compiled by Goussett The kkglh Printing Binding company is to issue the 1926 city directory in September The Chamber of Commerce is "get ting the bellringer insurance man The Chamber contends that lo cal insurance men who have estab lished offices ought to be patronized instead of venders Collins Pitt John Coleman and the AA'illiam Hengerer company sold to the commonwealth 333 acres of land in Peru for a statu fbrest The Berkshire branch of the Nev England Home for Little AVamlerers has elected these directors: Airx Brenton Crane Pomeroy Airs Stan ley Benton and Dr Harold Story of this city Airs John II Church of Great Barrington Airs Carl Pierce of Hinsdale and James AV Vose of North Adams Mrs Lucius Chapin of Elizabeth street this city has re signed as a director Aiiss Leonora O'Herron who has an antique shop at 62 South street ano Miss Lesley rost of The Open Book have formed a partnership and have leasca tne oia homestead of association at house is said years old rost has had a book shop in an ell of the house since 1924 Miss OHerron opened her antique business on AVendell avenue in 1923 and she has been on South street since last June The engagement is announced of Miss Virginia De Giorgis daugh ter of Air and Airs II De Giorgis of 520 East street to Peter Brignola of 55 Daltou avenue The funeral of Albert Alattoon will be held at the home of his broth er George Al Mattoon 16 AVood leigh avenue tomorrow afternoon at 4 not 230 as stated Airs John Rnnsehousen Daniels avenue has taken Aetna Insurance company which was held by her late husband The second of a series of free con certs by local artists will be given at the Gibbs piano studio 342 North street on Tuesday evening at 815 The artists will be: Tenor James Alorton: soprano Grace Bradley O'Cohnell: violinist Lazarus rum kin: pianist Miss Azella Cox Rev James Grant of New Haven CL first pastor of the Morningside Baptist church was the preacher there for the morning and evening service oday He is soon to make his home in California The hostesses of the Social Art club which will meet in South church parlors Wednesday afternoon at 2 will be Mrs AVebber Mrs ATic torla Maynard and Mrs Steniford Misses and Bertha Beall of New York who generally spend their winters In Southern California are at the AVendell hotel until the Red Lion inn at Stockbridge opens on riday They have spent the entire season at tne Dog AVauted a Ride Great Barrington April 11 While Tinker was transporting school children to the rural sections a few days ago with a large closed car a full grown police dog ran alongside the car and jumped on the hood Al: Tinker slowed down the car and the animal jumped to the top of the ma chine and refused to be coaxed from his position until after the car had gone several miles No owner for the anima! was found Alorton Arthur Smith son of Mr and Mrs AVilliam A Smith of this town and Aiiss Afarguerite Williamson daughter of Air and Mrs Janies AArilliamson of Hampton Va were married in that place Thurs day After a wedding trip they ill make lheir home on Brainard avt nuejn this town Air Smith conducts the radio here John 'II Smith manager of tliJ Hunt department store has leased the Kiernan residence on Berksh*te MILLER EAGLE BACK THIS AVEEK We take pride and faction in selling Rouers Silver for Ave it Avill give long years of satisfactory service North Adams April UKAlekander Beach of Rochester N' Yl a student at AVllllams college college infirmary at AVilliamstown Charles Maxymillian of 309 AVost Main street is at the North Adams' hospital and Louis Less of 96 Brooklyn re ceived slight lacerations and an in jured knee the result of an auto4 mobile accident oh West Main street aliout' 1030 this morning The in juries are hot thought to be serious Less was bailed out ut olice head quarters to appear in bourt tomor row morning for violation of the mo tor laws At the time of the accident he was driving without a license or registration in his possession Less reported "the accident at police headquarters stating that he was driving west on AVesttain street op posite Richview avenue when the ac cident occurred Keach had asked him for a ride to Williamstown find had boarded the truck driven by Less when at the top of AVcst Alain street Hill O'ict niinvn wtr4At? HriVw er claimed that In trying to avoid run Irfe Jwur made "tn 7 the Stockbridge ning over a dog he turned to tne right and hit a telephone pole Mazy miilian standing near by talking with some friends was run into and taken to the Curran Alemorial' clinic" He was later removed to the North Adams hospital where authorities re ported his injuries not series Both I esq and Beach were thrown