St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

6.13 8,1842. 6Ight-gtnurtrai, Clusbag Blarning, Marriage licenses ST i 3 1 1 Lower Trend tso, Hog Values Trend Hnn Vallipc More in 45-64 Draft Marriage Licenses Claude Tagier-Jr. Mooed Eris. gibed idares BlaCtocksa Ciento. Henry Busby 4235 Z.

Aktine Willis Shipp 4245 E. Aitute Loafs L. Wyss 11? IL Beaumont Lary Tyler 713 N. Toopoty-oscoad Frank Moors Bali. Tena Elms Parrish Mobster Grosse John Madess Chicano.

ril Eva tistak Chicago. Joseph Ellis 2840 Delmar Vora Moore 1018 Clark John C. ithsokse ItNratureille. Ind Derides W. Clark Beamed lia.

Ind Dos Johnson Chicago. In Elma Parker Palos Heights. 111 Gales Nisei Glidden. lArs, Lima Parker Gales Nisei DEATHS le bIKORGE I.Petered into mot Apr. ett.

1941. 11:05 p. beloved husband of Promos 11. Laufer Ism Pohl-Irma). dear tather et Billy.

Marl Frances and SU4M Alder. bqkitmrd soa et the at Charles P. and Elisabeth tAtiter (pee Kitekamp). our dear blether, brother-its-inbr. uncle aad robin.

Funeral Wed Apr. re. 914 in, trona yesuleare. Mghway 99 at Neer Jameatoere rit- to Our Lady of igeunt Carmel church. Veronica end Halle Ferny rd.

latermerit Cahary Ceamtes7 LEN-ISOM. Mkt --Beloved husband of Jnnie Levisna. dear father of Wu. Rehe Rothschild. Mrs.

Rae 'Ott and Rears son. Funeral from Berger Idernorml, McPherson et IQ No Mar. era. le 'St Pod LI, loot or, too ''a put ot lee ApproMmate Dumber et stock ea sale yesterday at tbe et. Loste iistiosal yard.

Cattle. 4600 bead: calves. 1600: bogs. 18100: sheep. 1300.

saes, act. mate tor today: Cattle. 4000; calves. 1400; boas. 14.000: sheep.

2400.. President Stumped Briefly by Question of Employer's Home Wilma Meyer I 1(00 II: 1:0 4111111b no 1 ra irrAllt mem a alik. ItO ato go 1.., 410 i I I 1 ti tak 4 41Pitirl 1 1 TICH A grit 11 I. Alta 111, i -t A ST lit -j'. Nill ROPE.

it. 'r, --6 'i' 9, 1111 III -g I utUitAuct .041,111 sollw PAW Tayiortlle. Salem. Id Chicago. In ChIcago.

HI III Springfield. III ItL Louie St- Louts Petttreburg. Ind Petersburg. Ind St. Louts et- Louts Stontnstoni Grafton, Ill Eest Alton.

III Mattoon. Ill Titecoa. Pa ttonville Bt. Louts Decatur. Decatur.

Greenville. DI Cof teen. rn Taylor gortngs. Springfield. Sprtrtgfield.

Oa eon. III South Holland. la Mattoon. 111 Neosa. Olhmen.

In Hillsboro. Ill Indsor. Ill Buechel, My Louurville. KY Intechel. EY K1 LOUT East St.

Lout. East St. Lout. By Associated WASKLNGTON, April V.Secretary Itorgenthan announced today that the Treasury, breaking all financing records, would borrow about $2,000,000,000 in May and another $2,000,000,000 in June. Either of these borrowings would be larger than any single financing In the history of the Treasury.

This money will be borrowed through the pie of securities to banks. Insurance corn pan tit*, wealthy individuals End other large investors. Morgenthau explained that this money is needed in addition to proceeds from the sale of war bonds and from tax collections to finance the war effort in the next few months. War expenditures now are running close to $3,000.000,000 per month. The two borrowings, together with financing.

probably will raise the federal debt to approximately $75,000,000,000 In June. Robart Hankins Rethatord ack Barnett, Mary Hull LJord Hosier, Elisabeth Woods ohn Valenta Deists Leming Francis Williams Vivian Thomas Garland Mar Christina Caraphari Warren Tilton Marti Ronchatta Britt Je.1.111 Balt Srgodrow Tines Virginia Stager Georta Craola Statmnats Donald Tucker Alberta Alien Maria Smith. Virginia Brockman Eldon Carlock Rooentary Colo Robert Simmons Frances Day Robert Bothwell Florence Vandar IVOude Calvin Wilite Lois Caestavens James Evrisy Eva Casey Davis 'lisle', Henna Hartsell Goldia Dilley Fred Zeigler Enola FAST Sr. sharper Ca rutibell Lois reen BELLEV1 PAwaril H. Cwiey Mary E.

Crosby Man J. Ash Bernice Stevenson 1,0117117, Apr. t3. 1943. Funeral Teo, at I p.

In-. from residence'. 3936 Greer. Benito It-Niehaus. directors.

mititrur, JOHN G. (181rD)----5324 Vas. ton botovoet son of the. ism" WI litata H. and Mai'garet Murphy 110 Farranis dear father of Willlam Murphy of CM-rag.

Ill dear brother of Frank Murplq Mari. Murphy Schmid and the late Lee Murphy. our dear uncle: otnesut. father. In-law and brother-In-48er.

Funeral Apr. 30. at 830 a. from Watoon-Bocklato eunerol Home. 6634, Clayton to St.

Mark' Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery was a member of Gas Workers. Union No. 12002. tra 0 Ikr 30 '11 Tito market for bogs at the National Stockyards yeeterday was Moody to be mostly be to We oft.

and good clearsoce irons first hands was offected according to the United States Department of Agriculture- Good to choice 180 to 300 pounds cleared from $14-16 to $14.30, latter top, with the majority at A load of 4201 mad. $13 85. Weights rola 160 to coshed at 818.90 to $1415. 140 to 160 pounds 111 3.15 to $14 and 100 lo 130 pounds III.Z5 to $12 75. Sow.

ranged from 1113 25 to $13.65. stage $12.50 to $13 50. (Afarv a lower star, at Chicago for bogs 'toadied and geteeed about eveo with Friday's average.) CA'rTLESteerr were draggy and unvenly steady to 25c lower thas Friday. whils other clames of cattle sold generally too4y4 with lair active merriment in most cases. Choice 1341-Pound moors donlhod $18.25 and good 1238-pound stoors brought 1114.25: most good Moors cleared at $18 to $13 50.

with emornoo and medium steer" $10.40 to choice 785-pound mixed yearlings topped at $14, medium and good aorta $11.25 -to $13: common and medium cows sold mainly at $8.75 to $9.75. canners and cutter' $6 to $8 50: sausage bulls held to a top of good and choice metiers wers mostly $14. medium to good aorta 111-50 and 1 275. SHEEPLambe toted Meady to t5c in a session retarded by the lat. arrival of a good share of the run: cilOPed lambs topped at $12 for two loads of good to clinic.

carrying a No. 2 pelt. with others down in $11.50 and medium to good at $11.25: fresh clipped lambs "cored $10.75 to $11; odd lots of wooled lambs turned at $13 down. a late arriving load being unsold as this wail written; clipped slaughter ewes cleared at $6 down. wooled up to $7.50.

By Associated Press. WASHMIGTON, April 21. The Selective Service finished registering the nation's oldsters today, about 13,000,000 of them, including one who, filling out his card, said be was bluereyed. gray-haired. ruddy-complexioned anti that his place of employment was the White House.

When the last local draft board bad closed its registration book, the Government had a preliminary record of virtually eyery man in the United States who was 45 on or before February 16 and who had not reached 65 by today. To each it will send a questionnaire to find what non-combatant war work he might do best if the need arose The capital's local draft board No. 9 visited the White House to enroll President Roosevelt Its chairman, James D. Hayes, somewhat nervous, made a little talk at the end of the ceremony in which. he remarked that the registering of the chief executive was "proof and symbol" that all of this democracy share In the fight.

William florrittill ir. rAllt frt. Loots Nancy Dana Mast St. Louis Donald Shoemaker Laporto. Ind Vivian Lange Laporte.

Ind Harold Wm. Allison Decatur. IS Virginia. Blank Decatur. Ill Carl V.

