The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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30 RECORDS EVENTS BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: FRIDAY AUGUST 25 1933 EVENTS The Daily Calendar Unsettled Weather Scheduled for Buffalo District Saturday Events More Than 1000 Brave Rain To Hear Schaeffer on Porch Candidate Greets Neighbors and Friends at Home Parade Precedes Gathering FUNERAL TO BE SATURDAY FOR EMIL SCHMIDT 50 Funeral services for Emil Schmidt 53 founder of tbe Schmidt Tobacco company who died Wednesday win be held Saturday in tbe family residence ISO Roehrer avenue at 2 and in Miim Evangelical Lutheran church Southampton street at 2:30 the Rev Emil Miller officiating Burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery DIED HeCaaa Engcne Xaaaa Michael O'Caaaer Lac ilia Bealaa Schmidt EatU Bchaatea Bara BE IkmtrHaiy Mavis El lasatr Margaret II Strlegel Faallaa Mailer Warmer Cara 1 Wstslar Mary Ear el EVENTS FRIDAY Banquet Oimmi Sigma fraternity Hotel sutler Social 17th Ward Democratic avenue Drill Buffalo Drum eorra American Legion Centennial park Meeting Betsy Rots tent Daughters of Union Veterans A hall Elmwood avenue and Virginia street Card party Queen's Dsuzhtcrz 590 Ellicott street Picnic Future Zuanna Riverside para Picnic Oreater Buffalo Sunzhine aocicty Delaware park rose garden SHIP NEWS NEW YORK Aug 25 SKIP ARRIVED THURSDAY FROM Washington Humber Southern Prince Buenos Aim SHIP DUE FRIDAY PROM Berenraria Southampton Deutschland Hamburc Cameronla Giazxow SHIP SAIL FRIDAY FOR American Farmer London Wezternland Antwerp Veendam Rotterdam SHIP SAIL SATURDAY FOR Argosy Gydnu Berentaris Southampton Southern Prince Montertdro THE WEATHER 8 Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Office Buffalo Aug 25 1933 Forecasts till 9 Saturday For Buffalo and vicinity: Partly cloudy Friday aqfi Saturday possibly turning unsettled Saturday Not much change in tempera- Tka -ture Moderate to fresh westerly wind For Western New York: Partly cloudy Friday night and Saturday possibly local showers Saturday in extreme nit portion Not much change in temperature For the Lower Lakes: Mostly gentle to moderate west to northwest wind Fair to partly cloudy Friday night and Saturday Weather in Other Cities Temperature Thurs FrL Hih past Night the rain bareheaded patiently shaking hands with all who came forward and simultaneously exchanging neighborly inquiries as to the health of this and that mutual friend Neighbors Also Speak Several of Mr friends preceded him In brief addresses each pledging support of his candidacy and calling on all neighbors to render similar aid George Metz 928 Humboldt parkway a neighbor of Mr Schaeffer for 20 yean preaided Other who spoke included: Charles A Loos 233 Landon street a neighbor for 15 year George Vetter 236 Landon a neighbor for 20 yean Albert Zier 220 Landon a neighbor for 19 yean Alfred Downs 243 Landon a neighbor for 18 years Alfred Did Son 225 Landon a neighbor for 10 yean The meeting was arranged by Edward Dobe who was Mr neighbor until seven yean ago and who first met the candidate 35 yean ago when he delivered newspapers to the Schaeffer home Black Rock 0 Leader Bolts Party and Endorses Schwab Assailing Chairman William Hickey of the Erie County Republican committee a a William Humphrey veteran' state committeeman and political leader of the Bick Rock district Thursday bolted party rank and declared hlmaelf for tbe Independent mayoralty candidacy of former Mayor Frank Schwab Mr action wai the first open break from the rank of the executive committee which several weeks ago endorsed Philip Schaeffer as its candidate The Black Rock leader who twice waa endorsed by the 21st ward Republican committee a candidate for North district councilman gave two reason for hi action First he said he resented the manner in which Mr endorsem*nt va forced acmes by the party leadership Secondly he said he believed the cole hope Of the party lie In nomlnat-lnn of Mr Schwab Except for hi support of Sir Schwab the Black Rock leader eald that he would not oppose any other party candidate He refrained from discussing the recent action cf the i North District Republican association in rejecting him aa its candidate for councilman Hla statement follows: I have been an erianixatlon Republican tho Republican party above our own personal Interest It Is becauaa of my loyalty to the Republican party that I am now aupportine Frank Schwab for the Republican nomination for mayor I believe that ha has the qualifications to reprezent the best Interests of all ef the people of Buffalo and I believe that on election day ho will bo the strongest candidate -the Republican party can placa before tha voters The city of Buffalo and the Republican party are In a critical condition at this time The city needs a man Ilka Mr Schwab with a big human heart who has had ezpcrlcnce In tha office of mayor and who can solve the problems of the nezt administration Tha Republican party needs Mr flchwab in order to secure a victory for the party at the coming election The only office left In the party today of any consequence la that of mayor If we loae that