The Hutchinson News from Hutchinson, Kansas (2024)


MAY 13. 19.36. Wheat Market In New Climb I'plurn Canned By Infla- lionary Thrral Range of Options rtimtBhwl hy A Unrotn, I (ftnttAlna natehlnum Kansas CHy Wheat the part of scJlcis. a circ*mstance partly with Iho Frazier- Lcmkc dobrilc at Washington, ap- prared rrsponsible for wheat price upturns today. Highest juices nf the day for wheal v.ere tcached juM before trading was ended.

The maximum rife was 'p cents a bushel. Wheat closed firm, to I cent above yesterday's finish, May 92 "ii-93, flri'V Corn off to up, May 62 li, oats at decline to advance, and provisions vat-ving from 12 cents setback to 7 cents qain. Wheal futures purchases yesterday totaled 2.1.4 4 5,000 bushels, corn 3.222,000. Open interest in was 76.338.000 bushels, and in corn 25,641,000. Willi sncculalivo offerings lifiht.

wheat limned nf a cent bushel early, and then reacted temporarily )n sonic cases to under finish. Rallies later lifted the market hiclicr. Notable strenKth mean- while was shown by Liverpool m. CU.KO quotations, which closed Today ciooe cents up. whereas a decline of P-s-lN cents liad been looked; for on the basis of yesterday's action? Chicago.

Reports of increasing tension between Italy and the of Nations attracted some notice in connection with Liverpool ftrenplh. Friends of hisher prices that i Mav July Prev. clone 'i Open High IvfHV S4U Oil)' Cor Orfn 60 High ho ftii Low Close Chicago Wheal Mnv Jtilv dote Open Hlch I .92 Cloee 93 Chicago Corn Mnv July Prrv. close 1 Open so HiRh 12 62' Chicago Onts. May Pre---.

f. i 2fi: Chlpnto Rie. May July Pre v. Tndaj rlose Sept Minneapolis heat. Mav 'i Winnipeg Wheat, May Today close JlSlT T7H Financial Markets here.

was COn- Treasury 4c bushel so de- Twasuo- as Treasury Treasury Todav $117,22 i117.2fi Today's Stock Year's Lowest Alcohol le-Mirs lowest in Indtislrijils New York. stock mar- kot turned in advances nf frac- tions to 2 or more points today in another of Die dullest sessions in iioout a year. Gains were faitlv well distributed, although alcoliols and scat- tered specialties were the leaders The close was turn, despite a little late profit taking. Transfers, were around 600,000 shares. Conspicuous on the upside were Distillers Hiram Walker, i Schenley.

V. S. Industrial Alcohol. National Distillers. DtiPont.

.1. I. Case. Douglas Aircraft. Liggett Myers International Nickel.

American Smelting, Deere, If. S. i Steele, Chrysler. Scars Roebuck i and Westing-house. While Santa Fe got up a point, the other rails were rather nar- row.

mis were the majority of the! utilities. General Motors, ex-divi- dend. was only slightly improved. Wheat pushed up of 1 cent. a bushc! and corn was off to up Lt.

Bonds were steady. Principal gold currencies, after an easy earlv tone, rallied in terms of the dollar. Canadian distilling stocks were the day's lively performers upon 'announcement that dominion com- had reached an agreement I with the treasury on claims for 'duties on liquor smuggled into the United States during prohibition. Others in the alcohol group reflected reports of an imminent settlement of tax differences with the Pennsylvania authorities, as of the concerns may climb into the dividend class in the near future. Live Stock Markets Industry Kidnaper's Son UP HP KANSAS CI TV LIVESTOCK KansnH (API 8 2.000.

tnclu.ltnK IrtO dlrci-1; (nirly acme, steadv to ith TitMrtay'a averagp; ft-in hiniH'f on and meilhim trarte lop 9 fie-tirahle (Hi tew S.M^tTTi lipiipr Kinrtr. Mu. Kin T. ft.v- on i nc IR WOO daw n. CATTLE- cahc? hKhtwemti! SPPJR iMrlinas mid led hoifers plcadv i'-I BtronfE; in lieUP.r indtcationfi niily steady on sttongwclRht killlns or ratlle start.e, tnlly stpAdj slroin; to SO and n-pdr i wv-rufp.

unchanged. i.linn'p vearims heifers. mixed yent- Texa.t ed slcera. S.PH li 'W hutcher t. T.V.'J better S.l'n-ii.nn lew 9.SO.

strut re. firm. kind nmuml e.nd feeders vny i cattle Medtiiin weiRhla and steers IIRIU Ktceis and ptemH tii hlfjier choice 1174 lb. Cr'lmmlo s-u Munitions I fads ii( medium and heavy weight alee Is Looking Prtrolrum Tnrlu.strialists More Hopot'ul Sept i Pent. CATTL.K larKet a 1M i strong, thonfih si beitfr March 1 fit.

