The Macon Republican from Macon, Missouri (2024)

THE MACON REPUBLICAN MACON, MISSOURI, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1928 fined to their homes with influenza, and Mrs. Quincy Glass. ETHEL Miss Theresa Lauterbeck spent but so far there have been no serious Willie Byler is the new oil man for the oil company. John Lovett butchered last week. Uncle John believes in home cured meat.

Miss Edna Tuttle of Marceline visited homefolks over the week end. School closes for a week's vacation Friday. Program at both churches Christ 1" and Miss Ruth Dunham is teaching in her place. Miss Marjorie Dunbar spent the week end with her grandma, Mrs. Freeman.

Mrs. Matt Darr and daughter, Ada spent the evening with Mrs. Chas. Roberta and family Saturday. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs.

Nellie Jones. She died in Chicago and was brought back to New Cambria Saturday. The funeral services were held at the New Cambria cemetery Sunday. Miss Ruth Dunham is visiting home folks until Jan. 6.

Miss Mattie Newkirk is visiting a few days at Goldsberry. La mas eve. George Fox and wife moved to Enis Dove's property. Mrs. Ror Is home from Kirksville glad to report her son David able to Tuesday with Miss Alta and Eva Powers.

Louis Ash was Keota caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Schneider and sons, Russell, Marvin, Ed and Dave and Joe Lauterbesk were Macon callers Saturday. The neighbors and friends of Mr.

and Mrs. Milton Bell gathered at their home Wednesday evening to surprise them with a party. Those present were: Misses Theresa, Mary and Minnie Lauterbeck, Alta and Eva Powers, Alive Clopton, Claudia Baker, Miona Brown, Ruth and Merceda Miles and Messrs. Robert and Her-schol Glass, Joe Lauterbeck, Henry Kd and Dave Schneider, Harold and Herbert Powell, Claud and Billy Tet-er, Lloyd Bivola, Mr. and Mrs.

Quincy Glass, Jesse Teter and Thomas Lauterbeck. The evening was spent in playing games and music. All returned home doclaring they had a wonderful time. Miss Clopton spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs.

Babe Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Glass spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.

John Powell and Mrs. Mnrtha Shoemaker. Carl and Willie Schneider called on developments. Mr. and Mrs.

Clinton Hill are announcing the birth Tuesday morning of an 1 1 pound son. Mrs. Thelma Bailey who has been a patient at a Moberly hospital, has returned to her home. Mrs. Therman Bailey who has been a patient at a Moberly hospital has returned to her home.

Mrs. H. E. Bennett is suffering from a badly burned hand. SOUTH EEVIER Mr.

and Mrs. Earl PowelL Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powell and Thomas Lauterbeck helped Mr. and Mrs.

Jas. Powell butcher Tuesday. Miss Dora Biondl spent Tuesday night with Misses Irene and Esther Ash. Mr. and Mrs.

Minor Cross and son, Charles, Mrs Finis Miles and Joe Lauterbeck spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs Pearl Miles and daughter, Ruth. Miss Anna Single spent Monday afternoon with Mis Theresa Lauterbeck. Mr. and Mrs.

John Powell were Macon callers Wednesday. Those who spent Monday evening sit up after the misfortune of break ing his leg. Ira. Hugh Jones is home from an Americans spend $287,000,000 a year for soap. There's no little boy in this country who couldn't think of a better use for all that money.

extended trip to Canada visiting her sister and family. Willie Williams and family will move to Ben Anspach's farm. Willie will work for G. W. Anspach and ion through crop time.

JACKSONVILLE Friday night or last week the following member of the Jacksonville Chapter of the Eastern Star attended the annual installation of officers of the Cairo Chapter. Col and Mrs. H. X. Shoffner, Mr.

and Mrs. Herman JUoVt, Mrs. Homer Vanskike, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Lottie Gaines and Mrs.

M. A. Carter and Mrs. W. N.

Miles. Mrs. D. E. Nulf who has been quite ilLU much improved.

Miss Anna Owens has returned after a ten days visit with relatives in Columbia. A number of the friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

God-dard gathered at their home Saturday night in celebration of their fifteenth marriage anniversary. The evening was spent in merry social converse, while Mrs. Robert Iva and Willie Anderson with their violins. Mr. Perkins with hit -banjo Miss Mary Forrest at the Piano, contributed a number of musical selections which added much to the; pleas are of this enjoyable Mrs.