office tha Republican party will be bereft of all major office in Erie county It la my opinion that had tha exccutiva committee endorsed Mr Schwab it urould have been acting In tha best Interact of tho party rather than to endorse a man who la estimable personally but who la unfamiliar with city problems In tha endorsem*nt that Mr Hickey and those associated with him made they did againat tha wlahea of the membera of the executive committee and did not taka tha trouble to learn the sentiment of the county committeemen In general and I recognize the fact that our county committeemen and tha executive committee constitute the Republican organization and not Mr Hickey and one or two dictators who hold no position in the party organisation am supporting all other candidatee on tho Republican ticket who have been endorsed by the executive committee because I recognize that except for the endorsem*nt for msror the net of the endorsem*nts meet with the approval of the executive committee My protest is against the endorsed candidate for mayor not because of the candidate personally but because of the manner in which the endorsem*nt was forced and because the best Interest of the Re- Sublican party had been ignored since tha eat interest of tha party called for tha endoraement of Frank Schwab I The best way to find out something about man ia to ask hi neighbor More than 1000 persona including neighbors friend and resident who have known him most of the 35 years he ha resided fa the eme house at 229 London street heard Philip Schaeffer Republican organization mayoralty candidate utter this bit of philosophy from his front porch Thursday night They responded with a bunt of applause and cheers that left no doubt of the opinion that Mr neighbors friends and acquaintance in tbe community hold of him It was the first porch meeting of Mr campaign and he refrained from politics contenting himself with a neighborly talk to the assemblage that braved the steady rain to hear him did not come tonight to hear political speeches and I am not going to attempt one" be said A Social Hour us consider this gathering as a social hour rather than a political meeting for see among you many old friends of all political faiths It is enough that we fraternize together shall never forget this night nor shall ever cease to appreciate the greeting which you have extended to me" A parade fa which 410 automobiles by actual count participated and in which the fife and drum corps of the Martha Washington and Lafayette Republican clubs marched preceded the front porch meeting The parade formed at Humboldt parkway and Ferry street proceeding in Ferry to Wohlers avenue thence to London street and to the Schaeffer homestead There a loudspeaker had been erected on the front porch and a brilliant relight focused its rays directly in front of it to spotlight the speakers Police Detail Required The turnout was so large in view of the drizzling rain which was whipped by the wind into the faces of the people that a special police detail was required to keep traffic in motion Men women and children a surprisingly large number of whom Mr Schaeffer called by their first names teemed oblivious to the disconcerting rainfall and gave vent to spontaneous outbursts of applause that wreathed Mr face in a large friendly smile friendliness which you show toward me by your presence here to- night well-nigh overwhelms me" he said the bottom of my heart I thank you and pledge you that if honored by the people of this city by election to the Important office of mayor I shall strive day In and day out to discharge my official responsibilities and conduct the office in a manner that will hold the respect and good will which you now show me Good Will of Neighbors a rriie all Is said and done nothing in life should be prized greater than the confidence and good will of one's neighbors You may rest assured that in this campaign and later chief executive of the city if our campaign is successful I shall never lose sight of the obligation I owe to the community in which I was born and In which I have found opportunity to be of service to my fellow citizens "Many of our citizens -re In sore trouble and aU citizens -re more or less distressed because of conditions which have preyed upon us for three years If I am elected mayor your troubles will be my troubles your worries my worries and your happiness will be my happiness My first snd only consideration will be the public welfare all the 35 years that have lived on this street It never occurred to me that would be a candidate for the high office of mayor but now that I am in the race I am happy for the opportunity to be of service to my fellow citizens Must Have Help in order to win I must have your help and here and now I assure you that your friendly support will strengthen me in this campaign as it will hearten me as mayor if that Is the wish of the people of Buffalo" Another friendly wave of applause was accorded to Mr Schaeffer when he concluded Someone in the crowd shouted for an opportunity to shake the hand the next mayor of Without a moment's hesitation Mr Schaeffer hatless descended the steps and stood in