2i 10S.27 104 u. was also noted that the now: French trade treaty failed to ease also emphasized assertions mat BOVKKSMKM- HONOS purchases of Kansas wheat! York, cio Mu oe fl to Chicago held no threat that v. Rovsmment bonds wcMl as lne belief that some such £iaiu would be delivej-ed on TM ny May contract- 1 11 lended that 1 hvered would undoubtedly represent a loss to those tendering Karm Fed. Farm Mtp. 3s Corn and oats were independently firm, with commercial demand for corn excellent, Provisions were upheld by steadiness of hojz values.

Around 11:15 a. wheat was higher compared with yesterday's finish. May 92V July 85, and corn was unchanged to V2 up. May 62 -V 104.P Home Owners Loan 3 SA 'M 102.2ft Home Own Loan 104 102.29 Grain Markets lorift tariffs on all but the highest priced beverages. Financial quarters seemed mi ifl loi'21 I pleased with the proposed revision land simplification of the corpora- FORRICN CHANGE tion Ux bill now before the sen- New Tork exchange but doubts were expressed fi ui 8 or-at Britain dollars, hat anv drastic changes would be rr nts.

Oreat Brit am demand, 4 i A 4.9JH: Kr.n.- dc the administration ong- ficmand. Italy revenue plan. 7S7: Debate on the Frazier-Lemkc land. Norway. 24 swaden.

25.fi4; 'again failed to stir any mllation Denmark. 22.21. Finland, 2 20 V. excitement 111 the COmiSSion llOUS- Poland.">, ciK-hoaiovakia.

The concensus of brokerage i Tokyo. Mil. 30.10: observers was that the measure i HonKkong. 32.S0: Mexico CCy. 27.SM Mon- UU CI cls rii Uldl U1L mta ulp ireal in New 99.90-S IB Montreal, 100.

SHKLl' l.iK'ii. trteludiiiK tnrotinn ine lamhs ur.c\ en. ninaUy '2b higher; sltei'r v.eali I-IMCP nni IHK 1 l.l.:i, AriKOnas­ ll 10. lamlifj to shippers, 10.7, Sljeop elope.

Spring lambs uneven, nm'-iiy 25 hither; Ffot.f up; fed iamlm pearte. weak to 2o lowe: I-nekape nat laivihs. 11.7T>: pi .11 iiti; California 1 AruuiiH. 11.Oil-11 10, Iflinhs Hlupperit. 10 T't hest flipped satr-ii? nU'erfd, small jots ewes from 1 i0, CHICAGO I.1VI,ST0CK 1 1 ir.fitidink 6.000 to Ul than erape; top U.tfn; P.2-> Sfi; 9.

uo-itio r.i- .5 lew (ifHi; i 'R Renn a i Utile more act steers lipht kinds geltinjc atid order buyers in trade crane medtiim weights wetRhty supplies puch kinds liheial. ot her kilimp claspes shoM-tnc fit: if strenpth- hoth lichi and 'veltihiy hr iters Belt mc brisk act km at. S.2?i dew uw ard: st rk'tly choice heavy heifers 'arcuhd S.75: weighty steers early P.Id. and S.T.'i: Blocker trade dull; bulls' strong at 6.00 down and veaiers 5tronR to 2S hicher at select tip 10 10.00. SHEF.P 7 ooo; all in meacer stir- ply.

uteadv; early hulk dipped lambs 1*. sinciiv Kinds nhsrnl medium pood vt or.jer] 11 'thin clipred*. 'J 0 to killers; r.atne 11 W-'J 0: most shorn 4.50-5.0(1. 1( HIT A I.1VE8T4)CK Wichisa. (AC' i V'SDA I CKKI, mrludir-c 200 calves- slaughter -H runes and he fa nciw vtally tin''hanccfi; weak to stroRR to SO higher stockers and feeders stions to hscher; RIW heifera.

7.2S: plain and butcher ard fKler up lo T.fjO. H0OS-900. mi 4 low hi. SfiO; Kooxt stock Vork never reach the president and. even if it should, it will be vetoed.

tint 100 direct: rt packmc l70-2Sn butch- 'i, rackini; aotvs nf 1 7 r.o-7:» SHf.KP -700 lambs doacd steady; 'op ers. 11.1-*-, choice har.dywetjihi shorn e' 4.50 Tulsa. have! taken a lot of the bogeymen out of the nil game. With the big-wips of the pctro-. Icum industry foregathered here! today for the Ninth Internal tonal Petroleum exposition, it was im- possible not to discern a distinct note of optimism among the men who represent the manifold 1 branches of the business, Gonp was the gloom which two years ago had hung over from i the days of flush production and oil at "two bits a The calamity howler was replaced by a man who talked hopefully of the present Mid future.

There was a great deal of pride of accomplishment among the oil men here for their biennial big: show. Many talked of the technical advances in the refining There were few who would not agree that orderly marketing methods, proration of production and methods of control by the business itself had put stability into an endeavor which a few years ago was a cutthroat affair, subject to fluctuations that pro- i duccd whirlwind periods of prosperity and depression. And as for the strides 'there has been more progress in the last year and a half than in all the rest of my 39 years in the oil business." said one old timer. "This exposition is a tremendous thing." said W. G.