Moors Venice. in Betty G. Deardorff La Grange. III Edgar fichrtmler waterloo. Ill Dorotty litho Waterloo.

Li id Bryan Annapolis, Ill Margaret Pettijoha Robinson. III Robert T. Stimbla 8679 Lierman Frieda E. Bothwell Sault Ste. Marie.

Mich Joseph Marion Hoefarlia 5346 Union Flora E. Pence Wobster Groves Thorns. Lake, Decatur, 111 Harriett M. Cvldanstina Decatur, Ill Ferdinand B. 'elk Jr.

Carrington. N. D. Mary F. Laidinger Chicago, Ili Willi Viols 2730 Chouteau Earnesteone Irving 3128 Hickory George Clifford Jr.

Oak Park, Ill Martha Chapman Chicago. III Leo U. Smith Tort Leonard Wood, Marjorie M. Whitehouse Freodom. Pa Virgil Stamp 3216 Franklin Murlean 8, Loa 516 N.

Garrison Thornton W. Wismar Sr. 6538 Hobart Iola Mary Loa 2013 Agnes Thomas 723 N. Twenty-second Dorsey 2631 Dickson Thomas 2203 Walnut Porter 2203 Walnut 1515 Lafayette Hamel 1460 8 Grand 71.4 1, 3a4u4 if-28 Weather Reports From Other Cities Scott. nold Scott Field Scott Field Belleville mrstu GIENTETTIETZ Moe 1.41aroc1110-- 3210 Magnolia.

Apr. 25. 1942 at 10 P. beloved wife of Otmar Muth. dear utter of Mrs.

Name Wilkinson. Mrs Aiiart Paxton. William J. Pourcellte and the tate Mrs. Bartle Ryan.

our dear aunt. mayor-Anlaw, MSC and cousin. Funeral from Kutts Funeral Home, 2900 Gravots Apr. 29. 8.30 a- nt.

Requtem mass Wenceslaus Church. Ito; Velment New SS. Peter and Paul CetmeterYe orna aBIA. o. Apr.

1942. beloved husband of Susie Ouhrabita. deer tether of Florence SchoPPe Augusta Stuppy. Mary Heger and John our dear brother. grandfather and great-grandfather.

Funeral from Robert's Funeral Home. 1905 Grand bt on NVed Anr. 29. at 2.30 p. m.

Interment New St. Marcum Cemetery. 10 lir Ill PU 7. tor to. lo.

Prices Tumble Wheat, Soybean UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF et alnelli LAMM, I Emile LAPS Do COMMERCE, WEATHER BUREAUData for 24 hours ending at 7:30 p. nt. central Fredrick M. 1 standard time, April 27. 1941: Bessie bee Po too I.

Wade Temperature .10 inch Heroine D. STATIONS. High. Low or more Michael X. IN Advance, Mo.

8 I 50 -IA A Advance, Mo. James Lunt, Elisio LAW Fredrick M. Boss lag too I. Wade Hermoine D. Michael X.

Du Future Contracts May Wheat Weekly Auction By Associated Press. CHICAGO, ILL; April outburst of selling in the final hour today caused wheat prices to tumble about 3 cents a blishel to with, in fractions of the lows since before Pearl Harbor after the market bad fluctuated nervously through 88Z8 De Tonty Clayton Louisville, Ky KY Lociavt lie, KY Louisville. Ky 6358 Delmar North Adams. Mass Chicago. Chicago, lick Alice L.

Smith Clinton Carl Pashto Mrs. Edna Wittmer Charles Dekla Juanita M. Lynch J. Homel Brown Virginia Allen Outdo D. Xanco Mrs.

Helen K. Johnson CM. K. C. Millis.

Dul. Win. PETRUCCI. TA-1700A 'Nebraska Run Apt-. 26.

1942. 1 45 p. mo. ettr mother of Mrs. Foora Harris.

and friend of Mr. Tony Nasal, and dear mothare in-law. Funeral from Schnur Funeral Horne. 312a Lafayette av. wed Apr.

'29. a. Interment Neer S. Pinar and Paul's Cemetety. rg, 'a Mondays Prom Open.

High. Low. close. close. 120 122 118 119 121 113 113 111 111 114 114 115 112 112 115 112, 113 79 79 79 79 July Wheat 123 124 121 1214 123 115 116 113 113 116 116 117 114 114 117 113 114 136; 6 so so Chi.

K. C. MIAs. Dul. Win.

Jerry Crockett East St. Louis Georgia. Mae Plokston East St. Louts Robert Le Page 8566 N. Broadway Theresa E.

Fa Ikenor 253 Wachtel Atlanta. Ga. Bismarck, N. D. Boston.

Mass. Chicago. In. Cincinnati. Ohio Clinton.

Mo. Columbia. Mo. Davenport, Ia. Denver, Colo.

Fort Tex. Kansas City. Mo. Kirksville. Mo.

Memphis, Tenn. Miami. Fla. Paul. Minn.

New Orleans. La. New York City Oklahoma City. Ok. Omaha.

Neb. Pittsburgh. Pa. Rolla. Mo.

St. Jcsteph, Mo. sr. Louis. bto.

St. Louis Airport San Antonio, Tex. Springfield. Mo. Washington.

D. West Plains, Mo. Baths Recorded Cif a birth does not appear In this column within two weeks. the Health Department asks that marents request physiciant to send a record to the Bureau of Vital Statistics, Boom 10, Municitial Courts Building. It a berth occurring in Louis County does not appear the parents are asked to request the physician to send a record to Louis County Health Commissioner, Clayton.

BOYS. A. and G. Vickers. '2311A North Market.

C. and I. Hinson. 2628 Lafayette. L.

and Soriano. 920 S. Kingshighway. F. and C.

Flitch'', 4028 Walsh. G. and G. Warden, 4739 Newberry terrace. R.

and T. Squires. 1911 E. Linton. L.

and R. Hanom 5138 Kensington. S. and. R.

De Tonty. P. and M. Frsinkowaki, Jennings. J.

and G. Kothe. Wentzville. E. and 1.

Gardens. and C. Sarldheinvich. 4485 Penrose. R.

and J. Finch. Richmond Heights. W. and J.

Sett Mount Vernon. IlL R. and n. Schwartz. '5736 Chinas.

C. and V. Cope. Fayette, Mo. GIRLS.

L. and 11. Ewald. S572 Drury tans. J.

and S. Jones. 3334 Cnroline. R. and A.

Fuchs. 4244 Blair. L. and O. White.

4569- Mare. W. and L. de Jarnett. 4314 Randall place.

A. and N. MOT'. 4430 Anderson. G.

and M. McGinnis. Webster Groves. J. and M.

McNelve. 5034 Wells. R. and E. Kempen, 2628 Osage.

G. and E. Street. 1515 Missouri S. and M.

Vivaldi, 2230 Cleveland place. E. and E. Eaton. 3629 Gustine.

89 52 48 81 86 77 79 81 60 83 74 81 82 70 83 62 83 77 82 80 74 84 77 76 12 76 59 38 39 50 63 6'2 61 61 34 69 60 .58 55 .22 57 .58 63 54 8:7 63 47 65 56 59 59 .10 61 .25 58 57 71 59 50 56 At the weekly auction held at the National 1Stockyards yesterday receipts of lborseis moire put at 100 head. as against 80 the' previous week. Mules were estimated at 150 head, compared with a Ilk. amount a week tiSto. It was reported by Sparks-Norris -commission firm.

An official of the firm stated a good numberiof buyers were on hand and a fair quality of stock ruled steady with the previous week's sales levels. The following quotations. supplied by the Sparks-Norris Hors. and Mule Coro. mission Company.

are nominal and do not Include I outstanding quality or the cheapest grades: Homes. Medium' to good chunks $75 to $110 Smooth-mouth chunks 50 to 65 Large farm mares 75 to 125 Fillies. yearlings and twos: Common to good: 3'5 to 75 Extra quality. unbranded 75 to 100 (Horse colts 110 to $15 under filly colts!) Southern mares. extra quality to 110 Cheap to medium grades 35 to 75 Moles.

Farm. 15.2 to 16 hands 1135 to $175 Colts. with size. quality 115 to 150 Small nixes 50 to 65 Draft 150 to 200 Ctioice ootton 160 to 21A) Medium i cotton 125 to 150 Mine 125 to 175 Small, 3 years old and over 50 to 85 MOMENTARILY STUMPED Sitting at his the Cabinet Room. between the American flag and the presidential ensign, Mr.

