The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


SO, 1S78. to the chief slenal ofllcer. 29tb Instant, ss follows: Passed in at a4) P. steantsinp lrom Providence for Baltimore; a steamship, sen-hue up rive white rocKets and Urine a run. when abreast of the station, pnssea in at 4 A.

nroo-ahiy the sar-matiac; sieamshlp Saraeossa. lrom Savannah, passed in at 9 A. M. Passed out at 12 an American eluip without ehowinir sienals. Bt rSLKURAPH.

Fortress Monroe. November 29. Passed In. baric Wanuerer, (Ger.) Krabn. trom Amsterdam.

Sailed for New York, bark C. O. Whitniore: shii. Warrow. and brlzantiDt Beaver and Maria tor Baltimore: t.

is. storeship Guara. lor Porlsmoutb.M. H. Passed out.

bai-K supremo, lor Bordeaux. New York. November 29. Arrived, steamships P.hcin, fm Bremen; City of New York, lm Liverpool. PER OA RLE.

Liverpool. November 2. Arrived, steamships Galileo, from New York; Zanzibar, from Norfolk. Queenslown. November 29.

Arrived, steamship Helvetia, from Kew York. itouerj. November 29. Arrived, steamship Croft, from New York. Southampton.

November 59. Arrived, steamship Leipzic. lrom Baltimore tor Bremen. Sunderland, ii Arrived, bark EskedaLfrom Baltimore. Queenttown.

Nov. rS. Arrived. barks Bestri and Viva, from Baltimore. Antwerp, Nov.

29. Arrived, bark Elise and ila-thilde. trom Baltimore. Janeiro. Nov.

27. Arrived, bark Adelaide, from Baltimore. narrow limits. The sales amounted to 210,000 shares, et which M.OO0 were Lackawanna, 53.001 Northwestern. 2i.000t-t.

Paul, and 23,000 JL.ake shore. Itailroad bonds were strong on large transactions. Southern State stocks were firm and bieher. Louisiana Consols sold at 79, and District S-tus at 77K77. Money wus easy at 3a4 per cent lor call loans, and tor rime mercantile paper.

The Cincinnati Times siys: movement in favor of appointing Mr Kobert Uarrett, son of president Garrett, of tue Baltimore ana Oho road, as trustee 01 the Ohio and Mississippi second mortgage in mace of Samuel U.K. Odeil, deceased, is. it is said by those who are working in that interest, with unexpected success." The London open money market was a trifle firmer yesterday, with 4 percent ag the quoted rate for three months' bills aualnst 5 per cent at bank. On the Loudon Exchange British Consols were quoted at 9i 1-16 lor both money and tbe account agamst 95 15-16 on Thureaay. United States bond were hierher tor 4Ha, ciosire as follows: of 1S57 at lubk: 10-4us 1j9-U: new as 108.

and 4H per cent American Hallways were lrreeutar. hne l'JS: fenn-(yivtiuia Central ii'A; fsew Central ol. and Keadlng 12. SALISi Al' BALTIMOK; STDCX. BOAItD.

FIRST RTiOO City Sa, 1S91 104 7 she BAORft P7X f5 00 Va. Peelers 87Vf 1M scrip 87 6u(rt 81 4 103 Matt C'in 1st sml 81 tao Va. Consoi enns 81 7K six yij shs Howard Bank 634 1000 MaiCin 2d 7s 26i BtlOM) BOARD. City 6s. 1850 HUH 1 5) shs Mechs' Kank 9J 9i0 City Jus.

114 I 7 shs 1C s7 1400 Citvnewas l' 1 90 liaiO scrp 1010 Cla MX) J4 10? 26 hs People's Gas. 11 1 CLOSING BAIts. was evidently much appreciated. Id Victoria Square, Randegdcde street, Beaver Hall and Dorchester street, right to the doors of the Windsor Hotel, there was an tninterropted mass of people, whilst tbe windows as well as tbe roots of the houses were crowded with shouting people. At intervals along the route various regiments of militia were placed, and as the Governor General passed be received a military salute.

The crowd around the hotel was very treat, and at no point was the loyul welcome more enthusiastic than there. As the distinguished guests alighted they immediately retired to the magnificent rooms prepared for them on the Dorchester street side of the palatial hotel. At 2 o'clock the military passed the hotel in review order, the Marquis and Princess wiiuessing the display lrom the balcony. Tne men, to the number of neirly three ibonsand. looked well, and were hi 'bly complimented bv his Excelleocv.

Between 8 aud 9 o'clock to-night the" Marquis of Lome and Princess Louise to-k a drive through the city to wituess the illuminations. On Beaver Hall Hill they were met by the firemen's torch ight procession, and loudly cheered. On returning to the hotel they themselves as delighted with the srraud display. The guests began to assemble lor tbe St. Andrew's ball about o'clock to-night.

The Governor General and the Princess entered tbe room shortly after 10 o'clock and were received w.tii royal honors, taking their p'accs at the lis at the west end ot the room. The Marquis selected Lady MacDonald as his pirtuer in the first set, wnilst the Princess pave her ind to Colonel Stevenson, tne president of the St. Andrew's Society. The Princess was dressed in white silk aud wore a necklace ot diamond-. It wfis remarked tnat the ladu attacntM to her person were far more gorgeously attired than she wa-.

Bth the Marquis aud his roval consort were most gracious 10 ail with whom tuy came in con-taot. ana emed to enjoy themselves exceedingly. They have made a good unpresaiou, and are already extremely opular. ISperial DUoatch ti the Biltimore Sun.l From our Wnll-Street t'orrespondent. New Yokk, November 29.

sterling continue scarce and market dull. Some business was done in "prime." direct, at 4.bl3i aud 4.80, less the general asking rates centnigher. There wa a further rise 111 K.insis and Texis bonus this forenoon to H. wiin les there were also sales of of tne second mortgages at The movement iu these bonds appeals confined largely to the Girmnus representing bom home and fo. eiirn rr.rkets.

The shares sold up to 7 for ut o. Rio Graodes were done at bO for There were buyers of New Jersey railroad at 129. No stocit od'ered. Cotton opened at 7a3 points decline owing to tli further fall in Liverpool, which is now the plague spot of the cotton interest of the world. Louisiana consols advanced a percent.

to 78.V. with sales S5.G0J. Tater theie was quite a bri-k demand, and the quotation advanced to 79, ou sies There wt ra sal. l.UKJ Georeia 7, at i.8;i;2,000 new North arolinasat 10: D.strictaal 1 .000 Ohio ana ssissmpi consols at $10,000 Louisiana and Nashviiies at lO'luHM: $2,000 Nashville aud Dr-emrs at par. und 00 Elevated Railway at 98, an advance of 5 per cent.

Texas and Pacific were ottered at 93, with t-7 bid. One hundred and liny shares C'onsolnloied Coal jld at 25. Seven millions of tne silver certificates out of tbe $8,575,780 issued have been relumed to the treasury for dun-s aud canceled. Inc ucmjj the certificates not returned. tn! whole cir.

illation of thu standard dollar onlv out of a coinage thus tar of 18 .282 dOO. A cable received at the ollice of the lost p*rnrne-rania gives ground for belief tl.e two unknown childten in charge of Rev. Dr. Woods, at Dover, have beeu identified. Cotion closed dnli, the brokers having tl.e market pretiy much to tnemselvcs.

saics were made in Liverpool at 5 8 10.1. for January and February deliveries being the lowest point of the year. Goid closed firm on withdrawals of loans. About 1. OOO.OOO was loaned on the borrowing side fit 1 1.

er diem and 7 and 3 per cent, per annum, closing fl tt. Two hundred share Lonisville aud Nashville stock sold at (Ki of ttie second mortgages were taken st S9'j90. Rio tirnnaes made auotherilse to 90 (c.osin?.) and Elevated to 99: 2.0K) new TenLessees brought. 29 Tbe advance in Louisiauas is said to be dnc to a partiil contirmxtion of ibe reports already given you. Hint the January interest would be met without borrowing.

Report of tlie Keeretary of War. Washinhton. Nov. 29. Tne Secretary of War tu bis aiieual report show mat ihe present strengtn of the army is enlisted men.

111-ciii'img 1 7.B-.9 cavairv ami 2.I':J0 artillery, the remainder rieiug (chi-fly engaged 011 special duty. secretary lievotes some sptc to the Indian pirt oem. and holds that wmie we should persev re in the eiiort improve the of tue various tr i es i.v teiicbing them tne ans of tue Herdsman and afterward tnose of the husbincniau. and by providing far tue education of tneir yout we should ar the same tune confront tneni lied military force as will teacn them tne futility of anyattempt to reist the power of the United States. Fair and just treatment aud fie fulfillment of everv promise on cur part sh mid be adhered to.

The secretary speaks encouragingly of ihe su'ijert of educ.tiou in the srui also of the good rcult of our vigorous 1 oliev in suppresing raids and outlawry on the Hio Or ride border. In rgard to the poc comitatns pro ision of he act of June lb. 17t, lie says he think- thM ruber the provision sficala be repealed or that the number of cases in which the use of the army ebsll be expressly authorized be very mucii eu-lareeu. Iu many portions ct our Western Territories and in some portp'iu of the newer States a resolute despendo wiin a few lollowers cju the olllcers of the law and auy local posse tie organized, Tue secretary re-ler to ihe issue of ration and tents aud other Piinplies to sufferers by tbe yellow lever in the South, jusliiyi: his action by the character of ihe emcrgeucy, and recommending to Consress the careful consideration ol the question whemer such emergencies iu future may not be pn.v.deu tor bv law. The expenditures of the De-janmeiit for the year ending June HO, 1S7S.

were j4 .124. 7. 4 less tnau those tor Ttie estimates for the year end ng June bU lSd. as presetted by the chiefs of bureaus. were jr.3.s.i2 954.

but the secretary ha" renutvil to wh ch is only $1,910,802 in excess ot the appropriation for lijiS-79. 'ihe submits documents covering the leports ol ihe different heads oi bureaus, giving specific it formation ms to the operations and the needs of the several branches of the service. 1 he principal features ot most of these reports bsve already been JPropertv Bates. F. W.

Bennett A sue-tioneere, yesterday sold for J. Alexander Preston, troetee, three story brick dwelling No. 888 North Carey street, with lot 16 feet 9 inches by 98 feet, ground rent $'J212, to the People's Bauk for also, for H. 8. WeiL trustee, two-story brick store and dwelling on tbe west side of Broadway, near Pratt street, with lot 16X feet by 77X feet, ground rent $30 and mort-e ge $2,000, to Max Greif for also for Wm.

Reynolds, trustee, warehouse No. 80 South Calvert street and lot, near Water street, 20 feet inches front and 81 feet deep, eround rent $4S0, to C. J. Bonaparte for $3,500: also tue United St.ites Hotel and eround, southwest cor-nerof Canto i aveuueand President street, 75 feet 6 inches on President street and 109 feet 7 inches on Canton avenne, ground rent $537 00, to L. Z.

Condon for $4,000. O. A. Kiriilaud auc-tio iters, sold three-etcry brick bouse No. 07 Harlem avenue, with lot 16 feet by 8 feet 6 inches, ground rent $00, to C.

George Megiuniss, for $2,300. In the Commission "Business. About three weeks ego a stranger rented a store in the commercial part of the city and started ostensibly in the commission bnsiness. He advertised for clerks and engaged two young men. From one he obtained $100 and from the other $300 as a guarantee, giving iu each case his cote at four months date.

From a New Y'ork mercnant he secured goods to the amount of $000, but the merchant afterwards became snspicious aud coming to the city recovered $200 worth of them. Two days ago the stranger paid bis bill at his hotel and left, handing the key of the store ro the clerk. Since that time he haB not been seen. a-id bills against bim are beinn constantly presented at tne hotel by parties in the city. The two vouug men are mourning over their loss, and ad tne goods in the store consist of a lew barrels of cider.

Jiishop Olossbretiner, of the Church of tbe United Brethren, presched last niirht tbe church, corner of Georee street and Clinton avenue, Rev. John Miiler, pastor. The Bishop presides over tne eastern district of the church, which comprises nme coutereucs and covers the Statesof Slaryland, Virginia West. Virginia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania aud pari of Ohio. He travels constantly over this territory, preaching end tmildmsr upchnrcnes.