from tlie driver's seat to the pavement The latter is said have broken bones in one foot but is resting com fortably TO CLEAR WEST SLOPE TRAIL THIS WEEK 1 AV1II Snll tnr olnnd Ware April 11 Airs Samuel Bresler and her youngest son will sail from New May 12 for a visit with her mother in Poland this being Mrs Bresier's first visit to her former home in 23 years The district here she formerly lived was a iart of Ger many before the AVorld war but is now part of the Republic of Poland Airs Bresier's father died during the past winter She was intending to go to visit her parents last year but had has trip She and home William Mary and Catherine Morris left last flight for Detroit Mich where they will make their home They will join their mother and brother both farmer Ware residents in De troit Members of Ware High school com mercial classes under the direction of Miss Gabrielle Lemaltre have been awarded the follow ing medals and certificates of merit for typewriting work in April: Underwood bronze medal to Priscilla Erela for an av erage of 48 words a minute and cer tificates to Emma Morin for 38 words Margaret Englesby for 37 and Charron for 35 words Royal cer tificates to Georgiana Gariepy and Sylvia Charron for an average of 31 words each Reming'ton silver medal to Vera Allen for average of 41 words a minute and certificates to Emma Morin and Sylvia Charron for aver age of 41 words and to Georgiana Gariepy and Elmer Kenyon for an average of 32 words Earle Howe post American Le gion will hear Dr A Moore of Palmer tell of his recent trip to Eu rope at a gathering of the Legion to morrow night at Legion hall Dr Moore toured rance visiting the bat tlefields of the AVorld war and his description of present day conditions on these former battle fronts will be of particular interest to the Ware members who were actually in the territory which will be talked of Members of the Doric club who took part in the bridge tournament the past winter with any club mem bers who desire to attend will have a banquet Tuesday night Grand hall Buckley Richardson catering the 28 losers in the tourna ment to pay the expenses of the win ning team Prizes on by Per sen and Karl A AValker in the tour nament will be presented Tuesday night Whist wall follow the banquet The Girl Scouts troop under the di rection of Miss Grace Loney present ed in an acceptable manner the com edy Turns the at the Social Science clubhouse riday night: Those taking part were: Arlene Eccles Violet Wilson Betty Myer Joan AVilson Helen Boyle Lois Gould Barbara Hatch Betty Clifford cXihI xoUie xincoin The announcement Hatch deputy fish and game warden now of Springfield but formerly of AVare that he is to retire June 1 from active work having then reach ed the retirement age of 70 years is of particular interest AVare people as Air Hatch lived here for many years before going to Springfield and entering the state employ Airs Sid ney AIcHrnry of Church street is a daughter of Air Hatch Dr A' Barrett will entertain the Study club AVednesday night and the essayist will be Dr' Roberson The Woman's alliance will entertain Rev Airs Minna Budiong field sec retary of the National alliance Tues day afternoon at the meeting at Unity hall Mrs Livermore will talk on religious current events there will a music program and be served at 4 by Mrs David and Mrs Julia Gould Much Impressed By Con ditions There Owner May Give Land AVestfield April 11 Officials of the Sikorsky Airplane company will make another inspection of the air port in a short time Those who made the inspection Saturday were so favorably impressed with the condi tions that they are enthusiastic about the prospects presented A Dick inson was among the officials who were taken there by the Chamber of Commerce officiaLs It has been as certained on reliable authority that an owher of thepropeny of which the airport is now a part stands ready to make a gift of sufficient land in the event that the airplane company will locate here A spur track a water supply and electric light and pJwer pass through the location of the airport It is between this city and Holyoke and presents perfect conditions for an airport Planes of the company will be flown here to test the landing possibilites The com pany would require 4000 square feet but fortunately there is available nearly five square miles that can be obtained The first visit of the com pany officials was made immmedlately following a three days rain storm and the airport was found to be in per fect condition for landing despite the downpour AVorklng or Success of Charity Ball The women who have charge of the sale of tickets for the Charity ball are at work Li