Chat. Williams of Excello was the 'all day guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. V.

Riley Sunday. Preparations for a Christmas pro-grain and tree at the Christian church are- underway for Monday evening, lira. Dysart Dulaney of Holiday is Sending a few days the guest of r. and Mrs. Clinton Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Shannon and daughter, Miss Ruby of Salisbury, were recent visitors here. Miss Jennie Williams of Cue my, who is home for the holiday vacation, was the Sunday dinner guest of Mr.

and Mrs. M. A. Carter. John 8.

Wright and Myron Riley motored to Salisbury Tuesday. A number of local persons are con Among our assets we like to count the only one money cannot buy, your good will. And so at this Holiday Season we extend to you, not as a customer alone, but as a friend, the Best of Wishes for the coming year. Kev. Art Kov and lamilv.

Ben I. Jones and wife and Mary Sickles were guests at W. E. Griffith's home Sunday. Glad to note David Williams im-roving after the misfortune of leaking his arm in a fall at school.

Link Combs will move to the Thou. APPLES Ben Davis and Delicious $1.50 to $2.50 per bu. Kelsey Orchard Henry, Ed and Dave Schneider Sun- II. Williams farm. I BEVAN'S ELECTRIC SHOP in the Thomas Lauterbeck home were Misses Irene and Esther Ash Miles, Alice Clonton.

Edythe Cross, Ruth d8T' Harold Lonsberry and wife and hU here mt. Mary and Minnie Lauter- brother Mr. Lonsberry and wife of Il and Merceda Miles. Messrs. Harold bwk nd Ruell Schneider spent linois spent a Tew days bint week visiting their parents, II.

A. Lons Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ash and daughter, Irene, Esther and son, Junior. Misses Alta and Eva Powers called berry and wife, their parents, H.

A. Lonsberry and wife, their STandnar-i Misses Mabel and Lola Bea Te- on ents J. B. Johnston and wife and oth- er relatives. ter Tuesday morning.

and Hubert Powell, Joey Henry, Robert and Herschel Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Glass and Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Ash and little son, Junior, The evening was spent in practicing the play, entitled "Mary Mary, Quite Contrary," which will be held at Thurman school Friday night Dec. 21st Mr. and Mrs. Martin Slagle and daughter Frances spent Monday with Bill Schneider and also called on Mr. Mrs.

Sickles and daughter of Ft Madison spent Sunday in Ethel viBit- ingo Th old friends. he Bazaar at both churches were quite a success this year weather being favorable for two full meals at both places. Many from the country as well as business men of Ethel turned out and most pieces of fine needle work were sold. W. E.

Griffiths and Oscar Flowers sold a fine work mule to mule buyers lost week. Luther Jones and wife of Brook-field, nre visiting his mother H. A. Lonsberry and other relatives this WEST EAGLE A. D.

Rulttton and son shipped a car of cattle to Littlcrock, Arkansas from the Wardmere farm. R. E. Powell sold a cow to Bert Woods of Macon. Rev.

Eaton is visiting in this neighborhood this week. The Community Club will meet Thursday Dec. 20 with Mrs. A. D.

RalKton. Tom and Robert Franks of Excello arc gathering corn for Mrs. W. E. Jones.

Word wus received of the marriage of Corylus McCullough, a Macon boy which occurred recently at his home in the state of Washington. There was no particulars. week: The Evuns Payton sale is billed for MAY the spirit of the season enter your home and heart, bringing happiness and contentment to you and yours. In commemoration of the greatest day in Christendom, we extend our sincere and earnest greetings for- Tucsduy if weather premits. P.

F. Clardy is mult ing preparation i i i for early spring chicks. There will be quarterly meeting at KWIview Sunday, Dee. 16. Prof.

Jamison and a friend of filf, VW fifth If Kirksville were callers at R. E. A MERRY CHRISTMAS John Abbott of Macon took dinner N. COLLEGE MOUND Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Teter and children, Mabel, Lola Bea and Wayne sntnt Sunday in Kirksville with Mrs. Orice Greer and children. Mrs Basil Davis called on her mother, Mrs. Willie White Tuesday afternoon. Miss Pansy Teter is visiting her grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Lon Teter. Miss Miona Brown spent Saturday night with Misses Ruth and Merceda Miles. AND A Sunday at Enest Abbott s. NARROWS Tom King delivered a load of com to the Macon Elevator Wednesday, price seventy cents.