There are now five churches of this drnorn'ttstion in Baltimore city. At the church where the Bishop prrached a revival has been iu progress lor two weeks, and several additions have been made to the mcni-oersuip. The Cittf Retail were rather dull vesterdav, the extra market ednesday niaht ou account of Thanksgiving Day having supplied housekeepers generally. There was scarcely any poultry displayed on the stalls where it had beon so plentiful for the Thanksgiving dinner. Turtceys brought 14 aud 15 cents a couud, iieese SO cents to $1 25 i piece, ana rabbits, which were more numerous, sold lor HO to SOeeutseach.

Ejgs 25 to 28 cents per dczaD, butter 25 to 30 cents, corned bam lOcts. apoun-1, fiih 25 to 50 cents per bauch for perch, trout, taylorand rock. Alis Alice. M. Seabright, who was burned Thursdav night bv the explosion of a coal oil lamp at No.

li)S German street, was thought to be in a cril seal condition last night by her physicians. When she rau out into tbe street after her clothing had taken fire several persons assisted in puiti.ig out the flames by throwing overcoats over her, including Alessrs. Brown aud Warrjaling. two young men who were passing at the time, in the excitemeut Mr. Brown loEt his coat.

Diearce. In the Circuit Court oi Baltimore county Jndsre Yellott has granted a cnvoi-ce a vinculo matrimonii to Bernard C. Reed. from Aleenie or Wilhelmina Reed. This is the young man who wa arrested in Baltimore citv in December last on the charge of abducting Meeuiis Halon.

whom be married, but with whom he did not live. Local ISrleTs. United States Commissioner Bond yesterday hold J. T. Huichin-.

of Friendship. Anne Arnu-oel courty, in $1,000 bail for a bearing before Commissioner December t. on tue chv.rge of selling tobacco without compliance vtitii the internal revenue law. Air. James Clark, wbo was so serionsly injured by being thrown from his cartiage last Sunday, was yesierday in a much improved condition.

The paralysis of his left side is gradually disappearing, aud his physicians expect bim to recover. John Whalen. six years old. son of policeman John Whalen. of the western district, was t-ten tvtice on the face by large Newionndl-Ed dog.

ul Kainsay street, whicli wa, aiterwarua ki.led. 1 he car-e of F. Easing and son, heretofore reported ns crnrgeciwnu felling meat iu Bolmr market "on stalls other the recular licensed butcher stalls," was yesterday dismissed by Janice Johns. Bridgman, a seaman on the schooner Jonn D. Farquharsou.

of Baltimore, wns knocked overnoard ny the jibing of the ms'u boom and drowned Aloiidiv nignt. November 2o, cC Thomas's Point, Chesapeake bay. The case of Gforrre W. Stanbnrv agiinst the Baltimore and Potomac Ra; Iroad Company, for dam-ges laid at $10,000. for tae death of a minor son of Stanbury.

his been removed 10 Anne Arundel county tor trial. Miss Kate Smith, while passing along Alyrtle avenue, a couple of da ago, had her pocket-book, coi.taining some six dollars, jerked Irom her hand by a colored man. The council committee on wsys and mencs bean last eveninu the consideration of the resc-Intiou referred to them for equalization and re-auction of salaries and lessening of trxatl-jn. The new steamer Enoch Pratt did not arrive yesterdav fiom the Piaukatank river. It is expected that she will be up early this morning.

The quarter of an hour ou the York Road railwav to Waverly has been withdrawn. Cara run there every half hour. R. Brace Cumming. the variety actor who was injured bv fire 1 st Wednesday, is still in an extremelv critical cona tion at the City Hospital.

About forty persons from Baltimore o-rtici-pated in a mastced bi at Eli Uiery's Govans-town Hotel ou Tnanksgivin eveninsr. A new temperance club been forme-i at Canton, 'Thomas D. Davis, president. The membership has reached 130. Personal.

Postmaster Gen. Key, who spent Thatik--rivintr Dsv va Baltimore as the guest of Collector ohn L. Thomas, saw the parade of tbe fire brisnae, which so impressed him with its efficiency that yesterdavsCollector Thomas, at Air. Key's reauest, sent Chief Hennick a highly complimentary note. Miss Msle Belle Stireve, of Lotti'vilie.

was ni inied on Wednesday to Mr. Allan Polk Uonstnn, of the same citv. For several seasons shreve was the reigning belle at tbe Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, and had many friends in Baltimore, wnere she visited. Among the nominations for the Champagne stakes, to be run at Done ster, England, next September, are Geraldine. Bor.

Nereid. Cherokee and Papoose, made by Mr. Pierre Rev. Dr. Spaulding, formerly of the diocese of Wisconsin, has accepted a call to the pastorate of St.

John's Protestant Episcopal Church, York. Pa. Mr. John Kins. vice-president of the Baltimore and Onio railroad, -eturned yesterday from an eflicial visit to the Hons.

W. T. Hamilton arr A. P. Gorman visited Camden Depot yesterday ai called upon President John W.

Garrett. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe and her husband, Prnf. C. E.

Stowe, have gone to Florida for tne winter. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. By Atlantic Cables.l rowing: depression in theFnellsh Iron and Coal 'trades Tne Hop rowers Ursine I'roteetlve I arlff Anclo-Afeltan and Russian Complication I lie Poiiiinersnla 1 11-qiiest-llxpulslon ol' NoelHlisns from lterlln atal Iucl In France, de. DUrKESSlON IN TBI KNOL1SU IRON AND COAL TRADES. LoNiwN, Nov.

29. The condition of the Iron and coal trades in tbe South Staffordshire district is growing worse. The New British Iron Company, of Cradjey, one of the largest aud oldest coal and iron concerns, has giveu notico of closing of the greater part of its works rather than to continue operations at a loss. Tbe blast furnace proprietors ol South Staffordshire and Worcestershire have decided to reduce the wages ot ilieir employes ten per centum. The Marvport Uematite Iron Compauy has also given notice of a reduction of wages.

London, Nov. 30. The Chatterly Iron Company his refused theofl'er of uiue'hhndred workmen to resume work art a reduction of five per cent, on tneir wages, and is resolved to enforce tue reduction of ten per cent. The distress among the workmen is very keen. Extensive discharges of workmen in that neighborhood are impending.

PKOTOSEU RKVIVAL OP A BRITISU PROTECT1VB TAIiIFP. The Kentish hop growers met at Maidstone, yesterday, and resolved that iu view of the general depression of agriculture and commerce throughout the kingdom, which is largely caused by the protective tariffs of foreign countries, the time has arrived when, iu fairness to British interests, the duties ou foreign produetionssbould be revived. The participators 111 the inee'iug pledired themselves to use their best endeavors in the cuambers of ci mmerce aud azricuiture throughout the country to agitate the question of retaliatory tariffs. TAXING COTTON IMPORTS. London, Nov.

29. 'ihe Council of State is abont to discuss a project for taxing cotton imports from America. BRITISH COMMUNICATIONS CUT. London, Nov. SO.

The Daily News has the following: 1'esuiwvr. Friday Evening. Gen. Browne's communications have been temporarily cut. Hostile higu landers, estimated at 4,000 iu number, ive collected In the hills in-low Ali utjui.

They cut. ofl'st ragglers ano Are on armed pa ties. Tho section of the pass between Jumrocd aud Ali Musjid nas been closed altogether for toe present. A strongly escorted convoy failed to force its wav to-cay. he situation is serious, aud strong measures are inevitable." AFI.HAN CORRnsiMNDKNC'B.

London, Nov 29. The Times, iu a leading editorial article ou the Afghan correspondence, says: "it must atl'ird great satisfaction to the to find tha: there exists nirau of that violent contradiction between ihe assumptions on which the two tovcinnients have recently tic tea which the tone 01 the Duke of Argyle's letter might have led us to apprcbeud. Titer are substantially agreed on the stare of 1-ffsirn with which we hid to deal. Tho point they differ oa is the conduct that su a condition ot ait' irs requires. Tnis is a mailer for practical judgment.

It ts here and here onlv 1 1 1 ie great controversy 1 he Time-' concludes as follows: 'The g. result ot the papers cannot be regarded with sa isftictioa us us they rel to toe general conduvt the British iroveruuiorts in the ast. hut it not as regards our conduct ml he TtASING Tilt t.loN. Pt. PeteksBukq.

Nov. ay. Tin- Novop Vrc-mija publishes an article, savniir Hie responsibility ior tbe dispatch. 01 the Riih-Uii to Cabal resis with Russia, aud not Alghantstan. England avoids 3 strong opponent and f.iils upon her weak neighbor.

Tilt rOHMLRANIA ISVET. Hasting-. L.vo.. 29. An inquest was heid here lo-day ou the bodies of three of the victims of the steamship Pomuierau 1a disaster.

Air. Ciymer. of Washington, a student of architect ure in Paris, recognized the body of young R. Ciymer. his cousin.

Another body wai recognized as that of Peters, the steward of the ste.imer. Mr. Ciymer said he believed theihi cl body, that of a womau, was that of Airs. Lucke. He Baid he had oesctibed the body to ihe Musts Alary aud Rose Ciymer.

and they said it mn-t oe the body ot Mrs. Lucke. I be inquiry was adjourned to allow the cuief utc an opportunity 'for exculpating himself. Mr. B11gr.1t testified at the inquest.

Herepeated his previous evidence. He said thesiilors even leaved their baggage and bedding, instead of the passenger. he Kept his DOU like a man. bur no one elfe did. C-ptma Scuw ensen.

111 answer to au inrju rv ol Blight after the collision, said his chief officer had left bmi. 1 tie men the last boat persisted in pusii-iiiit off wuile tncre wis yet room lor several people. Although tbe inquiry remain en. tne jury returueo a '--erdlci that the thre; peisons oroivned came 'o tneir death in consequent of a colli-ioii at sea, luc cause of which hs not been shown. SOCIALISTS rtT OUT OF BERLIN.

Berlin, Nov. 29. Under the oiner of the Prussian ministry declaring that pers us con idered dangerous to public order iy bo denied the right of re-idiuj, in Berlin or lis suburbs about ft rty conspicuous socialists to-day received orders of exnu siou, among whom were Messrs. Hasseluiau and Intzsche, socialist deputies. ITALIAN SOCIALIST AND CABINET SENSATION.

Home, Nov. 39. Tbe latest airests cf socialists have leu to the seizure of oooumems tfiat have given much inlorinanou relative to th; organization of the internationalists of It ily and connection with similar bodies lulotcivru countries. The greatest confus'on reigns among the groups oi the lelt in tne Itnlian Parliament. 'I he uiost prominent lead rs hesitate to tne overthrow of the ibinef.

A BAD JOKE WITH A EOXRHET.L Lcnlio.n. Nov. ill. Aflirp-tcb from PcFth to the 'I mi 's says tb .1 the explosion of tt.e In an ailey bet ween lie Fort 1 es- Theatre and tae palace of M. Tisza.

the Ilungarim prime minister, while tae inner was entertaining Count An-dra-sy. the Austrian prime minister, aud several members ol the delegations on the night of the Stiih Is regard -0 by most people in I'esili as a bad juke, and tliat. no one attaches auy importance to the circ*mstance. III'IU'ERS IN NEW CALEHONIA. A dispatch fiom New Caledonia, by the way of Sydnev, dated on tne 27th says: -Eiht lioeiafd coijvlcfs and three na tivee, who were in smnll bjts.

have ben murdered by reoeis at tne mouth of Poya river. Movable columns of troops continue to pursue tho intiurgeuts in the Poya district. The rest of the colonv is qu TUB IURK.ISU UGATION AT WASHINGTON SUP' PltErSED. London, Nov. 29.

Renter's dispitca from Constantinople says the Porte has sunpressed Ihe Turkish legation at Washington and tiiy consulates. Since the cessation of hostilnies twenty nine vessels have arrived at Constantinople, mostly from the United Stales, with lare cargoes of rifles and cannon. The Turkish troop sre now as well iuraishea with ai ms as belore the war. SERViA V. THK UNITED STATES.