their districts making a personal canvas The money ob tained from this sale of tickets is to be used for the benefit of Noble hos pital AVestfield has been laid out by districts and captains appointed to each district In the 11 districts these women have taken charge appointing their own workers: Miss lorence Mahoney Airs Rollin klaek Mrs AVells Loomis Mrs Hafry Atiller Mrs Ralph Harden Airs Norman Clark Mrs Howard Herrick Mrs AV Pike Aiiss Nellie Northan Mrs red Shep ard Mrs Emil Alotah In the outside districts Airs Judd is in charge of Southampton Airs Ernest Humph reys of Granville Airs AVarren Bodur tha of Blandford Airs Stone of Southwick Airs red Steers of Wy ben Mrs Higgins of AVoronoco and Huntington and Airs AV En sign of Little River Boys Take Money rom Contribution ather itzgerald informed the chil dren of St church this morning that four boys not members of the church school or the church broke open a contribution box in the base ment of the church last week and took a small amount of money therefrom The boys all were nine years of age and thev had used to the movies and purchase candy ine cmiaruu were i The children were lesson from the oastor also issued against the use of St Mary's school yard at any time after school hours A boy was injured there last week at play and the parents remonstrated It was found that the boy did not belong to the school Children were advised to play on the city's play grounds in the future as the school When you buy 1817 Rogers Bros Silver Plate for the home you you have bought economically for the quality is there i Anniversary Number to Be Issued in Celebration of Completion of Plant Im provements Pittsfield April 11 Kelton ler effflor and publisher of the Berk shire Eagle and Airs Atiller are ex pected bock tomorrow br Tuesflay from A cruise to the tropics" which included Panama On Tuesday the TTnrfi' avhich in Air Aliller's absence has been in charge of his son Donald 3H Miller as assistant publisher is toissuefa sjecial anniversary number to celebrate the completion of extend improvements in building and equipment at its Eagle street home Tlie AVeekly Eagle was established 1789 the Daily on May 9 189Jr had been a daily about a year tvhen Air Miller assumed editorial charge after 'his resignation tts city clerk in 1893 lie had held that office thrfie and two months He was Pittsfield's first city clerk Therieivsi paper has had a study growth under Air Miller's capable managemehand for number of years it has Jeeri one of i the most valuable newspaper properties in any city under 50 OM in country The circulation of Bible Class Vlit Slums A Smith college Bible class in Chrfstianlty and the present Social order wilt visit the New York slums and labor "head quarters to study atfirst hand "the problems about whichthey' ha been theorizing Prof SRalph Harlow of Biblical literature expects to make this experiment of jermahent influence in the education al world' The class' of about 40 will leave Northampton riday morning in! two busses and will have luncheon at New Here Prof Robert Seneca Smith' formerly a member of the department at Smith and now of the Yale faculty of in Sti'uctlph speak to the students Enough time will be' allowed to visit the Harkness memorini In New York the students will stay at International House and have the opportunity of meeting anj talking with foreign students riday ex ening four of these students an Indian a Japanese a Chinese and a ilipino will epeak to the Smith girls about what America can do for foreigners and what their own countries can offer Tress Board Visits Hartford Times Members of the Smith college press board were given an opportunity to study the workings of a large news paper' at" first hand when as the guests vf the "Hertford Times they motored to that city on Saturday aft ernoon tO'visit the plant The Hatt ford' Times possesses one of tlie big finest presses in the coun try which turns out 500 newspapers a minute and only one hour aud a half is required to print the five edi tions which the Times publishes dally Members of the editorial department conducted the girls through the busi ness Oditoral and mechanical depart ments while the suburban and city editions' of the paper were being pre pared ollowing the visit to the plant the girls were the guests of The i Times at a luncheon at the City club Miss Margaret arrand faculty di rector of Die press board was in charge of the group Prof Oliver Elton of the University of Liverpool this year an exchange pnofessor iaV Harvard will speak at the college tomorrow afternoon at 5 of III Service in New Parish Building Scheduled or the 25th Pittsfield April 11 Announcementwas