Skelly. president of the show. "It shows the oil business is going Most refiners were sanguine about the gasoline price situation. They agreed readily that refined output and stocks were at a high point but they were quick cite computations showing an increase consumption keeping well ahead of production. Every indication to hand was for a summer of heavy consumption with the general public taking to the highways in greater numbers than ever before in newly purchased automobiles iCLASSlFlED Advertisem*nts Phone 4400 Legal Notices' Lcea! Notices Jimmy Robinson.

6 (above), son of Thomas H. Robinson. raucM in California and returned to Louisville. to face charges of kidnaping Mrs. Alice Speed Stoll.

had been taught his father is dead. He in shown at his home in Nashville, Tenn. Thoto. lerrsied in the aforesaid Kstate. aro hereby notified, that at the rpRtiinr term ot tha Probate Court, in and for said Cmmty, 10 he beRtin and held at the Court Itoom, in Hutchinson, and County of tleno.

Staja of afnreralit nn the. Klrst Monday tn tna month May, A. D. and on ina 21at day n( said month. 1 shall apply to Ihe.

oafd Court for a full and final settle- Trent of said Kstate, and at such iline application "lit he mada for an order Cmnt and adjudalnR who trsatees, devigfea and hefrs of deceased April SI, PATRICK JAMES MrKlfcRNAN. Ctl'AMMA VM NoTH'K I'fcTlTlON TO AdmlnUt ralor With Will Annexnd Ue Bon it SEM, RKAl, KHTATK Notl of Ealate nf Hubert McKieinan, Stata of Kansas, Reno County, KR. Peccascd. In Ihp rrobate Court Counly uml A Huxmah. Slnte Attorney.

Apr. Mnv Trt dletin M. Holt and Elva Holt minor heirs of F.dwln Holt deceased NOTICK UV PINAL SKTTLKMKNT You will lake notice that on the Vgth i atftte 01 day or May, at 10:00 o'clock a. rn. County ol Reno, 1 will present tu the Probate Court of ln Ptohata Court In and for said Reno County, Kansnn, the Probate i County.

Court room In the Cltj of Hutchinson, in In the matter of of Bert Moore, aalrt founly, a Petition aaklnji for author- Deceased. Jty to sell your interest in the real cslnU CRKD1TORS and all other ln- described, to-vtt: terested tn the aforesaid Estate, are hereby An undivided oim-fiRhtli ('it notified, that at the regular term ot trta for ench of said minors In nnd to: L-ot No. Thirty (301 and the East Eight feel of Lot No, (31) In Block No. Twenty-one Ul) nf Hutchinson Investment Company's Ninth Addition to the City of Hutchinson, in said County and Slate; and also No. Twentv-three and tha Kast Sixteen (161 feel of l.ol No.

Twenty-two t22! Oloclt Seven (71. Hutchinson investment Company's Fourth Addition to the City of Hutchinson. In said County and Stale; and at thai time and place you and all others interested are notified lo be present and cause, if any have, why an OrdeV of Sale as prayed for should nol be Rranted. Puled this 13th rtav of May. ULLA I.

Hot.T, Guardian of of natrt Minors, now kno'wn snd named 1.1 lis I. Holt ney. N-Ui-2t publiithed "May'lilth." 103S Lust published May 20, In the District Court of Reno County, Kan Ma. No. Roffe-Carkener Grain Co Plaintiff Probate Court, In and for said County bs begun and held at Court Room.fU'n Hutchinson, and County of Reno, of aforrsaid.

on the First Monday tn lha month of May. A. D. 153(1. and on inn ISth day of nnfd month.

I shall apply tn the said Court for full and final settlement c.t raid Kstate. and at such time application will he made tor an order of the Court rindinc and adjudging who were tha devisees and heirs of said ceased. April :0, A. D. )93ft KATIE MOORE.

Kxecuirlx of Estate of Bert Moore, Deceased. Malloy, Davis A Whtie, Attorneys. Apr. '22-29 May ftl.1. 4 Are Killed In Mad Rush To Flee Fire (Continued From Page One) by the I F.

Barnett, Defendant, NOTICP, OF SHERIFF'S S.41.K OK I'KK- MONAI. I'llOI 'EHTV Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order ot sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Reno County, Kansas tn the a hove captioned case, and to ihe undersigned Sheriff of said county directed. I will offer for sale and sell at public auction, and aell to htgheat bidder for rash in hand, at Mercn- ants Transfer A Storage Company, 17 and 1ft West si reel, Hutchinson, Kansas, on the 2Mh day of Mav. IBM, at 10 o'clock A. of said day.

ihe following described personal property, to-wlt: One International 2-lon truck, Motor No 43701. CEO. T. ALIJSON, Bherllf. Sot ICR OF FINAL SKTW-FIUENT County of Reno, State of Kansas, ss.

In the Probate Court to and for eald County. In matter of Estats of Hubert McKiernan, Deceased. CREDITORR and all other in- NOTKK NOTICE IS HEREBY r.IVKN, That Let; tern on Ihe Estate, ot 'Jt i erick A. deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the tth day of May, A. Iti.lfi, by the Probste Court or Reno County, Kansas, Now.

all persons hsvtug claims against said estate are hereby notified, that they must present the same to the undersigned for allowance witjjm one year from satrt Letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and that If such claims he not exhibited within one year nfter Ihe dale of said letters, they shaJ! forever barred. M. EMERY, formerly PEARL JAMF .5, Kxenttrig of ihe estate of Frederick A. James, deceased. May 4th.

