Valley Times from North Hollywood, California (2024)

VALLEY TIMES 3 Saturday, September 28, 1946 Northridge Founded on Fifty Year Partnership of Two Trustworthy Men Htr ia another of a series of articles about distinctive communities in the 1 alley. vv. -to'- rv' Av ft Literary Authority Debated Protection, of authors rights were discussed last night at a meeting of the western committee. Authors Guild of the Authors League of America at the Screen Cartoonists Guild hall, 6272 Yucca st. A general discussion of the proposed American Authors Authority was led by James M.

Cain, with Rupert Hughes attacking, the proposed AAA. Hughes and Cain were in agreement on the need for protection of writers rights, differing only, in methods to be followed. There was a full discussion of the copyright situation, with Cain stating that the cony right was the property of. and therefore must be protected for, the- owner. Hughes, one of the origiaators of the ALA, after a discussion of the copyright problems, criticized turning over by the writers, of their copyrights to the AAA as trustees.

-The writers group, recommended that the executive council in New York investigate further the problems of the proposed AAA. New Shelter for Valley Ashed The Los Angeles City Council will act Monday on a petition of Mrs. Mariam De Groote of 4744 Noeline Encino, and other San Fernando Valley residents, for the establishment of a modern animal shelter In the vicinity of Van Nuys. A budget appropriation of is available for the project and has been approved by the councils public health and welfare committee. It is supported by Councilman Leland S.

Warburton of the first district. In view of this support the councils approval is expected. Negotiations for the site are now under way. In presenting the petition for the shelter, Mrs. De Groote declared that the present shelter was totally inadequate to provide for the San Fernando Valleys needs, and was, in fact, a disgrace to the city.

Victim Recovering Louie R. Smith, 46, of Saugus, was in the Newhall Community hospital today, recovering from head, back and hip injuries received in a fall from the third tier of a hay truck which he was helping to load at the Clark Ranch, Newhall, yesterday, the sheriffs office reported. FRIGIDAIRES X. -x- Beach-in or walk-in boxes DARDECUES Portable types HOME FREEZERS Stainless steel TOM LAWSON CO. 420 E.

Colorado Glendale -C 1-2-3126 or CH-o-1581 MARRIED FOR SIXTY YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby H. Mullins, 15040 Friar Van Nuys, observe anniversary Monday. Van Nuys Pair Marks 60th Year of Marriage Back in 1886 when the Dakota territory was seeking statehood, Laura Tuttle took 'a temporary job as housekeeper for Willoughby H.

Mullins. Monday they will celebrate their sixtieth wedding anniversary. The couple, who moved into- their new home at 15040 Friar Van Nuys, two weeks LUCILLE BALL Actress is mentioned as next honorary mayor of Northridge to succeed Ginny Simms. Restaurant Group To Convene Oct. 7 With the Pacific Coast regional convention of the National Restaurant association opening a week from today for a three day session, Oct.

7, 8, 9, at the Biltmore, elaborate preparations are being made by the Southern California Restaurant association to welcome the 6000 restaurant owners and operators expected from the eleven Western states as well as the top flight officers of the national as sociation. H. Joseph Haupt, president of the Southern California Restau rant association, hosting the con vention, has arranged for local officers and directors to meet them in Riverside, escort them to the Mission Inn for orange juice and a tour of the art treasures of early California. At 11 a.m. they entrain for Cueamonga to visit the Padre vineyards and inspect prize products of California vintners.

The official opening of the convention takes place Monday, Oct. 7, at 10 a.m., with Mayor Fletcher Bowron extending' the official welcome. Walter F. Clark, president of the National Restaurant association, will respond. The numerous exhibits at the Biltmore will include all sorts of demonstrations and latest models of equipment to make less arduous cafe and restaurant operation.

XT 111 lins arrived in the territory from Missouri. Mullins father was the architect who built Osbourne House palace for the royal family of Great Britain. LEARN PIANO BY EAR RUSSELL DOYD Bx. 102 Sludio City minute he will be waiting on Mrs. Ulensvang, who came to Northridge in 1910 with her husband who died some years ago.

The next minute he will be chatting with Douglas Crickard, radio gag writer for Jimmy Durante and a recent arrival. Janet Gaynor and Buck Buchanan are steady customers. Tom Lynch Postmaster Descendants of the pioneer Neg-gen family, Victor and Fred Neg-gen, are wrell known in Northridge. Victor is retired while Fred runs the Shell Service station at Reseda boulevard and Napa street. Among the original settlers who still reside in Northridge are J.