made in the irst Baptist church calendar today that the first service S3 of worship in the assembly hall of neW parish building probably will be hvid on Sunday the 25th It that realized next Sunday will be a last in the old church building on I North street where the church has owofshibed for 100 years Rev Alau vice A Ixvy will preach in the morn ing on A ithtn Tiiesg Aaus ana there will be special music an nual business meeting of the church will be held AVedriftsdayeveniug at the sale of the North street property will be ratified Reports will be rend and' officers elected Criicirle Si bool Class Going Easthampton April 11 Alembers of the high school senior class to the number of 48 will leave on the AVash ington trip Saturday morning the 24th and will travel from New York to AVashington over the Pennsylvania railroad The chaperons will be Prin cipal Howell Thayer and Aiiss Al vord of the faculty and will also be accompanied by Mr and Airs Alvin Iewis Jr erell and Miss Kendrick turn trip the party will stop in Phil adelphia and New York and will ar rive home Thursday the 29th at 5 in the afternoon Bishop Thomas Davies con firmed a class at the 1030 service of St Episcopal church this morning an 1 preached the sermon Air snd Airs George A Canterbury have announced the engagement of their daughter Adelia to AVilliam Eva of Alontague City Aiiss Elizabeth ATIsner has entered the training school of Home New London Ct Tho recreation commission has elected Dr Cobb chairman and Archie orlx secretary Easthampton lodge of Aloose and the Mooseheart legion held a memorial service for departed members to night AA'illiam Cartledge Smith of Chap man avenue has bought a lot on Knight avenue of Mrs A Strong of Philadelphia and will build a house Dalton April Troop 4 Twy Scouts father auxiliary will meet to morrow night in the Congregational parish house tor supper Rev Dr Petty minister at tlie Alethodist church preached hiS last conference year sermon today He leave Tuesday morning the an nual sitting of the TroyN Tft wilrbe lerence rt HM absent next Sunday and the phuren committee on supplies has secured Rev John Theodore of the Near Last Relief to preach The evening service be omitted The cutting down of the wood and brush on both sides iff tlie railroad bridge on the North Adams line at Coltsvilie has made a great improve ment to the main highway to Pitts? field The same treatment to the wood and brush on tlie south side would I be appreciated by lhe traveling public DIED BURT At East Longmeadow 10th Marshal Bort 80 uneral at Congina tional church Monday at 230 in thia city the 10th Margaret A Crane widow of James Crane uneral from hpr home 59 Spring street Jtpnday at 815 Requiem hich mass following at the qathedral al 9 riends invited DARRAH At Somers Ct 11th Mrs Jane (Oaks) Darrah 81 widow of Robert Darrah of Wilbraham Mass Kunetal services from the home of her son CharW A Darrah 410 Walnut street pringfiMd time to be announced Burial in Adamd cemeteryteVllbraham Mass In city IbtiiEllen Hani fin uneral at the home r1 SpHn Mtrvet Tuesday at 815 a Requiem high mass 'following at the cathedral at a riends invited At Wlllimansett 10th isabeHar Hodge widow of JohnW Hotig'tr uneral at the parlors of the Dick inson Streeter company 35 307 'State street Tuesdays at 33V Burial in Chaplin Ut KING Tn this ity 10th rank King 8" home? 43 WeMford avnu ner! at the parlors of the Dickinson attrdeter company S03 807 State street Mon dayat 330 p1 Burial in Guilford Vt LYMAN In thia eity 11th Mrs Nellie Alqnra Lynfiin wife of Henry Lyman? uneral services at her home 53 Thompson street Wednesday afternoon at 1 Burla) in Northfield Mass In thia 6th Annie McCarthy uneral fron the residence of herZjRister Mrs Margaret Dooley 423 Chest nuretreet Monday at 00 High mass of requiem at Scored Heart church at in Pease 79 oC 94 Catherine street uneral at we parlors of the Dickiuaon St reeter com pany 3H5 307 State street Monday at 2 Burial in Enfield Ct In this city Wth Mae Ellen Pelton widow of Jerome Pelton 'Hie funeral will be held chapel 37 39 Howard streeton Tuesday at 2 VBurtal in Monson Mass At Holyoke 10th Mrs Gertrude A Robertson 59 wife of William Robertson uneral at irst Presbyterian rhqgch Tuesday at 215 Rev Dr John Alison will officiate and burial will be 4n orestdale ceinoury Tn this city inth Margaret Sullivan widow Qf tlxe late John Sullivan uneral In the 110016 of her son Edward Sulltvan 30 Msftsflsoit street Tuesday at 815 Requiem high mass In Sacred Heart church at 0 riends invited At Palmer 10th Anna Marla at home 11 Pht street Services at the funeral home of Bert Beers Palmer Tuday at 2 Timothy Conklin Jlea lM