the rain on the walkway Virtually everyone fa the crowd pushed forward to shake his hand and extend neighborly greetings and weU wishes Someone In the house brought out i a raincoat and draped it around Mr Schaeffer's shoulders He refused to don a hat For a half hour he stood In Tarzan the BIRTHS Certificates filed in the Bureau cf Vital Statistics Bureau of Health up to 2 Aug 25 Girls were born to Mr and Mm: Jan Pislo 103 Loepere Aug IS Everett Olmsted 243 Englewood Aug 14 Joseph Lancy 349 Park Aug 16 Joaeph Jones 31 Howard Aug 16 Stanley Jaroszcwzki 227 Person Aug 18 John Horan 88 Lovering Aug 18 William Herbert 362 Louisiana Aug 16 Jacob Dickenhcrr 448 Carlton Aug 16 Alfred Deck 499 Woodlawn Aug 17 Robert Clark Kenmore Aug 19 John Bucholi 190 Goodyear Aug 17 Albert Bitter 931 Glrnwccd Aug IS Elmer Ahem Amherst Aug 19 Bey were born to Sir and Mr: Charles Paul Aurora Aug 18 Francis Miller 152 Howard Aug 14 Joseph Marinaceio 373 Buxtl Aug 17 Clair Loveland Tcnawarda Aug 14 Charles Link 18 Lark Aug 17 Robert Kchl 59 Rlverview Aug 19 George Klencr 179 Mulberry Aug 15 Jacob Gel 640 Grant Aug 17 Arthur Erhardt 953 Jefferson Aug 17 Peter Elminowzkl 1418 Bailey Aug 18 Leo Doyle Kenmore Aug 16 Kenneth Cowle 2025 Broadway Aug 19 Anthony Cartta 513 Wet Aug 17 Alexarder Zachowlcz 194 Lathrop Aug 18 Christian Wood 68 Deerfield Aug 15 DEATHS Certificate filed In the Bureau of Vital Statistic Bureau of Health up to 2 Aug 25 Ruby Pettas 26 93 Briggs Aug 23 Jullu Nagel 67 307 Northumberland Aug 23 William Dwyer 59 101 Rounds Aug 24 Cora Wagner 66 701 Auburn Aug 24 Natalie Bicsenthal 50 158 Summer Aug 23 Berth Rivers 39 Marcclliu Aug 23 Margaret Sommer 20 207 Rom Aug 23 Lucille O'Connor 60 136 Livingston Aug 23 John Lascelles 32 Philadelphia Pa Aug 24 Last Few Days! get a MASKoTARZAN FREE Get a ml lift-sizt mmsk sfTarzan 9C Or a metk ef tbe fereciees lien ft Or mask ef tbe mighty ape HERE'S HOW Go to your grocer drug i Buy 3 roils of Northern Tueue or 4 rolla of Gauze the famoua bathroom poprra With either purrhaac you grt a FREE maak of TARZANjwtiw LION or tho APR while they laat Get your Mother to buy Northern Tieeue or Gauze today MOTHERS Northern Timuo and Gauze ere the hethraampapen deeigned eaperially lor women They ere euperooft mervrl-outly abeorbent And eterilised for eh nhite purity buy 3 roll of Northern Timmear 4 rolla of Gauze at special low prices Cm Charles Carrie Hurl Canaas Barbara FltsceraM Darltty Ceaelia Dwyer William Gail Metria Griffin Walter Hold rich Belca Herrmann Freak Kl denar Bafeart 1 LaseellH Jeha Maraalf Batharlaa Muarr Gartraia Au 34 1933 Charles T- beloved husband of Neill Sheer father of Fred 8 Case brother of Carrie Dahn Mrs Maa McAdams of Borins Lake Mich and James Casa Funeral from the family residence 1031 Clinton street Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Friends arc invited 25t26 In this city Aug 34 Edward husband of the lata Sarah (nee Murphy i father of Agnes Currie Funeral from the family residence 835 Seneca street Monday morning at 9:30 and from St church an Emslle street at fi 'clock Friends are Invited to attend 23129 CL'BSOXI In this city Auk 24 1933 Barbara Flttterald wife of the late Walter 8 Cursons aunt of Mrs Patrirk Hennisan Funeral from her late icsl-dence 14R Baynes street Monday morning at 9:30 and from the Church of the Annunciation at 9 o'clock Friends are invited to attend 23129 Aue 34 1933 Cecelia wife of the late John Ooritty mother of Oer-trude and John Dorrity Mrs James Ho-ban and the late Alexander Doritty Funeral from the family residence 17 Bremen street Monday morning at 9:30 and from Holy Ansels church at 9 o'clock Mends are invited to attend 25126 In this city Aug 24 1933 William beloved husband of Justin I nee Hupf) father of Mrs Fop-penberg Mrs James Healy William Jr George and Edward Dsryer Funeral from the family residence 101 Rounds avenue Saturday morning at 9:30 and from St James church on Bailey avenue at 9 o'clock Friends Invited to attend 24t25 CAST Suddenly In this city Aug 39 1833 Melvin beloved husband of Helen inee Fleming) son of Henry and Elisabeth Oast brother of Mrs Norman Hardie Funeral from the home of his parents 140 Riley street Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Friends invited to attend Deceased was a member of Buffalo Council No 66 Royal Arcanum 25129 Buffalo Aug 23 1933 Walter eon of Edward and the late Louisa Griffin brother of Florence Jessie Raymond Frank and Georg Griffin Mrs Lee Lines and Mrs Geesey Funeral from his lata residence 46 Chestnut street Saturday afternoon at 2:30 Friends are invited 24t29 HEIDKICH Entered Into rest In this city Aug 24 1933 Helen (nee Tank) beloved wife of Mta Hetdrlch mother of Marion Heldrlch Funeral from the family residence 93 Stevens avenue Saturday at 3:30 o'clock Friends Invited to attend HERRMANN In this city Aug 33 1933 Rank beloved husband of Margaret Herrmann (nee Reis) father of Frank Herrmann Funeral from his late residence 430 Xmslle street Saturday morning at 9 and from St Ann's church at 10 o'clock Friends are invited to attend 'Deceased was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No 46 24t2S At Ontario Cal Aug 30th Robert