Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1994, p. 24 (2024)

I f Viti', * )Z~'~? ~~71~'drVPage 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, JuIy 13,1994Whitby minorsshowmjo ffecThe Whitbyrep basebaliPeterboroughhome-and-honieweek.minorteanitwiceseriesmosquitodefeatedin atbis pastUnder- lOsadvancein cup playAfter a mediocre showingJune 29 in a 0-0 tie in leagueplay against West Rouge, theinjury-ridden Whitby Iroquoisunderten rep soccer team,s;p nsored b y Dominos Pizza,Neilson Cadbury and GoldenGriddle, rebo unded well thevery next day in the first roundor the Central Soccer Leaguecup comipetition te defeat a verystrong East York team 1-0.End-to-end action made for aexciting game but keeper andgame nmost valuable playerBrian Crawford, supported bythe impenetrable Whitbydefence, miade up of sweeperEamon Sommervile left backB.J. Bowles, right 6ack TylerMattin and central defenderGavin McRorie, kept the scorelevel until midway through thesecond baif when centre haîfJohn Baker and left wingerCiaran Thonipson cornbined teset up inside left Liani Reddoxte blast a shot borne.The visitors refused to give inand the result was uncertainrigbt up to the final wbistle, butstrong play fromi the right side byPaul Kontos supported by BryanMacfinnon, David Morgan, MikeBowernian and Mike Sheehan,kept up the pressure te the veryend for a well-fought victory anda place in the second roundagainst North Scarborougb.At Peel Park Iast Wednesday,Whitby carried out a savageattack on Peterborough scoring25 runs in only five innings whilethe defence allowed just fourruns.The garne was in the bag afterthe second inning when Whitbywent through their batting ordertwice and took a 17-1 lead.Peterborough allowed too manybaserunners because of poorOntariomajorlacrosseScoresPeterborough vs. Broalin - cancdlladSix atons va. Brarrpton - cancelled'Broklin 7 Fargus 3July 9Fergua 5 Bramrpton 13Owen Sound 6 Peterboraugh 14July 1Brookin 13 Six Nations 15St -ani$$of Juy 10W L T GF GA PBrookin 12 3 0 174 114 24Brampton il 3 O 172 115 22Six Nations il 4 O 2111M9222Peterborough 6 7 I11lis 20 13Owen Sound 1i12 1 136 204 3Fergus i1 130 96 182Top 15 scorrsOPOG A PJohn Tavares, Six N. Il 36 40 76Bob Hamley.Bramp~ton 12 25 35 60Troy Cordingley. Brarp. il 20 36 6John Fusca. Braoklln 12 15 29 44Tom Wreggatt. Brook 13 12 31 43Duane Jacobs Six N. 13 17 24 41Mike Murray. Brampton 12 17 22 39Peter Park. Brookin 13 23 15 38Bob McNb. Owen S. 12 17 21 38JeUf Wiffng, Brampton il 20 17 37PaulGait. Sx Nations 6 24 12 36Gay ai. rokiit 5 23 13 36Radyders.Ix. 14 13 .22 35Jari rm1c~.O. 2 il 24 35Darrds Kigaur. Six N. ID 9 26 35Choie of Burger, Mot Dog4 or Chioken Nuggets PLUSFrench Fry, Soft Drink,Dairy Queen Frozen TreatPLUS Prize 0f The Week!..........f romAvalable at:WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN* AM1Y003A DFasS. EuFeda family of four for oniy 'I $0 $13.9 pus taxesgIricludes: 4 reg. burgers. 