The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER jLi HieiIkl of 101 IS 11CTED Held by Grand Jury in Connection With Villisca Ax Slayings. RED OAK, Iowa, Sept. 4 'Within a few hours after the Rev. L. G.

J. Kelly had bceu placed on trial today for murder in connection with the Villisca, Iowa, ax slayings of 1912, H.M. Havner, attorney general of Iowa, was indicted on a charge of oppression in office for alleged actions during a grand jury investigation of the murders. Mr. Havner, who is charged in the indictment returned by the Montgomery county grand jury, with "wilfully and corruptly oppressing a person under color of office," was arrested at his own request late today and released on $1000 bond, pending a pre- liminary hearing.

indictment of the attorney general overshadowed interest in tho trial of Kelly, who is charged in an indictment the murder of Lena 0 Stillinger, one of the eight persons killed with an ax the night of June 1912, in the homeof Joe B. Moore in Villisca. Recess until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock was takenshortly after the trial opened, anil examination of prospective jurors is expected to start then. In addition to the regular panel, a special venire of seventy-fiv- has been called. It seemed to be the general opinion among counsel tonight that at leastthe balance of the week would be required for selection of the jury- In connection with his indictment Attorney General Havner issued a statement tonight declaring the charges in the indictment were without adequate foundation.

Conviction under the indictment, Mr. Havner said, provides a maximum penalty of $1000 fine and a year imprisonment. "The specific crime charged is oppression in office by the use of improper methods in examining Alice Willard, a witness in the Jones-Wilker-- son slander suit, and later before the grandjury in connection with the unsuccessful attempt to indict F. F. lones," Mr.

Havner said. 'M have no fours that a conviction will result." The at tornoy general charged that the ''indictment is instigated by a desire to intimidate me in the irosoeu-tio- of the Kelly trial, and in connection with the prosecution of Wilkerson on a charge of criminal conspiracy." The slander suit referred to was brought last fall by Jones, former state senator, on the basis of certain utterances alleged to have been made by J. N. "Wilkcrson, a private detective, who has been associated with the investigation of the murders for nearly five years. The detective was acquitted.

There has been a bitter controversy between Wilkerson and tho attorney general's office. COR EGA Holds False Teeth Firmly in uiojlh It Prevents Sore Gums. Gums shrink or swell and Plates become loose, which is no fault of the Dent int. An application of COREGA sifted evenly on the Dental Plate relieves these con-- ditlons. It holds the Plate firmly and comfortably in position.

Also promotes mouth hygiene. 25c at Drut; Stores andDental Supply C. Houses. Tour Druggist can get Jt from his Wholesaler. Free sample from Chemical Cleveland.

Ohio. (Advertisem*nt.) 77 Convenieni to all Places of Merest Tj? 3 SALT LAKE HEADQUARTERS. ifOE ft jxJ YS: VPSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 555 ROOMS ill with ifjj private balh. Cooducted on both lb European od mT American plans. fejt VJfc Hotel Clark 1b eltuatea In th heart of tly, netr Iffif dutiful Central Park.

Caru to beaches, mountalna, Hf hvw-Tr'i- FjF- from Hill Street station directly opposite hotel. 30F European plan tariff fromJ1.50 per day. Utah pat- ftTy I i if 2 ronaco Bolkited. Illustratedfolder upon request. ME DTMMICK, "VISIT THE RRILL Cool and Delightful Situated in Beautiful Foothills of HOLLYWOOD I.Ttrn-yiY,.- LOS ANGELES Tfk Vtti in panoramic vluw of city.

HERE YHUR COMPORTIS ANTICIPATED. Very latest equipment, noft w- feJ trr rofilteraMiiR system, Etcam heat. etc. Amusem*nt rooms, spacious lobbies. opi'nl Two of the finest term fu court In tho est.

Level boulevai da. (2 drlvca. Write Mr. Maude V. Mill, mgr.

"01 Hollywood Loa Angeles 7 UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM TIME CARD EFFECTIVE JUNE 20, 1917. Depart. Dally. Arrive. 7l20A.

M. Mam and lntermwllate. 5:55 P.M. 7:20 A.M. OB 5:55 P.M.

a fT Ogdcn Cac Valley. olngonly). Poca- T) ar 8.1 ii. 111. telio.

ABhton. Montpellcr, Parla. JT. SXL. Overland Limited Ogden, Reno.