husband of Sylvia (nee Lald-lawi: father of Mrs: John Burgwardt Bruce Allison and Mrs Robert Manker Burial at Toronto Onl- Monday Aug 28th In Buffalo Aug 24 1033 at the family residence 620 Lafayette avenue John Lascelles husband of Alda Dobkins: son of Mrs Bartley Doyle and the late John Lascelles brother of Charles B- Arthur Lascelles and Mrs Julian Kahle Funeral from St Joseph's Cathedral Delawara avenue Saturday morning at 10 o'clock 24t2S MABZOLF At Clarence Center Aua 23 1933 Katherine (nee Osrehlmei beloved wife of Jacob mother ef Mrs Peter Reiman Mrs Clarence Bates Mary Henry John William and Andrew Marzolf Funeral from her late residence Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and at 2:43 o'clock from the United Brethren church daylight saving time Interment in Fillmore cemetery Clarence 24129 hssvar Aug SB 1933 Gertrude beloved daughter of John and Gertrude Masury (nee Kellanyi sister of John and Mary Masury Funeral from the' family residence 425 West tvenue Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock and from Holy Angels' church at 10 o'clock Friends ere invited to attend 25t2S MrCANM Lackawanna Aug 23 1033 Eugene husband of Anns Horn: son of Owen and the late Sarah McCann brother of Mrs John Coyne Mrs Fst-rick Olesson of Bcrsnton Fa Mrs Jo- seph Dauer Mrs Frank Dausr John 1 Joseph end Frank McCann Funeral from the family residence 409 Colton ove Time to bd announced later 25t26 Aug 35 1933 Miehael son of the Mta Ann and William Nunan brother I of Margaret and the Mte James William end Nellie Nunen and Mrs Mary Ann Keller Funeral from the family resl-I denee 433 West eve Time to be announced Mter 23-29 Aug 33 1933 Lucille Regina daughter of the tate Michael end Bridget O'Connor sister of John William Daniel Rev Edmund Mary A Margaret Veronica and Julia O'Connor Mrs William Sabry Mrs Louie Speck Mrs William Dickinson the late Brother Francis and Slater Mary Vincent Funeral from the residence of her sister Mrs I Louis Speck 136 Livinaston cvenue I Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock and from the Church of the Annunciation st 10 o'clock Friends are Invited to attend Flowers gratefully declined 24t23 Buffalo Aug 33 1933 Emil husband of Emma Kuehn Schmidt father of Elvln Esther Victor and Robert Schmidt Funeral from the family residence 186 Roehrer avenue Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock and from Emmaui Evangelical Lutheran church Southampton street at 3:30 Friends Invited 24125 i BCHOCTEN In Buffalo Aug 23 1933 Dors Schouten daughter of the late Richard and Maadalene Schouten (nee Menhardt) Funeral from her Mie home 203 West Tupper atreet Saturday morn- Ing at 9:30 and from St Michael's church at 9 o'clock Friends Invited to sttend 24t25 SHEKBEE Aug 23 1933 Mary wife of John mother of Rimer Loretta Florence Norman Regina Eleanor Martin Ruth and Eugene Sherrer and Mrs Louis lichinger sister ef William Follctt and Mrs Anna Kelts Funeral from the family residence 99 Westfield road Eggertsville Saturday morning at i 9:30 and from St Benedict's church at 9 Deceased was a member of tbe Rosary and Altar society Friends era invited to attend 24t25 Aue 22 1633 Edward eon of tbe Mte Bernard and Catherine Rlavin (nee Ritchie brother of James Mary A and the Mte Margaret SMvin Funeral from the family residence 31 Florida 1 street Saturday morning at o'clock and from St Vlneent's church at 9 o'clock Ftlends are invited to attend Aug 23 1933 Margaret daughter of Fells end Elisabeth Shanahan: sister of James and Charlss Sommer Funeral from family reiid-nce 207 Rose avenue Saturday morning st 0:16 and from Ail Saints church at 0 o'clock Friends in-Vitcd 24125 Aug 34 1933 Paulina Muller beloved wife of Joseph Strlegel mother ef Howard Sylvia and Irene: sister ef Charles and Ann Muller Funeral from the family residence 12g Kehr street Monday at 3 Deeeased was a member uf tbe Aid Society of Eton's Reform church Genesee and Rohr streets Friends Invited 23t26 In Buffalo Aug 24 1933 Cora wifa of Abram Warner mother of Joel Warner and the Mte Bertha Warner Well sister of Mrs Emanuel Bo as berg Mrs Adolf Block Leon Jsndorf of Buffalo Edward A Jsndorf of Chicago and tbe Mta Gertrude Kaufman of Baltimore Md Tbe funeral will taka place from the family residence 701 Auburn avenue Sunday morning at ll o'clock Friends are Invited to attend 23129 WETELEB Aug 23 1933 Mary Engel beloved wife of John Wetxler mother of Mrs Frank Kinael a liter of Mrs Lcon-hirdt Funeral from the family residence HS Madison atreet Monday morning at end from St Ann' church at 9 o'clock Friend Invited 2St29 STAMP GROUP TO ELECT SYRACUSE Aug 25 (J5) Mclni-a of Warren 0 was slated to elected president of the Unlver sal S'rmn association at the second scssien its cnnurl ccmention hers Frida- He was nominated Thursday night Three Major Great Lakes Unions Outline Plans to Cut Hours and Increase Pay Abolition of what labor leaden rail tbe "blacklist scheme" target of attacks by seamen for many years Is proposed In codes drafted In Chicago thU week by three major Orest Lakes maritime unions which have a Buffalo membership of 1500 men and a total enrollment of 12000 This action Is