4 fries,* With is coupon. Whitby Location _ * -defensive play coupled with ilwallcs by the pitchers.There were usually tworunners in scorin position whenthe hits came. Michael May ledthe 15-bit attack for Whlitbygoing four for five and picking upfive RBIs in the process.Craig McLellan was hot as wellgoing be or four with fourRI.Brandon Petch knocked intwo runs with three bits.These two teanis squared offa*gain on Saturday inPeterborough. The home teamwas looking for revenge butWhitby sent them a very clearmessage in the form of five runsin tbe first irming. That was althey needed as they went on towin by a final score of 11-2.Peterborough played a muchbetter game defensively, but theirpitcbing let them down again bygiving up 10 walks. Whitbycollected just four bits but theywere timely.WhitbyIroquoissoccerHOUSE LEAGUEBOYS ATONJ une 24DurhamwaysBarry Cayna 3Robrt LonjsJasan StapleyOptirist ClubBell TaxiGrog William.Sean Kaa5 7 ElevenTomi Kakloogos 2Mik prague0 MaerpwS cClears.Gregory Doaley 2Mathew Hurat2 RangeraRobert Jedinak 2PauI BarraSfMarc FlegoShandex Salas Monter Badorascre and namas not givan)Jiyd 10 7 ElevanAndrew Barkhause 2Torri Kokaogos 2Mustarpkmiecmla. 2 Master BedrooniShariti Deseould Andrew Lait4Chris Wymne Adami Stain 2Brandon Smnit hAndrew SksltanRangersAn&rew Mahnin 2Marc Flega 2Paul BarratRobert JednakDouglas Dehetre7 DurhanassysShandex Sales Optimiat Club(score and nares not givan)July 8Durharrrways 5 Bell TaxiBary Cayne 3 Anidrew ConerTim-othy Motvzas 2 Mathew FosterSean Keay7 Eleven 6 Master BedroanTomi Kaklogos 4 Brandon SmnithA ndrew Bar house 2Optirist Club 1 Rançersnamne nat given) Martin Mahrin 2Robait Jedinak 2Marc FlegoShandex SalesDavid OHareRosa ReitsmaPatrick LangJ une 17GreenCraig GrsikPurpleAlHan EvelynNicholas Bubela continued bish*tting tear of late, going two fortwo which was good for two RBIs.Justin Hawe and Adam Bightgot the other two hits.Durhamlakeshorewomen'sfastballStananceClassiosWhRby Sun.Picote PiraesRobaIsDodd à SoterSour GrapesJuna 27 - Juy1Whkby SunsckClScScores17 Sour rapas 814 Roebas 5Devmn Frayne3d scarar not g*vn)Canadian I-mmrChrs McGragh 2Chai ThbodaaSean KeppyDia. DevisBdan Eno5 Tomnn#131 AddldaMarlcMizzi 7Whitbymixedslo- pitchStanilngevne of JoiySTait Gale CharomeAdvantage Telecamm.Banker and the BanditHermatia ServiceDuham Squash Clb*East Sida MariasAulo ZonaMr. TransmkalonDon Cherry'. Grqmen&qador Vsnding ServicescorJur 4Tl GideChargeas 17East Sida Marias 8Advatage Tala. 12July 7Mr. Trsnosiln 0JulyS8Banicar & the Bandit 13Don Cherry's 14Advantage Tala. 15Tripla AAA Spart.Shana Verway 2Mâdi MoffattDrivaine Trans.Kyla DukeJaey Sellai.r.0Don Cherry'. 