H. Willis, who conducts his own real estate and brokerage office; W. B. Buchanan, retired farmer, and John Kirkham, also in the real estate business. Tom Lunch is the postmaster.

He has had the job only eight years, but he is acquainted with nearly everyone in the town and knows the background of most all of them. Rural free delivery routes serve the community but subdivided and sold to homesteaders the new townsite retained the name. On July 1, 1929, the name of the town was changed to North Los Angeles. In 1938 the towns name was changed again to Northridge because the motion picture people who had moved in contended (and some of the old townsmen agreed) that Northridge would be a more suitable designation. Acting on this suggestion the communitys chamber of commerce petitioned the City of Los Angeles to approve of Northridge as the better name for the place.

Northridge today is a wealthy community. It is populated mostly by celebrities and retired persons of means. Although there has been an influx of screen and radio notables in recent years, the old-time families stay on. vMany of the original settlers and their descendants live there. Bill Kent, who owns the Northridge Pharmacy, knows the old-timers and the newcomers and any afternoon will find him greeting them in his busy store.

One By ARTHUR MAREK A partnership between two hardy pioneers, both men of their word, which lasted for fifty years without a written agreement, a financial accounting or a dispute, was the foundation upon which Northridge was built. Today, Northridge, once appropriately named Zelzah, a Biblical word signifying an oasis, is a paradise in the Valley with its fabulous estates and ornate swimming pools, its sprawling ranches, farms and fields and bountiful orchards. Here everything grows from roe bushes to walnut trees, but the people of Northridge place emphasis upon raising fine horses. Story Begins in 1875 Northridge is the center of yie the largest horse breeding enterprises in the country where many of the greatest bluebloods the racetracks and champions of the horse show arenas have been bred and raised. The story of Northridge begins in 1875 when Col.

Henry Cutler Hubbard, with a dream of developing community life in the West, arrited in the Valley. He came all the way from Boston in company witht B. F. Porter, one of three men who at that time owned the northern half of the Valley, and Mrs. Porter, who was Hubbard's sister.

At about the same time, Francis Marian Wright, who was to become Hubbards partner, crossed the plains from Iowa in a covered wagon. Journeying to Santa Cruz he went to work for Porter on ne of his ranches in Northern California. Bay 11,000 Acre Ranch Hubbard had not been in the Valley long before he sent for Wright and, the two persuaded B. F. Porter to sell them an 11,000 acre tract of land which became known as the Hubbard and Wright ranch and which included the present site of Northridge.

It was then that the lasting partnership between the two trusting men was organized by word only. They conducted their business, in one of the houses on their ranch. They made a picturesque pair. Colonel Hubbard (the title was bestowed upon him by his friends) was a tall, impressive figure. In his hand-made, 1 w-h 1 boots and wide-brimmed black Stetson he towered above the short statured Wright.

Kept Joint Account They were known as Hub and Bud. There was no bank in the Valley to keep their money so they transacted with the Farmers and Merchants bank in Los Angeles where they kept a joint account for a half century. They asked for an accounting of the large sums they handled. They never had an argument. When they became old men and wanted to retire they went down to the bank and simply explained how they wanted to divide what they had accumulated.

They asked only that a lawyer be called in to make the settlement legaL This was the spirit of fair dealing that guided the destiny of Northridge Name Taken From Bible A daughter of Colonel Hubbard, Mrs. Henry H. Dace, lives with her husband on their two-acre Tom Cat ranch in beautiful Par-thenia street in Northridge. She is the former Katherine Hubbard granddaughter of Charles Maday, one of the three landowners who divided the northern half of the Valley among themselves. Her mother was Kate Paxton Maclay.

Her husband, Henry H. Harry Dace, is a retired merchant and a director of the Northridge Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Dace furnished much of the historical data in this story. The name Zelzah was given the Hubbard and Wright ranch by Mrs. Emily Vose Wright, first wife F.

M. Wright. She had read in her Bible, in the First Book of Samuel, chapter 10, verse 2, of a place called Zelzah somewhere between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Name Changed Twice She discovered that the word Zelaah translated meant shade in the heat, or an oasis. So she named the ranch Zelzah because she imagined the shady Zelzah 6t the Bible was similar in its surroundings to those of her beloved ranch.