Sacra. 9' IOC) A. JVl. memo, San ITanrlseo. O.UUJT.

Ifl. 1100 A. LI. Ogden and Intermediate. OMK 8:85 A.M.

2:25 P.M. OEden- A 5:05 P. M. 2:30 P. M.

nKen.U8t.ou 5:00 P.M. Overland limited Omah, Chicago. "(Jfip T.T renvcr, St. (Also San Francljco. 11 "55 A departing only.) JT TD "B.T Ogden, Brlgliani.

Cache Valley, Malao tit 4.01 JT. and Intermediate. nr Osrden Orrmha. Chlcnuo feolng) i 0:15 P. XU.

(Snn Francisco and Butte, also, arriving.) 8:30 A. BL Tollowstone FpeclM Osrden. Pofratello. 8:30 P. M.

Who Wlowjton. Park (Twin Fall. A 11:00 P.M. Pocatal.o. Idaho Falls, A.htoo.

8'30A 1100 P.M. Oeden. Pocatello. "ida'ho Falls. Butt.

TT (Cache Valley, also, arriving.) lU.Wr, M. 11:55 P. IV1. Ocden, Kly. Sacramento.

San Francisco. 740 11:55 P. M. San 210 11:55 P.M. 0sdBn- Twlu 10:20 iL City Ticket Office, Hotel Utah.

Tmecriono Main 15. bls Ansa's see fous! ll LM ''no Vi i vm "I i BABY'S HARRY'S MAEEL'5 MOTHER'S: OAD-5- I ShinoiA preserves shoes, sheds moisture, and won't rub off. I A brilliant, lasting shine. Over 50 pers--- I box. The key opening box prevents broken nails and soiled fingers.

I Eutstantial bristle dauber, and softlamb's wool polisher. iJ-is- i USSL 1 Maies shining convecient end r- easy. Aak Tearest Store. N. (.

IELACK TAN WI-iST- REO Counterfeits. Eead wtat one of the GREATEST NEWSPAPERS IN AMERICA has to say on this subject: The manufacturers of Oastoria have teen compelled to spend hundreds of thousands ofdollars to familiarize the public with the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. This has been necessitated by reason of pirates counterfeiting the Oastoria trademark.

This counterfeiting is a crime not only against the proprietors of Oastoria, but against the growing generation. All persons should be careful to see that Oastoria bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, if they would guard the health of their children. Parents, and mothers in particular, ought to carefully examine the Oastoria advertisem*nts whichhave been appearing in this paper, and to remember that the wrapper of every bottle of genuine Oastoria bears the fac-simi- le signature of Chas.

H. Fletcher, under whose supervision it has been manufactured continuously for over thirty years. Philadelphia Bulletin. I dssggk Letters from Prcmirnt Druggists i vet contents TimdjracjW addressed to Chas. H.

Fletcher. Conger Bros, of St. Paul, say: "Fletcher's Castorla Is certainly v'iw jl fG7ffT "ij 'I I merit and 'worthy of recommendation." lgAagLj! C. G. A.

Loder, of Philadelphia, says: 'Tor 20 yearswe hare Bold rrr: SSeSSS: Fletcher's Castorla and axe pleased tostate that it has given universal satisfaction." 9 I'll Te Scholtz Drug of Denver, says: "Fletcher's Castorla has nrely become a household word. Seemingly every family where there c'-'5 li5SS5SSg2 are children uses it." alcohol" 3 Pin Mansfield, of Eoston, say: "We have nothing but AVeeiiblcPrcaraficiiforAs'! good to say about your Castorla and we do not hesitate to give It our llji byBcjuta 8 Bnquallfied endorsem*nt." Eiker's Drug Stores, of New York City, say: "Fletcher's Castorla Is ons of the olaest an1 most Popular preparations in our stores. have FlIMkxiJ nothing but good to Bay about it." ThcretiyftomolinriDificS! Drug of St Louis, says: "Of tie thousands of di 'patent medicines for which we have demandthere are a very few of neither tJiem tta(. we can conscientiously recommendand your Castorla la In' mfM Minerai otNahcoxK: cIuded ln few D. R.