outlined In the codes made public here Friday by the Sail-on union the Marine Firemen Oilers Watertendera Coal union and the Marine Cooks St union Each code reads in part: blacklist scheme known as the Lake Carriers1 Association of welfare plan under which seamen employed or seeking employment on vessels enrolled in that association of employers are required to surrender their rights of collective bargaining and to carry the so-called discharge book issued by the aforesaid association of employers shall be abolished Wage Rates Listed Shorter hours and increases of between 20 and 30 per cent in wages are proposed in the codes according to Patrick O'Brien Buffalo vice president of the International Union of America Many of his suggestions were included In the codes John Secord Ebeneser general secretary of the Marine Cooks St Stewards was present Minimum monthly wage rates proposed in the three codes follow: JOB WAGE $105 77 105 105 105 77 77 155 155 90 00 75 Able seamen Ordinary seamen Marine firemen Oilers Watertendera Coal passers Coal Trimmers Chief cooks Stewards Second cooks Walters Porters May Call Local Meetings Each member of the above groups would be required to work no longer than six hours a day seven days a week "except in emergencies involving danger to life or property" Mr O'Brien said Friday he may call meetings of local members of the unions to endorse these schedules of working hours and wages In a letter to Joseph Woods president of the Lake association Cleveland secretaries of the four major Orest unions point out that "it a startling fact that at this time when a working week ranging from 30 to 40 hours being established In various industries the seven-day work week with a minimum of 84 hours is still being enforced on the Great Lakes as affecting large part of the crew on all vessels enrolled in the membership of your organization In these cases the regular minimum work My of 13 hours frequently Increased to 18 hours when watches are broken upon entering port and also in emergencies which so often occur in the shipping industry Reasonable Levels" rates have fallen below all reasonable levels "We presume that In accord with the provisions of the NRA your organization will participate in the submission of a code for Great Lakes CITY COURT JUDGMENTS (First asms is that of tbs debtor) Btera Starrldis-Jacob Dubel 20 Ocorse Dorle-Irvlns Potter S3184 Joseph Papp-Williain Rennie S1S950 William Griffin-Beulah Ellis 84444 Etta MuUen-Cliflord Orr $4303 Robert Dean-Jamea Kin S17229 James Pstterion -Herbert A Herald 82148 8 8ullivan-Elmwood Lumber A Shingle Co 633897 James Popff-J Adam A Co 921 Fred 8mlth-Oscar Bourdaset (4832 Frank Wadon $2550 Jos Fish 93713-Adam Meldrum A Anderson Co Hyman Ponnech-Psul Davis S7 Norms Aldrlch-Alexander Malael 94813 Louis Paul-Lours Gieae 98820 Crsdit corporation-GMdya Unser 517050 Isadora Wolchak-Dave Drallleh (25080 A Frltchard-Altman Sales corporation S39B5 Donald Roy-8amur1 Bloom Ine S3S10 Amelia DTnnocensa-Charles Durke and one 63098 A Krobltzsch-Fred Koehler and on 82360 Sarah Bruce S1760: Clarence Soule S1S60 Frank Brsreki S13S2 Leslie Delta 81370-New York Telephone Co Ernest Lamka-Ctthcrins Borawicx 83950 Anne Tnomey-Wm Henserer Co 815994 Atnes Sehoenthal-Wltkop A Holmes Co 81152 Henry Wilkinson and one-Thurn Adjustment Bureau Ine $6022 James Gassman-John Wetter SI9340 Harold Ehde-Abe Halbrrlch 3350 Ralph Harwlek 82283: Edsrard O'Brien 82410: Domicsyn Matecsum 84558- Alsen 8 Cadvsllsder Virsll Collins and one-Harry Bilsky 88113 Sadie Tuchman and one-Abraham Kirach-enbaum and one 85940 -Hartley Funk-J Hudson Co SS475 Nicholas Niederpreum-Wheellnc Corru-sstins Co 99440 Earl Reardon and one-Housebold Finance corporation 926480 Anselmo Farerl-Hsrry Gamier Ine 81350 Electa Dudlcy-Joseph Ruff and one 37015 Edward Raddel S2335 Jacob Wohlfehrt S3515-Kleinhsns CU John Bpsetb-Kstberlns Wlolsrsks 82305 Lucille Eulrr-Csrllon Werts 5712 Georse Miller-Anna Dusxynskl S10230 Anthony Olasewoki 83445: Roland An-llnser SSSSO-Beulah Ellis Arthur Hunxerford and one-Frederlck Lanidon 83130 Mary Walsh-Jehlel Baaer 84505 Champion Rotary Motor Co-Gomer Davies 830080 Loretta Walters and one 81745 Carmelo Baitaella and one 84568: William A Leonard and one S2733-Hanford Bilsky Jcmes Taylor -Morris Turehln 810440 Ernest Burnett-John Bray 86650 Ber Well 842 89 John Petko 43 51: Harry A Brlsbin 1835 Edward Fle-csynskl 783B-8tanley Frost Joseph Ciora-Bronizlawa Merts SS890 Henry Sederbura and one-Orsee Davison $53 Bchults-Jamcs BelMnca 810790 CITY COURT DISMISSALS AND ADJOURNMENTS Adjournments Monica Btorts vs John Nichol Swift law Aug 31 Mona Block vi Manuel Ortiz assault Aug 29 John Olechnlckl vs Joseph Xrajrmicn assault Aug 31 Arthur Loefke vi John Bong'ovennl stolen property Bept 12 Olenn Addis va Joseph McLanc leaving an accident Bept 7 Fred Vosi va Ethel Gurney malicious mischief Bept 7 Reman Borsecki vs Peter Zowsllk assault Bept 7 Dismissals Jennie Goldman vs Zllsk Tret or Casmlsr Luchowskl vs Anthony Krusika Funeral Directors HOLZ-NTUKIRCHEN CO INC 279 A 1390 LEGO A RENDELL 757 Elmwood 2593 WALTER PROCTER 118 Richmond 6624 MrDONALD A BOW Moln at University- UN iota HENRY lAimuiIN 2268 Main Et 421S WILLIAM VINIELRANO FUlmws at FL 0211 Comparative Temperatures Highest temperature past 26 hours 68 Lowest temperature 64 Averasa temperature past 24 hours 66 Normal for this date 67 Highest temp this date since 1S74 86 Lowest tempt thia date since 1874 46 Excess in temp since Jan 1 638 Precipitation Fbr 24 hours ended 9 A li Since Aug 1 Deficiency since Jan 1 37 241 664 oooaaoa Relative Data Time BarTem Hum WlndVWtner Pr 9 PM! 2964 1 68 B8" I NW 117-Rain I 35 BAM'29761 65 I 83-r SW 9 Cloudy! 