When the Zelzah ranch was NOW! Redecorate Your Furniture in PETER HUNT STYLE or your own specifications. Artist has some pieces ready for immediate sale. Genuine ANTIQUES 2 Carloads of genuine Pennsylvania Dutch antiques from York, Penn. These are NOT COPIES and include hundreds of choice pieces for your home or patio. Old Round Back Chairs 1 8 Old Rope Beds Churns '4 Copper Kettles Cape Cod Rockers Handmade Quilts Rugs Barbecue Sets Plank Chairs Hawkins Old a lot of the townspeople prefer to call for their mail.

Celebrities who make their homes in Northridge include John Scott Trotter, orchestra leader on Bing Crosbys radio show, who lives with his parents and sister, Margaret, on his 24-acre ranch; Comedian Jack Oakie; Janet Gaynor and her husband, Adrian, noted costume designer; Film Actor Edgar Buchanan and Veronica Lake and her director-husband, Andre De Toth. Ginny Simms, radio and screen star, is honorary mayor of Northridge. She has not been active as mayor since a baby was born to her and her husband, Robert Dehn, Boston socialite. Prefering motherhood as a career she has decided not to run for re-election. The Northridge Chamber of Commerce is grooming actress Lucille Ball as her successor.

Nearly everyone in Northridge is keenly interested in fine horses In fact, horse breeding is the communitys major Largest Horse Farm One of the largest places of its kind in the country is the North ridge Farms, owned by J. H. Ryan, Los Angeles investment broker who spends his weekends on the farm. Consisting of 140 acres, the farm has 140 box stalls and a three-quarter mile training track. Fifty yearlings and fifty two-year-olds are in training there.

War Knight, winner of the $100,000 Santa Anita handicap this year, was foaled, broken and trained on the Northridge Farms. Jack Cartier is manager of the farm. Ryan also owns the Ryana ranch and leases the Lindley Ridge ranch from Ted Fiorita, band leader Lindley Ridge ranch is devoted exclusively to mares and foals and is the nursery for Ryans three farms. Mares in foal are kept at Ryana ranch. When colts are weaned they are brought to North ridge Farms.

Breaking in and training begins when they become yearlings. Northridge Farms are devoted exclusively to race horses, New Enterprise W. E. Evans, former Congressman, raises Tennessee walking horses, cattle and stock horses his ranch. Jaynet Gaynor and her husband, Adrian, bought the Promero ranch from Walter Wells, oil well supply man, and plan to raise and train 700 race horses.

Main stallion of the Promero ranch is Sea Swallow, offspring of Sea Biscuit. Newest enterprise is Devonshire Downs, a $250,000 establishment for training trotting and gaited horses. It is built by Pete Spears and Ella Jo McCarthy on an eighty-acre tract. The track has been completed but shortage of material is holding up the buildings. The D.

D. Simms forty-acre ranch on Corbin avenue soon will be converted into a breeding farm for thoroughbreds. It recently was sold by the father of Ginny Simms. Horae Shows Important Most important event in Northridge is the Northridge Horse show which is held on the first Sunday of every month in the outdoor arena at Reseda boulevard and Parthenia avenue. It attracts between 2000 and 4000 spectators and between 125 and 200 entrants.

Programs feature jumping, stock and gaited horses with special classes for children. The management caters to children, seeking to get them interested in horses early in life. The show was founded five years ago as a hobby by Charles Chuck Hester, nationally known horseman and president of the Northridge Horsem*ns association. Northridge has its business and industrial side, too. Commerce and trade are encouraged by the Northridge Chamber of Commerce of which Charles Hester is president and Kirk Loeschner, secretary.

The chamber has more than 100 members. Its directors include John Scott Trotter, Harry Dacej John Kirkham, real estate man, and John Burton Johnson, miller. Population Is S000 Industries include the Walnut Growers association warehouse and exchange where walnuts are cleaned, graded and packed; Northridge Milling millers of horse and chicken feed, and the George Hammond Lumber and the Northridge Lumber both having main yards in Northridge. Principal agricultural and horticultural products are baby lima beans, alfalfa, walnuts, oranges, lemons and rose bushes. Northridge, with a population of 3000 and an area of sixteen square miles, serves a trading territory covering a radius of five square miles.

It has a grammar school, a public library, a womens club, several fine churches and a weekly newspaper. The Northridge Herald, published by Robert Oliver. It is to be wondered whether Colonel Hubbard and his partner, F. M. Wright, way back in the envisioned what Northridge is like today.