Roosevelt filled out such portions of the card as were not already taken care of by the board. He said Mrs. Roosevelt was the person who would know his address, wrote in some other answers, then hesitated when confronted with the line asking the name and address of his- employer. Finally he wrote that the people of the United States employed him. If he hesitated over that question, he will have another when the questionnaire comes along later to ask him for what type of work be Is best fitted.

It was the second time Mr. Roosevelt has enrolled in Selective Service. When he signed his card in the first world war, he already was In the armed forces as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. This time he is commander in chief. PRESIDENT'S BOSSES 1106 N.

Broadway 2800 Sz Broadway Salem. 111 Salem. Chicago. Chicago. Ill Terre Haute.

Ind Terre Ind 412,0 Blaine 4345 De September Wheat Chi. 125 126 12314 CC. 117 117 1154 MOB. 1181i, 119 1163. May Corn Chi.

85 17j K. C. 81 81 80 July Corn Chi. 34 PS P7 K. C.

83 83 83 September Corn Cht. 90 91 8914 K. C. 86 86 85,4 May Oats Chi. 5614 56 55 52 52 51 Jame Brown Elsie Ann Coleman Glen Phelps Martha Dodson John Freeman Eu la Moore James S.

Gaiter Mrs Lucy Es Shelton Ta imon Hutson Jr. Rosa Lee Mills Harvi D. peel), Dorothy T. Pease Eugene Whit. Georgia Fountain Richard Newton Miller Violet R.

Wehr Ralph L. Stuckey Vera A. Thomas Arthur S. Hudson Lovie Wilson Norman R. Brechtel Marie S.

Kalinowski William Garnett Ruth Reed Robert E. Wind Hilda -R. Pilules Hilda --R--- Har-j-e-s River Stages and POWELL. IRA 2.A35 Ann eat Apr. 27.

1942, 3 04 a. m. -beloved husband of Minnie Powell. dear father of Mrs. Dorothy Cloyed.

dear brother -01 Powell, dear grandfather and uncle. Funeral from Er iegshauser Mortuary. 4228 S. Eingshighsray. Apr.

30. at p. rn. A Firer Pair and present Treasurer of Forest Park Lodge Na. A.

F. and A. At. and Past Regent of Forest Park Council No. 877.

floa Arcanunis RODGERI. GEORGE Mon. -Apr. 27. 1,142.

e. beloved husband of Maggie Rotiger one. -Taittyr. dear father. of Istra.

Effie Utley. Airs. Eva Roberts. Mrs, Katie Helder, Mrs. Lucy rrederickm Clarence.

Virgil rind Mrs. Nancy K. Farm- ley. father-in-law grandfather. great.

grandfather. brother-In-law arid uncle. Funeral from Leidnor's Chapel. 222a St. Louis Apr.

29. 1.45 p.m. Interment Bllefontaine Cemetery. fielfrETTE, BERNARD it Cottage ay. entered into rest 1942, beloved husband of Elais Schuette -01 (nee Sauer), dear, eon of Annie Schuette and the late George Schuette of St.

Liborfe our dear brother brother-itiNtaw, sons In-law and uncle. Funeral from Cullinane Bros. End. 1710 N. Grand Wed.

Apr. 29. 8:30 to St. Teresa Church': Inierment Cal. vary Cametery.

Deceased was a member of Dennison Post No. 186, American Legion. pet Dt Di U. I S. r.

r4 -p S. ri a Et. I. 1. )1y 123 126 115 117 116 119 84,24 85 80 81 87 88 83 63 31 89 9014 85 85T4 56 56 51 52 51 51 55, 56 56 56 74 5 77 .78 80 81 180 181 181 184 182 185 184 187 178 182 New con.

Decatur. Di Decatur. Chicago. Chicago. Ill Lafayette.

Ind Lafayette. Ind Oxford. Ind Oxford. Ind '1327 Market 220d Walnut Fort Monroe. Va 4650A Virginia Chicago.

Ill Chicago. Chicago. -Ill Chicago. Ill 6-ki: Ili 12110 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mississippi Valley From the United States Weather Bureau reports at 7 a. April 27.

Change Flood Stage. in 24 stage. 7 a. houri. Station.

in feet. in feet. In feet. Stations. in fiTe Wagoner Undertaking Co.

3621 Olive Day and Night PRIVATE PARKENO rLACE July Oats 55 56 55 September Oats Chi. 56 663 56 May Bye Chi. 74 76 74 July Rye CM. 78 79 -'77 September Rye CU 80 82 80 May Soybeans tCht. 182 184 180 tebt.

July Soybeans tell. 185 157 182 Chi. Oet.ober Saybe.all; Chi. 181 182 178 Durum. tad contracts.

tracts. out the session. Soybeans also slumped. Grain broker. said the reason for srerift and wid price fluctuationi was the President.

anti-inflation speech and various trade Interpretations concerning it Furthermore, wheat was affected by a new government plan to speed the movement of 1941 stored grain Into commercial channels. Wheat fell more than a cent early in the day. reflecting this plan, but there was a brisk rally following the President's ineasage. hich many traders' interpreted as being less bearish marketwise than they had expected. In the final hour, however, renewed selling appeared and in the wheat and soybean pits the price necline ran the market into.

stop loss dere which accelerated the drop. Wheat closed 1lesc to Vic lower, corn to 1c lower, ate to 14Sc down. rye to 1c lower, soybean. Zreic to 4c lower and lard unchanged at ceilings. Most brokers blamed the renewal of selling late In the day to realization of the implications of the new wheat offering program and the president's request for revision of ceilings on farm commodities to a 100 per cent of parity minimum rather than 110 per cent.

and his that the government should be permitted to continue sale of surplus farm commodities at market prices. CHICAGO GRAM SALES Grain future purchases on the Chicago Board of Trade Saturday, in bushels: Wheat, 6.186.000: corn, 2.362.000: oats, rye, 1,485.000: soybeans. 752,000. Open interest In wheat, 34,666,000: corn. 71.514.000.

oats, 11,957.000. CHICAGO PROVISIONS Lard, closing: May, 12.82: July, 12.82: September, 12.82. Cash lard, 12.69c: loose. 11.42c: bellies. 16c.

OTHER CASH MARKETS CHICAGOWheat, red No. 2, $1.21 hard No. 2. mixed No. 2, $1.20.

No. 3. 81.20. CornYellow No. 1.

84c to 86c: white No. 1, 99c. Soybeans Yellow No. 2. $1.84.

OatsMixed NO, 1. 68c to 58c: white No. 1. 5814c to 5814c. Red No.

1 special heavy, 58c to 5814c. BarleyMalting. 82c to $1.02 nominal. KANSAS CITYWheat. hard No.

1. $1.16: dark hard No. 1, 51.15: red No. 3, 81.1314 to $1.14. CornWhite No.

1. 92c; yellow No. 1, 80c to 82c. Mixed No. 1.

81c. VISIBLE GRALN SUPPLY Visible supply of grain in the United States tin 000 omitted): This week. Last wk. Last year. Wheat 193,673 195,343 117,713 Corn 58.394 67,628 69.529 Oats 4,399 4,616 3,330 Rye 17,350 17.284 4.627 Barley 6.010 6.403 4,759 Soybeans 1,665 1,740 1.006 CEMETERY LOTS 4 THE CEMETLrET LOT EXCTIAISOP! CHOICE LOTS DI ALL CEMETERIES ROSEDALE 6548 Following is Monday's market as -imported by the Mississippi Valley Stockyards of St.

Louis: Cattle-250 head: calves, 100; market on steers slow, other classes steady; a few good to choice steers and yearlings, 313-25 to medium to near good kinds. $11 to kinds down around 39: beef cows bulked at 38.75 to cutters and low cutters. 3650 to $8.50: top sausage $10-25; top vealers. $IC mostly 5c to 10c lower; bulk 180 to 300 pounds, $14.15 to $14.30: 140 to 160 pounds, $13.15 to 130 pounds and doer'. $11.75 to packing sows.