2Hermaetic Servkce 15Durham Squash 7Auto Zona 7Durharn Squash 14Harmetia Serviaa17Suparior Vendâng 43 GarnerAuto Sar.S. Kroekenstoal2 BroddConsuftlng 2N. PadaracldBarber 27 Comnmer. Gas 1 Owamc Vollcwagen 0Christapher BrasmaserShoe Cdt 4 Green Machine 3 J une 15TamTika Daara 3 Chai ValasToam928Pter CÃllpiel Stohane Schneider Justin DaroolterS M 4fanaJulyKinsman CkibPeter 1-beherngton 4elms FaquhassanScatt WattersPurple3 G&R PropertyScatt Gallard 2Jonahan MoGilenAlx Skeas6 RkfeDles1 TripleAAA SportsShane Verwey 4MAJOR SOUIRIJLiy 7Canadlan TireBrandon Teixeirs 3Michael Ritter0 Burgundy Brigade 0 Justin White4 Shoa Ckymiles PacheeLeacom Consuking 1 GreenWarren Whitsitt Darcny NichaisKertucky F.C.Canadian Morne4 ChulThbodaa4Christopher MegraKyla Haldoroak 2July 6WggersLuke CurryJustin StlvEuracrait KchensEquion GrotpMichael LeeMax Pai0 Durham Mazda 2Daniulle KellerCasey Prince9 Pedro. Pizza On 3ROOIGES2 LanglyPluning 4Errn Langley 3Carl MoUan0 Whkbtr Optlrist 3Carey Agnew 2Shatnon Mochan2 Prêngle Craek Drugs 1Stryder McCarmadkCanadian Progreas 3 DunbartonqMitchell Gerrits 2 Michael Bauldry' ~ ~ ~ ~ . JaanPh.hTeam 928Justin DeracherCouticCory Ross8James Sedng 23 MastepSoclean. 3 CwuizzaChris Wynne 2 Brenen Befank 7Cady BakeShariff Dessouki Stean An.SHRIMP1 Burgundy Brigad1 Blue DevitsBran Emo 2Erie RosdobutksJulKetuky FC. 3 Burgundy ripadeAlex Elchelburger, Marcu Spasc 25 Broaklini OptiristSean Po.pore1 Teanu#6 lu Tomni#Patl Alia 4 Kyla MunfyThomas Markieseloz 3Alex VopriStephan Dinardo1Simmon SusacUNOR SOUIRIJirni Pîovenzana3Russel AlanBrian EmnaWhitby KinsmanPatrick Johnston 5Jeremy BoggsMichael LennroChris ClaverGraharn Nicholson5 Owasca Volts.Tylv.rallirg Bý V PharmnacyChristopher lEng 2Gregory Simmion. 2Whtby Optimadsta 2 Brodd ConsultingJahn Sos» Shane Graham 2Lashua Lwnidigam Joshua StanarRogers CobleShane Mari8a 3Mark FeatherPaul Scott5 Td'ad Tool Co. Ltd. 0MOSQUITO BOYSBitianrlanJ une29Masterche! Catenng 5 Flyers1 Toam 27 3 Kyle Shearing 2 Jay Sprague 2Andraw MoMullan 2 Mattlhw Dammer Andrw SmithAshlsy Beggs James ElimanJoermy Zara8 Caalh Llvingstone 1Bradley Fisher Atlas Anchor Sys. 4 CailJae Coacicco26 Blairbum Rover. 3 Omra Dessouki4 Cassidv Raid 2 Ian Watson Joshua Cannor9 PC WarehomsDodd a Sater 0 Guardian DwugsTanner VandanrrakCody MacOuarrieBryant HoughtonLafor aineMakenzie Poeesr33 Jay Porabeck4 DIS lasuanceCarson & Weelcs 1 Drivai.e Trans.Kale Mo" tJaaeph Violis 3Steve Kantas 2Alexander DtzkoRangers0 Andew RaceJuly 6Whitby OptimTistCragBano 24 Anore Blake2CaliloBaury CayneMarco Lango0 JashuConnor1 Whitby OptiiatAaron Farr 23 FlyersJay spagua3 Masterchel Caler.Jeremy Shelton 4Robert Sheehan 2Rassa RaisinAndrau, VanDerVenMathaur Deminer6 Atlas Anchor Sys. 1 RangeraIan Watson Andrsw KellyJas ReitanoColin SalazarLet u coo foryou!Let us cook for you!1 2Palrty six0 Pizzas2Pop l.502l'Il oo $Included l 7 Pick upGST& PST Inc ude kup only ol111 Rossland & Gardennslad&Gdn11 Plaza, Whitby 4w0200 Plaza, Whitby 430@02UUImm ------------ mmmÃLet us cook for you!Pepp wniPizzPARTY -1520 ' Ue LfPick upGST& PST mnci donlRossland & GardenAPlaza, Whibiy ae3 VmA02W iLet us cook for you!IARRI16 Inch10 Suce,.9GST& PSTIncluded Pick up 15only5sRossland ÃGarden Af.lffI%-Lo IIIifklg~-/zVVIU flwp- .~.sa-~-'~ - -1e#J1272 wnilnv M-73IL Bu IL M ILIL MIL M



Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1994, p. 24 (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.