José es amigo state and city in the northern Andean mío desde que fui un niño. iii . .. Candy. Dulces. soy más alto que tú. iii. Llumpay. adj. Too ||Kachi. Salt. Sal. Tener asco, See the police officer, dressed as a repugnar. town. skillfully avoiding its assault with its Cuando Yana Qucha (el lago) 'reventó,' una horns. CITY CENTRE, CENTRO DE LA CIUDAD. HOW OLD, CUÁNTOS I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE CITY, Me gustaría ver la ciudad NURSE, ENFERMERA. KIND, TIPO BLOCK OF FLATS, EDIFICIOS . POLICE OFFICER, AGENTE DE POLICIA ASSAULT, AGRESION . UNSALTED, SIN SAL SINGLE, SOLTERO. A large number of ABC and SLC transpoters exist; however, only a small number He became a chief of Otolaryngology at Urban Hospital No 4 in Katowice in .. Professor Bolesław Jałowy () was a chairman of Department of .. before professional care providers or police personnel arrive at the scene.
More Free Historic Records Over FamilySearch digital camera teams worldwide will digitally preserve — million historical records in for free online access. Another million images will be added from FamilySearch's microfilm conversion project that uses 25 specialized machines to convert its vast microfilm collection at its Granite Mountain Records Vault for online access.
Over 30 percent of the 2. The digital collections can be located in the FamilySearch catalog online and by perusing collection lists by location. FamilySearch's online community of volunteers will be focused on creating searchable name indexes to two major collections in the United States marriage records and immigration records that will include passenger lists, border crossings, and naturalization petitionsand core record collections from select high priority countries.
If you are not familiar with all the wonderful free benefits of FamilySearch, create your free account at FamilySearch. Find and share this release easily online from the FamilySearch Media room. Millions of people use FamilySearch records, resources, and services to learn more about their family history.
To help in this great pursuit, FamilySearch and its predecessors have been actively gathering, preserving, and sharing genealogical records worldwide for over years. Patrons may access FamilySearch services and resources free online at FamilySearch. When my father spoke about the circumstances surrounding his being wounded in Bitburg, Germany they laughed too. For seven years leading up to the passing of my father, I digitally preserved his story, my story.
I learned about family genealogy, family traditions, funny anecdotes, difficult life transitions, the meaning of life, and so much more. Perhaps I should step back a little and tell you that I used to be an advertising guy who made television commercials for the national Hispanic marketplace. Because I was the youngest of six children, I did not know my father very well. My mother was more integrated into my life because she was a teacher and because she was an eternal student.
My father owned a little gas station and convenience store in the small town of Hebbronville, Texas so he left early before I awoke and returned at about 9 pm after closing. If ever I was solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults his presence it usually meant that he would request that I sweep, pump gas, stock merchandise, be the cashier or fix solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults tire.
Instead, I made myself hard to find. That had its consequences. The boy who would become my father. What did he do as a boy? How would he play? On an early fall day in and after the death of my mother, I decided that I would pull out our family 8mm camera and ask my father to talk about his life. He was visiting and it seemed like the important thing to do. Since my father was a disabled veteran who fought in World War II, I would ask him about the fateful day when he was wounded by an millimeter caliber German Artillery Gun.
I was missing a wire or an accessory that day so it prompted me to go to the now defunct Circuit City near my house. I had been looking for a way to transition away from a life of lifeless commercials and empty promises. I wondered if a company dedicated to capturing the life memories of dads, moms, grandmas and grandpas for years to come could or would be a viable business. Was the world ready for this type of service? Was I too early? Was I on time? We became great friends. I also decided to form a company and named the life story documentary service My Story.
One particular solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults completed about 36 hours of storytelling and has passed on a 9 volume Blu-Ray collection to all his grandchildren. As a company we now include the capturing of company stories so that employees can understand and appreciate the path, struggles or insight it took to get to past successes. Our approach serves as a marketing tool and as a defining tool for the company or the organization.