$1325 to Sheep---100: lambs. mostly steady: bulk good wooled iambs. $12.75 to 313.20: fresh clipped. $10 to $11.25: fall clipped. $10.75 to $12; sheep.

steady; wooled slaughter ewes, $7.50 down; clipped, up to $6. I CREMATORIES 7 4 6 0 0 6:0 0:2 8.4 0.4 Roscoe Harries 2621 Lucas 6.0 Mn. Rose Curry 2238 Washington 4.4 Earl Brown 4205 Cook 10.5 0.1 Marjorie Lanvidinia Greene 3922 W. Belle sk 11.7 --01 Harley P. Trotter Maryland Hotel 16.5 0.1 Katherine Nelson Maryland Hotel 16.3 0.3 Ordie Ferguson East St.

Louis 10:2 0.5 LoRie Grover East St. Louis 12.6 Thomas T. Carlisle Champaign, Ill 12.7 Mabel Federer Champaign. Ill 13.4 -OA Jack M. Bergen Rockford, Ill Agnes M.

Guzy Rockford. Ill 15.4 0.5 Roy J. Birckhead Jr. 4719 Leduc 23.1 0.4 Janette Clair Mohr 4861 Leduc 8.0 0.0 Ralph Bogan Effingham. Ill 6..3 Nadene Smith Edgenood, Ill 5.4 John E.

Brazeiton Berke ly City 4.3 Mrs. Fanie Dorsey 8223 Franklin 67:01 nen nig Allen Gary, Ind Marie Brooks Gary. Ind Jack M. Bergen Rockford. Ill Agnes M.

Guzy Rockford. Ill Roy J. Birckhead r. 4719 Leduc Janette Clair Mohr 4861 Leduc Ralph Bogan Ef Nadene Smith Edges God. Ill John E.

Brazeiton Berkely City Mrs. Panie Dorsey 8223 Franklin Dennis Allen Gary. Ind Marie Brooks Gary, Ind VALHALLA CHAPEL OF MEMORIES CrematoryMa'fisoleumCemetery 7600 St. Charles Rd. CA.

4900 STIMAK. MARY (nee Natural Bridge. on Apr. 26. 1942.

at 4:04 p. beloved wife of the late Frank Slezak, darling mother of Mrs. Anna Grodski. Mrs. Florence Sraka and Mrs.

Esther Heigel. our dear dieter, mother-In-law, sip- ter-in-law. grandmother and aunt. Funeral from Kutis Funeral Home. 2906 Gravois Apr.

30. 8:30 a. m. Requiem Mass St. Joan of Arch Church.

Interment New Picker Cemetery. Member of Woodmen Circle Olive Grovtb No. 27. A It 6 I. t.

Hastings, Jicinn. La iNiele. Dubuque, la. 1 Davenport. la 15 Keokuk, la.

12 Hannibal. Mo. la Louisiana, Mo. 12 Miss. Dam 24, T'water Miss.

Dam 25, T'water Morris. Ill. ii Peru, Ill. 17 Peoria, Ill. 18 Havana, Ill.

14 Beardstown, III. 14 Hardin, Ill. 18 Grafton. Ill. 18 Dam 26 at Alton.

Pool- Tailwater ii Bismarck, N. D. 19 Pierre, S. D. 15 Sioux city.

Ia. 19 Omaha, Neb. 19 Nebraska Neb. 15 St. Joseph.

Mo. 17 Kansas City, Mo. Waverly. Mo. 1.8' Chillicothe, Mo.

18 Brunswick, Mo. 12 Bcponville, Mo. 21 Jefferson City, Mo. 23 Lakeside, Mo. 60 St.

Thomas, MO. 23 Jerome. Mo. 15 Hermann, Mo. 21 St.

Charles, Mo. 25 ST. LOUIS, MO. 30 Meramec Park. Mo.

11 Hermann, Mo. 21 St. Charles. Mo. 25 ST.

LOUIS, MO. 30 Meramee Park. Mo. 11 18 15 12 13 12 ii 17 18 14 14 18 18 ii 19 15 19 159 17 FLORISTS Illinois Oil News 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 00:01 4.0.1 1-1 I 1 1 4' 4 st Charles Rice 4276W St. Ferdinand Alice Holliday Atlanta.

Ga Vermont Bond 3128 Evans Zeima Matthews 2936 Sheridan Charles H. Suedkamp 2908 McNair Susan M. Reich 2830A Salena Oman Caleman Wicks 2134 Lawton Virginia Pickett 1705A S. Broadway Porter Harrington 2127 Lucas NETTIE'S FLOWER SHOP Funeral Sprays $2.50 up Baskets $3.50 up 3801 S. Grand GRand 9600 TURNER.

OPFALLONApr. 26. 1942. widow of C. Hunt Durner Jr, mother of Mn.

Allan P. amble and Mrs. George WirDousall Weeks sinter of Howard O'Fallon and Ethel O'Fallon. Funeral at 2 p. 28.

from Christ Church Cathedral. I. 7.6 7.1 7.4 8.8 5.1 4.5 8.7 7.1 0.6 Dairy Produ. cts, Eggs, Poulfry By St. Daily Market Reporter.

Eggs and poultry quotations represent gross selltng 'prices In wholesale quantities by first-hand receivers and dealers. EGGSCurrent receipts 14 lower; other prices unchanged. Extra firsts. 30c; firsts, 28c; current 'receipts, 26c; 25c. BUTTERTop grade 24c to 1c higher.

Whole milk extras (92 score). 38c: standards (90 score), 37c; firsts (88 to 89 score). 35c to 36c; seconds (84 to 87 score), 33c to 34c; country roll, 20c to 22.c. BUTTERFATNo. I at 37e.

No. 2 at 34e per pound. net delivered St. Louis. LIVE POULTRYFowls.

3 pounds and over 20c; 5 pounds and over, 20c: leghorns. 18c. Spring chickensOver 3 pounds. Arkansas rocks. special fed.

25c; 21c to 22c: white and Plymouth rocks, 24c: colored. 22c. Fryers 3 pounds and under. Arkansas rocks. special fed.

25c: '21c to 22c: white and plymoutit rocks, colored. 22c; leghorns, 20c. BroilersI to 2 pounds, white and plymouth rocks. 23c; colored and leghOrns. 22c.

Roosters Stags and old co*cks, 13c. DucksYoung white. 19c: dark. 12c. Geese, 7c.

Turkeys Hens. 24: toms. I9c. GuineasPer dozen, $3 SquabsDressed, 250 to 30e. PigeonsPer dozen, Si.

While the President was filling out his card, many of the people be said employed him were doing the same thingGovernors, May, ors, men who fought in the last war 'and even in the war with Spain. At Warren, 10 brothers of the Albaugh family, headed by 62- year-old Joe trooped in to the reg istration The eleventh broth-baby oPthe family at 42, register last rusty. Chur Downs race track at Louisville had its own registration. Tom Young, track superintendent, signed them up on 1 wealthy horse owners, the race track officialmand the stable "boys" who no longer are boys. At Buffalo, N.

registrars of a local 'draft board visited Meyer Memorial Hospital to register 175 persons, some of whom had been there so long they gave the hospital as their permanent address. LEGIONNAIRES REGISTER Nine former state; commanders of the American Legion marched into a Little Rock, booth to register in a group. William Peck. a full-blooded Indian, stood in line a long time to sign up at Newark, N. and was indignant when draft officials told him he couldn't register.

He gave his age as 99. The enrollment of some 13,000.0001 men over the week-end was the fourth registration since developments abroad made it evident in 1940 that a bigger army was needed. More than 17.000,000 were registered tefore Pearl Harbor brought this country into the war. About more were enrolled last Februa.y 16. Subject to registration at a 'ater date is the group between lo 20.

7.3 2.9 8.1 14.2 10.4 I Lola Carr 2127 Lucas NV! VAN SICKLE. triumv (we Bripsvee)--nt 7239 Normandy pl. on Apr. 27. 1942.

at 4:40 a. beloved wife of L. G. Van Sickle. dear mother of Billy.

dear daughter of Maurics and Catherine Browne, sister of Emmett Gregory Mrs. Margaret Ford. James P. Mn. O.

F. Francis Maurice E. and the late Virgil O. Browne. dear sister-00am, daughter-in-law.

aunt and muslin. Funeral from Clark's Funeral Home. 1125 Hodiamont on Apr. 29. at $:30 a.

to St. Anne Church and Comatory. Normandy. Robert Perzigian Chicago. 111 Dorothy E.