A. FULTON A HUXMAN. Attorneys. NMa6-I3-2t Hutchinson Grain. Cariol cash uhpat was quoted today at (he Board of Trade as i in 3 up.

ckifrine 4 up. Corn quotf-ri unchanged to up. The was called unchanged, for No. 2. 13 pro- i leu? wheat nominally ranging from per ceoi, to IB over the July basis, Roth offerings and demand re- maineri light.

One sale was posted. Receipts were 21 cars. Today's City basis: MONEY RATF.S New York A money 1 psr all day. Prime commerc IR paper per cent. Time steady; AO per cent offered.

Banker? unchanged. Rediscount rate. N. Y. reserve, hank.

Stock Quotations Fumlihed bj B. C. Christopher Broksrs. 8H Wiley Hotchtsaoti. Produce mi .1 .94 CHAIN RECEIPTS AT -Hutchinson w-nelc Vi, xf.o Wichita, i.

SaJina, 5: Dodee CJi, n. Kansas City. 4P; Wlc- mpek Mir.neaptdiis, IP. Duluth. 54; Omaha, Enid 0.

Cnp.N City. IS. Chicago, Omaha. 1 Si. Lotus.

3S. 2. ChlcnEP, 16. Omaha. 4.

Loin? 10. KA.VSAS CITV CASH KHn.taf i 1' --WHEAT; 19 irj 1 centj- No '2 dark hard. fu ft.s> Nn. '2 hard, P--fM- N'n. 3, norn No.

2 red. nom. Pl-flt; Nf n. nom. Mav July Pep.

i-ars. to r. niRner; No. 2 hitr 71 No. 3 nom.

fiT-70 1 No. 1 No. No. 2 mixrd. nom.

n0' fii'; No. 3, nom. 4 V.a> in; July Sfpt. nfl ft OATS- 2 iars; uiichanped. No, 2 while, pom.

2" -'2h -1 No. 3, MILO MAIZK-Nom. l.Ofl-1.18. KAFIR-Nym. 1.07-1 H.

RVC, -Nom. Nom. MVIIRI'OOL 1VHKAT Wheat due is lower ith r'et linp 5 i Wh'-at opened lo uitti and rtoaed 'o sierlinf S4.8P. Liverpool riose i May, Oft. Stt'i.

AIUiK-NTINK UliEAT losed I'm er. opened i un. hanped, and at noon was KANSAS CITV PRODUCE Kansas Cllv, Vs-1B. 25', buUeTat. 21-23; packing butter, IP.

POULTRY- Hens roosters 11-12; I springs, 20-22; broilers. IP-21. CHI (' A (VO PO1ATO IAPI USDA A Mt mrx -kn Alaska Allied American Can A niencan Radiator Ame.ricaji Smeltine A. T. Anaconda Copper Armour, Jl! A.

T. A 5 Auburn Auto Bald win Locomotive Steel Borden ith I Case. I A. Sielnhetmer mod r. Ctirlett Pre v.

Ttwlar Cl0 ft ftfl i Negro Doctor In Breach of Promise Suit on track SOS; New stock, steady firm undertone, supplies moderate, demand 1 Celar.ese. Louisiana Bliss Triumphs U. Cerro de No. 1, ITS No '2, l.V>-2.15: Ala Chrvefer bams BUss Tnumphs US No. 1.

2.80-S/.: Coliimb.a Gas A- ElcciriY Commercial Solvfpt Commonwealth Southern i Consolidated Oil US No. 2, l.SG-fcfj; lets thsn carlots. California ion ib, sacks White Routs US No. 1. 3.2S cut, old piock, Idaho Russets, firm, slightly atroncer undertone -Vmanr supplies moderate sacked ewl.

Idaiio Rusaet Burba nks No. 1. 2.0O20: Washington Ritsset Burhanks combinn- tir.n 2.00. North Dakota Rtvei section Early Ohioa partly graded 1.15. CHICAGO POILTRV Chicago.

Poultry, live, 1 car. 31 steady; hens ft less 21, more than J- lbs. Leghorn hens IK; Plymouth Rock Springs 27. White Rock 2R, colored Plymouth and White Rock Xationa'l fryers 26, colored 25; Plymouth and White, ew nr Rock hroilers 25; eoiorea 24. 1 General Markets 20-22.

Leghorn 22 roosters 1-1; hen turkeys ns IS. No. arKarcl ontlnental Oil DuPont General Klettnc Ceneral Motors Hudson Motors Lit I. Harvester Intl. T.

Johns Manviiie Kennetolt Copper Linby-On ens-Fold ontporaery Wn rd National Dairy Products iHers entraf North American ounp toms IS, old toms turkeya 16; heavy old ducks 15. hea vj young 1(5, small white ducks 14, small col ored 13, geese 11. CHlCAfiO PRODtCK Chicago APi -BUTTER, 10,720, steady, prices unehansed, easy; extra rirsts local cam 21 graded firsts local cars 20 "i current recetpt.i Vj stor- nRe packed 22, storage packed firstn 21. Butter futures: 2ftH Nov. Close 21 KANSAS CITV HAY Kansas City (AP) ALFALFA- No.