My father was a shy and humble man. He thought his life was uninteresting and that I should not need to preserve it. On the contrary, his story provided many missing pieces to my story that will continue to take shape in generations to come.
Once I matured, I understood how this was my most valuable inheritance. Along came HD and I traded up to better cameras and better sound. I asked him to solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults in front of my camera again. He would remember another chapter about our genealogy and would request that I do another session. He also felt a sense of satisfaction at having told his story. I extended the storytelling experience to my solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults and uncles.
On one occasion when I noticed that he was in a storytelling mood, I had him visualize in words what downtown Hebbronville, Texas was like when he was growing up. He mentally walked down the street for about 9 city blocks, crossed the street and came back all the way to where the story started.
All the while he identified all the businesses and personalities who had once made Hebbronville a bustling town at the turn of the 20th century. Today, Hebbronville is a whisper of those memories. The buildings burned or fell. However, his telling of the story of my hometown is on display in the Jim Hogg County Museum. When you stop breathing. When your body disintegrates.
When nobody remembers you. I often say that material inheritance is fleeting. Perhaps you may inherit a valuable piece of art, a home or a bundle of money. Receiving the story of your family is one of the solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults valuable inheritances that a person can receive.
It will last hundreds of years. Consider telling your story. Have you told your story? It would be a pity if my children did not know how many times I rose to greatness and how many times I fell to ruin.
Life has serendipities, u-turns, setbacks, magic, disasters, fast lanes, roadblocks, redos. My grandmother lived in the United States close to the border.
In March of she decided to visit cousins in a Mexican border town while 8 months pregnant. The doctor in Guerrero, Tamaulipas ordered my grandmother to deliver my father in that Mexican town because he feared for her safety. A few weeks later my father was en route to Hebbronville, Texas. My dad grew up in citizenship limbo until he was By then the US Border Patrol had been created.
He chose to serve. A powerful 88 millimeter shell hit his partner square on and killed him while the ricochet of the explosion wounded my father. He had lost too much blood, and so he received German blood in the battlefield. He was later transferred to England to convalesce. All the while in the eyes of the United States, my father was still a Mexican citizen waiting for his official immigration papers.
The immigration papers were always one station location behind him. The immigration papers finally arrived while he was in England. His official immigration status stated that his port of entry into the United States was England.
Did that make him British? It was a perfect funeral. I am not familiar with MyHeritage, but the testimonies are quite positive. Do check it out yourself and give us your opinion. According to the U. Department of Education NCES, nearly one-third of all incoming freshman each year are first generation college students. A UCLA report found that, within six years of matriculation, only 40 percent of these students had graduated, compared to 55 percent whose parents held a postsecondary degree.
Yuriana Aguilar is now a postdoc in Chicago, continuing her cardiovascular research. Yuriana Aguilar with her family in their squash field: Yuriana is the first undocumented student to graduate with a Ph.
Her parents sold enchiladas and vegetables to help pay her costs. To see that I could actually do this, that it would allow me to continue to work here. She has to renew it every two years, but has no path to permanent legal status. I asked her how she felt about that. There are shortages of researchers and physicians. About two-thirds of its students are the first in their family to go to college, and many are immigrants, like Aguilar.
Her parents rent a plot of land to raise goats, grow squash and cucumbers they sell at markets in San Jose. She climbs a tall metal fence and leaps down into the goat pen to help solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults 3-day-old goat nurse on the mama goat she calls Bambi. Ana Torres shows off a baby goat to her daughter Yuriana and granddaughter Victoria. I ask Torres and her husband, Arturo Aguilar, what their secret is. Ana and Arturo say they were tough on their kids, but loving, present, involved.
She walks over to hug her. Especially when Yuriana would call me to tell me that people cared more about her documents than about her intelligence or her perseverance in getting ahead. I remember you always told me that no one can take away your education.
You have to do every job with dignity, she says, and with your heart.
How did ISIS start? The incredible story is told on the Leading the Way web page, a ministry of Egyptian-born pastor and Bible teacher Michael Youssef. While the ministry is careful to vet callers before meeting them in person, the team leader-- "Peter" -- said God told him to "Go and meet this man - and be bold with him.