02 1PM 2978 70 794 BW 23 Clear The Almanac (Buffalo Bummer Time) Bun rlaes 6:32 sun sets 8:03 Length of day 13 hrs 31 min Sun rises Saturday 6:34 MOON'S CHANGES First quarter Aug 28 8:13 A Full moon Sept 4 1:04 A Last quarter Sept 11 5:30 New moon Bept 19 2:21 Evening atari Venus Mara and 8aturn SPENCER 8enlor Meteorologist MARRIAGE LICENSES John McAllister Iaicknwanna Buelah Royals 259 Cedar Theodore 0 Mumford 1035 Ellicott Irene Beck 290 Pennsylvania William BUemeister 135 Goembel Eleanor Trlbolet 346 Wocdlawn Alfred Mable 484 Delaware Charlotte Humbarger 359 Dartmouth Harvey Slocum Wilson Margaret Erast 144 University Kenneth Hauck Kenmore Beatrice A Parker 1217 Michigan Walter Liddell 95 Mary Paplernik 50 Imson John Gul Cheektowaga Marya Paradowska 109 Floss Robert Wilson Snyder Kathryn Kendrick 46 Parker I Norman Abrams Kenmore Gertrude Lelninger 331 Winslow Joseph A Glair 783 South Division Henrietta Rush 685 South Division John fizwajda 177 Eugenia Niedbalska 170 Reed Herman Kuebler 1265 East Ferry Harriet Poltowlcz 34 Flos Charley Hollis 405 Anna Harris 359 Clinton William MichalskL 239 Mary Skrabska 306 Gibson Michael Holleran 54 Stepahla Zalenska 140 Vandalla Raymond Fisher Phyllis A Borschcl 97 Best Dennis Allen 288 Walter Phoebe Thomas 44 Peckham AIRPORT RECORD LEGAL RECORDS AU deeds mortsases and sssltoments 21 record previous to and lncludina Aug 22 1933 now ready for delivery Inakcdia NaJcwska et si to Btaaialaw Rother eve Broadway AlnoArlntto to Ouiscppino Lam pone Otesaeke-KInaey Co ine by referee (3400 Cordelia Gaylord TOnawands Jacob Beckett to Saniord 5 BacketL Oene- 8540 May i tract 9 Ubertr Holding Carp Inc- to William Blake East Hamburg Abraham Pleskow to EtUe Fleikow East Ferry 910 Wehlera to Ztador BeteL Mala 302 Michigan Erie County Savings Bank to Mary A Mc- Ever Colvin 100 TlUininait Frances Hanrahan to Santa Sclandra Seventh 317 Hudson Julius Kessler to Lillian Srrcher sub dlv lot IS cover 850 Vlkteryc Ruchscsewikl to Acnea Rucha-csewaka Resent 900 Bailey Charles Mott by ref (3000 to Buffalo Bivins Bank Oxford 10285 Ferry Otto Bremer to Rose Muehlbauer Lane-dole SO Keen Hetty Sirota to Minnie Klein William 68 Lockwood Peter Leaynokl by ref- 81050 to Sgefan Kryatkowlak Cheektowasa Michael Chmura Bernice Zajse WltkewskL Also known eo Bernice Wltkowski Individually and as Administrator of tho estate of Maryanns Zajae Chmura deceased Joseph Zajae Frank Zajse John Zaiac Edward Zajae and Cslawa by jef I4M0 to John Nawrockl Lovejoy Playter Trafll HaJewskl by ref to Wojcicch Llp-ieekl 20 00 Sweet 269 Sycamore Andrew KSchlaffer to Dorothy Bchlsf-fer Amherst Howard Wright to The Buffalo Bavinss Bank Woodslde 450 South Park monk May et al to Charlotte Wagner Tonawanda various EmU Foliset to Richard Brittins Chack-towaga Anna Lindstrom to Mary Beatty Evans Elisabeth Roach as extrx to Florence A Laehy Hertel 150 Btsrfn William Broker to Edward Bickford Amherst Charles Jensen to Oecsr Jensen Parker 370 Psrkdsle Maud Shanahan to Angelina Holts Aurora Aneeline Holts to Maud Shanahan Aurora John Greens to Vera 8 Palmer Ken-more Elmer Dinse et aL to Jessie Goddard Concord Judcments (First name is that of debtor) John Owen-FlsteU Deans A Co- Ine 861125 Lester Kinney-Frederlck Llamen Lowenhaupt Singleton A Trsueolt Maurice Mansase and Albert Chambers co-partners doins business under the firm name and stale of Usman A Company $6025 Elisabeth Roach and as Executrix ef estate ot John Ehlers Clara Bamberg Smith and Margaret Bambers-Florence Laehy S456295 Helen Wade Doyle-The Prudential Insur- ance Company of America (101292 Charles Murphy Raymond Koehler and Reelnald Fsrrott-Th Industrial Commissioner of the Buts of New York S9745S Charles Muruhr Raymond Koehler and Reelnald Psrrott-The Industrial Commissioner of the State of New York 9195 (The first name la that of the debtorl John Draws and Ruth Drews-Jacob Stutter and Ubbie Stutter at executors ef the last will and testament of Charles Stutter deceased S209767 Frank Grlowskl-Buffalo BUte Hospital (299364 Agnes McMshon-WlIllsm Schluter SS948 Elton Glor-Curtis Johnson 8101 Howard Reynolds-Frederick Fermenter 17272 Wilbur Reese-A Burwell Fries 167688 Antonio Oidari-Phillp Setel 5226432 Earl Murchison-Buffalo General Hospital $11174 Charles Meeurio and Mrs Charles Hi curlo-Arthur Schaefer S17927 David Miller-James Cross S13485 Henry Doster-H Mann S8213 Face- doing business under the assumed name and style of Gold Seal Froduce Co -Donald a Howe 88180 Lis Frndens Frank Hirshstein vs Georae Pappas et al Buffalo) Woodward 8 Russell avenue Frtnk Himhuteln vi Bella Brrkovlti ft al (Buffalo William Potter Trank Hirsh tain va Morris