London, Nov. 30. a dispatch to the Tunes from Belgrade sayB tbe Bohemian Sclavs arc inquiring noon what ind tions tuev will be allowed to settle in New Servia, instead of eini-rriting to the United States It is b-lieve I that tbe Servian government offer ali possible facilities. FATAL DUEL IN FFANCB. Cbebbouro, Nov.

29. Two officers of marines fought a duel yesterday with pistols. One of them was killed. CADLt NOTES. London, Nov.

60. The Standard's Berlin correspondent ststes tlmt Russia has advanced 3.000.000 roubles iu order to make Sophia a first-rate fortress. A dispatch to the Standard from Paris says tbe appointment of the Count de Cboiseul to be ambassador at lladrid has been The fear that there would be some failures of considerable importance among the stockbrokers was not fulfilled. one laiiure was announced and that was of an inconsiderable character. he liabilities of Henry Tayior te Sons, grain aud floor merchants, tilassow, are Thrf strike of Ihe Oldham cotton operatives will probably last a mouth.

The snot iiave been extracted from Mr. Frederick Uve's side, aud he teeis much relieved. The belonging to one of tne Pomme-rania's which was found in a small boit, was the stupe of a draft. The Russian bark Hoppet, Cap. Wilkander, from Bull River September 3, for London, was abandoned at sea on the IGth of October.

H-ir crew were landed at Faynl on the 7th instant by the United States whaler Uemdeer. An extradition tieaty between England and Spain goes into effect December 9. "Many Italians have goue to Nice to await a settlement of the republican agitation before returning to Italy. Revo.utiouary agents are believed to be at work in the north of Spain. 'The Roumaui- authorities have been cordially received throughout the Dobrudja.

The journey from Naples to Rome caused Sig-nor Cairoli's wound to reopen. James Ramsay, a merchant of Dundee, his failed, with liabilities of from 50,000 to 80,000. Hotel the arrivals at the city hotels are the following: Carroliton W. F. Lawrence, Boston; J.

M. Patier, Khode Island; George H. Thompson, Cincinnati: E. J.Scott, Pniladelphia; J. N.

Sea, Lexington, E. O'Connor, Brooklyn; Wm. H. Morris, Pottstown, Pa. Maltby J.

E. Sleight, New York; W. J. Mc-Feth. Rochester, New Y'ork; Jonn R.

Black, York. R. W. Alonck, Ohio; T. K.

Grout. Wallace. Nova Scotia; A. Beckers, Detroit; S. Hn' hes.

Hamilton, Ohio. Reilly's II. C. Jordan, United Stares navr; Mrs. J.

B. Harding, Washington; W. H. Suili-vau and G. D.

Ciaridae. Philadelphia; R. F. Mc-Gaw, Harford countv. Alansion Charles FoltOD, Denver, Col.

II. C. Bushnell, Philadelphia; L. D. Phelps, Wilmington, L.

F. Hall, PocotnoUe city; C. 11. Shields, Denton, E. Hiteshew.

Chambers-bnrg. Pa. Euiaw Jnan Boyle, Washington; W. E. Lang.

Virginia; J. Wells Downs aud wite. Jthn A. Bnchanau, George D. Forbes, P.

Cable, N. John AL Itoierts aud Harry Taylor, Philadelphia: K. M. Chatterton, Baltimore county; feavnael B. Scott, Philadelphia.

Barnum's A. G. Thomas, New York; O. H. Chalklev, Richmond: D.

F. Goodyear, wife aud two children. Memphis; J. L. Nobuan and wife, Cleveland; F.

U. Ilurd, M. M. Harr, Toledo; E. It.

Owen, tweutieib regiment. England: IIou. Wm. T. Hamilton, Uagerrtown; K.

C. Uolljday, Maryland. Guy's Henry E. Abbey, Park Theatre, New York; R. T.

Winters. Eimira. New YorU; J. E. Lueki tt, J.

C. Hieston, Washiutrton; 1. C. Wilson, Columbus, Onio; A. B.

Lawson, Toledo. RennertV T. B. McCuHoh. Cnmberlsnd; John Glenn, Philadelphia: J.

H. Roberts, Baltimore county; T. Ritchie Stone, Washington; H. A. Kichev.

ncinuati; Dan). S. I'rintup, Georgia; G. B. McGloue.

Aid. Howard Cuas. AL flcgan, Philadelphia: A. C. Kern, Kansas Ci.y; Alex.

J. W'ashinT-tor; S. P. AIsvo. Xiicuniond.

Walter li. Morton. Norfolk. G. W.

Alobelv, Md. Alt. Vernou Dr. and Mrs. Aletcalf.

New York; Mr. and Mrs. Briuges Webo, Loniou, Eocilaud; Aliss Fanuy A. Di-uuhty. Georgetown.

D. C. Pepper's K. 11. Butler, Cumberland, Robert Smith, Wilmington, G.

B. W'ciser. B. Slade, Md. Motxttf on Mr.

Moody delivered his third disccurse ou Ee iven at tiulsw Place Baptist uurcn yesterday, nsiug the text, For where your treasure is there will your heart be also." it was not. hard, be said, to teli where a man's heart i. If he is a politician talk to him aujut politics and see how his eye will light up, especially if it is about the success of his party. If he is a man of the world teil hini wiiere bs can have a night's ple-isare and see how interested he is. Talk to the heaveuly-mtnded about Heaven and Ste how their eves will uiudie; tneir treasure is there, it is lolly to talk aoout am dyiut: nca.

They enter eternity jusi the s.ims as a, for they take nothing with them. The reason why there are so many earthly-minded Christians is that their treasures ore hereon earth. When a man succeeds iu accumulating great wealth he is called a shrewd, wise and discreet mail, even thoua he negieet eoui's salvation to become rica. Jesus calls them foo.s. A man had said lie would cot eive standing loom iu the new Jerusalem for all the corner is in Chicago.

Tiiere are many men who think more ot a fust horse than they do ot the Kingdom of God. A good many thiDk more ofdrrss than thev do of anj thin; else. He had heard of a lady who had her hiir crimped before she uied so that she would loos pretty in tae corriu. Some people have so mucu wealth that tney cannot find time from th ir worlolv cares to serve God. Give tne money to the needy.

Air. Aloody advised, aud it wo ild euabie the giver to rise. After all the greatest wealth is of trifl ug value in comparison with eternal salvation. When we get pretty near God things look very small down here. It is a tnousand times betier to leave cur children Christ lor their legacy, that is.

teach them about Cnrist, than to leave them mil. ions without Christ. Jtaltimor? The Association of Baltimore County Public School Teacn-ers met in Baltimore yesterday at Masonic Tempie. Essavs were read as follows: Ou State Education, by Mr. C.

A. Red, taking he ground that every child should be required to go to school twelve years, and none allowed to vote who could not produce certificaie to that effect; ou The Cultivation of the Memory, bv Miss Alary iolio; on Analysis aud Parsing, by Mr. E. Ijams, and ou Teaching History, by Air. YYhittmgton.

Qaes'ions of interest to teachers tvtrs debated md other exercises were participated in by Geo. Al. Dora Marshall and MirvK. lloiden. Oi-Sjers were e.ected as follows: Presieeut.

T. C. Brufl; vice-president, Jos. S. hit lington: secretary, SVsn.

11. Morris; treasurer, Aliss Rachel E. Prill. It was ordered that an editor with a corps of reoorters, one from eacii district of the county, be appointed to report matters of inter rest to the teachers as an exercise. Adjourned till to-day.

Jieni Imitate Transfers. Wilson Hunting to B. Herrmao. lot north side of Lanvaie street, rear richer. $3,000: -rrouua rent JTbO.

John T. Owen to E. Herrraaa, two lots, ground reu Henry Strauss, to M. Ecfcnardr, two lots. eround rent JS1.

E.iz-i J. Cieorge, to C. Shipley, lot ejst si le of Calhoun street, near AicUeury, 45 by 157 feet, SJ.400. Adelaide Foote, to I. Batory.

lot nor'h side of AIoher street, near Oregon. 17 (eet 10 inches by 120 feet. ground rent $S9. Frederick Niemeyer, to C. Tyier.

of (. two lots, Frantlin Wi son to G. Merry-man, lot northeast side of Garden street, near Townsend, 20 by 150 Iet. $8,000. Georse Mer-rymau, to F.

Wilson, lot west side Culvert street, near Saratoga. feet 5 inches by 1C0 feet, $8,000: srroand rent $53 25. Alartha A. Alar-tin to T. R.

Hall, lot east sine of Sharp street, near Conwav. 33 leet 6 inches by 121 f-et, ground rent $212 50. Jacob J. Baukard. to A.

U. L. Phelps, two "lots. $3 550. Jacoo J.

Bankara, to J. Gregg, three ljts, $5,350. Street Improvements. Yessr. MoGovern Anderson, contractors for tne Belgian block pavement on Fayette street, 39 widened between Uoiliaay and Gay streets, reported yesterday to the city commissioner that the work was completed.

About oO.OGO blocks were used. Several nasome buildings have been erected ou the north side of the street, and the Church of the Messiah, on the south side, is being iresh-ened up. Fayette street repavms between Charles and Cafvctt streets is progressing under the sime contractors. were opened at the mayor's office for oneniLg Wilkens avenue, between Gilnoor and Alonroe sreet3. The bidders were Alicnael Flycu.

J. K. Hay Leo Escnbsch, Louis Hix and T. J. Osborue.

The contract was hot awarded. Afloat Again. The schooner John T. Russell, C'apt. Joseph S.

Beard, arrived at Baltimore yesterday with a cargo of 2.800 bushels of grain, having jus, succeeded getting afloat in St. James' crtek. near Point Lookout. The schooner was driven 200 teet ashore by the great storm cf October 23. A dsm was built around her, and the storm of last Weduegdav night, with a high tide, filled the enclosure with water.

The dam was then opened, aud with the aid of the crew the echaonerwas run, par'ly floating and sliding, into the creek. Capt. Beard reports that it was a pretty tough job to get his boat across the 200 feet tbst separated her from deep water. She made the run up to Baltimore from 5 A. Al.

to 5 P. Al. yesterday, having collected a cargo to bring up. liemerara Surjar. Cargoes of Demerara sugar by the brigs Mississippi and Potomac were yesterday eni arrd at the Baltimore customhouse, to go into warehouse unaer general order.

Collector Thomas said that, as he understood the statement of Assistant Secretary French, of the Treasury Department, to Air. W. H. Perot, the importer, lae eaiir, if the appraisers find it to come under the verdict aeaint-t the alleged artiSciahy-coiored cargo, cm be exported out of the coumry. Uncer a eeneral warenouse order the cargo is not entered as imported lor ale or consamptioa.

Special Agents Ting.e. James and Chamoeiiam were all iu Baltimore yesterday. Around the World. Several French gentlemen, members cf the scientific excursion party wnich is making a circumnavigating tour of the globe, were in Baltimore yesterday, having come from Washington. Four visited Ihe City Hsll sfter office hours.

Eighteen of the scientific party left the French si earner Junon at Panama, where she arrived from MarseTies November 16. nd are making a tour of this country. hey will rejoin the other members ot the party at San Francisco. They expect to be 320 ivs on the trip around the world. The expe-oitisn is under the auspices of the Sociene des Voyages of Paris.

JSiectlon Canes. The grand jury of the United Stares Circuit Court has found resentment against Robert B. Perry, Thomas J. Berry and Win. S.

Wilkiuson, judges of election iu the eighth district of Anne Arundel county, on the charge of removing the polling place "wiih corrupt motives. It has been stated that tney are charged with removing the poll on the morning of the electiou, that voters could not get to the polls to cast their votes for want of time to go from the old pohintr place-to the new noils. The accused state that they are entirely blameless in the matter, aud that there was no corrupt ODject in changing the polling place. Assault on a Policeman. In the Criminal Court yesterday, Wesley Merchant was fined $25.

Upton Stevens $10. aud Arnold Laporte was acquitted in a case of assault ou policeman Crook last August, iu the western section of Baltimore. They resisted arrest for a minor onense, and the policeman was beaten severely by the two who were found gnilty. Judge Pink-ney slid he would not punish the men as severely as the offense of attacking an officer usually deserves owing to some extenuatiuz circ*mstances. James A.