Hughes Chicago. III Hugh T. Shafer Fort Leonard Wood Freda A. Boyer Akron. Ohio DEATHS 20 ANDERSON MARY (nee Victoria, on Apr.

26, 1942, beloved mother of Gladys Hammer and John Anderson, our dear mother-in-law, grandmother, sister and aunt. Funeral Apr. 29. 12 noon, from J-os. P.

Fendier Jr Funeral Home. 7128 Miehlwan at Nagel. to Victoria. Interment Odd Yellows' Cemetery. BAUMEYER.

Wyoming. on Apr. 26. 1942, husband of the late Adeline Baumeyer (nee Schmitz', dear father of Josephine Luebke. Harry William Bernard T.

and Helen Weller. our dear grandfather, brotherinlaw and uncle. age 79 years. Enneral from John H. Gebken 8ons' Chapel.

263G Gravois. on Apr. 29, 8:30 a. to Bt. Francis de Sales' Church.

Interment Old BS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Deceased was member of W. C. Branch 60.

Members of St. Peter's Branch. W. C. U.

No. 60. will ansemble at Geliken'a Chapel 7:30 p. m. Union, Mo.

12 Valley Park. Mo. 14 Chester. 27 Cape Girardeau. Mo.

32 Pittsburgh. Pa. 25 Parkersburg, W. Va. 36 Cincinnati, Ohio 52 Louisville, 55 Evansville, Ind.

37 Mount Carmel, 17 Nashville, Tenn. 40 Chattanooga, Tenn. 30 Florence, Ala. 18 Johnsonville. Tenn.

31 Dam 52 Brookport. III. 37 Cairo, III. 40 New Madrid, Mo. 34 Memphis.

Tenn. 34 Helena. Ark. 44 Poplar Bluff, Mo. 16 Fort Smith, Ark: 22 Van Buren.

Ark. 22 16 22 22 1.6 0.0 12.0 17.6 16.6t 11.2t 11.0t 12.4 9.9t 6.9 9.8 0.0 8.3 15.5 4.2 20.3 27.3 21.4 25.6 34.6 NOTICES 21 MASONIC 4. Merchants' Exchange The light salable simply of cans wheat here sold early yesterday at to lc lower levels. Owing to the late break in futtfres. the clotoe in spot values was nominally 2c to off.

Corn wan higher at the start. but the close was no better than steady. Oats showed little change. A summary of cash grain price. en the Merchants Exchange Monday follows: Cash Wheat No.

3 oft red, tough. weevily 1.1 'Sample grade red winter $1.15 No- 2 hard winter, $1.20 Corn No. 2 yellow 8614c to No. 3 yellow 84c to 85N No. 4 yellow 85c Sample grads yellow S3lic No.

2 white 96c Oa n-- No. 2 bright white 58c No. 4 white No. 1 'heavy bright special red 575a FLOUR-Carlols. basis cotton 988.

I. n. b. St. Louis: Soft wheat short patents.

$6.10 to 16.80 per barrel: hard wheat bort $5.40 to spring wheat patents. $5.40 to $5.90. OIL MEALVI8.50. LINSEED OIL MEALS39.50. CORN MEALCream meal.

$2.45 per 100 pounds: standard. gritty and pearl hominy. $2.45. MEAT ANT) BONE SCRAPSVB. Beef scraps.

SS7.50. AMERICA NO. 347. r. and A.

M.Stat41 communication at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome.

SYLVESTER F. W. M. 31.2 1.4 30.0 1.4 CLIFTON HEIGHTS LODGE NO. 1320-- SpPrial-atated enmmunication Tuesday.

April 2S. 6:30 r. r. A. and F.

C. degree. Vianina brPthren JULES J. SOHERT7ER. W.

IL JAMES E. WINTERTON Pory. Joseph Carder Chicago, Ill Grace Charles 'Chicago. III Herbert Byrd Madison Mn. Estelle Lowery Madison He-bert H.

Brown Chicago. III Mrs. Hazel Ray Chicago, Ill Moore F. Stanfield slot Springs. Ark Harriet D.

Ashway A Lockport, III Melvin Fuller Chicago, Ill Mary Alice Phillips East Prairie. Mo Arthur Kurlander -6 5514 Pershing Mary Cohen 1331 Shawmut pi Edward A. Shaw Doris Hagan Crystal City. Mo I Warren E. R.

Haviland 2907 Sullivan Tam Buschart 54 Bellerive Acres Charles Buchek 1919 Geyer Jeanette M. Fuchs 2634 Russell Robert G. Beattie Jr. 5486 Loughborough Jane M. Godfrey 6734 Plainview Paul R.

Sage Chanute Field. III Ruth Brown 5403 Alcott Rogers Fast St. Louis Katie Langford East Carondelat. Ill Leonard Irwin East St. Louts Gourley East St.

Luis Jack Norman Jones 2827 Arlington Margaret Jane Brennan 5736 Greer Clyde S. Reynolds Jr. Belleville Dorothy Elaine Bergiami south Bend. Ind James M. Lederer 4903 Delmar Jane Epstein 5920 Pershing Robert August Ceranski Petersburg, III Mrs.

Lillian Hill Petersburg, Ill George Ledford 2724 Thomas Amanda Arnold 2724A Thomas Robert Finch 1925 Riddle Mral. Mineola Byrd St. Louis Charles F. Deffaa 3410A Indiana Mrs. Ella N.

Irwin St. Louis Arthur Lee Long 2808 Washington Bessie Smith Louis Ralph W. Carney Wichita. Kan 1 Mrs. Emma P.

Carney Wichita. Kam Albert Noll Jr, Decatur, III Elizabeth May Kennedy Sandoval. Ill George Foote Jr. 2912 Pine Coate lis, Water 3744 Windsor GEORGE WARRINGTON LODGE-No. 9.

A. F. and A. Special regular I 6 :30 p. m.

Work in tho E. A. Davao. Refular business. Examinations.

isiting members welcome. WALTER H. SCHAEFFER, W. M. I A new oil field for Gallatin County was' in prospect after R.

Bruce Martin1Monday set 7-inch casing at his No4 1 L. Bahl, SE SE NW 15- 8S-9E, wildcat five miles west of the Inman Field anet three miles east and two miles north of Ridgway. I Cypress sand saturation was found tit 2483-93 feet and on an hour's tIrill stem test yielded 165 feet of oil and 35 feet of oily mud. There was no water. Casing was set on top of the pay at 2483.

The test was. farmed out to Martin by Seaboard Oil Company. Sun C4i 'Company was coring ahead 2809 feet in hicCiosky lime at it, 1 Old Ben Coal Company. Franklin Cou ty wildcat two miles south Of Seeser. where a I good abow of wars found in AurvasPri sand.

The test. in the NW NE NW -25-58-1E. fund saturation at 2697-2714; feet which on a drill stem test Open one hour resulted in the recovery of 40 feet of free oil and 40 feet of oil cut mud. The well is five miles from production. Tidewater Associated has staked location for a eouth offset to its neweet completion in the Bone Gap field of Edwards; County.

The location. No. 4 Ira Cawthorn In the CI NE SW 18-18-11E. is 40 acres from No. 3 Cawthorn which was completed last Week in McCinsity lime with an estimated initial production of about 328 barrels a day.

A Devonian wildcat test In Bond County. W. C. McBride's No. 1 Jacobs.

SE SW NW 31-4N-2W. was drilling at about 2000 feet. The Devonian formation was sbected around 2460 to 2475 feet. From an elevation of 473 the test topped Renault at 1161. AlliValteS 1167.

Ste. Genevieve 1225. Bostic's'. 1254. Fredonia 1288 and St.

Louis, 1328. In Hamilton County Spitanable Leach Williams! No. 1 Jacob Keith heir. NW NW 8E126-48-7E. five miles northwest of Enfield.

was drilling below 2700 feet at -last reports. H. Fotiades No. 1 E. A.

Mangle. KW NW SE 27-65-5E. seven miles west of the! Hoodvilic pool in wildcat territory. was drilling at about 2000 feet. Dick Schwab's No.

1 Hutchings. NE SE NW 36-1S-1W, a wildcat in the Cravat area of Jefferson County. has been plugged and abandoned at a total depth of 2426 feet In St. Louis lime. Kingwood Oil Company has set surface pips and shut down at No.

1 r. J. SE SE 13-28-1E. a wildcat about a mile north of Woodlawn. Drilling will begin when titles have been cleared.