1 txlia leafy 1S.M- 21.00; No. 2. extra lenty 00-18. Ot). No.

14.00-15.50; No, 2, leafy 11.5033.50. PRAJRIB 1, S.50-P.S0; No. 2, 7.50- s.oo., tTA lAi New York APj steady: spot and nearbv 47.00, future 45.25, Iron quiet, changed- Lead urady spot New York, 4.fi0-4.15, SL Louts, 4.45. Hinc dull, East St. Louis spot and future 4.U0.

Neu- York, A ton futures closed unchanged lo higher. May ll.2(( t.X-!. 10.34-Dec. 10.33; Jan. 10.33N: March 10.33.

Spot 'steady; mid- niinft 11.63. Numinal. MLVLR New York. silver quiet arid unchanEfd at 44 New (APi Raw and refined sugar unctianKefj, Futures N'o. 'A.

It regular. 3 lower 1 .0 1 2,700 Ions. Mav 2.0"<B. July Sppl Nov. 2.MB; Jan.

2 ftTB. March 2 L'KK 23 CHICAliO PROVISIONS Chicago. UP) LARD 10.40; July Sept. 10.40. 10 07.

BELLIES May, Julv, 12.72. Oct. Penney Penn. R. R.

pet Radio Seaboard OH Sears Roebuck Shell Union OH Poconv Vacuum Standard Brands Standard Oil of Indiana Standard Oi! of Texas Corp. Gulf Sulphur 1 Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft 1 United Corp i United Gas Jtnp U. Sieei I Warner Pictures 129 123 19 74 75S 32 33 4 i 4 27 2S 3 'j. 3 4 4fv" 27 27 1 22 54 54 4 91 92. 17 17 2 11 31 137'-.

139 35 35 1 62 14-S. 1 Si SI J3 13 91 92 35 3tiS 50 53 39 40 23'i 22 29 30 32 33 24 24 9'i 73 h-i 71 29 41 10 (Continued From Page One) 1935. asking, "Doctor, will you marry me?" He said he told her such a marriage wnuld damage him profes- The nurse's attorney asked the doctor how he thought Miss Piper felt regarding her social standing because of her association with him. The doctor replied. "I've got a list, of seven men now she's and trampled to death llcemg crowd.

Some collapsed on the dance floor. Others dived into dressing rooms or the ice box. The flames were quickly smothered without spreading to other parts of the two story building. Firemen at first thought everyone Many refiners reported a good had escaped. Thev were spurred pickup in contract shipments dur- to action bv the screams of es-1 ins the past week.

caped entertainers that others I ended P' 'P, to sky, for them Weakness in low grade motor U0 sti il in the club. 10 racc llke Hawaiian cocoa- tuel such as resulted in a three. -This criminal," said nu plc cent retail price drop here during Dullea. captain of police mspec-! tlri lower ls equipped with the week generally was nol con- tors after inspecting the place, sidered an alarming factor. "There was no air in the place.

Jobbers were in the market for: "There was only one exit and natural gasoline available at 34 entrance at the foot of a steep cents. This, it was pointed out, stairway with an abrupt right an- could be blended with low grade 8 turn A11 tnc windows were gasoline or naptha to produce a boarded up." motor fuel equal or better than I Mrs. Mailer, one of the victims third grade a saving Bn wife of Bob Forrest Marler of a cent a gallon. jwho owns the club Redwood near Petaluma had come to San Frari- 1 Cisco to visit old friends at the Shamrock and ''for a good time." I Arriving firemen. fighting i against crowds which had poured onto the street from surrounding hotels and apartment houses, were blocked further by the tangled mass struggling from the exit.

Smoke continued to billow from doors and windows after Sinus Trouble Causes Colds, Says E. Sewell affairs with." listing them as so! James Alexander Miller, M. many doctors, one minister and so New York, showed that possibly (Continued a One) of beer be permitted on the ground floor only, that children be not permitted to enter beer parlors, that anyone convicted of crime be prohibited from selling me lthe beverage, and that the ar-, flames, which had swept the in-1 ran mpn opment, in medicine described to-, tenor of the club, were checked luTZt a trson looking' I by streams of water. i (Continued From Page One) a fire escape and a window on each floor, and much valuable practice is received from these drills. Conditions of 3.2 Beer Are Being Scanned NOTICK OF FIN -M, SETTLEMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF L1LLIE BRADBRIOGK, DPJCEASED.

CREDITORS and nl! other rtprfona tn'fr- fMcd In aforcsnld pslnff nrr hereby notified thAl on the 3rd day or June. 193ft. at the Court Room of Court of Rfno County, Kansns, In the City ot the undsrslgnrd Ex- pftitor will apply to said Court for full and finul j-fttlem'-nt. of aatd il such application vrtil for an order of trie Court allowing Executor" nompensatmn and attorneys' and finding and adjudging who ipRa- devisees and heirs of Dated May HHi. 1936.

THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK HUTCHINSON, KANSAS. F.xmi'nr of the Estau of UHlP F. Rr.idfcrMee Pe- ceaaed. By R. L.

Guldnur, Trust Officer. BRANINE A BR A NINE, Attomeys. NMafi many businessmen. Boy Scouts to Camp 79 Enrolled For Camp Pawnee July 6 lo 11 By Marjorie Fairchild Registration for Boy Scout Carnp Pawnee, near Lamed, has increased to 79 enrolled for the first period, opening Juy fi. and Americans are developing a racial resistance to tuberculosis.

The resistance is acquired, he said, by repeated miid exposures to this lung plague. A new treatment for cancer of the bone which avoids amputation. The choking firemen then pressed through the smoke to bring out the bodies they could see lying on the floor. Three members of the orchestra Wilde, Walter King and Don found huddled in the ice box. into which they had dived.

Wollery was burned 17 ft Oil Union WeatmKhouee Woohvorth Local Markets I Prices paid by 1'rcal spiling of cour.ft Are WHI.AT NO i. CORN-Mlxeil. 70; jelluw, OA IS- 1, .311. RV 00 .10. Sprlru vr.t'A) 1.311.

I'RODDIE I. 3a; No. Z. ao. Stmltht run.

.17. COCLI'lll and up. und.r IS; Letnorns .1.1. co*ckS ANU .08. Fred M.

Byers of Portland, Ore. 8 yean old, can type at a of 120 words minute. Commissioners Meet By Joyce Wick The county commissioners and Miss Violet M. Fischer, poor commissioner of Reno, conferred yesterday with various officials from Sedgwick county regarding the county hospital which is located there. The Sedgwick officials, R.

W. Walton, poor commissioner, and Dr. MacLeod, county physician, are highly pleased with the results Rained from their hospital and Paramount picture, feel that there has been a derided reduction in costs. Under their gl old plan whereby county patients i were treated in private hospitals 1 Ihe cost was $3.00 a day per per- Under the present system With a county hospital the cost Timken Roller B.RrtnK runs $2.22 a day per person. The Reno county officers who discussed these plans felt that i their mooting was very worth while.

They have also discussed the possibility of such a building 5 with officials nf other counties. Amerada Oil 98 Arkansas Natural Gas 1 Atlantic 29 Barnsdal! Oil 17 RftuIlK ml ion 27 cnles Service, a'-t Cities Service, r-id F.lectnr Bond A Share Firestone Tire 2Svs oeneral Kood, 3S Goodrich tit Goodyear 21 Mldcontlnenl 19', National Cash Resister Ohio Oil 1:1 Otis steel R'. July 13 Following a camp staff meeting Sunday afternoon, it was decided that 'the features of the program would include the traditional ghost hike and a new adventure in an overnight boat hike under the leadership of Ernest "Babe" Woleslagel. I Saturday night will feature In- pageantry and pow-wow. Sunday morning a non-denomi- 2 1 national church service, Sunday afternoon a swimming carnival SK 1 and a court of honor, and Sundav night a closing campfire a 75 formal ceremony and the award 07 of the Black Diamond.

.81. 1 the method hitnerto nearly always I and the olners wcre suHering trom Al Tn ei 1 )' ed "-smoke and shock. Albee. M. New York By the An of th( injured new operation heal hy bone erry Hartley, dancer: Peter at epli the canorous! Bruhrn.

a fireman, and Robert Morgan, patron, were treated at an emergency hospital and sent to their homes. None of the three were believed fatally injured. portion removed Edward F. Bland M. T.

14 for the second period, opening Duckett Jones. M. and Paul D. White, M. Boston, reported that thematic heart disease occasionally gets well automatically.

They found 83 such recoveries among 1,000 young patients, most- ly children. I Russell S. Boles. M. and Jef- ferson H.

Clark, M. Philadel- I phia. reported a study of 4.000 au- I top5ies to show that alcohol can- not be regarded seriously as a cause of cirrhosis of the liver. A study of the disease due to Funerals M(4 Roads Program 'a by Wick and Mary Jane Boyd U'M was estimated todav bv C. E.

-'a, Priest, assistant division highway I lungs resembles cancer, engineer, that the grading now in progress south of Hutchinson on 38 highway K-17 will be completed IDS in approximately three weeks. 2A ii The construction of the bridge over the Ninnescah river was begun March 1 and is expected to be finished in six weeks, The grading was started on February 17. Mrs. Margaret McGuire Mrs, Margaret McGuire, 35, 215 West Eighth died yesterday after a week's illness in a local hospital, Mrs. McGuire was born at breathing" dust, notably 1 al acl 'v, Texas I 6 was reported by Henry C.

Sweany, 1901 1,1 91 she cam to 1 utch M. Chicago. In all these cases, i lns0 her parents and was he found, the dust made human i married to Paul McGuire in De- lungs susceptible to infections and member of particularly to tuberculosis. He i Mrs. McGuire survived by said there are four principle kinds her husband, two sons, Paul of dust which give trouble, silica, -Joseph, and Michael James, asbestos, coal, and organic.

Some i her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. of the resulting trouble in he f- 200 East Seventh two sisters, Mrs. T. G.