L. McCinre assisted tho prosecutor. Air. Carr. Police Commissioner Herbert and Marshal Gray were in court.

Commerce with JUeorico and France. Senor Al. de Zamacona, Mexican minister to tba United States, will deliver an address in the main hall of the Kialto Building at noon to-day, on the subject of encouraging commerce between the United States and Mexico. Hon. Robert M.

McLane and Mr. James Hodges, delegates from tne Board of Trade of Baltimore to tfcs late reciprocity tieaty convention in Paris, will give their views as to the effact of such a treaty between the United States and France. Silver Jtininff. Certificate of incorporation was filed yesterday in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of the Empire Silver Mining C'oaipany of Colorado and Baltimore, Maryiauu. The purpose of tha corporation is to conduct business in Maryland aud dispose of mining products.

The principal office is In Baltimore city. he capital stock is statcdat half a million dollars. The directors named are Augustus J. Smith, John Hill, Nathaulel W. Paynter, John H.

Rogers and James H. Hoblitseell. fYitl Contest. Caveat was filed yesterday in the Orphans' Court to the will of Mrs. Annie W.

Hev.h, formerly of St. Louis, but who died in Baltimore, where she had resided latterly. The caveat in filed on the part of A. H. Van Wagner, Jennie Bordman and others of the next ol kin, against Annie E.

II. Alay and Joseph May. alleging that a codiciljin the will was made under undue influence and when the testatrix was legally incapable. lirig Echo. A dispatch resched Baltimore yesterday that some flour and cased oil, marked Tate, Mullcr had come ashore at St.

KlttsJWest Indies. That firm were the shippers of the cargo of the missing brig Echo, and the goods doQbUess belonged, to her. BY V. TV. Jk JO.

TiiUsTE h'a bAUE OF T.F.A'IK.'HOI.H HOPE RTY. NO. 29 CARLTON STKEKT. By virtue of a decree cf the Circuit Court or Baltimore City, the undersigned, trustee, will otfer at public auction, oa the premises. on MONDAY, the 9tb day 01 December.

1S7S. at lour o'clo-k la th atternoon, ALL THAT LOT OF GKOCNDintbo city of Baltinior Beglnniw: lor tbe same on the wet 'side ot Carlton aireet. at ihe of two hundred and seventy-one leet north from Fayette street, and running thence north, sod on tbe west s.dei of Carlton street twelve Let; tiicnce wet-t sixty leet to an alUy four leet wide: theuci south, bounding oa said a.iey, with tne use thereof in common with others, twelve feet, and thence east by a straight line to ihe place nf subject to tbe annual ground reat of (For title see Li be G. R. No.

6c.s, folio b67, 4c. The improvement" consist of a two-story aud att.e BRICK DW KLL1NU. lernis or sa.e. as prescribed by the decree, are: One-third cash, and the balance in six sod twelve months, or ah cash, at the option of the purchaser: credit payments to bear interest lrom Ibe day of sale, and to be secured by the note or notes ot the purchaser, indorsed to the satistactioa ol Ibe trustee. JOHN B.

TIDY. Jit, Trustee. BOND fc TIDY. Solicitors. 41 Nor Ch iriea street.

F- W. LENNKT i Ac Auctioneers. mlRL'STErCS SALE op VALOABI LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. ON THE NORIQWEST CORNER OF FOUf AV-ENl AND SI LEFT. By virtue ot a oecree of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City, the undersigned, I rustee.

wnl on Lie nteuiires. al public auction, oa MONDAY, De-c-mber 16, 1S.8. at 3 o'clock P. ALL lit AT LOT OF GROUND in the city of Faitimoie Fet'inninir on the noribwet of Fort avenue and Jackson street: thence west, od 16 feet: thence nortbt-r y. of even vimb, ana bin.iine oa Jackson street, 97 lert toitn aitey iuicet wide, andsuo ct to an aiiLU il rent of $4S: improveil bv a flue three-story BRICK, si ORE AND i)U LI G.

Terms of Sa.e: One third cah. and the balance In, six and tweive months, wish inte: est. secured by notes ittsiactorily lniiurotj. or ad at tha purchaser's option. JAMES W.

I1F NX Trnstee. F. VV. LS.ANK1T Ac n2.V'0D7.10.11.16j Ajcuoutirs. by o.



SALESROOMS, No. 55 sitttr. 1. Bv virtue of a decree the Crated States District ALL THAT LOT Or AND IM-FrioVEU t.M.- si'iuie on Itie Donbeutt eorntr of Lombard street anl Cbeapside. having a fronttse of SOte-1 on Lombard street and ii leet on Cueaide improve 1 bv a ur--inry IKtiN and BRICK WAREHOtSE.

wlia fine cellar, nearly new and id fine condition, covering the whole lot, sub. ect to a ground reu 01 per an-nuia, redeemable al'ter October 1, Iail. All), BEI OXGISG TO THE SAME ESTATES. 2. SIX LOTS OF GitOLND AND THE IM-Tlif iV'aUEMa HEREON.

situate oa Ibe east sido of Gav etreet. nor ot Broauway, frogling ia iet by a depth 01 70 feet to an i I) ret wide. Iu-pioved bv s.x three-storv b-sKK IIWH.LINCS, nnmbered resrscnvely Cl. til. 6:1.

s.ii 13 N01 tb Gay street, aad eat a to the annual ground rem 01 tz- 5. LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVr-MESTS THFRKON, situate on the west side ot Calhoun street, south ot Press una i stre-t, trontinj 17 feet 6 Inches, aa running bacar 79 lett to an al ey leet wide. Improved by a lhree--torv BKi ft DWELLING. kuowD as No. 4.9 North Calhoun subject to the annual ground rentoft7JiO.

4 LOT OF GROUND AND THE 1MPROVF-MKN IS THEREON, situate oa the east fide or Kutaw street, eou.h of Fayette street. lror.wn;j -0 Kei 9 Inches, with depth 01 0j In.n.rovea by a three-story BRICK MOt(F; AND DVVKLLING. known as No. North Kutsw and subject 10 a redeemable ground rent 01 Jitj per anituui. 5 LOT OF GROUND AND TUE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situate ot the couth side of Lee street, xbout feet eat-i of Ch tries street, fronting about 11 leet ort Lee st-ert.

and ranairti back aitor.t iet to Gm (o'l a. Iniprove-i hy a three-story abuiit Is5 tees front, and a one-story BRICK AR.IioU.-F. aoout 5 leet iront. log'-ther covering the Dole lot. and known as Not.

:1 and Kb Lee street. Subject to original ground rent ot iii nr ainuia and a sugrouud rent of S70 per anaum. LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENT THEU1 ON siniute oa the si-le ol Guilford alley, between Lizbt and Char! streets, anil adloiulng the above oa the irt titini 11 teet by a of 10 teet. luiprved ny a B.UCK SI ABLE, and iibject tt the annual griiud rtat ot t.0 ad. 7.

A VACANT LOT OF GROUND situate on the southeast corner ot Sterrett street and ht-sunt ailev. Ironriig leet 8 inch, on Sterrett street and rennir.g back, binding oa Cheaaul a.iey. lui leet. more or In Itx si.nple. Terms 01 sale: Or.e-th.rl cah.

the ha'ance in tn eqcal payments al lour and eicht icouthtt, or fcil. cash, ttt purciiaser's option: the deierrt I i.avoient b-ar intrevt aad .0 be secured to ihe gaUsiacuoa CI the assiitutea. TIIOM AS D7. Asne-s S. HOOGEWF.P.ff, AesEs-O.


1 il. 1-. apia.n Sou i.u-.ll )MiAl. ecerrb -r 2. at r.

1. are to Boston, lncladaiur Mea.s aad Stateroorni Berth fil jj Round iJ vil A. L. hUGGiNs. A-in.

tfr Boitoa wnarl, OI Lous i-Ock. FOR SAVANNAH. A. Steatnsh GEO. AiTOL a Love.ajti.

SAI CI.DAV. Novem" er if. at 3 1'. M. Ir.rough rates 01 Freight and Tickets to all polnti South.

a. L. HCGGINs, Boston and Pavanaah Fi.r. i.onsr Djc. IHOMaS VV.

G'GGH. Agent, C. li. R. of ia Ger.

11 oi trec-. JAMKs B. ANDREW'S. ol-tfr A. and G.

IL ail Ger.can street. FOR PROVIDENCE. VIA NORFOLK. Iheie'teanisiiis Mt lEa.Lan. cant.

J- c. Tayior, TLEsDA 1 December P. at 12 M. A. lit GGlN.

Agent, tfr Boston wharf, toot of Lon: Dock. g. NORTH Gl r.alAN" LLOYD. STkam BETWFFN BALTI.ioT:F and BREMEN. Tne Screw Steamers of the Ncrth German l.ioya.

of 3.200 tons ana 7ou hore power, rua regularly between BAi.ll.MORc and BREMEN, as lonows: I rom rei.iea. FEKLTN Oct W. BALTIMORE Nov. 1. OH lO Nt ",7.

KE1PZ1G Dec. 11. From Baltimore. ov. 21.

2 P. M. Dec. 6,2 P.M. Die.

19.3 P. M. Jan. 2 P. M.

And thercal er lrom Bt.uMKN every alternate KSil A from BALI I.Muiit everv a.lcriuU TKUliSiAY. -4 P. M. SteAjh.ts Braar.sehwe's and Ntirriberp. having 1 nor acwomuctiaUtiis.

take c.u ii pjscutfers ta Bi eaien. For freight or erplv to A sCriL ACHE IS No. uiu Gay tirtet. AVEMCAX LINE, X.jJiL'FC'i: QTTFtN STuVVN am. LlVEKrOOU I ttt tilt r.nv5.aa:ic Li-ie -aiauj under Lis A- rr.cii! Evt-rv THURSDAY troai pa.a ar.a lMI 1 I-oro Livtrpool. sarj lhLii--bAl. Dec. 5. at 8 A.M. KrD STAR LIN EFOR AS TWERP.

Sal i. from and New ori. u.v.i passetjers i.bout tranship-k: a tew boar ride ot all tbe central jo: ei itttrest oa the Continent. Sieinst.p iU-AND taiJ rATCF.DAT. at 7 A For rate ct passage, or o'ter information, apply to t'F VV iV SO.s.

General Agems SOT street. Pbira 44 second au. Balto. Ager.ts lor Baltimore: WM. Si HNACFFEK. streei. and ISAAC AKTM A No. 3 second srrect aud Monumental Sxiuare. jj'l-U CLNAKD LINE. NEW TURK TO LlVKF.POOL AND Qi KENSIOWN.

bCYTHlA. Wed. Nov. BOTHNIA, 11 abin a-sage S'10. S0 -nd $IM.

5 Jld. according to accoiumodat.ocs. Return ncaets od ti-rins. steeraste tickets at very low rates, ou Cnnlaad and Ire and in sums to suit. C.G.

FRANCHLYN, Agent. New York. A. D. KEENER.

Agent, Ada'iis Express CW2ce. mlr.l-ly 164 Bait.more street. STEAM TO HAVRE, FRANCE. The pew British stea usnip iu a.ier. will be dlriu-tiea ior tne aoova-port 0:1 or about SATURDAY.


The sp.endid screw tjisameis of tae above lice will run as lollows: From Baltimore. CASP1AN.S.2"'4) lon Monday, Dec t. FARM A 1 IA N. SXm lous 1 uesdav. Dec.

S. MORAVIAN.3.KS4 tons Tuesday. Dee-17. NOVA SCO 1 1 A X.vM tons Wedneiav. Dec.

IS PKRC VI AN, S.ii tons Tuesday, I'ec. 4. A KUI MAN. 4.16i tons 1 wt iav. Dec.

SI. HIBERNIAN. S.4iv tons Wedneidav. Jan. POLYNESIAN.

4.109 tons TuetdaV. Jan. 7. SAKMATlAN.a.hOOtOES uetiy. Jn.