Another -wildcat. Ruwaldt Bayer No. 1 Mace. NW NE SE 33-38-3E. five miles north of lIna.

had not been spudded. A derrick and rotary materials were on location. In the Allendale Field. Wabash County, W. Smith and McCandless No.

1 Wayne Smith. NW SW NW 36-2N-12W. was drilling below 1608 feet. Roy Steel's No. 1 J.

J. Springerrmin Steele. SW SE 35-2N-12W. was drilling below 250 feet. i Surface casing was set at 150! An interesting wildcat in Northwest Bonpas Township, Richlana County.

Seaboard Oil Company's No. 1 KiMMOI. 14 SE SW 32-3N-14W. was drilling at 2800 feet. Little Rock.

Ark. 23 20.2 2.0 Arkansas City. Ark. 41 33.8 0.0 Vicksburg. Miss.

43 34.4 0.2 Shreveport. La. 39 27.8 0.2 Camden. Ark. 26 24.8 6.3 New Orleans.

La. 17 14.4 0.0 Data for Monday. 1'1'001 NUM RIVER FORECASTS The Illinois will fall slowly. The Missouri from Lexington to the mouth will fall slowly. except that there will be a slight rise In the reach from the mouth of the Grand to Hermann: fall at St.

Charles will be about 0.3 foot the next 24 hours. The. Mississippi from Dam No. 24 to Alton will have a slowly rising tendency: from the mouth of the Missouri to Cape Girardeau will fall very At St. Louis there will be a fall of about 0,3 foot the next 24 hours and about 0.2 feet the following 24 hours.

Late, Selling Hits Cotton Futures GOOD HOPE LODGE O. 2IL Called communication Wednesday. Auril 29. at 1 p. of our later Brother JOHN J.

JAQUITH. Master Masons urged to attend. JOHN G. HERTE. W.

t. OLIVE BRANCH LODGE Ne. 6,16 Stated Communication 1:30 P. ii. SENIOR WARDEN'S DAY Examinations.


AL Mill Feed Trade Cash bran held steady at $39.75 to $44) yesterday gray shorts ruled 25c lower-at $40.25 to $40.50 and reground oat unchanged at $21- Futures closed 10c lower to 50c higher and sales fell off to 3511 tons. Closing: Gray shorts. local delivery: May. 136.15 to June. S3440 to $35: July, $33.15 to $33.65: AUirtilit, $32.75 to $33.25: September.

$32.25 to 132.75. Standard bran, Chicago delivery: April. $40.80 bid: May $35.45 to $35.85: June. $31.65 to July. $30 to August.

September. 329.75 to $30.25. Standard middlings: May, $37 to June, $34 to $34.50: July. $32.75 to August. 132.10 to Sentegtber.

$31 85 to $32.35. BLUMENFELD. ROSEApr. 26. 1942 beloved, wife of Max Blumenfeld.

dear mother of Se 'den and Walter Blumenfeld. Mrs. Eva Chemist Mrs. Nettie Kaplan and Mrs, Nancy Bolosky dear grandmother and sister. Funeral froni.

the Rindskopf Chapel, 5212 Delmar 2 1 BRIESACBER, ADELAIDE foes Goo lby) of 2719 Winnebago eaterett Into rest Apr. 25, 1942. at 5:45 p. widow of the late Daniel Drieshacher. dear mother of Mies Eleanor.

'Jerome, Cettar and Lyman Briesscher. and the. late Eugene and Daniel Briesacher tear sister, sinter-in-law, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt. Funeral Apr. 28.

at 1:30 p. from Zeigenhein Brothera new mortuary. 6409 Gravels at Holly Hills, to Walnut Hill Cemetery. Belleville. LU.

BURNETTE, RUTH ANNOf 4521 Willow Wood. on Apr. 27, 1942. darling daughter of Walter E. and Claudine Oatley dear sister of Billy Burnette, and our dear granddaughter, age 3 months.

Funeral Wed- April 29, at 2 p. from Drehmann-Harral Chapel, 1905 Union 61. Interment Memorial Park Cemetery. CRABDARATZ, AN14A (nee tier) 719 Carroll entered into rest Apr. 26, 1942, at 8:45 a.

beloved wife of the late Chabdaratz. dear mother of Nick and Milan Chabdaratz, Bessie NovakovIch dear grandmother and mother-in-law. Funeral Apr. at 1:30 P. from Chtilick Chapel, 1722 S.

Jeffereon. to Serbian Orthodox Church. McNair and Geyer. Interment Mount Hope Cemetery. Member of Kolo Brpakik Sestara.

DALTON. EDWLrNA L.Of 3942 MePheison on Apr. 26. 1942 at 5:30 a. beloved daughter of Franklin P.

and Iva Lea Dalton, clear sister of Mrs. Ruth Maddock. Mrs. Georgia Gosowit, Mrs. Virginia Collins and Rosemary Dalton and our dear sister-in-taw and aunt, In her 24th year.

Funeral Apr. 29. at 10 a. from the Geo. L.

Pleitsch Chapel, 5966 Keeton ay. Interment Valhalla Cemetery. PARKLNG LOT IN REAR OF OCCIDENTAL LODGE No. 163. A.

Y. and A. IA 3681 LindellStated commtmicao tion Tuesday. April 28, 7:30 p. in.

Raga. lar Isminesa. Visiting brethren 1 D. F. DrEKROEGER, W.

M. BUTTER AND EGG FUTURES CHICAGO. April storage standards: High. Low. November 40.10 39.90 40.05 Fresh standards: June 38.55 38.50 38.50 Refrigerator standards: October 34.10 33.80 34.10 Frozen whole: September 26.70 26.50 26.70 CHICAGO, April 'XLButter, receipts, 93-score.

38c: 92. 38e Inside: 91, 38c: 90. 37c inside: 89. 37e inside: centralized carlots: 90- score. 38c; 89, 3714c inside.

Eggs, receipts. 45.923: unsettled: fresh graded. extra firsts. local. 30e: cars, 31l4.c: firsts.

local. 30c; cars. 31c; cur- i rent receipts. 28c: checks. 26c: storage packed extras, 33c: firsts, 321he, Poultry.

live. 11 trucks: steady to firm: hens. over 5 pounds. 21c: 6 pounds and down. 23e: legborn hens.

21e: broilers. 2 pounds and down. colored. 21c; plymouth rock, 24e: white, 22c: springs. 4 pounds up, colored, 25e; plymouth rock.

28c; 27c; under 4 pounds, colored. 23c: plymouth rock, 25c; white. 24lic: bareback chickens. 18c to 22c: roosters, 15c: legborn roosters. 14c; dislike, 44 pounds up, colored.

19c: white.011.9e: small. colored. 17c; 17e: geese, over 12 pounds, 12c: 12 pounds down, 12c: turkeys. toms, old, 18c; young. 21c; hens, 24c.

NEW YORK. April 2 days' receipts, 758,990: firmer. Creamery. higher than 92 score and premium marks, 39c to 41e: 92 score (cash market), 39e to 39e; 88 to 91 score, 360 to 39e. Cheese.

2 days' receipts, state. whole milk fiats. hold, 1940, 27c to 294e: held 1941. 27c to make, 23e to 2334c. 2 days' receipts, 55,549: weak.

Mixed colors: Fancy to extra fancy. 33c to 34c: extra. 3234e; waded firsts. 30c; current receipts. 29c; mediums.

29c; average checks, 29e. Whites: Jobbing sales of fancy to extra fancy. 36e to 37e; wholesale sales of fancy to extra fancy. 33c to 35e; near-by and Midwestern exchange specials. 320 to 324c; near-by and Midwestern standards.

31c: Jobbing sales of exchange to fancy heavy mediums, 33e to 34e: wholesale sales Of exchange to fancy heavy mediums. 31c to 32c; near-by and Midwestern exchange mediums. 31e. Dressed poultry steady. Fresh: Boxes.

fowls. 36 to 42 pounds. 2214e to 24e: 48 to 54 pounds. 26n to 28l4c: 60 to 65, pounds. 26c to 2824c: old roosters.

17c to 19c: ducks. 16e to 18e. Live poultry quiet. By express: Broilers, rocks, 22e to 24e; crosses. We to 21e: reds.

20e to 21e: leghorn. 1 to 2 pounds. 19e to 20c: I to pounds. 17c to 18e. POW101, colored.