Cleaveland and Miss Mary Roach, both of Dallas, and two brothers, in at a front window or door could view the entire interior. There are no state regulations governing beer sale. However, a number of municipalities have adopted beer ordinances providing licenses and sale regulations. Enactment of a slate law legalizing the brew and providing a state tax to help finance the assistance phases of the social security program was advocated at a session of the state legislative council here Tuesday by State Senator Joseph Kansas City, such a tax. he" said, should raise more than a million dollars annually.

The Montgomery county attorney also announced he planned to start a drive against retailers and wholesalers distributing beer of high alcoholic content. First Published Mar tith, IKSfl Last Published 50, 1 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Stat, of Kansas, Reno County, ss. In the probate court In and for saia county: fn the matter erf the estat. of Eeda Blasl, Deceased. Notice la hereby Riven that letters testamentary have been rranted to the under- algned on the last will and tcstamen'.

and on the estate of Beda Blasl. late of county, deceased, by the Probate Court of p.eno County. Kansas, da'ed the Mft day of June, A. 193,. Now.

all persons having claims aRalnst said estate, or hems In any manner Interested therein, are hereby notified that they must present their claims to the underslcned for allowance wlthm one year from the date of the first publication of this notice, as abov. indicated, or they shall be forever barred. ELIZABETH BLASI. executrix nf the last will and testament and of the estat. of Beda Blasl.

deceased. JOCHEM8 AND SARGENT. Attest: A. B. LEIGH.

Probate Witnesses Out-Break 2.1 I I vi -NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Karmas, County of Keno. In the Probata Court In and For Said County in the Matter of Estate of Julia bell. OcceftBCfl. Crotlltorn all other pemoRi wter- eated tn the afnrcsald Estate, are hereby noli that at the regular term of Probate Court, tn and tor stud County, to he begun and held at the Court Room tn Hutch In and County of Reno. State of aforena'd, on the First Monday tn May, A.

D. 1936. and on the 22nd day of Ealtl I ft all apply to the aaid Court for full and final nf said Kstate, and at. such time appHcanori will he made for an order of the Court finding adjudging whn were the teen, dtMeeea and heirs of said deceased, also for an allowance of compensation and attorney fees. April 27, 193ft.

ANNA CAMPBELL, with Will Annexed, ot the Estate ot Julia Campbell. Deceased. Williams, Martindell Carry, Aliorneyfl. N-Ajil. 29-Mity NOTICE TO Healed will be received on Tuesday, May 28.

1936. at in A. M. at the City Commission chamhura for the installation nf ifls parking meters In the City ot Hutchinson. Kansas, under the following conditions: Meters 10 remain, property nf tetter unill fully paid payable ot receipts from me.

no Intercut, City may cancel contract, at any lime after ninety (HOi rtnya after inslallallon. In case of cancellation Mrs. Julia C. O'Daniels Mrs. Julia Caroline O'Daniels, 94, who with her husband, the late Hugh O'Daniels.

settled in Part- i Sensational Ponce, Puerto Rico, Zionchcck of Washington, who spent Monday having automobile troubles, obtained a closc-up view of Puerto Rico's Nationalistic movement last night in llcr 10 air walk I rlamace. nnH the sum. r.i.UM fUirmr itie San Juan. Before Ihe night had ended the oft-arrested congressman had ducked stones which windows, had watched police break up a demonstration of 800 National- E. G.

Roach, Amarillo, Te 'xT 'and i an asked tor the protec- Joe E. Roach, of the home. on of Unltecl The body may be viewed this on afternoon anri tonislit at the! Zioncheck, tn Puerto Rico on his auernoon ana tonight at ac led i 5 i a nd-wide I Sprier- Appoi Johnson funeral parlors. The i nc n00n at dcl a 'siana-wiae Kansas. funeral will be held at the St attent, Monday by a series of damage, and the sums recehed dunnc the trial period shall he in full settlement of nil claims of the seller.

Dunne the tnaJ period the city will make collections and the seller will maintain the meters. Seller Is lo indemnify the City ol Hutchinson any lenral expense growing out of the installation and maintenance of parking meters and fhall post a surety bond wrliien to a local aeon I tn sum of 52,000 lo guarantee performance of contract. Slate of Kansas, Reno County. Jn the Matter of the Estate of William Teresa'sCatholic church at 9 I Motoring mishaps in which he col- Kelly, late ni Reno County, o'clock. The burial will be at lided with a truck ran thro MSh a Tricnntinenlal Daily Transcript Rifle Captains Chosen Manhattan.

W. Bchm, coach, announced today ,1, F. Gaumoi- of WamcRo. and Miss Ruby Wimder of Vallev hud been appointed captains of the men's and women's rifle teams at Kansas State college. Sweaters were awarded team! W.MVI/.-.

nl II members as follows: at II. II. S. Men's F. Stewart.

By Mary Jane Boyd Farmer. Dr. Frank llcrion Smith, Japan- Kansas City, S. A. Swo.yer, ese Home Mission worker tin the TO WICHITA By JOYCE WICK Miss Violet M.