Dyche I of Chicago, Bay: "The Increasing demand for JmtUS your Castorla shows that a discriminatingpublic Is not slow to seek Ad out a remedy of merit and once convinced that It does all and even 'jj more than claimed they do not hesitate to recommend It to their friends. 'tiff I jtilixZi'' 7516 0wl Drug Co' ot Saa Francisco, says: "We have always fSs- 'f (TWJiyo Deen a believer in the 'original man protection' and have been particular W5rrS oeTer t0 sll anything but the genuine and original Castorla (Fletcher's). 1 AhclpfulRcmyl I We many eTerT day for tnis article from people who say thex Constipation an dl'arr not te 0,0 lt their homes." OEHUIUE OASTORIA ALWAYS' too of rar Br. fliB In Use For Over 30 Years 'fcSS'ilrZpI The K'nd You Have Always Bought TH CINTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY, ffl'5gM CHILD LABORLAW TO BE DISCUSSED Differences Between Federal and State Statutes to Be Brought Up at Meeting Today.

Among the more important matters that will engage the attention of the state board of education today, in addition to the question of vocational education, will be that of determining and authorizing a uniform method of enforcement of the federal child labor law. The Utah law, which differs in some respects from the federal law, after which it is patterned, imposes on the superintendent of schools in each district the duty of issuing certificates stating that pupils have completed the eighthgrade in the public schools or have invalid parents or widowed mothers to support. No provision for such exceptions is made in the federal law, nor will the excuse that a prospective employee has declared that heis of more than the ag limit excuse the employer if it is found that thechild is underthe age limit. Miss Grace Abbott, federal agent in charge of enforcement of the child labor law, has advised thatthe school machinery may be used forthe issuance of age certificates, but urges that the regulation be uniform throughout the state. The canning factories are said to be among those which will bemost acutely affected by the difference in the terms of the federal and state laws regarding the employment of child labor.

AUTO IS WRECKED AFTER COLLISION Climbing- the curb, jumping a four-fo- embankment, crossing- the lawn and going" almost allthe wayup the steps onto the porch of a residence at the corner of Fifth East and SixthSouth streets last night, a large roadster owned by Leo Eager, 130 West Fourth North street, was completely wrecked after a preliminary collision with another large roadster owned bv Mrs. LydiaHoldaway of the Shelton hotel. The Holdawav car was going at a moderate speed when the pther car, going much faster, crossed Its path at the street intersection. The two cars "side swiped" one another andthe Eager car took a tangent forthe bungalow. None of the occupants of the cars was injured.

Captain Fink Reaches Fort. Captain F. L. Fink, quartermaster corps, U. S.

who hasbeen assigned to duty as assistant to the post quartermaster at Fort Douglas, arrived yesterday afternoonfromthe Presidio, San Francisco. Captain Fink will assume his duties at the post today. FIRST ROAD SHOW OF SEASON OPENS THIS AFTERNOON AT THE PANTAGES tr tf hl A part of Uie large company who will present "Oh Please, Mr.Detec- tive." George Choos's latest musical comedy, on the new bill opening a week's engagement at the Pantages this afternoon. U. S.

ARMY ORDERS WASHINGTON, Sept. The following army orders have been issued Medical Resewe Corps. Officers ordered lo Fort Oglethorpe, for course instruction in medical officers' training camp: Majors Harry R. McKellar, Cary A. Snoddy.

Captains Davis M. Bell, H.R. Carter, J. 13. Fogarty.

J. A. Harris, Tliomas S. J. J.

McKenna, E. O. Mitchell, D. O. Thomas, M.

H. Turner, A. S. Wescoai. FirstLieutcnaut Walter E.

Allen, Guy C. Anderson, A. Andenioa, R. F. Annis, J.

G. backsirom, W. H. Ballard, J. T.

Banks, O. F. Barihmaler, A. H. Bauscher, H.

M. Beardall, J. W. Beard. B.

G. Beck, R.P. Buckwith, 1. A. Bcdnarkiewicz.

W. P. Belk, C. Bell. C.G.

Bell, UU H. Bley, J. BUimberg. J. O.

Boals, A. E. Bogart, R. A. Bogia, A.

Booth, F. M. Boyatt, A. F. J.

Boyd. B.P. Bradley, J. V. Bradley, J.

W. Brandon. J. W. Brasfield, L.

W. Brecne, J. li. Brcnnan, C. W.

Brown, "VV. R. Bufing-to- W.J. Burke, W. D.

Cagie, J. C. Call, N. B. Cannady, H.

A. Carskadden, I. E. Charleswortli, H. Clierashore, J.

H. duls, D. B. Cliffe, H. D.

Coffee, H. A. Collins, P. Conloa, B. S.