14. CASPIAN.3."i0o ions ednesdav. Jan. 15. Aod heticelorth every T'LESDAl aaa evry alternate WKDNKSDAY.

All steamers are appointed to leave Baltimore at 0 A. M.on their advertised dates. Steamers leaviug VV ccnejday touch at St. N.F. Steerage Pautarje to or from lirerpool, Glasgow, QueeiiMoisii or Jie'fnftS'ZH rr.RE.vcir.

For lre.tbt or applv to trie Aeents. A. SollUM AChEU nl6-tf) No. 5 South Gay street, Baltimore. SUBURBAN RAILROADS.

ISi.TiTi YOKE ROAD RAILWAY. r5T3S WIN. all ARRANGEMENT. On tttd after SUN 1. l37d, leavo-Baltimore and Ho.

as follows: BALTIMORE IO WAVFRLY. Every hall nour from 6.30 A. M. to 9 P. M- aod at 10 and 11X0 P.

M. AVKRLT TO BALTIMOKK. Every half hour lrorn ti.20 A. M. to bJJ P.

and. 9.50 and .0.50 P. M. BAL1IMOKE TO GOVANSTOWN. Every hall hour from b.S0 A.

M. to 9 P. and at 10 ana 11. SO P. M.

GOVANSIOWNT TO BALTIMORE. Fivery hall hour lrorn A. M. to K30 P. and at 9.30 and 10.30 P.

M. BALTIMORE TO TOWSONTOWN. At half-past each tour from A. M. to 8.30 P.

and at 10 and 11 SO P. M. FROM TOWSONTOWN To BALTIMORE. At each hoar trom 6 A. M.

to 10 P. At. rom Baltimore street to estern Alarr'aai Railroad Depot, tare cents; to Greejiiu juai'Ci nteiery laie 5 cents: to Charles-street avenue by cars oa North avenne, connecting wiiii Hampden. Paric Avenue and city cars, fare a cents. i30-tf catonsvillk kail-way.


HYACISTHS. BLLBs 1b vaneiy. Prios lists on-SiWSapphcaWon. Kl'IT EES BHADitf! ORNAMENTAL TREES kVkPriii.liS AND WINTER FLOWERING PLAN Isfinlfreltl quantity, at our PAT APbCO ti CliSE- irlF. "Y(T" on band at our warabouae.


Rshlnt ton Knrpau or "I lie 1314 bteebt, Washington. D. where subscriptions and advertisem*nts will be received. In Nfw Tori The Sun can be hrt every flay at Rrentano's Litebart Emporium, No. Union Square.

In Philadelphia Thk 8on can be bad daily at the Mews tand, Continental Hotel. abetter from Washington. ICoricspoudence of tue Baltimore Snn.l Washington, Jiov. 29. 1S78.

The funeral of Kev. Dominic Young, who died yesterday, aped 84 tears, at ttie Dominican Convent here, took place tnis moruineat St. Dominic's Church, South Washington, of whicti tne deceased was the earliest pastor. Ihe mairmfl-cent church was draped iu black, and solemn requiem tnass was by Kev. father Kotchford, U.

pastor, with Fathers fortune and Ifcvelle, as deacon and sub-deacou. Kev. Father Bovle. of St. Mathew's Church, preached the fnneral sermon, lit.

Jlev. James tiibbons. Archbishop of Baltimore, all the pastors of the Catholic churches of the D. strict, and many of the other Catholic clergy from the col-, leires and religious institutions, with representatives from tb various religious orders of men and women in the District. were present, with an immense congregation of the pari'sbioners St.

Dominic's parish and persons from other sections of the city. The remains will be interred at tne principal house of the Dominicans, iu Perry county, Ohio. A colored nurse, named Mary A. Parker, who for a long time was a servant in the finiily of Senator Tlmruiau, lost or was robbed of a pocket-book, containing 415, while she vv inaatus? some purchases iu a fancy roods store on Seventh street this inoruin. It was her ravines for her lifetime.

About a hour before her loss, she procured four one hundred do.ltir uotes at the Treasury Department lor a cumber ef small noies and lnieuaed to put them away in a safe Some wteks atro two psrties from this citv visited Caroline county, and disposed of a number of mule-, it was alrei weroa learned thai several of the mu'es had been sto'en from a stable in this citv. To-dav the proseeutiuj: attorney Caroline county arrived here and caused the arrest of tne men -who sold i he an es. bo as to protect the purchasers. They rave bail for a heating. Bieftpv tram Corre.pouder.?e of tne'e Stin.1 Annapolis, -Nov, 30.

1ST3. Warrant lias been issued lor trie arrest cf Thomas f.nd Lemuel Gibson, colored, charged with steaiiit i caitle trom Saamei Rutivr. Tnos. Oirson is already in jail cnired with stealing a ho'se cm Mr. W.

L. Dorsev. His brother. Lemuel Gibson, is said to be in Washington city. Numerous applications nave been received at the executive department from he-irs-expeetsnt of the (inidhnwk estate, who desire certificates of the official character of certsiu notaries public employed by em in the tr.msacnou of the business of jjettin a fortune lor tjem in Lapland.

A number officers of the Naval Acad'-my eniras-ed in a fox huut vesterdiy on North Severn. The chase extended wirnin lour miles from Baltimore, and proved au exciting and enjoyable a Hair. The total number of dredcriuc licenses issned to oyster schooners, by tee state comptroller to date is 257. A wicoii belonfrinc to Mrs. A.

S. Fowler was recently demolished ov the horse running away in the' county. George Greene, colored, 17 years old, tne driver, was run over and n-id rtos broken. He received other injarie-. ana his brother, Henry Green, was also hurt, both having been thrown out of the venule.

Letter from West Virginia. Correspi uneiicc ot fr; Baltimore uu.l Maktinsbuku, W. Nov. 29, 1878. The fall term ot the Circuit Court.

Judne B. Hone presiding. on Tuesuay last. Ou Wednesday the yrand jnrv founn anumb'rof indi itments, ainousr them three for muraer Alar-hall. and Jefferson Alosby, neuroes.

joint'y iudicted for the killing of Christian Lantz in Oc'ober isst, and John A. File, for the kil of Jeremiah Woil'smcrf r. the early part of thepreeut month. It is expected that the trial of Al. Smith, colored, will beiriu on Monday next.

It is not known whether File wi 1 be tried at the present term of the court, as many State cases lelony and misdemeanor have precedence on the docket. Last Sunday Edward Moore, residing in the eastern sert.ou of Berkeley county, was lound dead in a piece of woods not far from his residence. He had borrowed a horse from a iieiun-fcor to ride a lew miks. the nurse returnin? riderless iu the evening, it is not known hetner tie kil.ed by a tali from ihe horse or was ioully dealt with'. Letter from Hacerstown.

Correspondence of the Baltimore sun.l IIagef.sTOwn, S)d Nov. S9 1C73. A military eomr.any. eai'ea the Independent Zouaves, has been recently orjramz ft-re, the officers neiui; Captain Thomas Co kitsser. First Lieutenant Sirnuel Johnson and Stcnd Lieutenant U.

11. Uocl). Day was observed as a holiday here, all tl.e stores be tit*: closed. Appropriate re) irions services were heid in the First He rmed, and St. John's Lutneran ChurchtV- The latter was a nnioa meeting, at which brief addresses wrre made Dy Res.

CJohun and A. S. Hank, of the Al. E. hurch, and Kev.

S. Owen, the pastor of St. John's. LOCAL MATTERS. Arrr'tl of the Sarmatian.

The steamship Aird. reached Locust Point la'e last eveoiiiir. hree days irons Ha itax. where tne Princess Louise, ihe Marquis of Lorno and the pe sons attacued to tneir suite were lanoed. The Sarmariaii is one ot the handsomest steamers owned by the Allans, aid the preparations for trie accommodation of the uutruisbed party, the central in which was the daughter of Ciiieen Victoria, were upon an extrusive scale.

The einiiinj berleteads, the iuv. niton ot Mr. Tnompsou, an American, are ttii! in the staterooms, but are now rumu? the Bwinirs, which the loytT Britons ou loard lirraiy believe helped old Neptune to ms te the daughter ot their ti.een pay more than her share cf tribute. Tne royal bedcnamlrer, as well as two Others occupied by tao suite of the Princess, consist each of wo staterooms in one. A cozy boudoir adioius the chamber of the Princess.

Ttic bedste.ds are of polished hardwood, and the upholstering is of purple and ciimson, with archea above. These corneous sfi'airs were hun fr-m toe ceilinss, balanced by a pendulum of UO0 pounds weisrbt, to eive reinlarity to the swing. To use the words of one of the officers, a roll of the ship would start the pendulum, and once in motion no one could tell wnen it would Ttie Princess was sick the whole voyaze from Liverpool to Halifax, and the twiuinj beds have become a byword and reproaci: on board of the Sarmatian. The bedsteads have been detacoed from the pendulums and pushed Biraiust the wail. The voyage of the steamer was an exceptionally stormy one, which is a subject for regret amoui! the officers and crew.

de Caspian, only a lew hours in advance, had a moderately (rood passage, which caused Mr. Eaton, the chief steward of the Sarmatian, to wonner why bis steamer should have met such "dirty weather." He philosophically concluded, however, that seasickness doesn't spare even a Princess. The Marquis eave presents to ail of the officers before he Jfft the steamer. No passengers were brousht to Baltimore. The Sarmatian will leave for Liverpool next Tnesdny.

The Sun office is icdeb'ed to Air. Chambers, the purser, for hies of late Ens. libh newspapers. Nnrrtin Gauge A meeting of the directors of the Baltimore and Delta Narrow Gauge railway was held yesterday, at the ollice of the company, southeast corner Charles and Lexinston streets. Air.

Wm. Gilmor, vice president, was in the chair, Air. S. O. Boyd secretary.

Messrs. Bradford, Archer, Armstrong. Georee, itter, Jones. Tucner, iloore and Streets, of the board, were also present. Alajor Daudrid'je, chief en-eiu'-er, read a detailed statement of tne survey and location of the roud, together with estimates of the cost for doin2 the work.

Some of the bids are below hi estimates. A reso.ution was passed that the contract lor and ma-ponry be awarded at a meeting of the board on December 17. It was understood that the directors very ceneraliy cooceutratinr; he energies of the comuanv for some time tocoine on that portou of th? road lyiua; between tae Great Gunpowder and Deita. Air. P.

T. Georee wab elected auditor. Arciilcntnl Considerable excitement caused yesterday morning, about 10 o'cleck, in the malt e-taDlishment of S. W. fc'raiiss.

on the iruer of Central avenue and Fawn street, by the sriortinir of William H. btrauss, who. until last March, was one of tne proprietors of the establishment. Air. Strauss was in the back office, on the second floor of the main bnildiujr.

where he was handling a pistol when it went off. The ba.l struek hrni in the left breast, and parsed out without l'ltlxtin? a serious wound. The bailct'w found on the floor. Dr. Kinnemou was summoned, and Mr.

Strauss was removed in a hack to his residence. Ho. 71 Ea-t Biiitimore street. Air. Strauss has hern prominent iu politics, ana was formerly a director in the Baltimore and Ohio railroad from the city.

He is a man of family, thirty-two years of ae. A ecid Airs. Keistor, 70 years old, was knocked down yesterary by a runaway horse, at Be. air avenue and U'asnlnrrton street. See had her lelt hand broken, her bead badly cut, and received intern il injuries.

Tnonns Watson, of Philadelphia, and Isaac Lambert, living; at Howard and Franklin streets, were thrown from a wagon at Broadway and Jefferson street. aDd injured, but not seriously Ab'jut lO.liO last niht a luiieson of Madame D. P. Jeanneret, North Charles street, was sent by bis mother into the trimming room to turn out the ras. It i supposed he dropped a licbted piece of paper which he carried.

Some valuable ribbons, laces and flowers caught lire, and a loss of was sustained, on waien there is no insurance. Officers Cormick and Gale extinguished the flames by throwing blankets over them. liaitimore fcttuti Affairs Rev. Mr. Zett-ner, of Baltimore, has been installed pastor of Howard's German Lutheran Church, Stemmcr's Kun, in place of Rev.