nox April 11 Timothy Con klin 30 died vesterday following a two days illness with pneumonia He was born in Lenox the son of Ml and Airs Daniel Conklin He is survived by his father and two broth ers Charles of Alia mi la and Dan iel Conklin Jr New York and two sister? Miss Mary of Lenox anf Mrs Josephine Mason of Spring field The funeral will be held at Anne's church tomorrow morning at 9 and burial will be in St Anne's ceme tervl Mrs Walter Davies has return ed from Washington Chalmers Mole and his guest Jo seph Wvman who have been with Air Alole's parents Atty and Airs tew nays ine eny nupqigii i the work to a point 600 feet beyond the Hairpin curve and although there is considerable ice on thes trail flt'tflisg point it is passable to automobiles If the weathef is favorable tomorrow the new road scraper will be put to work smoothing out the section which has been opened the entire width of the road from Hairpin turn to the rive Roads ALL READY OR CHARITY BALL Red Lion inn for many years fillEAT BARKING 1 OX City Employes Digging Awayl at the Snowbanks bri Mountains North Adams Coiiimls sioner of Public 'Works': Dpble stated tonight that the western slope of tlie Alohawk trail would be cleared for traffic not inter than Tuesday? Sixteen men armed with shovels dug their way through 15' feet of snow to the Lenhoff tavern Saturday 7 TfieYe is yet about 900 feet to go? lorida mountain officials have a forde of JO men clearing out the highways in their district and from all reports the i job will be completed wnmn uie nrai iavs The citv workmen carried PERRY SPANISH VWAR VETERAN DEAD Was a Postman in Norwalk Ct for 35 Years Before Coming to Pittsfield Pittsfield April Henry AL Perry B7t'spanlsh American war veteraniiei this morning at 830 at bis home 96 enn street as a 'result of fl shock the second that he had suffered He was born in Norwalk Ct where ho was a postman for 35 years coming to Pittsfield in 1924 on account of his health During three years hich in cluded the Spanish American war pe riod Air Perry served as first lieu teqsifit in Co 17th United States in fantry He saw service in Cuba the Philippines and China He also was in the national guard at Norwalk and plaved the cornet in the fife and 'drum corps! In Norwalk he was widely known as a cornet instructor Air Perry had a rich bass voice and sang in the choir of St Epis copal church at Norwalk of which he was a member He' also belonged to Dowling camp Spanish War Veterans in this city and the Elks in Norwalk Tlie survivors are his widow two daughters Misses Alice AL and Virginia his tnother Mrs Sarah AL Perry of New Haven Ct who is 96 years old three sksters Airs Arthur arr and Mrs John ritz of New Haven and Mrs Edward Bal lard of Norwalk A vesper service was held this aft ernoon at 5 at the Congregational church in Echo of was given bjpjthe choir' Air and Airs Joseph allon left to where they will be employed in a paper mill A meeting of' Afodern Priscilla club will be held Tuesday afternoon at 230 with Airs Rimer Bradway of Eouth street Mr and'Mrs Cioid Dumar are back from their wedding trip and are living in a new bungalow on Otis street 'Mrs RayWight will entertain the Current Topics club 'members at her Main street" horfie tomorrow Hight The program will be in charge of the dramatic's group of the club Airs JacKman and Airs Wight will be hostesses JJA 51 LLEGJB WiUiiinistown'' April 11 rank Newman 27of Tunkhamock Pa ha been elected president of the Wil liams Christian association for next year while John Wells of all River will serve: as vice president Dr vid 'all '2S of Evanston III and Russell Wirth of Milwaukee Wis were elected recording and cor responding secretaries respectively While Dwight Sbeplvr of New tonylllo "was re elected treasurer John II Matheson' 28 of Janesville Wis was elected (o serve ns his as sistant STUDENT LIBRARIANS WILL VISIT SMITH Miss Rhodes Conducts Biennial Tour of New York School Northampton April 11 A group of 50 student librarians from the New York state Library school of Albany will the library of Smith college Tuesday morning The group which is on tho biennial tour of New Eng land 'college libraries will be con ducted by Aiiss Isabella Rhodes an alumna of Suiitlv and at present an at the school In 4he morning the group will go through the library and in the after noon it will divide into three parties one going to the Hampshire bookshop another to the orbes library the public library of Northampton and the third to the libraries of Alount Holyoke and Amherst colleges APPOINT HEADS Guest Room To Be Provided Quad rangle: Unusual Northampton April 11 Tlie board of trustees of Smith college have an