Cooley, J. N. Coombs, L. d'C. Colen, L.McD.

Coulter, Z. S. Cowan, William Crow, J. W. Crum, J.

E. Cudd, B. D. Davis, O. S.

Deathridge, A. J. Denmaa, J. D. Dickson, J.

H. Digres, J. A. Dosber, V. B.

Dotterer, C. E. Dovell, A. N. Dykes, J.

R. Dyson, A. L. Ellis, B.B. Edwards, E.

P. Esdertier, F.B. Eves, F.P. Falter, A. V.

P. KardL'lmann, V. J. Fenerty, P. S.

Fitzgerald. M. A. Fort, M. W.

Freas, L. E. Froomess, R. G. Fuller, G.

Fuquay, H.V. GreJger, W.R. Geiaghty, J. Gerndsay, H. A.

tiering, A. L. Glazier, C. M. Gray, A.

M. Greenwood, T.V. Greet, R.B. Griffin, F. Gruvcr, O.

R. Hagen, E. O. Hagler, W. H.

Haynes, S. E. Hall, E.R. Hardin, G. E.

Harhen, H.E. Harraan, H. Harp, M. C. M.

Harrison. W. C. Hatchett, R.B. Hayes, R.

C. F. G. Hendryck, W. C.

Hensyl. T. S. Hicks. A.G.

Hilliard, A.G. Hlnrichs, J. J. Hisiop, J. C.

Holley. I. P.P. Hollingsworth, T. Hoohs, R.

J. Hunter, W. E. Hyskell, R. Jacki-on- J.

F. Jenkins, H. Johnston, J. S. Kellis.

C. b. Kennon, W. J. Lancaster.

W. Langly, J. S. Lasslter, W. A.

Lebkiclier, F.W. Lee, J. N. Lee, W.H. Leffler, C.

E. Lchniberg, D. G. G. B.

Lee Suer, E. R. Lett, H.F. Leubert, G. J.

Levy, II. G. Lightner, 0." XV. Little, J. J.

Lloyd, J. XV. Long. M. L.

Lummis, N. D. McArton, R. B. McCano, R.

J. McEacheru. J. C. McFate, L.

C. Mcintosh, W. McKay, C. R. McKee, C.

E. McLean, N. A. McLeod, A. W.

McNeal, W. T. McNese, O. H. McNemar, G.

T. McNLsh, C. L. McGruder, G. J.

Mancil), I.W. Mayer-ber- H. C. Melliok. C.

L. Mclnes, J. E. J. W.

Merriman, William L. Mi Ilea, R. O. Miller, M. Moody, H.T.

Moore. A. D. Morgan, G. B.

Morris, J. H. Mulle, C. J. Muni, C.

E. Murry, J. K. Norwood, J. J.

O'Donnell, J. M. Oliver, E.Y. Ord, E. M.

Orr, W. A. Ofltrander, H. E. Parneil, W.

F. Passer, F. L. Patterson. J.

R. Peavy, V. P. Peery, J. D.

Perdue, T. Peters, P. A. Petre. H.

S. Pettier, W. M. Pierce, F. H.

Pyckney. G. W. Potts, R.P. P.rice, H.

J. Price, H.P. Rankin. A.C. Reeves, G.

H. Relnhardt, A. XV. Ricketts, E. M.

Riggins. D. Rivers. A. M.

Robinson. E.W. Rode- peieer, F.W. Rogers, L. M.

Rogers, M. P. Rudolph, J. J. Rutberger.

C. P. Rutledgc, W. C. Sain, W.

Satterr, XV. J. Savre. C.S. Siiafer.

H. C. Schmelsser, W.H. Scruggs, J. G.

Seay, E. T. Sellots, W. A. Sewell, M.

E. Sherer. C. J. Phil lot t.

L. Sbumacker, D. L.R. Signor, D. Siberman.

J. XV. SHIiman, M. Silver. E.

C. Simouton, J. C. Simpson, H.E. Simrel.

R.E. kelton. I. J. Slay, D.

C. XV. Smith, H.F. E. Smith, J.L.

Smith, James R. Smith. J. R. Smith, Thomas M.

Snyder, B. Sobernlielmer, .1. H. Sommerville. C.

J. Stack, S. Stalberg, H.F. Starr, C. J.

H. Stearns. A. McC. Stevens.

F. B. Stevenson. W. J.

Stewart, J. C. Stllley, C. Stoepler. J.