When Muhammad decided to follow Christ, he shaved his beard, a symbol of his radical devotion to Islam, and reached solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults to Peter again. It concerns the Israeli settlements in "Palestinian territories occupied sinceincluding East Jerusalem". The resolution passed in a vote by members of the U. It demands that Israel stop such activity and fulfill its obligations as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
In response, the government of Israel retaliated with a series of diplomatic actions against some members of the Security Council[7][8] and accused the administration of U. President Barack Obama of having secretly orchestrated the passage of the resolution. Palestine's representatives stated this was an opportunity to end the occupation and establish a Palestinian state to live side by side with the state of Israel on the line. Historic facts do not support the premise of the resolution.
I am surprised that such a resolution would be mounted and passed. Anyone with just a basic knowledge of the history of Israel would know that this is wrong history.
They have occupied what was called the Land of Canaan since that time, years. Scrolling through hundreds and hundreds of ancient maps of the area, I found the region consistently called Canaan, even as it lists the tribes that occupied that area, none of which were called Palestinians.
The Greek and Roman historic records of the Jewish people, acknowledge their presence in the land of Canaan and the Holy and Civil capital as Jerusalem. I found one map with an date produced by a firm in New York. The popularization of the term Palestine has been made by the United Nations, under the influence of the Arab nations. Note the map below I suggest that this video be viewed as a historical overview. Since the United States seems to be caught up into this ancient battle, between the Israelites and Arabs.
Historic facts would be good to understand. Since the United States is caught up into this ancient conflict, between the Israelites and Arabs, historic facts should be reviewed and understood. Christian support of Israel is expected. We are promised that the Lord will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel.
It is very obvious that our Lord Jesus Christ is in support of Israel. Although the Arabs received what they demanded inthrough the United Nations, they were not satisfied. Almost immediately after Israel was created, armies from five Arab countries with 80 million Arabs invaded Israel, determined to drive the Israelis into the sea.
When the Arabs controlled East Jerusalem, the Arabs refused to allow Jews access to their holiest site Western WallIsrael always had allowed all religions access to their holy sites. Israel was about 4 miles wide near Tel Aviv. Arab tanks could have cut Israel in half in about 10 minutes. Unfortunately, the Arabs would not allow the Israelis to solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults in peace.
The Arabs repeatedly broke the truce, determined to destroy Israel. Israel was able to defend itself and improve its defensible borders. Whatever problems the Arabs now have, they themselves are responsible. Perhaps Turkey's partitioning of Cypress is an example of the only possible immediate solution for Israel. Maybe, after several generations without hate being taught in the schools, the walls can come down and both peoples can live in peace. Syria said it will drench the land with Israeli blood and throw them into the sea.
Oppression of Christians in Muslim countries: However, the United Nation refers to Israel as Palestine on the map above, and continues to act against Israel in most action taken in the United Nations. Andy Boswell July 8, "So Palestine is not a country, just a roman name for this for this area.
For more comments on the topic of Israel being referred to as Palestine, go to: And then I found out that the band wasn't German at all, but Mexican. Is it just coincidence that so much Mexican music sounds like German oom-pah-pah?
It's no coincidence at all. The story of the Mexican style of music you're talking about had its origins in central Texas around when a few immigrants established solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults first German settlement.
Utah Nurse Alex Wubbels Arrested By Police Officer Tells Her Side Of The Story(VIDEO)!
The word about Texas spread back home, and within a few years formal efforts were under way to help Germans establish themselves in what would become known as the German Belt. At the time — and even now, to a certain extent — the Río Grande marked more of a political and geographical divide than a cultural one, and the musical styles of the immigrants became popular among those of Mexican heritage.
One of the most important musical instruments of the Germans' musical style, the accordion, became especially popular and was frequently used in dance music such as waltzes and polkas. Today, various overlapping styles of music that descended in part from the German music include tejano from the Spanish name for Texas, Tejasconjunto which features the accordion along with the bajo sexto, similar to a string guitarTex-Mex, quebradita heavy on the hornsbanda similar to the polkaranchera, norteño and various mixtures of the above.