Levitan ft al (Buffalo Klmwood Ltfmttc Same vs Anna Anderson iBuffalo) Danforth Forest avenue Hirahsteln vs Meyer Pslankcr rt al (Buffalo Hickory William street Hirshstein Clara Wine ear et al (Buffalo) Larchmont road Belleveue street Same vs Morris Radcrman ot si iBuf-faloi Main 8 Scott atreet Be me vs Caroline Wltmer et al iBuf-fsloi Oenesce ME Oak street Same vs Wank Goetz et al (Buffalo) Watson William street Wank Hirshstein vs Nathan Sapowitch et al (Buffaloi Clinton Monroe street so Prudential Ins CO of America va Elizabeth Hartman et al Kenmore Anthony Sclortino vg James Bochicchlo et al Vermont 3690 Parxo Kim Sav A Loan Ain vs Katsrzyna De-kowski et al- Weaver 429 Dinsens Cbattel Martas tea Koltal to Buffalo Firestone Service Stores Ine 918023 Gram to Consumers Finance Co 100 Brelsford to Consumers Finance Co 175 i Mtzurawskl to Consumers Finance Co S100 Kerchey to Liberty Bank of Buffalo 500 Bannon rt al- to American Credit Company 175 Thornton to Metropolitan Commercial Corporation Oral Motor Sales to Metropolitan Commercial COrp 25 Lswaon Motor Sales to Metropolitan Commercial Corp 110125 Niasars Chev Inc to Oscar Discount Co Comstock to Kurts Patton Ine-29120 A Buffam to Personal Finance Co of 160 A Laaiwtrx to Personal Finance CO of $100 Cslleri to Personal Finance Co of $140 Burlins'me to Personal Finance Co Of 8100 Anvelo to Personal Finance Co of 240 Moodv Rupp to The Buffalo-Sprlncfteld Roller Co Ren 60 MeGrodrr to Nielson Inc-8404 To American Credit Co: Plead well 1245 Ren Barlow 565 Ren Wild et al 35 Ren: Archer et al- 8300 Ren Cooper 153 Ren Hansemsnn et al 275 Ren A Moore 54 Ren: Keene S42 Ren: A I Oonrea 10172 Ren: Matches 7434 Ren: A Relent 115 Ren McOuire et al- 9 Ren-M Ladue et al- 181 Ren Julius Koltal to Joseph Takats 81000 Rizzo to Samuel Risxo 9500 Harper to Bernard Malvern 9500 Marvin Raikln to Abraham Panimo 8120 William Randall doinx business ele- under firm name or "Buffalo Weldin A Bwloeerlna to Bertha Fox S200C Revert Nasarian to John Aradlslan 140 1 rank Hubert to Alaer 8 Czdwallzder 2630 Renner to Edgar Harris 67763 Matthew Dwyer to John Lynch 8500 Harvey Pratt to George Hurd 6200 Dein Jett to Charles Patrons 8110 Ernest A Millar to Euiene Buuendorfer 8325 Mr Peagy Wuyn lo Wank Schemel $5 Aaajawmewt ef Chattel Mertgaae 8 Nielson Inc to Marine Trust Co-8404 Amtgament of Mertsasea Paul Klaasezz as Exr etc to Paul Klaaieas as Trustee etc Bills of Rale Walter Sadowskl to John Oadomskl 8230 Buffalo Warners Credit Jewelers Inc to laador Setel as Trustee si MtrliaiN X'r McEvoy to Erie Go Sav Bank $4000 Colvin 15951 TUlinahast ar5J5cifndrt0 Prances Hanrahan 91000 Seventh 317 Hudson Valentine Wtnlecki to Ignats Kotas 81000 Koons 20927 8 Genesee Charles Lawson 82700 Collin Same to 'Joseph Ing 82000 same Martin A Mean to Irlah-Am Sav A Loan Assn- 8850 Smith 30 8 H4r 81430 Purdy 120 8 Northland William Edwin Thomas Sr to same 9390 Fries 698 Triangle Karcber to Buffalo Sav Bank 61000 Reed 48375 Genesee Aaelanment of Mortgages Jeanetta A Livermore to First National Bank of Silver Crack $1000 Discharge ef Martas ass Martin Beck to Liberty Bank of Buffalo Mil 12 1925 A-niDreh to Jennie Meierson March Clara A Pelxer by exr- Bept 1 1927 WlllUm A Lauker to A Bean Jr- Nov 25 1929 Wjlliam Broker to I Burwell Price Antoinette Miller to Edward Blrk-ford by attorney-ln-feet April 1 1930 Brawn-Oatrow Realty Corp to Ausuata Kuahncr April 27 1923 LABOR BUREAU PROBING MEAD'S RAILC0MPLAINT From the Washington Bureau of the Buffalo Etenins News WASHINGTON Aug 25 The Labor department Rep James Mead Democrat of Buffalo was informed Thursday is investigating the reported hiring of Canadian crews to work in the railroad yards along the border Representative Mead had protested to the immigration and naturalization bureau that tbe Pen Marquette railroad was using such crews in the Buffalo yards He was informed by Edward Shaughneszy assistant commissioner of immigration that aat-lafactory arrangement" of the problem is hoped for 2 GRAIN BOATS EX ROUTE Two grain carriers the Pegasus with 226586 bushels from Ft William and the Findlay with 240000 from Duluth will arrive here Saturday Both will unload at the Like A Rail elevator No vessels were placed lor discharging cargoes Friday following the elevating of 330000 bushels Thursday CLEARANCES CANAL FOOT LIST Clearances issued eince Thunder noon Include: Tug Claremont light with barge American Sailor domeitic corn 750: American Aviator domestic corn 750 McNulty domestic corn 750: XiOne Star domestic corn 730 for Albany POST OT BUFFALO Arrivals and derancea since Thursday noon include: ARRIVED Michigan to Republic Steel ore City of Buffalo to A dock paiienger Queen to Terminal pier merchandise Townsend to Bethlehem Steel coal Wellander to Lake (k Rail elevator grain A Smith to Great Lakes terminal merchandise ARRIVED City of Erie to A dock passengers: Oreater Detroit to A dock passengers: Morrell to Bethlehem Steel coal: Werner to Frontier elevator grain Crudcil down the harbor oil CLEARED Corvnx frcdl Marine A elevator light: Htnna Jr from Wick wire plant light: A Mae-Berh from Seneca elevator light John Boland up the harbor to the breakwater