G. O. L. Strigfield, G. K.

Strode. B. S. Stuttz, E.P. Summs, J.

J. Sweeney, A. P. Temple, L. L.

Terry. J. O. Thomas. W.

N. Thomas, S. B. Thomq- son, H. B.

Titlow. L.H. Tompkins, A. G. Trotter, R.

Trufkenmillcr, S. O. Turner, W. E. Turner, L.R.

Unburg. F. F. Urey, H.V. D.

Voort, S. A. VandewatPr, H. S. Vanetten, J.

P. Vansani. C. H. Vcrnor, M.

Vlnciguerra, C. L. Vrecland. H.W. Wade, D.

A. Walker, Q. I. Walker, R. Walker, XV.

J. Walker. A.C. Walluip, C. Wall.

P. Wall. C. D. Walton, XV.

Ward. A. C. Watson. Z.

L. Weather ford. T. D. Welch, E.

K. Wells, S. T. Wells. S.

S. P. Wet more. J. W.

Hann, R. B. Whf taker, J. W. While, W.E.

Whitlor-k- F. W. Wilkcrson, C. L. Williams.

D. 13. Williams. T. O.

Williams. R. G. Williams. A.

R. Woods. W. W. Woods, S.

XV. Wright, C. H. Veadcr, R. E.

Yellett, R.P. Young. Other Thomas A. lo Garden City. L.

and report to com- mandinggeneral of Forty second division, Camp Ills, for duty George Draper, relieved from remount station. Fort Royal. to Walter Reed General hospital. Takoma Park. D.

for duty. Assigned to duty for of ruction ''a plains Ernst H. Stai to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Louis .1. ('.

Bailey to Fort Benjamin Harrison, r.d. Fi aiiri.a R. Lymin to Rokcfcl ler Institute. New York. themo to Fort Benjamin Harrison, First Lieutenant A.

K. Owun to Kansas Cltr; B. Kitowslti and J. C. Michael from "'ai'Jiila.

to Fort Benjamin Harrison. Ind. For assignments to other duty: H.E. to Western department; G. F.

Gracey to Hazelhurst field, Mineola. L. C. M. Banks to Fort Thomas.

Ky. Harry L. Brush to Camp Sherman, Cbillicothe, Ohio; J. R. Galiaway to Southern department.

Leave (or five days has been granted Major Albert G. Love, medical corps. Quartermaster Officers' Reserve Corps. Assigned to active duty as assistants to quartermasters Captains John L. Hascall.

Camp Devens, Ayer. Mass. Charles XV. Bond, Camp Upton, Yaphank. L.

Mathew L. Carey, Camp Dlx. Wrightstown, N. J. F.

H. Carter, Camp Meade, Admiral. E. A. Farrell, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va.

E.E. Johnson, Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. Henry L. Hall.

Camp Fordon, Chamblee. Ga. Eugene H. Kothe, Camp Sherman, Chllllcothe. Ohio; J.

G. Everson, Camp TayTor, Louisville, Ky. E.F. Wright, Camp Custer. Battle Creek, Mich.

Henry K. Atwell, Camp Grant, Rorkrord, G. H. Carr, Camp Pike, Little Rock, John L. Baker, Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa Charles Bartlett, Camp Fort Riley, Hubert W.

Broder, Camp Travis, San Antonio, Texas A. G. Lewla, American Lake, Ward B. Duncan, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C.

George H. Evans, Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. C. Alexander Fitzhugh, Camp Hanco*ck, Augusta, Ga. Thomas Coombe, Camp McClollan, Anniston, Ala.

Howard V. Benawa, Camp Sevier, Greenville, S.C. Stanley A. Brown, Camp Wheelock, Macon, Ga. G.

A. Cordingly, CampMac Arthur, Waco. Texas: F. R. Hagen, Camp Logan.

Houston, Texas; Lewis B. Horton, Camp Cody, Doming, N. Charles W. Rastall, Camp Doniphan, Fort SMI, Charles F. Poe, Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, Texas Murdock A.

McFadden, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Ala. Max M.Neu- mann. Camp Shelby, Hattlesburg, Miss. Dow V. Walker, Camp Beauregard.

Alexandria, La. R. C. Doi'ghty, Camp Kearney, Linda Vista, Oilier assign men fs Major George C. Sherrer, quartermaster corps.