The musical style also has influenced music from other parts of Mexico, such as the mariachi music of the Guadalajara area. Such musical styles are especially popular in northern Mexico and in places of the United States where there is a large immigrant population of Mexican heritage.
Incidentally, the music is nearly always performed in Spanish, even by Mexican-Americans who speak primarily English. Native Texan and crossover artist Selena sang in Spanish as a girl long before she could speak Spanish, which she learned to market herself better in Mexico.
So common is the tejano-style genre that in the United States it is often erroneously viewed as synonymous with Mexican music or even with Spanish-language music.
In fact, though, Mexican music these days is incredibly diverse. Although you'll hear tejano on Mexico City radio stations, you'll also hear Mexican-produced rock o rap en español as well as the same English-language hits you can hear across the border to the north. Spanish-language versions of songs by international performers such as Enrique Iglesias and Shakira remain popular. Latortilla Loca History of the Tortilla Tortilla — A name given by the Spaniards to the unleavened flat bread they found in Mexico among the Aztec in the sixteenth century.
Tortillas date back as far as 10, years before Christ. It was the principal food of the Aztecs who were the dominant people in Meso-America in Spanish conquerors looking for gold, that they found and sent back to Spain, when they reached the highlands of Mexico found a civilization that had the most delightful and unusual food. The main diet of these people was corn; it supplied the necessary starch, the main source of energy, as well as protein and a little fat.
Sometimes the corn was eaten raw on the cob but in most cases it was stored dry and ground into corn meal and later made into masa, corn dough.
As time went on, the Indians learned to soak the corn kernels in a lime solution until the skins came off, which made the making of the masa a lot easier. Tortilla warmer with tortillas insideStill today this ancient method of making tortillas is still being followed, an Indian woman working with a stone slab grinding the soaked kernels into masa.
The masa can be white, yellow or any color the raw corn is, but more importantly the consistency is key. As simple as the ingredients are, if the temperature of the mix water is not just right or the not the right quantity, the tortillas will not come out perfect. In Mexico a young girl will spend years learning the secrets to making the perfect tortilla.
Once the masa is just right, a golf ball size of masa is placed between her wetted hands and the process of patting it into a flat thin pancake begins.
If you have ever eaten a tortilla right off the griddle you will know how good it can be. Tortilla warmer solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults tortillas inside. Still today this ancient method of making tortillas is still being followed, an Indian woman working with a stone slab grinding the soaked kernels into masa.
Today tortillas are prepared using the same ingredients but machines have replaced the Indian women working over a grinding slab. Each tortilla is perfect and uniform in size. They are made from corn as well as wheat flour and they come in every flavor imaginable. But even with all our new technology one can still make them from scratch if they so choose.
From the days of the Aztecs and the first known tortillas, to today, tortillas have gone from an ethnic food to mainstream in the United States. Tortillas sales have now become second only to sliced bread as the number 2 packaged bread product sold, passing bagels and muffins. It is estimated that 5. Tortillas once only thought of as a Mexican food, is now being eaten by Americans with everything one can think of; hotdogs, peanut butter and jelly, pizza, casseroles, sandwiches, a wrap for anything you can think of.
Tortillas have become, a bread product you can find almost anywhere from fast food restaurants to gourmet shops. Americans have fallen in love with this new and exciting flat bread that has been around for centuries. There are a lot of listserv users, but only a few actually 'Get It. Now imagine that the audience is comprised of people who represent all regions of the United States, as well as Mexico, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
Now imagine that every member of the audience has the right to go up to the Podium and express any opinion, belief, or sentiment regarding any socio- political, economic, or educational issue, or concern. There are other Latino Listservs, but many are specialized lists. All of these meanings, however, imply the open exchange of ideas and information, usually to better the common good. The word 'Forum' comes directly from the Latin.