Fischer, county commissioner, met with the program committee of the South Central Association for Social Service yesterday at Wichita. Preparations wcre made for the meeting of this association on June 3. Miss Fischer has been appointed chairman of divmon of the program committee for social security. The South Central association is made up of 15 enmities. tlKKIlS A B.

fleesllnK tn l.uty Geesling, three lots Turon, quit A Geeslllig to l.ury GeeslmK. lot Kansas City. Mo in No--iri Turon, n.u rlaltr George Allison, sheriff, to H-rlernl 1,11 Land hank of Wichita inn 1 14 mile. llmot f- Wendell. Toneka; western coast, spoke at a special east of syivia, Roger West.

Manhattan: E. L. high school assembly this morn- south and 1 HI 11.I1IM. NOTICK OF APPOINTMKNT allgate, and threatened with a I 0 Bl 5 HI I day or May, A. D.

ly.lh. the underBignect ridge in 1872 when the town was the Sacred Heart cemetery being organized, died last night after a short service at! clarna an was invited to WM probate Court of Coooiy. Roger Waller, Wellington, and women's team: Maxine Gibbs. Dr. Smith is a former missionary 310 west ssih, fin Wuinter: Eltie Musgrove, Fort in Korea and has just recently re- itarry w.

MrMiiian jjooo 0 remod Riley. Mabel Fov, Hutchinson; turned from three months lour residence 7j, Dorothy Alspaugh. Wichita, and of this country. He talked to the died; 18 grand children. Mrs.

Rob- i buUding'llke'so'manv fiics" Then, mm FII.KD is DiMiiin i ni KI Miss Wunder. students abnul the most inter- i ert Thacher and Stewart Alex-j a seemingly endless "ladder is ex- c. rieher riaintifi vs. i.iiiiao rimer i e.vtins ihings on his tour and of i under, of this city are great-grand- ei divorce, I ad News-Herald Want Ads. I his work in Korea.

children. the home of her grand-daughter. 1 the grave. Mrs. R.

M. Alexander, 107 Vv South Poplar st. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Friesen Mortuary with the Rev. Claude J. Miller, in charge.

Interment will be in Fairlawn cemetery. Mrs. O'Daniels was born in Belleville, 111., Sept. 19, 1841. She has kept her interest in Reno county all her long life here.

She was a great reader and needlewoman until recently when her eyesight failed her. Ten days ago she slipped and in falling broke her hip. She has been a member of the Christian church since childhood. Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs. W.

H. Teeter of the home address and Mrs. C. E. Teeter of Marengo, both of whom wcrp with the mother when she Fight Fire? Firemen Keep Kit By Drilling Daily By E.

A. STEINHEIMER and B. co*kLETT "When 1 grow up, 1 wanna be a fireman! Sometime in every boys life, these words are uttered with all the fervor and sincerity in the world. The thrill of hearing the scream of the siren, the loud clang of the bell and seeing the huge red trucks screech by, is quite enough to convert anyone. To keep themselves fit, the Hutchinson firemen have a drill each day at the five story drill tower at Station No.

1 on East st. Using pom-pier ladders they climb straight up the wall of the fight by an aggrieved landowner. Kansas, duly and fiuallfted as Last night demonstrators who I Ktla wiuiam Keny advocate the independence of Puerto Rico from the United States, surrounded Zioncheck's hotel. Zioncheck fled to the home of Lieutenant Moore in the naval station. The demonstrators threw stones which broke the windows.

Police fired two shots and dispersed the crowd. Read News-Herald Want Ads. 98 Percent By Mary Jane Boyd The results of the Reno county eighth grade examination taken April 18 and 25 were mailed today by the supervisor of the Reno county rural schools. Miss Phyllis Obee. Miss Obee and her assistants are now grading the examination ot the seventh grade rural students.

The results of these examinations will be announced later. Out of the 250 tests taken in the eighth grade only about 1 of the students failed. late ot Renn County, All parties in I erected in (-aid EMMc will take nnttcn, and uovcrn therruteh es ntronlingly. CHARLKR CLIFTON KEI.LY and WILLIS N. KELLY, Executors.

FULTON HUXMAN. Attorneys. May ao-av. NOTICK Tfie Board of Reno County Ctnnmis- fitonera will meet as a. Bnaid of -dation the third Monday in May.

foi ion days, for the purpose of he-irUiK n- plainls on personal properly if you have a grievance he sure be present. if jou rati tu at you will lose ths right to he heard. W. O. KKLLCKJCJ.

NMa8-13-2t (ouniy CleiK. "5 -iii from Reno County tor Embezzlement. present his application for a parole me Board or AdmlnUt rail on, at their t.cxt regular meeting held at Lansing,, June 2nd, 1936. Petitioner H. W.

l'KA- CEY. Apr. May 6- IS lit) 7 NOTICK Nollcri Is hereby given that Authorized capital siuL-h 'ot The HuLchinnon Whole- Ksle Grocery Company has been reduced from to wo, 000.mi, divided into 500 (haras of 100,00 each. C. B.

WALLACE. C. M. OTT, Secretary rrettdtnt Apr. 39-May.

The Hutchinson News from Hutchinson, Kansas (2024)
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