I ago, said their formula for a successful marriage is for people to realize the partnership is a give and take proposition. The early years of their marriage survived Indian raids, and the wilderness of the unsettled West and Canada. Neither can remember any serious differences between themselves. 1 Family Dinner Planned With their five children, fourteen grandchildren and eight great grandchildren, they will celebrate the anniversary at a family dinner. Their sons and daughters are Mrs.

Ethel Fish and Mrs. Constance King, both of Van Nuys; Willoughby and Arthur, both of San Francisco, and Spencer of Chicago, 111. The Mullins ha lived in the Valley since 1924. He established the Reliable Roofing company, now operated by his son-in-law, R. W.

Fish. Mullins, a former baseball shortstop, played against barnstorming professionals in his youth. Mrs. Mullins admits she was a good hitter in her school days. Gloomy About World Their recreation today consists of listening to the radio and discussing world affairs.

In their combined opinion the world has gone to pot. Mullins migrated to the United States from England in 1884 and settled in the Dakotas. Mrs. Mul Water Heaters GAS AND ELECTRIC Immediate Delivery DONT GO WITHOUT HOT WATER CALL SUnset 2-0608 North Hollywood Plumbing and Appliance Inc. 11401 Chandler Blvd.

Shop 1439 Lincoln Santa Monica Phone Santa Monica 4-2981 Forgotten Bond Upsets Judge County counsel ruled yesterday that Frank D. Parent, justice of the peace of Inglewood township, is disqualified to serve in that office after Jan. 1, 1947, although elected in the primary last June 4. Through an oversight on the part of a local bond broker, to whom Parent had applied for a bond required of all justice of the peace candidates in Los Angeles county, the document was not executed. Parent is now serving his first term in that office and before his election as justice of the peace had been a city police judge in Inglewood for twelve years.

"Through a quirk in the law. Parent has been disqualified to serve as justice of the peace in Inglewood township because he failed to post a bond and the board of supervisors will have to appoint him for his second term, Supervisor Raymond V. Darby, in whose territory Inglewood is situated, stated. U. S.

Renews Campaign To Open Danube River LAKE SUCCESS, N. Sept. 28 (AP) S. Delegate John G. Winant declared today that if Americas proposal for an international conference to consider opening up the Danube to free navigation is not accepted, we see no alternative of returning this whole question to diplomatic relations between the U.

S. and in terested states. Baby Portraits WAR SURPLUS Operated by Veterans 213 N. Victory Blvd. CII-8-6911 195 Air Mattress 29s Suntan Pants M354 95 5340 LAUREL CANYON BLVD.

NORTH HOLLYWOOD INTRODUCTORY OFFER We will give FREE one beautiful 11x14 mounted Portrait (Actual value $7.00) with each order of $15.00 -n ift made ADYA is the mother of three girls. She began her study of photography abroad at the age of 12. Over a period of 17 years she has perfected a technique which is captivating to children. Recently a host of friends and associates persuaded her to make her natural camera studies available to ALL, at reasonable prices. Her talent recaptures the priceless expressions that make your baby live forever.

Drop in at the new Studio, 5340 Laurel Canyon Blvd. As a parent, you will truly appreciate an artistry that lives. Children to 12 Daylight Saving Time Ends Tonight By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS About half the nations population turns baclf the clock tonight and goes back to standard time. Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. tomorrow for everyone but residents of a few communities in Maine where farmers will continue to use the extra hour of sunshine harvesting their potato crop.

Twenty-three states, which did not go on daylight saving time, will be unaffected. LADIES LEATHER NOVELTY PURSE (GENUINE LEATHER ZIPPER FASTENER) Circular, 6 in Size; Yellow Brown, Green, Blue, Red DELIVERED QQ PRICE each 70C Send cash, check or money order to NICHOLSON CO. 1046 S. OLIVE LOS ANGELES 15 Winants declaration was made in a session of the United Nations economic and social council after Britain and Belgium strongly supported the U. S.

conference proposal on grounds that it was necessary to further the economic reconstruction of Europe. In an answer to Soviet charges that the U. S. appeared to be interested in foreign rivers and was putting pressure on Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, Winant declared that America was primarily interested in the restoration of freedom of navigation on the Danube since it was an international river. The whole issue developed out of Yugoslav and Czech demands that the council recommend that the U.

S. return ships of these two countries which were being held by American occupation authorities in Germany and Austria. Great Britain, in supporting the American proposal, declared that the American suggestion was a great step forward in organizing transportation where transportation can do much to save the peoples of Europe from sufferings they will otherwise endure. British Delegate Philip Noel-Baker said the American proposal was an ultimatum as Russia charged but was friendly and fair to all, hostile to none. Ship Peace -Still Viewed By Mediator SAN FRANCISC), Sept.