George Geiser, oec.ased Mr. Johu I. Anderson, residiug upon the Hiilen road, abont two miles from Towsontown, lost the paBt week or two three valuable cows from death. It was found that the luuts were entirely eoneThe December term of the Circuit Court commences on Alonday next-The county commissioners appointed Kobert Cole constable for the nintn district, vice A. J.

Staylor, resigned. A Sainton was caneht last Monday in the North Branch of the Shenandoan river, near Woodstock, Va. It is the first caught in that neighborhood. A large nnmber of diminutive salmon was placed iu the Shenandoah, between Strasburg and Mt. Jackson, tbiee years ago, and fishermen are expecting to gather in at an early day twenty ywwd BDecimena of mis very flue iq.


P.M. Philaaelphia Express 6 10 Port Deposit and wav 2 15 N.Y..i'lii.a. ana some 1'hiia. second-class $2 2.2.1 way points. Kxp 7.10 Boston.

Y. Phila. 2.M N. Y. anc ''11 1 a.

Kxp. 9 a5 N. Y. and Phila. (Suu-N.

Y. and W. i'hiia. dayomy) 2.55 Uaiited 10.45 Port Deposit and way S.I iPhila. (daily) 6.55 Y.

and VV. Phila. I Niebt r.xp. (dai.yi 11.55 Leave Charles-st. ntatloo.

All others leave PreM-(Irat St. Oaly Mindav trains 2.55, 6 55 aud 11.55 P. M. Connection at Del. Jhnc.

for all points on Del. 1:.. bv 6.10 A. M. For Port Deposit and Phila.

and Hallo. Central H. Ii. by 7.10 A. at Wilmington lor Del.

tt. tc, by 9.55 A. with stacee lor Bela r. c. and at Port Deposit with Philadelphia and Baltimore Central K.

It by 2. 1.1 P. al vMl-minglon lor Del. It. ii.

to Harrington by 2.55 P. il. BAI.T1MORB AND OHIO. Fm Camden Station A.M. Km Camden Station P.M Wash.

tt Way VV ashiDLlon. Aunapo- ashineton Kxpre-, lis aud Wav lili stops at Annapolis 1 isiiiiiirtou Junction and all Sunday on 71 1.1C stations weut of that Kiiieott (illy Way 1.4& point Washiagton Way i.05 Virgiuia Miaiana. Wash. bxp Lyncbburu, Dan- i Lvncuoare. 1)111-Vilie, South anl vil.e.

to -th anl Southwest 5.21 Southwest. 111. Q- KtlirottCilv O.isO mond.v.a ynantico. 4.00 Wasitlnslon Way 6.45 Winchester, Haer. bt.

Loui-, Cincinnati, town, Fred'k Way. 4.J3 Chicago, Columbus. Pittsburgh and Washington Lxpr Val asninjton ana An- napolis Way 'S-OO iFredenck Way 5.2t) Cbtt azo. Comrnbus. 1 nd Wash.

Kx. ley Krancu except Sunaav.) 7.10 vVav 'i ii Pi'-dinonr. Strasours. ashinsiion Way "U.SJ vv mcbeaier.llaaer- St. Lotus.

Cine Pltts- town.l rentrica and Dursh a Wash. hr. (No tor Plitsb'a on aundav Mt. Airy Way 11.15. and ou auauay oniv 9X0 ay Mala stein (On suauav.

tlli-cott City onlv S.OO Washiceton undWay. (Ou Sunday connects Anniisolln) Washin'ton fcxoress lor Melronolitaa Branch 7.10 A. S.05. (1 P. M.

on aanday.i .15 P.M. b0 P. il. ttocavlUe only.) Ail trains stop at lielay. Leave Waahmeton Ior Baltimore.

'3 05. 6.5 7.41, S.S0. 10 00 A. M.r j.M.'n.ll, TilOP. M.

On Sundav only, it A. M. and Li5P.M. Depart uaUv. Others iuntiava exceptel WESTERN MARYLAND.

Fm Ulllen S'arion. A. M. erick. Kmmittsbnrs.ITa-Maii, gerslowu.

geirs'n, WI 00 ana intermedial! sia- Fui Hiilen btaliou. P. tions 4 00 Kf-isterstowa i'2M. Union Bridge and ln- T'hrongli r-d 1 termediale 6.10 Ali ue above except Sunday. I ni Bridge and iriteru-ediate stations, Sunday only.

A. M. and a.10 P. M. 1 hroub car lor Frederick leaves Baltimore at 4 P.

ana leaves Frederick lor Baltimore at 7 A. M. Trains l-ave L'nlon Depot (Charles street) five minutes, Pennsylvania avenue lea minutes, and Fulton station 1 wrlve minutes alter time given aoove lor leaving II Station. LGL1TNK VKGRT1XK VKGK1TN INK VF.HF.T1NK VF.GK11NK Vkgktinf; rot: F.P1L1.PST. FPI 1.KPSY.

F.PILFPY. KllLi.PsY. KP1 l.F.Psl. Bababoo. May 15, 1S77.

fl. It. Dsjtr Hir: My husband has had EpUe-y for the pa-t fifteen yeirs. 1 he past winrer blood st ued to be in a tad condition, and seeing Ihe enod rem ta irom the Use of VKGKTiN in others, ieit anxious to try it. Uas taken some six bottlrs.aud ihe resu.t has been that he has had oniy ten ts in three months past, whereas he was accustomed to having as nianv in two days at his worst: an efiect mat he Oi not expect.

Am very anxious to have him continue tne u- some time looser, and write you to ask you what trrnis, or what reduc.lon you would make and sen! me one dozen Vtiy rcspecU'ully, Mrs. A. C. Cole.

Baraboo. cauk County, is. VEGETINE thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor, and restores the entire system 10 a heal; by condition. VF.GKTINE. VF.GK1TNK.

h. VKGKT1NK. St. ViscEjiT School, Ttoy. October 5, 1S71.

Drt. 6tetfs. Dear 6ir: We are trnly grateful for yonr generous donation of VEGfcTT reci lved last eveninsr. A ladv has been usinsi it here, with much benefit to herseT. who.

for years, has been rrononneed biokea "worn out," Frequently she was Uisluroed In Iter sleep by a violent nrvor.s twitelime of a foot, or th lace, cr tde hole bodv. Bv taking this VtGKl IN F- she is enabled to sit ep quietly, and her general heaitb seems much im-provea. thoueh she Las a complication ot chrome diseases to con end May God biea you lor your chanty to the orphans. licapectfully and eratefnTv.

SISTEEa OF CHAETTT. HARASSING DREAMS. An unnatural excitement of the brain ana nervous system is the direct cause of sleeplessness, aa also of harassing nocturnal dreams. VEGETINE fcas a peculiarly seething eliect in all such cases, when taken just before going to bed. VKGETINE VflGl-.


Me. Stevens. Iar sir: I hive taken several bortles of I for Femn.e and in the oe. and to all ladies who are from such complaints. 1 wi.i the Vt 1 must say it has helred me very ruiici: indeed il i mvaiuahle Ior such complaints.

MaBT K. MlBil.lTH. Eastern aveace. FEMALE WEAKNESS VKGETINE sets rectly upon the causes of these complaints. It Invigorates and strencthens tbe whole system, acts upon the secretive oreans.

allays tcSaamatiorr. cleanses and cures ulceration, cures cocstlatlon, reculates the bowels; headache and pains la the back cease; in fact, there is do disease or complaint where the VEGETIXE gives so quick relief and is so effective la its cure as in what is termed Female Weakness. It has never tailed in one instance. VKGETINE KG 1 INK VEGETINE DKUGGIsTS RKCOMMKND IT. IKl GGISTs liKCOMMKND IF.

DUUGGisTS BECO.MMEND IT. Spfixgfiei.p. Feb. 2S. 1S77.

Having for many years sold VEGETlNF.mann- laciureu uv sir. 11. it. Mevens, noston, 1 cheerlully recommend It to the atlllcted generally. ivespecuuny, .1.

u. rssowN. uruggisi. Ho. 60 South Limettone street.



K. STEVENS. BOSTON. MASS. VEGETINE is sold by all Drusctsts.

MEDICAL AOTICES. DK. R1CORD, 14 1 Fayette beTow Ho in ls4i. Honorable and skiiliul tnatment warranted in Acute.Cbrouic or Nervous Ills. Blood.

Throat, Skin. K.dneysand kindred Diseases n26-lui" DR. ROBEKTSOX, 19 "5. Kntnw (f. Graduate of the Chivertit' of Maryland Honorable ana scientific treatment jsuaranteed id ad acute and chronic diseases.

15 yeais' experience. c2i-lm CARRIAGES. HORSES. ETC nnjyr CAKI51AGES A fine assortment new triaf apd second-hand, suited to both citv and cTmJTii trade. MASON HASLCP.

nS-ltu'L IS North Frederick street. JSTS-i 0 NEW AND SECOND-HAND CArt gya Kl AG F.S. of all descriptions. Must be sold to icake room lor winter stock. P.

D. r-CHMIDT nS-lm No. 04 West Fayette street. "T-fTkT FOU SALE CHKAP One hnndrerditrer-(ttVffi' ent kinds new and second hand CAI1-Rfa*gKS, JAGGKRS. BUGGIKS, PHAKI ONS.

WA-GUNS and all kinds of HAKNESS. Apply at No. 68 South Eutaw street and :1 South Liberty street. nl9-lm. FKEDEK1CK.

SFALF'OKT. THE FOLLOWING FIP.ST-CLAS5 KIAGfcS at barcains. aad nearly new. One brown satin-trimmed C'OUPKLK IT. poleand shafts: one leather-top LAN one six-seal KOCK A WAY'; two panel CAKlilAGES; one six-scat BAROUCHE, and one hunared others, at NEW YOKK No.

81 North Liberty sirteL n251m; H.D.SCHMIDT. FOi: SALE Abont thirty head ofHORSFiS and ML LES, some very cheap. Inquire of COCHRAN pflm. 13S South Exeter street FOR SALE A pair of COL TS, (Geldings.) by Bonnie Scotland. sou of imp.

Bonnie, own brothers, ana two and three years old Fill of next Mayiout of a eooa niare; ot fide aie, height, appearance and life, and are sound; will make racers aud roadnter. Address U. OLDHAM. nlS-lm' Accoinac Court House. Va.

BILLIARDS- yJ-r- BILLIARD TABLES of new deslpn. new and 8coQd prices which defy competition. Phelan Gollender CUSHIONS. J. G.

Tax LOU 4k Ko. S4 South Sharp street BalUmorc is-tiMt. bid. ask. I nrn.

ASIC. 80 t(7 0t0 14 4J 27 00 0 14 0 00 HH 107 01 000 Gold Coin luota 100 Western Bank. suarcs. hGK w. bOtOWashtir.

125 NcTi 13 Kireoien's la 40 Batto ire 1 in 23 Nat Sire lis' Hovarab Ins GermanFl lS' A met lean 1. 4 i PeabodylTns 2s onnij. JX NCitKDs CeiiTtOiKt me 1(10 MUl-tuDin 1101 Md.liense't.lili 0j0 Md. 6 s. 1 890..

108 000 Md.S per H9 00 West Va.Ctls. V4 1 Va. 5i 57 Va. onsoldld. 85 S8 Va.

cos hi tt! City tslS.i 10 00O ill 110 Cut Park 109 fiou Cuyos eiinui.112 OcO nv usltKH 111 001 Cty bs.lnw 110 0 0 Ctty 1W 111 0'i0 City 0.1O 104-V Citv 5s 104 1J4' 000 CLOSING STOCK PBICES AT NEW YORK NOV. 2f. rjni ed States 64 11 ar I ttt V40 IMS new issno) llWSit ln 1K64 1W': Un Sitales 10-les 10: Ki United states Currenev te lit: Unite! States per 106 Unit 4- pr cenn lltri'4: Uuiterl -States cents 1 mi: Missouri 6 ion bonds f.iih: 1. ill mioai i 1 St. Joseo issu Tennessee bs old 41; Tennessee mt ne Zi'A: 10.

fries lil- Virginia 6 od -5: Vinrimi new 2: Vlrzinla Consois74: Ohio and Miss.sainpl Pfd 15. ftjiortsl fr i Iti-'i -e BALT1M MAIt'vE FRrDAT. NovemDer 28, Pru'rs given b'Xow rrfe.r to xv'io eo'iie. onlv. unlet olhr'rt er.nrjsd.