21e to 22c; 22c: Southern. 19e to 21e: pullets, rocks, 4 to 5 pounds. 24c to 25c: 4 to 414 pounds. 23c to 24c: old roosters. 15c; turkeys, breeder hens, 30el breeder toms.

25c; ducks. 15c. Marrlige Licenses Indiana Polls. Ind Cory. Ind Boulder, III Carlyle.

III 5337 Delmar 4052 Giles Joliet. Ill Joliet. III Jefferson Barracks 709 Bates Decatur. rit Decaturall Jefferson Barracks Alpine Hotel Madison Madison COMMODITIES Howard A. Sizemore Clara May Otter John C.

Davidson Thelma Ring Charles Elbert Grifford Louise Vandiver Levern F. Schmidt Edna J. Erickson Herbert H. Busch Ruth Venn William M. Rice Evelyn Frank C.

Graybill Verna Meier Harvey peon Haynes Christino Robinson Thomas Earl Peak Nellie Picks Edward Greenstein Anita idilverman Virgil Pinkerton Virginia Lorenz yard A. Sizemore ra May Otter 1 Davidson Ima Ring ries Elbert Grifford ise Vandiver ern F. Schmidt a J. Erickson bort H. Busch Venn lam M.

Rice lyn Maur. nit C. Graybill 3a Meier vey peon Haynes SUDO Robinson ROSEHILt LODGE No. 650, A. P.

and A. Maple. Special elated corn. munication 7:30. Warden and Masters Clubs.


Visiting brethren welcome. H. R. RTBARCZYK. W.

M. SHAVEH LODGE No. 646State4 today 7:30 p. m. Work E.

A. decree. Visiting brethren welcome. cms AUBTLV. W.

M. trytormcm. Secretary. WEST aArE LODGE No. 445.

A. F. ant( A. 3681 Undellflpecial meeting TINOW, day. April 28.

at 7 p. tn. M. AL Vielting brethren welcome. SILAS C.

Drrrt. W. M. I Cecil Ward 23'23 Whlttemore pi Mean Smith 2323A Whittemore pi Percy Benson 2914 Lawton Virgin Mary Carroll 2914 Lawton Wi Pie Harris r. a 1 It St.

Louie Mrs. Cora Patterson Last St. Louis CLAYTON Norbert Vogt Waterloo, TIL Gertrude Wulff Argyle, Mo. Jean H. Dougiaso 3933 Magnolia Helen R.

Walsh Clayton ST. CHARLES. Frank Sowell Jerserrilic 111 Jennie Leyser Alton Jennie Leyser Jefferson Barracks Chanute Field. 761 Westgate 2818 Lafayette 1748 Dolman By NEW cotton market blew hot and cold to- day under conflicting interpreta- tions of that part of President Roosevelt's message touching farm comniodity prices. At the end futures prices were down 30 to 60 cents a bale and about the lowest of the session.

Shortly alter release of the President's message quotations bad pushed op 21 to $1.50 a bale. This rise appeared to have been based on a quick and somewhat erroneous analysis of the President's ideas on farm commodity price control. Some liquidation was attributed to the proposal for a price Celan( at parity prices. Late selling was concentrated in the July and October positions. Range: Net Open.

rtigh. Low. Close. chic. May 19.19 19.45 1911 19.12 July 19.41 19.71 1933 19.32 October 19.56 19.91 19.50 19.50 Dec.

19.63 19.95 19 61 19.62 Jan- 19.64 19.64 19.64 19.66t 1911 20.05 19.73 19.74. r- Nominal. Spot cotton nominal. middling. 20.820.

off 9 points. NEW ORLEANILAprit Net Open. Filith. Low. Moot.

chew. Stay 19.0'2 19.08 19.08 1 July 19.43 19.75 19.32 19.33 'October 19.76 20.01$t 19.68 19.69 Dec. 19.86 20.10'19.79 19.80 Spot middling. 19.73c. off 12 AVERAGE AT 10 MARKETS Average price Monday of middling 15-16 Inch cotton at le designated Southern spot markets was 19.97c.

Houston-Spot middling cotton. inch. 19.35c; 15-16 inch. 19.75c. ST.

LOC18 SPOT Louis spot cotton. 15-16 Inch strict low middling. 19.20e; middling. 20.50e; strict middling. 20 75c- Memphis cottonseed meal-Sales, 3200 tons: closing: May.

234.25 to 234-55: July. 234.80 to 236; September. $35.50 to 236; October. 236: December. $36 to 236.50.

St. Louis yottocupeed menl-Carlota. $38.75 Per ton. SpECIAL NOTICES 211 John IL Chapman Highland Park, Mich Hazel Mae Eldridge Highland Park. Mich Elvin H.

Hewing Evoneville, Ind EvelYn Smith Evansville. Ind Le Roy Martglaractne Camp Robinson. Ark Mildred 'Wallace Madism, Vegetables I WILL not be- responsible for debts can- "er tracted by anyone other than mYrselt Ben. jimin Joseph Mondmit 5512 West LOST AND FOUND 30 TREND OF STAPLE PRICES By Associatod Press. NEW YORE.

April 27.The Associated Press weighted wholesale cash price index of 35 commodities: Monday, 99.16: Saturday. 99.30. 1942. 1941. 1940.

1933-39. High 99.30 95.12 78.25 98.14 Low 95.54 77.03 68.89 41.44 41926 average equals 100. LEAD. St. Josoph Lead Company old 50 tons of Pig lead at $6.35 the 100 pounds.

St. Louis: Company Saturday sold 200 tons at $6.35. St. Louis. TURPENTINE AND TURPENTINESt.

Louis single drums. 78c por gallon. SAVANNAH. April 27.The naval stores market here observed Confederate Memorial Day today with a holiday. CRUDE 0110 TULSA.

April 27.Bass crude oil prices: Mid-Continent area. Illinois, 21.37; gravity scale. Sc to 21.25: North, North Central and Wont Central Texas. gravity scale 81c to $1.21: East Texas! $1.15: West Texas, gravity scale. 70c to $112.

yofoc. AMU 27---No 8111" were made in grease wool futures. Certificated grease wool 99.5t. Wool top .1 to .4 of a cent lower. Maya 126.6; July.

128.0s; certificated spot wool tope. 126.5t. BOSTON. April Boston wool market continued quiet over tbo week-end. Buyers were shopping around for offerings of fine territory wool on the low aide of Quotations Prevailing a week ago.

Quarter blood graded territory combing wools were in some demand at 95c1lb 98e. scoured basis. Graded three-eighths blood combing territory wools were quoted firm at $1.03 to $1.06, scoured basis. MINNEAPOLIS, MDTN, April Flaxseed futures. 1, to 2 lower.

May, 2.48: July. 2.50. N-0. I Northwestern at Chicago 2 lower at 253 to 2.60. Bid.

tNominal. SPITZ-1Aot; white; $5 reward for tnfor mations loading to Worm. Ebotto 1691. zirrra with email bag row, taining Jewelry and reward. EV.3262.

4 ZIPPER POUCHLoot: Mach: Saturday, bontaining chocks. Call 0660 at once. Important. Chicago. Ill Chicago, Akron.

Ohio Akron. Ohio 5716A Etzel 5716A Etzel Schiller Park, Schiller Park, Ill Ashley, Ashley, Ill 2613 N. Taylor 622 8. Montrose 1022 Ann 1768k Mississippi Indianapolis. Ind Indianapolis.

Ind liarriaborg, Pa Champaign. Kenney. 3838 minnenot Dryden. Mich 3632A McBee Douglas Cowan Marguerits Krell William Howard Turner Vivian Hervey Joseph C. Gains Martha Taylor George B.

Funk Lydia T. KohY Arm Elkins Hazel Dillon Jane Jordan Inez Wade Kenneth Irwin Margaret Wilson Fred IL Skytte Frances Doerr Donald Sears Fern Lindstrom Ermiel D. Wilson Marie Simon IDale W. Carter Betty Rohner sr Driver Killid When Auto Runs Into Tree a SWAPS 31 NEW bicycle and .22 rifle for 1205A Howard. Prices paid to first-band receivers: POTATOESJobbing market: Ida.

bur $2.85 to 13.50: Neb. tri-. 3.50: kathadlna: Utah tri unwshd 33.35 to 33.50: N. Di, and Minn. $2.40 to 2105: Oh los.