light City of Detroit from 4k dock passengers Bartelmt from Canadian pool light Attcrbury from Great Lakes terminal merchandize Max Broad from Bethlehem 8teel steel Pope from Republic Steel steel City of Buffalo from A dock passengers CLEARED FRIDAY Harry Yates from 8uaquehanna plant light Part of Ashtabula Arrived Cambria Agassis light Cletus Schneider era Cleared Ashtabula merchandize: Cambria Agassis coal Cletui Schneider light Fort of Conneaut Arrived Princeton Rennsalear Filbert Shires Cowle House ore Cleared Princeton coal: Rennsalear Filbert Shirea light Fort of Duluth Arrived Ewlg Hartwell 8 Thompson coal Roberts Jr Ziesing Morgan Jr Stanton Davidson 8 Mather Burlington La Belle light: Octorara passengers: Willard merchandise McNaughton coal and cars Cleared Hill Edenboro Roberts Jr Zlcslng Morgan Jr ore: King Scan-drett merchandise Parks light Croft grain FORT or FT WILLIAM Cleared: Alsonoulns Lawrrndoc Marl-tana grain: Manitoba Hamonle passenger and friexht In port: Wm Warren Geo Torlan discharslnx coal: Weyburn discharging freight: Stadacona loadinv grain En route: Pomeroy coal Ape Man Another word of command and Jean's elephant deserted the vanishing herd and turned to follow his wounded comrade Slowly the two! swung through the teeming Jungle Tarzan was silent making no attempt to guide the dying creature At last It came to a sloping pathway -By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Chita Freed (Eastern Standard Time) Traffic at tha Buffalo airport Thursday Included: ARRIVALS goo jg American Airway Pitcairn from Cleveland pilot Maria DEPARTURES 4:30 American Airway Btear-man to Detroit pilot Day 5:14 American Airway Pitcairn to Cleveland pilot Marla BITS OF NEWS FIBE KEco*kD 5:06 Thuraday Fire al Main atreet and Orchard place In auli-iobile of William Sprague 82 Argyle Park: damage $50 Friday: 1:52 A Jrfferwn avenue end East i North atreet shed alight damsxe I 4:56 A 1544 Jefferson avenue i dwelling 6700 damage I 8:86 A 40 Congress atreet aecond bedroom fire cauied by defective wiring 81050 damage 10:30 Fargo avenue and Connecticut street an automobile in the ztrret alight damage Pcrkina 2::3 po sdpoi li-saiu pm Urt Molai-illp IP" pm Mm: Mili-" 'S mi Mardtid jsipn riiiri I FBII'AV jidant Irntsond 1 S'! aix Aia 2:3 am Kiiffn Thaoa 4X0 aai La IMMIN 11 6 aw Know aw limldor aai Hiiify fo won Mwphr noon rnaibrllfff 1 poi IHio Mo frlre NrKfnnfy Kintdo (MM 3300 VronlMiif CMuo KfbnrMrr Ci VardNJril 1 3j pa 1 1 31 1 a 2 1 :13 4:40 pm 4 pn 7:10 pn pm Hall 720 pm 720 pm 1:18 pm I3S pm 150 pm P2) pm pm 173)0 pm lnanma 11:17 pm Weir 1 Tajrlor MrLanrhian Mamiorinc Adrlatir pn I frail tjUpm nmtlar JS pn Simhlwzl PItu iS'lno l''in IMIWN FEIIUY K'linMr rn XHiiHdi-r riMifii mir lakrtnn 1 ft' an Hor Smith MaznalN Mini 9ralaa William S(lMin am Ursnil 1 57 am Canarmi I p- 3: am anri Minrli Jaflrar S4ULT STE MIIE I THI BslMV 1:31 pm 430 pm 43ipm 1X0 pm 430 pm 430 pm 1X0 pm hmM 1130 am rn-m 3ipm MrcliMi 1130 am ift pm lie 1137 am M-wW" urn uWhi strfMbrn1Mr io S') pm row Batch Bzy 1100 pm JSm Mzliewa rain s-sum Jijun larw Iband Mind Hflim Slanliud lOfloam Lapanda Panrl 10' Rjvni M-l" Half It 31 an Ar Kbcninfs McLean Kwvatia Dinkey I-pm KulpbiK 137 pm Cordm IT yilDAT I1 am Kaandna Jr- 1:4 am rpl Wltma Xam ricBMU 30 am Utiiubimw 1130 pm 1131pm Mam 39 am 30am 7X9 am 741 im 1X0 am Dooms Gaaldrr Wldrnrr Sllllnp I I SJrtiardrtU S' JJ11 Henry Kwi 430am Toppm WliUami 40 am DOWN THl'BSDAT Peter Whitt yj1" Cted 11X0 am Hetean Pargny 130 pm 3) pm 830 pm 4X0 pm 739pm 139 pm Ifll pm pm 11X7 am J- 1339 pm KamUs 123)7 pm Madf 3-39pm Auzwlio 330pm bi ftta'iu mi Fir Pollork Boam Yiwmlte Bondar FBI DAT Findlay Onwfn-d I'odillac ScMimmit Parka yi3a pm 11X1 pm 4 31(01 am am I am 4X0 an 4 duan tan an IMan tam 4 Ham 5 am 4X7 aoi am taOimlctory Flowers for All oecsuous Prices very reasonable Andenon Florist 440 Uaia Clave 287 481 Elmwood Or 3802 THOUGH he did not understand why his companion wished to remain with the dying elephant Tarzan uttered a word of command The wounded creature rose painfully to Its feet and started off In an opposite direction to which the herd were going Back in the village all wu desolation Only one small elephant tarried behind the herd Being young and frolicsome he was lingering to make sport of the last dwarfs pulling one from hi hiding place and yanking another from a tree trunk To Contestants In Pert I of Name Plx: Judging on the thousands of answers is now under way and results will be announced as soon as possible So that the work will not be delayed contestants are asked to -refrain from requesting information over the telephone Beginning Monday the correct answers to Part I of the contest wi'l appear in this space Watch for them Suddenly his ears pricked up Desisting from his pranks the elephant ambled to a mass of wreckage from which came plaintive squeals -nd partly stifled chattering Using hi trunk Tantor nosed aside the tangled JiJIiS" fallen mas and out unharmed came IJwiiab Chita the monkey 'sarwr Jr 'al SMOpm Pmqne ll Jiveyb glart FaltM 4 31 pm $3) pm IMIWN ijitai ilifld 15 1 mi JtwterAriv s- --q iiio niwue ci wg -v.

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.