Alabama National Guard, to this city (or consultation with quartermaster general. Captain Sven Chrlstensen, reserve, to San Francisco as assistant to Major J. M. Munro and proceed with him to places as necessary to pur- chaseof public p.ninials. Upon completion of this duty.

Captain Chrlstensen will proceed to Fort Reno, as assistant to depot quartermaster. Captain Ewlng W. Hamlon to Harvard university for temnnrary duty as assistant to sen to? instructor of tne quartermaster corps school. Captain Hamlen will proceed not laterthan September 15 to Fort Sheridan, as assistant to the camp quartermaster. Fir3t Lieutenant Marion Soard, Douglas, will telegraph the commanding general, Southern department, for assignment.

First Lieutenants James F. Fogarty to Central department for duty with bakery company; John H. Reese to Southern department for duty. National Army. Ordered to Camp Dlx, Wrlghtstown, N.

for duty with Seventy-eight- division: Brigadier Generals James T. Dean to command the 156th, and Marlr T. TTfT7v In rommnnn thet IKSth Inranfrv brigade. Draftedinto tho military service from national guard, under provisions of the proclamation of July 3: Majors L. M.

Blanchard, Judge advocate general's department. Maine National Guard; Walter B. Beals, Judge advocate general's department, Washington National Guard. Major Blanchard Is assigned as Judge advocate of the Eighty-fift- division. Battle Creek.

and Major Beals as Judge advocate of the Forty-fir- division. Camp Greene. N. C. To Camp Custer.

Battle Creek. for duty with Eighty-fift- division: Brigadier Generals John K. McMahon to command the 160th artillery brigade Samuel W. Miller to command the 160th depot C. Morse to command the lG9th, and Julius T.

Penn io command the 170th Infantry brigade. Other assignments Lieutenant Colonel George E. Thorn, infantry, national army, as constructing quartermaster, Cnmp Travis, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, in addition to his duties as division quartermaster. Captains Robert R. Wiggins, from Rock Island arsenal, Rock Island, to Washington, D.

for duty. First Lieutenant Harry N. Fuller, sanitary corps, to this city, for duty in the officeof the surgeon general. Miscellaneous. Captain Ixj rimer' D.

officers reserve, will make notto exceedfour visits during September to Brooklyn and Schenectady, N. thence lo on business pertaining to engineerdepartment. Resignations ofcommisfioni as officers In the field artillery officers reserve corps, acceptedby the president: Second Lieutenants William Adams. Frederick R. Hazard, and Herbert P.

Folkere. Resignations of commissions In infantry officers reserve corps accepted by the president: Frank M. West berg. FirstLieutenants Mi Hon H. Michael.

Felix A. Kempski. Claude H. Druso Second Lieutenant Chester B. Voorhees.

Leave for ten days is granted Second Lieutenant Hobert Szotd, field artillory officers' reserve corps. Yesterday Enlistments Navy Bernard Hudson Beck, Lewis C. Ostrosky, Pittsburg1, James Anthony Beck, Ogden; Utah; TheodoreWilliam Robb, Salt Lake City, Utah; Aaron Benton, Salt Lake City, Utah; Thomas Lester Burnham, Lewistown, Mont. Letter Arnold Montgomery, Minot, N. D.

John Mark Shinn, Hunters' Hot Springs, Theodore Alphonso Minn. Girard Anderson, Salt Lake City, Utah; August Mills, Dunning, Ernest G. Carr, Ely, Nev. Phillip H. Phillips, McGill, Lorenzo B.

Claffin, Sumatra, Clarence R. Schneider, Brockway, Mont. Army James E. Ballen, Pocatello, Idaho, infantry; John McDermid, Hiawatha, Utah, quartermaster's corps; Roy Ashland, Dunbar, infantrv; David F. Coursey, Salt Lake City, quartermaster's corps; Harry G.

Pea-bod- Salt Lake City, quartermaster's corps. Marine corps Solon B. Clark, Mac-ka- Idaho. Idaho; Olio B. Swauger, Mackay, BOND QUOTATIONS BY J.

A. HOGLE J. A. Tlogle 163 South Main street, furnish the following Quotations, received over their private wires: NEW YORKBOND QUOTATIONS. Bid.

lAsked, A. tehison gen. Is htiv S7 B. O. gold 4s 84 84 '4 Beth.