22.65 to 32.75: 2.85; Witt Chippewa and Gr. $280; rurals. Main kethadins and Chippewa. 22.75 to $2.85: cobblers, 32,65 to 22.75: triumph. 23; Gr.

2.85; N. I. kathadins and C1ippewa4 32.75- INENV POTATOESTes 50-111. $2 to 22.75; Calif. whits rose.

22-10; commereial. cwt. $2 85. ONIONS--504b. sacks: Utah sw.

Spanish. $350: Oreg. yet. dadver. $2.50.

NEW ONIONSTex. Bermuda whits. No. 2. 112.1t7 1- yet.

Bermuda. $2.25 to Whom $1.75 to borbona. 12.75 to $3. ASPARAGUSMo. pyr.

to 21.60. Mg. green. bnchd, 75e to $1.25. BEANSTax.

r. strg. and bpr, $3 to 23.50. BROCCOL1Calif. potty crts, $3.75 to Id.

CABBAGE--ta. 50-lb. sks 11.10: bulk. 11per tou $35 to 240. 60-lb.

sks .15. CARROTS--Caltr. a. $3.25 to $3.40. 23.25.

CELERYPin. howard ert, $2 to pascal 4-6s. 22,25 to $4.50 to 28. GARL10--Calit 16c. GREEN ONIONSHg.

silver eking. bachs to 20c- HORSERADISHNear-by to $12 per net to growers. LETTUCEInd. h. hno leaf.

21.75; $1.50. lig. te $125. MUSHROOMSMo. 1-1b.

ono. 220 to 30e: pints. 10c to 14e; Mica. pints. llic.

MP3TARDBg. to 80e. Cyril Heintz iman Lillian Oonoyer Sylvester Jarman Wilma Hicks Lamar Collenberger Elda Pollard Robert Chance Leada King Donald 'Thomason Norma Tanner Nell Harbaugh Alice Goacher Max Safron Janice Burns Harold Reynolds Imogene Owens Gather Lewis Pauline Bean Armond Miller Loretta Rota Herbert Brown Gwendolyn Robins Otis Pruitt Mary Venal Raymond Kamp ling Emma Geist Harvey Hill Rutb Cook Samuel Price bilmne Cress Kenneth Bryant Annabelle 3reeding Edward 'taugh Willie Rutledge Edg lir Chaney Jr. Lois Katte 11 Mack Biggs Irma Standee, C. ()Ilya Becalm Alberts Smith Sam Contort' Pearl Donneberp Stewart Fah! Margie Reimer Mo alt.

Peters. Mo Litchfield. Ill Hillsboro, Ill Litchfield. II1 Litchfield, Ill Taylorville, Taylorville. Charleston, Charleston.

In Godfrey. Godfrey. IU University City St. Louis St Louis St Louie East Chicago Ind East at. Alton Botha Ito.

UI Monson. Masa Pleasant Plains. N. Jerseyville, In Kane. Highland Park.

DI Deerfield. Lil Granite City Madison St. Louis St. LO Ilia Springfield, New Berlin. III St.

Charles St Charles Pekin. Pekin, Ill Finlay Park; Ill Chicago. Detroit, Mich Springfield. In Chicago. Chicago.

In St Louis GL Charles FLYNN. MARGARET Mon. Apr. 27.1942. dearly beloved sister of Mary A.

and the late Neill Flynn. Funeral from Eriegshauser Mortuary. 4228 8- Kingshighway bl. on Apr. 29.

at 8:15 a. tn. to Ann Church. In-torment Calvary Cemetery. FOL RAT (see Weinsteln)--Apr.

26. 1942. darling mother of Eva Fox. dear sister and aunt. Funeral from the Rindskopt Chapel, 5212 Delmar IA 3:30 p.

m. HACEETHAL. CHARLES 1L--Entere4 Into rest Apr. 26. 1942.

beloved hawk band of Lout Hackethal. dear father of Charles David and Mary F. Hachethal and our dear brother and uncle. Funeral Wed. Apr.

19, 8:30 a. front Lahey's Funeral Home. 601 Madison Madison. 111.. to St.

Elizabeth's Church. Mitchell. 111. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Madison County.

1:11. HOWARD, ALICE Te--5648A Maple av. on Apr. 26. 1942.

at 8:16 a. rn, beloved sister of Miss Nellie and James J. Howard and the late John. Michael. EitePhen Howard.

Mrs. Bridget and Mrs. Mar C. Quinn. our dear aunt and great-aunt.

Funeral from Snitivenle. Euclid at St. bouts avs. on Wed. Apr.

29. at a. m. to Bt. Rose's Church.

Interment Calvary Cemetery. Member of Phoenix Lodge No. 46 Degree of H000r. JAQUITH. JOID1 Baumann bemay.

Apr. 26. 1942, husband of the late Gertrude Jaquith. dear brothr of Mrs. Clara J.

Herriott of Denver. Mrs. Alma Duncan of Bonner. Ferry. Idaho.

and our dear cousin. Funeral from Southern PUID4P111 Home. 6322 S. Grand bl, Apr. 29.

2 p. tn. Internient Park Lavin Cemetery. Member of Good Hope Lodge No. 218.

A. JF. and A. PERSONAL i 22 1 FANNIE DIERLOboletriest midwifes free consaltatios. 4573 9408..

IDWILITEMrs. B. Townley, specialists obstetries. 4018 S. Grand.

P1. 9522. MR13. lirrNTARD, midwife specialist: fro. consultation.

b003A Delmar. RO. 6236. REDITCE--8a1elyi no diets; es exercise; cars of licensed physic4ast essaminstio. free.

Weight C.Aontrol Clik. CH. 7928. O'DWYER IS A MAJOR By Associated Press. NEW YORK.

April Attorney Wmim O'Dwyer, who routed Murder, Brooklyn's kill-for-cash syndicate, and was feated in the mayoralty election by Mayor F. IL La Guardia, was notified today that he had been missioned a Major in the army. Niiholaa V. V. Franchot M.

Baltimore. Md Anne Christi 4905 Argyle William 0. gtretim Scott Field Marion Catherine Winning Uniontown. Pa Richard E. Imhoff Scott Field Charles La 56, truck driver of Creve Coeur road, 'St.

Louis County, was killed early yesterday when his own automobile swerved from Manchester road and crashed into a tree near Ba llas road. Deputy Sheriffs said be was found unconscious at the wheel of his machine after the accident had been reported by Roy Keller of Geyer road. La Presta was pronounced dead on arrival at the County Hospital. Keller told police the driver apparently lost control of his automobile while driving west on Manchester road at 0 high rate of speed. AUCTIONS SA Jean Williams Robert Ford lAndstedt Nancy Anne Ames Tommy Benton Dorothy Farmer Albert G.

Widmas Ruth M. Martin Jasper Nether ly Edna Douglas William Akers Guinth Kerns Jack P. Bnoderses Mall ilium Andrew Newark. Ohio Webster Groves Webster Groves Irvine, KY Irvine. Ks Philadelphia, Pa Calmar.

Pa 2903 Rutger 2903 Rutger Chanute Field, Ill Rantoul. Ppringfteld. 111 Springfield. IA JOIEST E. CORBY DIMS By Associated Press.

CHICAGO, ILL, April E. Corby, 6Z secretary of Swift UJYp Ibu. ens, $1 to 31.25: minty owed, aancyhall. bu, 25c to 40c; c. all, seed.

25c to 35c; r. 25c to 35c. SPINACHHa. Blooraulalo. bu.

30c to 45c: Tex 40c to 60c. TOMATOESbloc. logs S3 25 to 75: Mex. lugs. $3-75 to 1425- TURNIPSMiss.

locos Ouch's, 60c to 85c. SITECCIP TVP5--Its: 65a to 150a, PUBLIC Staten neer Office. P. O. Box 97, Moninhis.

Tenn. A 12-room Grammar-High rated in Greenville. Mo, will be sold at auction on His site at 12:00 noon Centre( War Time, May 14. 1942. Building to wrecked and aelvaged by purchaser.

In tortnatioal es IIPPlicatioa $I90 to S2-25. Co died today at his RADISHESIto, c. rod, $150: Sc. had been with the company since dol 17 4te to 20c- SWEET POTATOE none', 1918 and its secretary WIWI, 1930, han, kun 214 to 90t-. i 4 -4.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.