Mrs. Sarah Gilbert is improving nicely. Her daughter is still with her. SINCERE GOOD WISHES A Chris tmaa' a year That's not such a lot So let's all be happy With greivaaces forgot. HAPPY NEW YEAR Mrs.

Fred King and Mrs. Vclpo Cox spent Thursday with Mrs. Bert ii a i I uuiiiiiKi ftiiu nvmn vii WTO miuics Aid quilt. Miss Thelma Lee of Akron, Ohio, is Home. For Funerals We are here to serve you and satisfy you.

Call on us for your needs. FRIDAY'S MEAT MARKET RAY FRIDAY, Prop. spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lea.

Mrs. Bill Green spent Wednesday with Mrs. Benton Wright Misses Alta and Eva Powers called on Misses Mabel and Lola Bea Teter Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Wyatt and children spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Bertha Wyatt Those from this community who attended the pie supper and program given at Miller school Thursday even- M. Mr. and Airs. Jesse Cox had as their guests Sunday his father W.

L. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Pierce ALBERT SKINNER MACON, MISSOURI Mrs. Ferguson of near Ardmore is visiting her daughter, Mrs.

Will King Mioses Colette King, Pearl Cox, and and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence March and Mabel and Lola Bea Teter. Mrs.

Claud Leathers has been visit son of Macon spent Sunday with Mr. ing her mother Mrs. Willie White. March's sister, Mrs. Walter Dunn and I Mines Mabel and Lola Bea Teter Mr.

Dunn and son John. i mm called on Claudia Baker Thursday There was preaching at Friendship Sunday by Rev. Neff of Callao. Mrs. Jack Toothacker who has been Miss Gladys Campbell called on Mrs.

Basil Davis Wednesday after auite ill is better asain. Miss Hasel Moss and her school noon. will rive a short program at the What Most Any school house on Friday afternoon be JAKE GROVE fore Christmas. Mrs. Dora Rhoadei is spending the xtvmAwnMi i The M.

F. A. and W. P. F.

A. and week with Mrs. W. T. Hudson.

Jrs. of this community are preparing Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pate spent Youth Would Choose SI a Christmas tree ana program to oe Mrs. 1 1 I Tt 1 TrvT-l-r-r-VU I i 7 the.

evening with her mother Vantine. ven at Union Hall Friday night, ee. Zl. Everybody invited. Miss LaDaw Wainscott has taken her sister to the hospital at Kirksville Chiropractic gets results.

i 1 11 1 ifllffl GREETINGS WE JUST WANT TO WISH YOU A GOOD OLD MERRY CHRISTMAS and extend a hearty wish that the New Year will bring you prosperity and happiness CHAS. M. DORREL Tire and Battery Station PEPPY and styled togs may not make the man, but to the average youth they "make the world sit up and take notice!" And he's right. 1 With keen appreciation of the pleasant business relationship you have permitted us to enjoy in the past we take this means of wishing you all the compliments of the season. W.

O. BYLER DRUG STORE RIP ii The Season's Greetings WITH Best Wishes For Christmas Tis grateful indeed, he'll be to get any of the Smart Accessories in our Christmas display! MADRAS SHIRTS and BROADCLOTH SHIRTS $1.39 to $1.95 NOVELTY WEAVE HOSIERY 39c to 89c SILK MUFFLERS $1.50 to $4.50 SILK TIES 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 $1.50 and $1.75 FINE PAJAMAS $1.95 to $3.35 BLANKET ROBES $5.00 to $13.50 SLIP-OVER GOLF SWEATERS $2.89 LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 50c to $1.50 CAPE OR SUEDE DRESS GLOVES $169 to $3.18 AND The New Year ij i We Will Serve Turkey Dinner The Trcnin3 11 A. M. TO 2 P.M. Chrbtnra Day ieezS's cm Our Wish For Your Christmas Some wishes are just for a season.

And many are just for a day, But th heartful of things that we wish you Are biasings that linger and stay. We wish YOU, not one day of gladness, Cut a Ufeae cf joy and good cheer. With the prodlae el God's love and blessing ON EVERY DAY, EVERY YEAR! OEFEl'S CASH GROCERY MILLED 3 Macon, Kircmiri.

The Macon Republican from Macon, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.