Uece pts tor two uayij 8Vrii3 bucs 68,101 bales lor coi da.s la-t year. Kk. orts 2T.1SH baes. StocK at all tue pons to-da 614.477 The market is unit and easier, with business impossible n'lles-i a coucemon is made to buyers' v.ews.

The sales amount 10 ab-jut 150 bales in lots at bria'J eta. tne lat er tor rmcaiine. tbouiih the pig mtt eenerailv over 81 cis. Vv quote prices nominally as toilons: Midd. np at 3 cents; iow middhns ts; strict tro'J ordinary cents, and erood or.nnary a cents.

At New S'ori boots ue'eliaeti 1 1' c. and c.oeed tpilctat 04 cenis. and lutures, a it a decline ana partial recovery, closed steady, a- toilows: VVeuueslay. To-day. November 9.1b December J.l? January a 25 Peorui.y all 9..,7 March 9 9 April t.H-i Coffee 1'ue o.

ofcers rert'trt the m-4rke' steady, with a little more lntiu rv, bat impner8 as a nite are not olferlne the srocks prs nt price, and ar awalin oevelopinents. The bU'iness with the int 1 imiy active. We quote riiees as follows: liio careoe-s ordinary at imallV cents: tair 1 cents, soo cents, aod prime ljalii cents oer In all told. 60 davs. Ilui Nov.

Wright Co. report purchases for Cmled States since instant sit pmrnts "0,00) bas, slocK al aale ti.O 0 baus: average daily receipts 11. new bass: nnce fea.Vju. hold, et-s lii ni. Kirhiiiond 17 tix ai (00: Baltimore lilSO'JalDOOO: stock 60.000 bMs. tLttva Tlie inquiry c.iiitinaes very liniue I. and the market is tiui. ana genera iy whitout arty qu itanle change in price-. I here i stoeK pn-s' InE i jrsale.

Ittce.pts per rail 4111 bbis. 1 7 bh 9 lorthroush blnpment. 'Ine sales repotted are Pit) obis Weste Super at $4 50: Kiu do. hxtra eat 11 at Si i't'A, aud ti 12h. an 1 itfj do.

Fainny at 1 10 per Af iteettt to-dav 12.010 Sout- era Jfto 0U4Ut Pennt.Vivaina elo ous. eU co tern uustis Con. O3.80 bu-h i Western Jtooo ousas Oat, ana 100 oa-bs live. Stocus In Kiev tt 4 Onshs When, aa 83.00 urn. I he millers are ies aniiotit, in tilt ir de-ni indl'i sonthera neat, ant Ihe market is a turn tsi'-r, t'io tne scarcitv of choi sampl's prevents any actual decline.

The al-s were ti bus'-s (rood ft tioiee mired and lou-beirv amber aloat at 1 OSaM 2: iHiOO buhs cood to choice mixed delivered ai 1 laMOuO liushs irood to 1 rime 1-uliz atl 01S1 0j. ana buans cotniuoa to lair rel at 1 $1 tU. Aiso. busn- uiigrraaed 1'enim ivania at $1 and ll. -fl bushs No 2 spot and to arrive at $1 For Western the ntarmet was dull and elocinj qnt.

ales 00 bnsns No. 2 inter led -ot at 1 i4v bush" 00. tlreitbi at ilO.K: 5i00 bii'lis lor at 17.00) bu'iis do. at $1 Oj: it)) 1 ior January at tl C7, anfi OH bushs ili a ltr.ti. a the afternoon tne ki I was dull, v.

.1 It -a i et-1 er.o'i?h doms establish prices Sate reift.rl-d VIO l-bg o. red lor fteetmot-r at anl lu.r.01 for delivery at tlit'l'. Southern Corn was Id good demand an 1 llr.n white, oa' easier tor veilo. S'les r.iish," rrwt to wti te at 4 lain cts. and 3000 bu'hs I rone yellow at 44 cents.

For Western the marlet a as dull and a-ier. Sates 7000 busDs rejected ar cts. bill li at oo.t cts: 30:0 lui-lis Bteaeer at lift cts; bu.hs new mixed p.t 45 eents: 13,000 for 1) ce nt er at 4 oi and buhs lor January cich at 4(i and 4i ctme. There wan a very linUifd. Inquiry after and c-niv a modera'e amonai offer.

int. Hiriin steaTv, Wiih sales OI 50 0 bushs new mixed ior i ecrr.bc-r'tach at 45: and cents, and 600-1 bushs tor January at 4'i cents. Oau are tan iv a -tire and st-an saies 5M buhs Sonlhern al cts. K0 biislis t'eiiat-vlvanla at 28 twix ceat-: 1W0 bufSie xed estt-ru at ets: bus bright mixed tl at en, and I'W nv.t.1,7- white at si) cts. A email lOt prime lJennsvivania live sold at 57 cts.

Soutntrn qtioied at cettt. per bushel. Petkolei'm. The market hrnur. with a good irij iny tor reriped at sveent-.

but th re is do stock ohc ins undf- St. cents, and crude Is advanced to 7 cents pr-r callcn In bb I he qtio'at ons to the home trade are 1- cts forllOtett, aaa Vi cents lor liiJ Wot in 10 boi lots. so; a rs A farther arrival from lemerara Is noted, but tnr-re 13 no movement In raw re; orted except ot ioobinr jts n-w crop New Orleain trroeerv at 1 cents. We nu de prices norn na lv as follows: Kor fa to irood refluinc a7 etit*: Cuba boxes. So.

10 to 1. ia7--, cents; do. Centrifueal f.i: cts. Porto lileo erocery 7 c-nts. r.njiish lslan i Muscova-d 1 b-a'14 cents: Demerara Ceutritiiial 7xa7ja cents, aim 1- reu en Island reflmne cents 1 er iu.

Hnta nuaar. There Is a dem tnd for lh itioD, but the market is only steady. We 0 tlar at i4 cents tor cut i-i cent9 lor ertisfie 1. 9 cent- tor powdered- eenw lor irraiiulatca: Sott A eta, ana i euows at iii aii tt. per lr.

Whisk v. Marfcet for Hish Wines dull, with small sali-s at (I 0'J pcrealiou. ALEXANDRIA fVA. MARKET, Nov. "J'.

Same 8IS1 o( heat were sold to-day 01 'Chanee et (to els to tl 6-i per bushel. Ol Corr. 13'jO bushs brought 4-al- cenis per bushel. txEortfiE rowx iWc. 1 Maiset.

Vov. i. fheje v. n- rt ea.t-s on 'I'll -rife Ui-iay. Wnt-at is Quoted.

cents to tl 07, and Cora at 43a43 cts busael. MARKETS BV TrlLFfllSAPH.l l.ivnnpooL. Nov. cotton lieceinu 11.6" 4) bales, ail Sales 7.000 bales. 5.4 0 Dales American.

Market show a moderate inquiry, ire suo-pued: inl'ldlmg Oneans 5 13 Ibd. low inidtll.uj Uplands 5 jtood oi tlin ry ordinary 4 18 ltul. Cotton to arrive opened at dec iao and closed heavy. November delivery. Dianas at 53 I6a5 November ana December liOvnoN.

Nov. 29. P.efined 1'etrolenm 8aSHl. per eallon Spirits of 1'etroleum per latiow 87s. per ewt C'ale itta 47s per quarter.

nbeea On il4 lu. per ton. Turpentine ls.9d. per cwt. Antwkbp.

Nov. 29 P.eflne 1 Petroleum i francs for hue rale American. 11 auc advance. flio Nov. 27.

Coflee market vrv qnlet aad prices nearly Good nrsts is per in kilos. Exchange on Londoa i id. Average danv reeefpl.s for the week 11.5t0 bacs: week's Ii.pmcnts to the United Slies bairs: we- fe's sales tor the L'nited States ia.OOj Slock I47.0u0 hues. NkwYohk.

Nov. Cotton lower, riosinz quiet at 9 '4aS cents. Southern lour rather active: sr.wa to 1- xt; a 5 lOtto vv heal ateadv foi Spring anl He lower tor Winter: No. 2 f.prln? ar cts aSl. No.

2W.nier lei 1 0-Vail 19. Rye s-eady at cts for No. 2 Western Corn moderateiv active and tim er; steamer mixed at 4oa46; cu. No. 2 New York" cents.

Oats moderately active, witnont decided cl ause. Petroleum quiet and steadv: crude at s. refined 9 cis, United 9.iS a 100 cts. Tallow arm and moderately active at 9 t'ia0t cts. Pork about 11 ctshieher: Mes 7 SO.

Lard Is st -advand latht-r tiuiet: prime 111 at f6 10. Whisky dull at 1 Ott. Freights to Liverpool firm; Cotto-i per steamer and iid. C'HtCAao. Nov.

29. Wneatactive, firm and higher: No. 2 re.i Winter at nts cash: No. 2 Ciucaeo Spring hJ1i3 ii cents casQ, tsl cents Uecember.M January. Corptalriy active and a shaue hilier at 8ti4 cts cash or December, Six cts January.

Oats sready and arm at 204 cents cash or December. 20 ets January. Pork sieadyanda shade lusher at S6 b) cash or December. 8 mats Via January. I ard steady and demand fair at, S5 15 cash or December, 5 8J)a 85 January.

Bulk Mi-ats steiny and unt banned. Hmh Wines 04. hisky baed cin 51 0j. Corn to Buffalo 6.16S cts. Market closed.

Wheat firm and unchanged. Corn firmer but not quotably hisner. Oats firmer but not quoiabiy higher. Pork in eood demand and advanced 5 cents. Lard firmer but not ouotablv higher.

Port or Baltimore, Vorciriber 2f, IS7S. CLKAKKD. Steamship William Kennedy. Foster. Providence; Bhip Hiram, (Nor.) Jacobsen, Hamburg; barks Edith Carmlchael.

(Kr.) Kachern. Havre: British 1 Davia. Bayonne; Asseo, (Br.) Lee. Konen: schooners Georee A. Travers.

Mitehei ashineion: I'hos. J. Fail. Stewart, Cambridge: Hattie Paue. Godrrey, Providence: Ida Lawrence.

Youdr, New York; K. K. Birdcall. Birdsail, New Haven. AitltlVKD.

Steamship Caiifornian. (Br.) Daniel, fm Klmrston, to finish loading tor Liverpool. Pilt.t leporis bark Grev Kagle passed in the capes 27th iniiant. at night, aud was off Point Lookout this A. M.

i.viieht. Steamship tarmatlan. 1 Br Ami. lrom Liverpool. Steamship William Crane, Howes, lrom Boston.

Tue Kobert T. Banks. Stark, from below, reports an American loaded three-masted schr on Poplar Island: off Cove Point, A. passed bark Sendemanden. aad od James river bark Westawarf, both bound up.

Bark Grey Kaale. Lucas, from Klo Janeiro: coffee. Reports left KiO 20th ult with s.001 bags of corTce: came in the capes on 27th instant, after a uio.ierale passage ot 32 days. Lett in port bark Aqnidneck. bartit'iitine Ada Bonner, brig Senorila, loadine; br.r Fairfield and schr Norman, loadine for New York; barks Macgie V.

Huge and t.iallo arrived 2olh Dark May yueen sailed 2ath ult. Bark Wistawarf. (awe.i Huttman, fm ballast. Bark Der Hark Sendemanden. (Norw Hanson.

Dover; baist. BarH Daggry, (Nor.) Bark Miuaet. (Nor.) Borresen. Plymouth: ballast. bebr Hortensia.Larrabee, trom Poll Spain: in port 5lh instant orlK Mary K.

penned, Leitfb-ton, from Norfolk, discharging. Schr Oakes Ames, Kdmonus, and Breeze, fm Kondout; cement. Schr J. H. Demerara; baiiast.

Schr HeDry Withlneton, Crowell. 1m Boston: lieht. Schr William P. Davis. Moone.

isorfoltc: lumber. Schr Skylark. Smallev. from Boston: merchandise. Schr Frank O.