28 CP) Prospects of averting a West Coast strike by CIO longshoremen brightened today on the optimistic note of Federal Mediator Nathan Feinsinger. There is every indication of a settlement before the deadline, Feinsinger said. The union has threatened to walk out immediately after the expiration of its con tract Monday unless a new agree ment is signed by the Pacific Coast waterfront employers. Feinsinger, special represents tive of Secretary of Labor Schwel lenbach in union-employer negotiations, said the employers had made a substantial wage offer. Union representatives in meet ings last night stuck to the original demand for an increase of 35 cents an hour, the mediator said.

Feinsinger also reported progress toward reaching a solution in the dispute over the unions demand for inclusion of a safety code in the contract. The union has announced the code comes before wages in importance. Meanwhile, efforts between Pa-cific-American shipowners and CIO marine engineers and AFL masters, mates and pilots to settle employer-union disputes centered in Washington. We Suggest an Appointment SUnset 1-9410 In five years from 1939, the production of magnesium in the U. S.

grew from 6,000,000 to 580 million pounds annually. DRAPES SPREADS AND HEADBOARDS MADE TO OBDER MOREY'S Another Curries in Burbank! lth which Is consolidated the Roscoe Herald and the North Hollywood Sun Record A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION nbllshed dally except Sunday at 11109 agnolia North Hollywood. djudlcated by the Superior Court on prll 29. 1937. as an official publica-on for the City and County of Los ngeies.

California. Published daily wept Sunday at 11109 Magnolia orth Hollywood. IT'S O.K. TO OWE KAY 139 N. San Fernanda Bl.

Burbank. Calif. CHarlestnn 8-3331 STanley 7-2232 Fire Prevention Week Scheduled Schools throughout the state will observe Oct. 6 to 12 as Fire Prevention Week by seeking to educate pupils on means to decrease the huge toll of human lives in conflagrations. Between 191S and 1941, 230,000 lives were lost in fires in this county, more than a third of the victims being children under fifteen.

The schools will employ posters, lectures, playlets and other educational forms in the fire prevention campaign. The whale shark, largest living fish, is harmless, and puts up no fight when caught by man. tered as second-class matter March 1946. at the post office at North Ilj wood. under the act of rch 3.

1S79. VALLEY NEWS CORPORATION Publisher isscll A. Qulsenberry LPresldent alre S. Newberry Vice-President hn J. Tuttle Secretary-Treasurer ason Yould Managing Editor $125,000 AT 2220 MAGNOLIA BLVD.

(East of Hollywood Way) Midway Between Burbank and North Hollywood Another CURRIES Ice Cream Store Stands Ready to Serve the Many Coast-Curries Customers in This Busy Area The Valley Times will not be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or pictures. OPEN a J1.M. FREE SERVICE Curl Tightening Across back at neckline and HAIR SHAPING After your first permanent. during first three months. Specialiaiag ia HELENE CURTIS AND RAYETTE COLD WAVES CREME SOLUTIONS GUARANTEED NO CURL NO PAY Emr.aEE.iLn's ESaUTT SALOST 10938 SSaenoBa EM.

NEAR VINELAND Open Enolnsf and Sunday SUnsel 1-2523 In the 16th and 17th centuries, I coffee cost nearly $30 a pound. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES TOMORROW SUNDAY 1 :30 P.M. 132 E. 9th St. Corner Los Angeles St.

By Mail 1 month 1.00 6 months 6.00 3 months 3.00 year 12.00 By Carrier 1 month 1.00 months 5.50 I year 10.00 ISBAHAN SAROUK-TABRIZ ONE OF THE LARGEST COLLECTIONS OF FINER TYPE ORI-E TA OFFERED THIS YEAR. KERMAN KASHAN CHINESE Be Sure and Insure With Insurance That Is Sure! Coxaplele Insurance Coverage Dairflom BLDG. REALTY CO. Insurance Dept. Carole Bronner, Mgr.

4436 LcnStershlm Clvd. SU-1-6 136 ST-716S5 Opportunity Knocks AN ACTIVE, PROGRESSIVE LETTER SHOP FOR SALE Include Lease. Stock and Equipment. Extensively Advertised Reasonable. Tor Particulars Call SU-1-5828 Quality Ice Croom Fountain Bakory and Candy ALL SIZES UP TO 28x16 SALE SUNDAY, SEPT.


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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.