Steel ref 5s Slii Central Pacific 1st4s So Si C. B. Q. jt 4s 9f)'i HSf-- i St. Paul Ren 44s S6' 9014 C.

N. SV. gen 4s S9 30 L. N. uni.

4s New York Rv 5s 20 2t Northern Pacific p. 1. 4s 85i Read ins; gen 4s ST i SS Union Pacific 1st4s Sltuj 31 U. S. Steel 5s 104 U.

P. 1st ref. 4s SI S4s Soutliern Pacific cv. 5s 3tsJ 344 do. cv.

4s Si S2 Pennsylvania Con. lOO-l- IDI'4 PennsvlvnniaCentral 9i 3tVs Llhertv (99.90 39.91 An'-'I- French 5s. 1920 Wn 93 U. K. as.

J9IS 4 U. K. I ft 17. K. 5 'is.

Nov, 1919 95 U. K. 5'is, 1919 991,4 U. K. 1921 94 A.

T. sec. 5s, 1913.. 95- 95'i Rep. France 5s.

1931 145150 Piiris Cs. 192193 93H French 5s, 1919 9TJ 97y, Marseilles 6s. 1919 94 Russian F.xln. 5'4s, 1921 69'il 71 RussianIntl. 5l.

J9S 177 1S1 Dom. 5s, 1917 9Hss I)om. as. 1921 95 95'i Pom. 5s, 1931 95U Dom.

5s, 1926 95i2: 97 Argentine fs. Slav, 1520 China fis. 1919 94 97 Pom. 5s. 1937 9514 JAMES KING STEELE VISITS SALT LAKE James Kinpr Steele, flitnr of the zino publisiicl in San Kra n- casco, in tho intfrept of tho Japan Travel association, is in Salt Lake on a brirf business mission and is a guest of the Hotfl Utah.

Mr. Steele recently returnedfrom an extended stuy in Tokto, Japan. His sojourn there wrus sicualizd by the estab-lishn-i- of an in the Japanese rity topromfite irans-I'aeifi- travel to Nippon and the Orient. It is the purpose ofDie Japan Travel assoeia lioii to aetP'e campaign to slirnulate travel arrnpa the ri upon the elnse of the and to this end a comprehensive plan ui now b'jiiig worked out. New York Curt Stocks, J.

A. Hogle 1G9 South Main street, furnishthe following quotations, received over their private wire: NEW YORK CURB CLOSR. Hid. lAskecT Austin Boston New York 35 39 Butte New York 1 li Bingham 1VA 12 Butte Copper Zinc 99 Canada Copper 2 2ys Consolidated Arizona 11 6 2 Con Copper Mines 8 Canada Car Fdy 25 32 Caledonia US 69 Davis Daly A Ely Consolidated 10 15 Elk Basin 9 lu-t- Emma 1 I Vs First National 2 3 Fraction 3 Florence 13 15 Goldfield Consolidated. 50 Green Monster Magnate Copper 66 Howe Sound 5 G1 Iron Blossom InternationalPetroleum 1 2 Vi International Motors 15 do pfd 50 Jumbo Extension 26 28 Jerome Verde 1 1 Kewanas 10 14 Kerr Lake 5 bV2 La Rose Magma Copper 41 48 Magma Chief Mfnes of American 1 Marconi 2 Milford Copper 1 1 6 Mason Vallev fi MeKinley-Darraq- 60 65 Montana Tonopah IS Mizpa'n Extension 9 13 Manhattan Transit Merrltt 324 32i Motlier Lode 30 32 Midwest Oil 1L'3 126 do pfd 1 1 Midwest Refining 161 Nevada Hills 14 17 Nipissincr K'4 North Star 9 13 Oliio Copper 1 Pacific .14 do pfd 87 KSH Profit Sharing YV Oil 7S S'J Ray Ilerrulea Stewart Mining firaiel 30 T.S, Uuat Sarj A 10 Success Mining 19 Tonopah eiision 2 '( 3 Triangle Kiirn i.