Dow. trom Gnlltorj; guauo. Schr Lizzie Carr. Teel. lrom Nortolk: Mght.

AKKIVED TKOM BALTlMOKt. Steamship Johns IlopKins. Hailett. Boston 29th Inst. Bar Klektra.

(Norw.) lversen. Helvoet Stb Inst. Bark Blstiop Jacoben.iewry 26th lost Bark Usko. (KosaJ Cuudirtist. Havre 2Sth instant.

Bark Adelaide. liio Janeiro prior to 27th mat. Schr Mary '1. Arnold, Leete. New Haven 27th lost.

Schr VV. K. Beebe, New York ilbtn instant. Schr Helen, Perry. New Bedford 27th instant.

CLKAKKD FOK Schr Lucie neatiey. Savannah 29ih instant. MEMORANDA. Bark Veritas. tor Baltimore, sailed from Delaware Breakwater 29th instant.

BarK Coiia. (British) Kooinson, for Baltimore, sailed from Galway 2nth instant. OVKB VXITID STATES SIGNAL SKRVICK LINE. 1 be aiiiuul service observer at Cape Henry reports lieeapt ure of Itlaelt Hills Dewpo-rado. CivcjwATi, Nov.

iiob McKimmy. the Biiiek Hiiis desperado, wuo was arre-ted at Hil'sboro', some time since, ami who escaped from iail and h.s been at large for a month i.a-tt, was ln-t 11 gbt in aid countv. lie was discovered iu a deserted cabin. He made a desperate resistance, and re-iued to surrender until shot turougu the breast and cheek. Lakoe Losses at I'okkj! The New York Snn that Mr.

Jamfi M. iMraua. ot Jersey C.iy, N. fatber-iu-1 ol ex Gov. Wannoth, appeared as oefend-iiit in a cast" before Judge Lawrence, in New York.

Wednriav, where tie 1- sued tor $1.9. 0 by Cnarle- Lehman. As 1 defense, Mr. Dnraud pleaded the gambling act, alleging tnat the iudeoteduess accrue 1 "out of a game of chance played with cards, commonly known as poker." In addition to the amount iu suit Mr. Duraud claims to have paid Lehman and a companion over $1,800.

In New Y'ork yesterday three men, working on a new building, were precitaied from 11 henrht of six stories by the giving way cf the scafl'old-ing, two, Andrew Shaw and Michael Burns, receiving M-rhaps fatal injuries, and tne thud man eevere but noi dangerous injuries, as he lodged amidst other parts of the 1 11 Hi HTM gni MONETARY ASJ3 "vl F.IICI A Gold opened at New York ye terdav at 100, but soon rofe to and clos' firm a.t that The lo in rates were Irregular, and changed tucideuly from lalli per csnt for carrying to 3 per cent per annum ana 1-64 per diem for use. The cimune was U-erause ol rumon of a coutemolated withdrawal of loana fur the purpose oi advancing tue premium. The closing quotations lor loans were 3 per cent per annum fjr carrylnsc and flat lor use, showing an easier fueling. Sterling exchange was quiet and weak at iiil cent concession from the posted ra'es. which were and 4.Sti!$ lor prime bankers' hills Governments were active and liiirher for most issues: (is of lbM, 11-403, and 4 per cents advanced and lCaj and 5s ea -h Currency 0s declined 1.

The most active were Cs ol new 5 and 4 The subscriptions to the 4 per cent loan yesterday amounted to $1,454,050. The interest and dividend payments in the month ol December are on a very moderate scale. It being an old period for that purpose. Tho Government will pay on and alter Monday next, 2d December, at the Treasury la Washington aatt the various euo-trensur'es, the quarterly interest on the 4 percent bouds. amounting to V2.S0O.

00. The Srate ot Maryland haB no interest payable at this time, and the city ot Baltimore pays only 44 quarterly in erest on Public Furk loan ot 1S93. at Mectiunics' Bank. 'there was a moderately orisk business at the local BtocK Board yesterday. The principal dealings were In City stocks.

An advance of in the Cs of IBM) brought out a liberal supply, tbe market closing firm at 110 tallow, with the sales at the Inside figure. The Ss of 1H94 were Arm at 104. bn 191 ts wrre a trifle easier, with in ill sales at MM. Cincinnati July and January sold at 10T.X. and May and Novembers wtre wanted at 102X, advance, fctates were quiet, with prices more nominal.

Virginia Consols clo-ed tGi57. and Tax couoons at 8la8i. Peelers sold at 5714 aud closed as on Wednesday, at 35aS3. There was some Inquiry for Mary lands, but none offered. BaPimore and Ohio opened firmer, with sales at 87V for common shares and for scrip, but closed at 67 and 8G3 respectively.

Washington Branch was wanted at lib. Northern Central remained nominal atlSVaUl. Bonds are quiet ana seat-rally firm, with tew 01 best Investments offering. Pittsburg and Connellsviile were advance! to bid and asked asaiDSt sales at Si1 on Monday. Central Ohio 6s were ViO bid.

Marietta firsts oma.Il bond-) sold at HI and iVA, and the lanre bonds were quoted nominally at 8Ja85; seconds sold at 26'i, closing 26)4 bid, and there were buyers ot thirds at 11. Canton 6s were dull at 90a93'-. Ohio and Misslssippis were not Quoted. At New York Sinking Funds were Quoted 103 bid: Consols sold at 103s. and seconds closed at 71 at'-'; all tbeiisaea easier.

A tew Hank stoccs sold at low figures, and we find these generally neelected: not heavily for sale. People's Gas stock is steady and closed lla 11J4 alter asale at The bonds were ottered at without bidders. Tbe New York speculative market was active and Irregular yesterday. Tbe Ccals declined Sal! per cent, bat reacted, and the loss was regained on all but Delaware and Hudson ol Lake Shore and the Grangers advaneee j. of which the former lost Hannibal and t-t.

Joe tell SH: Ilbnois Central 2. and yvahasn 1 V. ana each recovered 1 per cent at the civse. The remainder 01 the hut Cuctttated withiu meDOri.ed for tha Baltimore Snn.1 Proceeding- or the Courts. Criminal Codrt Judat Pinkneu.

Wesley Merchant, fined $25: Upton Stevins. $10; Arnold guilty; William J. Cowan, Frank Scott. Robbery: Annie Al. Snively; sub curia.

Selling goods oa Sunday: Georje Robr-back, stet on costs; James Tyler, fined 5. Ar-raigameuts: La-ceny. Thomas John Smith, Irving Young, Michael Roife, Charles Spiuoler, alias Tom Thumb, Robert Zimmerman and Thomas Cooper, all pleaded not guilty; Thomas Owens, alias Wm. Johnson, and Geol AlcElroy, pleaded gnilty. Assignment for to-day: Assaults, Alicbaei Glea'ou, Alyer Dorsev, Annie Terrell, Patrick Butler.

Solomon Pnsnauskv, Charles Klingenstine, Frantz Hartmau, Alichael Cassidy, John King, Frederick Locke, John Kreller, Otto Luckan, John Lewis Ott, Alichael Eagan, Charles Reynolds, (three cases,) Alichael Power, Latnartine Taylor, JenDie Anderson, (colored.) Isaac McCubbin. James Ditrgs, Charles Jackson, (colored,) Susan Hall, (colored.) Edward Peregoy. (three cases,) Thomas alias Punch Gilson. Frank Belt, Alichiol Kennedv; malicious destruciion of property, Frederick W. Walter.

Tbe grand jurv found the following indictments: Cnas. W. Bartlett, bastardy, (two Andrew Dudrow, Wm. Walker, larceny; Jacoi Myers, sellinar good on Sunday. '1 hev dismissed the case of Sarah McLaughlin, keeping bawdy-house.

Circuit Codbt. Judge Gilmor. Decrees: John C. Kinz vs. John A.

Lloyd. John C. King, trustee; Butcher Hill Building Association No. 2 vs. Wm.

Ourth, Lewis A. Robinson, trustee; Pottery Hall Building Association No. 4 vs. George Kersig, E. C.

EichelDerger, trustee; Joseph J. Robinson. trustee, va. Christopher Ii. McCourt.

Lewis II. Robinson, trustee. Obphans' Court Judges Poe, Lindsay and Carroll. Letters testamentary on the estate of Hannah Alereoith were granted to Gilmor Meredith; administration d. h.

n. on the 6tate of Jacob Keebler to Charles Brandan; administration on the estate of S. Jane Lewis to James Kieth. Superior Court Judae Dobbin. Aiatchett vs.

Woods, before reported; tried before the court; held snb curia. Court adjourned until Monday next, December 2. Assignment: Wear v. Skinner, Jentner vs. Aibricker, Smith, Dixon Co.

vs. Couchman. Arlreon vs. Downs, Robey vs. Rawlings, 847, 350, 355.

356. 358, 359, 361, 363. United States circuit Court Judge Giles. United States r. Itobsrt B.

Perry; recognized in $2,000 with Edward A. Owens, for appearauce from day to day. Same vs. Charles Herscn; recognized in $2,000 with Daniel Piquett, for bis appearance from day to day. Court of Common Pleas Judge Brown.

Danels vs. ilayor and City Council, before reported; nor concluded. Coait will sit to-day on motions, fcc, specially set. Monday 150 trial, trial. 2il stet, 183J4.

184, 186. 178 trial, 2907 stet, 1S8, 189, 197, 198, 200 to 235 trial. Citt Court Judge Garey. White, administratrix, vs. Woods and others, before reported; jury out.

Assignment for to-day: 176, 107, 197 to 201, 203, 204,41,192, trial docket. Drowning in West Virginia. A dispatch to the Wheeling Intelligencer states that two young men. Ash. McClary ana Wood Holt, residents of Palatine, W.

on the Monontrahela river, opposite Fsirmount, left borne Wednesday evening in a skiff in an intoxicated condition. The dead bodv of AlcClary was found the next day on the river bank, two mi lea below Pa.atine, and it is supposed be died from exposure. Holt bss not been found, and is supposed to have been drowned. Daniil O'Leaby has 'accepted the challenge of Napoleon Campana for a six days' walk in New York, and has forwarded $1,000 to the Spirit of the Times, the amount whicti Campana expresses a wiiiiikuess to comoei tvt. Spleutild Reception of lh Vice-llojal Party at Montreal.

Montreal, Nov. 29. At 12 o'clock the train wiih trie vice-regal party arrived at Bonaven-ture Station, which was crowded witn the elite of the city to the cumber of three or four thousand persons. The enthusiasm of tbe assemblage manifested itself in the most cordial cheering as the Governor General and Princess proceeded to the vice-rcgil throne at the east end of the building. The interior had been fitted np in the form ol a square, witn tue throne forming-onp side.

Iu trom were collected the members of the corporations in full dress, wearine rosettes, and beaced by the mayor in his scarlet robes. On their approach the distinguished visitors were met by the mayor, who presented the Princess with a magnificent bouquet. Their excellencies immediately ascended the throne, when the mayor read the address of the corporation. Lord Lome replied In an address of some length, iu which he referred to the importance of Montreal as a great commercial centre in the Dominion, and tne pleasure it gave himself and tbe Princess to remain here a lew days on their way to the capital. He also made reference to tbe visit of the Prince of Wale to Canada, and bis driving the last rivet in the Victoria bridge.

He concluded by a happy reference to the loyalty of the people of tue Dominion and tr.eir attachment to tbe imperial connection. At the conclusion of bis speech the mayor presented the members of tbe corporation. At sue o'clock the doors were opened and the vice-resal parly lelt the dais and passed ont through tbe files of soldiers, wbo were drawn up as a guard of honor. The procession, which was headed by the corporation, then started, the Montreal troop ot cavalry lollowing tne carriage of the vice-regal party. As tney emerged from tbe gate of tbe depot the orphans belonging to tbe Roman Catholic schools, wbo were in a building opposite, sang the national autbem.

Bon't venture street was profusely decorated on both sides. here was a dense mass of people collected ou the street, an avenue for tbe procession being witn difficulty obtained. As the Marnnia with tbe ruicess pMted the cueerin? wag immense, and 1.

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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