nounced 'the appointments of heads 'of new dormitories Madeline Wai enfit of Haverfonl Wlll le theihead of Gardiner Miss Kathleen Robertson Wlny came here from Girton colltTje 'England To be tho head of Hopkins House Will have charge of the double house keeping of Martha Wil son and Morrow and will be the so cial hroi' of Alartha A Wilson Prof Vera" BroWn' of the department of his 'tory 'ls to be" the social head of Mor row' collego students who have inoaned the fact 'that they are not Allowed: to have out of town guests £ieep in their houses will be especial ly interested to know that in both Albrrow and Gardiner there will be two guests rooms with baths which may be rented for the night at reason able rates Tor the students' guests On the ground floor of Martha Wil son four graduate students will have their rooms another departure from former customs NORTH ADAMS THREE HURT WHEN TRUCK HITS POLE An African plant is known as the bushmans candle because ir stems are lighted they burntallow eral Electric company of Pittsfield Besides his widow who was formerly Aiiss Alary Trudeau he leaves three children Harry Dorothy and Rich ard his mother Mrs Asa Golden six sisters and three brothers The fu neral will be held nt 9 Monday morn ing at St Alary's of the Alorning Star church and burial will be in St Jo cemetery ut Pittsfield The funeral of Thomas Geoghegan was held yesterday in Springfield The family were old residents of Hinsdale the father George Geoghegan being a Civil war veteran Thomas left Hins dale a number of years ago but re turned last year and was employed at the Hinsdale woolen mill boarding at the home of Joseph Middlebrook of loxver Main street When work at the mill was slack this winter he left Hinsdale and obtained work in Huntington Ho leaves five sisters Mrs Atinnie Curtis of Hornersville Gt Mrs Daniel of Pittsfield Mrs James Keenan of South Hadley alls Airs Michael Maxwell of Spring field and Mis Angelins Geoghegan of Haverhill These sisters Here all former residents of this town The body was placed temporarily in a vault in Springfield and will later be brought here for burial In St Patrick's cemetery Mrs red Willey of lower Main street has left the House of Alercy hospital at Pittsfield where she has been the past six weeks and is at the Wahconah home for convalescents at Dalton George Crosman of Newark spent the week end at his summer home on the Peru road Airs Thomas Donohue of Longview avenue returned yesterday irom a visit in Lowell The board of assessors held a meet ino act nio ht and nlanned to be in session at the town hall from 1 to 5 on the 20th and 21st and 9 to 12 a and 1 to 5 i on the 22d to receive valuation lists from all tax pavers Miss Anna Collins 'of Longview ave nue will entertain the Monday Even ing Sewing club tomorrow night William reeman Dead William reeman 63 of 80 Cady street died Saturday in the Nprth Adams hospital following a short ill ness with bronchitis He was born in Moores orks 'Yi and had" lived here many years during Which time' he had engaged in fanning and in the' milk business His body Was taken to the A Simmons undertaking rooms where the funeral will beheld tomorrow at 2 30 Rev Daniel Clare pastor of the irst Baptist church this city will officiate ami tho services will be private Death or Allldred IS' Benjamin 'Mildred Benjarnln 33 darigliter of Airs Alary Benjamin of this city died at the home ot George Robin son 108 Brookline street 'vfherp she has been enaployed as house keeper She was bum in McCiutqms burg la and had lived inNqrth Adams about 30 years The survivors are her mother three brothers Char les John Almiron all of this city seven sisters Airs James Alurphy Airs rank Niles Airs Aywal Tilch Miss Lydia and Aiiss Mary Benjamin Airs Philip Hopkins all of this city and Airs Laura Polonski of Holyoke The funeral will be held at Jhe Robinson home on Brookline street Tuesdav afternoon at' 230 Rev A Clare will officiate Burial will be in Southview cemetery The fire department responded to a call from lox 53 at 1 this? af ter noon and extinguished a grass fire a lot owned by Gleason at the rear of Montgomery street Boys are said to have seen tho blaze and mak ing the best of their opportunity for a little excitment prilled the fire alarm There was no damage A wedding of local interest took place in Hartford Ct yesterday afternoon when Aiiss Mildred Hope Hillery daughter of Air and Airs Mar tin Hillery of 207 Sigourney street this city and Atty Rlchyd Sears Bellows of Springfield son of William Bellows a former resident of this city were married by Rev if Butler I 11 1 Itj lit I £4 jfl.

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.