Lake Torpedo a1 6 Light II IVil do pfd 33 United Eastern 4Vi 4 United Verde Extension 36 Uta Nol PS r0 91 CitiesService do pfd R'lV srjij Western Pacific 5s 85 K7 "West End 65 70 Film Aetna Explo U'2 A Powder 7'i 75 Uu Pont Powder ierc'ileH Powder 375 Jim 6 6 Oil 1 SinclairOulf jn Jerome "icior 'j Standard Motors 9 in 71 71 United Motors L'fij jtt' Uha imers Motors 5 15 Grant Motors fi Cnrii-e- 37-- 31 "Wright-Marti- Ledge h7 1s; r'r son 6 r'D'-df- Refining in "i l'n; pfd Jlefining i. pecrle'-- 4 Tuolumne Re Warrior California I'Rkers Standard Oil Stocks. J. A. Hogle 169 South Main street, furnishthe following quotations received over their private wire: STANDARD OIL STOCKS.

Bid. jAakedL Anglo 19 19Va Atlantic 900 9311 400 425 Buckeve 95 100 Cheesebrough 400 410 Colonial 50 70 Continental 570 600 Crescent 37 40 Cumberland 150 175 Eureka 200 21 Galena Com 143 153 Galena preferred 13514L Illinois Pipe 212 218 Indiana Pipe 95 100 National Transit 13 15 New York Transit 190 210 Northern Pipe 100 105 Ohio Oil 34b 350 Prairie Oil 615 Prairie Pipe 25.. Solar Refining 340 37i Southern Pipe 198 203 Southern Pennsylvania Oil 310 S. W. Pennsylvania Pipe 108 113 Standard Oil California, 240 215 Standard Oil Indiana 740 7b.

Standard Oil Kaunas 520 Standard Oil Kentucky 350 3.0 Standard. Oil Nebraska 400 510 Standard Oil New Jersey 550 570 Standard Oil New York 555570 Standard Oil Ohio 435 455 Swan Finch 105 ill, Union Tank 100 Vacuum 3n) hi Washington 30 35 pierce Oil 11 Cotton Market. NHW YORK. Sept. 4.

Cm ion fnlurw opirM mnv. 21. rifle; per ni i. 21.440 January, 21.3.'..: March. IM.r.Oe: Mfiy.

21.P0- CoUon runi'fB i ln'l. Ol "her, 21 02r 0 Janunry, iO.I'Sc; Ality. Spot. 2 2. Kit Tliff etUon lo.lay tlracjy at net lots of 32 to U'i poinlH.

Coffoc Futures. NI-- YORK, Kept. 4 Tlip mnrket fnr rnfff f'ltn Inrlay ntulf-- fin "i Whtrh win al Irlhulnl Hi Din ji'tv! wfnthfr report r4 in r.rai over the li'illiia a n1 iH'i vfnic iipk ovrr th'' of ihf Hlor-- nin Offeiiniin wi rot ia ii arly or KKitl v. w.i v'M lill puppoi-- In c. urn Aft it al a of lo 0 polntfi, tho mnrknr iivcl a Iohb nf 2 i 1' lots.

)i" rinbcr mn'iaris cumM off from 7. SOf to 7.7R'-- uml Mjv ftom 14c lo V.ile. w.te of sa Uf. 7. O'tolir.

7. Iteeeinh-- 7.77e; Mai'ti, 7 fi. July, W. Sm1 nf TrO WMJi ''po rt III f.i 'IIKI wit it prif-c- at f''c for (o 7i utifl for Pantos In llm rnst nnrl (irlnht ni nn ion.wllh fiff-- of San on 4r rnnitin-- 10m about to 9. jOc, J.otnloii Th- oflieial rfport1 no rhnnfl in Rm triik''tK eyi-ji- Snii'fis wiiUh wi jtO io lower.

San'ot rtporlc'l clfa 'a ino nf (fir N''W Y'JI BJlll Hlo Cll'lll cd tuv Nw Otlrr-nn- Chicago. CHI' A HO. Ft'r'elrils. HdV); low. T7 (f'T; liirlif.

mlT-'- T'fU ffr. lieavy. i (,. ft Ik. lo'ich.

X'AW' i.n;. r.f vmV. 17 i jfi.h'rfni.T.'i; kfn ow anrhoifnrn, riv-- jn i i. 17 17.0 London Metal and Money.

LONDON. S'fpf. i. Hnr fillvrr. 47' y-- tp.U.

nliort bill. P'f inonMif 4 13 16 par cent. Infant Boy Buried. Puner-i- scrvic-f- of Bernard V. Knelh, Infatit sun of Mr.

and Mrs. Bernard (h Knot)) of JCvanstou, who died Mon-dn- took plaf! from the funeral chapel of V. Tlnll yesterday. The halv tlie rrandaon of William F. Vicr of Salt.

The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.