In Roman times, the Forum was an open marketplace where people could make purchases, have discussions with other citizens, and try to reach agreement on matters of public interest. Some of these meanings have carried through to modern day on CyberSpace. This person could be a soldier, college student, colleague, or associate residing anywhere in the country or the world and still be able to join our Cyber-Network.
I want to encourage each one of you to help just "one person" to join our Cyber Network. All you need to do is to forward this message to solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults friend, colleague, or associate and direct them to the LARED-L visit at: Alternatively, you can just send me: Check out the rest at: They have been conditioned to believe that courage is more important than life itself. What are the consequences of the conditioning? Her tremendous strength and perseverance in the face of prejudices taught her many lessons on the importance of forgiveness.
I hope that she writes a sequel so that we can continue our journey with Ricardo as he navigates adulthood. His struggles are still as timely today as they were in the last century. How to build strength in communities for a common goal.
Enrique "Henry" Garfias was one of the most notable law enforcement figures in Arizona's territorial era. As Phoenix city marshal, constable, U.
Dedicated to the rule of law and proud of his Hispanic origins, Garfias was widely respected for his evenhanded approach to policing a frontier town sometimes beset by racial tensions. This engaging biography confirms Garfias' prominent place in the annals of the American Southwest. Thanks so much for the excellent reminder from Philippians, it says a lot with a few words. Thanks, too, for your honesty in explaining your decision about accepting social network invitations. Courageous, in this day and age.
It's been many years the early 90s!
Pass complete!
You were kind enough to put me in touch with Cindy LoBuglio que descanse en paz. She was so helpful and encouraging in the early stages of my project. Later, you graciously put me in touch with a prospective publisher. Although he and I were not quite a fit, I did finally find a publisher for: You may recall he was one of the children of Manuel and Luisa Garfias, one of the the old ranchero families of Los Angeles County.
I'm not sure the best way to advise your readers that this biography is now available, but for the moment, it just brings me great pleasure to inform YOU of this moment that I have worked towards for so many years. I hope the new year brings you and your enterprise solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults, many blessings, and I look forward to being in contact once again! Jeffrey Richardson Bend, OR solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults hotmail.
Was Baldemar the caretaker of all of the things that have been lost, no matter the time, city or even country? At the theme park where Choo Choo Torres works, people begin to disappear—and then reappear slightly changed; are they moving back and forth between alternate universes? And Jeannie de la Cruz has very distinct memories of seeing her partner Solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults run over by a speeding taxi in Mexico City; how can she still be alive?
Many in these interrelated stories have left Arroyo Grande to follow solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults dreams, but in solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults raucous title story they all return to their home town in a resounding confirmation of the power of community.
September 30, Bind: Gil "We Became Mexican American: This is a story of Mexican family that arrived in Solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults in the s for the first time. And so, it is a tale of immigration, settlement and cultural adjustment, as well as generational progress.
Gil, one of the American solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults born to this family, places a magnifying glass on his ancestors who abandoned Mexico to arrive on the northern edge of Los Angeles, California. Watching this video was especially enjoyable for me because I was in the middle of reading his book, and his comments were even more meaningful.
Based on actual interviews, the author recounts how his parents met, married, and started a family on the eve of the Great Depression. Their solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults takes a look at how the family survived the Depression and a tragic accident, how they engaged in micro businesses as a survival tactic, and how the Gil children gradually became American, or Mexican American, as they entered young adulthood beginning in the s. It also describes what life was like in their barrio.
Gil made me very aware of the economic differences of those entering the United States. His detailed and emotional accounts of the hardships of those entering the US in the s is very similar to the current situations of many poor Mexicans seeking employment in the United States, walking or free-riding on top of trains, fleeing the depressive economic unrest and political dangers of Mexico. They left their home, fleeing from the marauding revolutionary units, unstable political conditions, and new volatile government leadership.
They fled for safety. Gil's ancestor, fled for safety also. Reading the incidences and events described filled-out the reality of what was happening in Mexico and then the adjustments to living in California, increase my insight and understanding of my family, mi abuelita y abuelito, mis tios y tias, solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults mama y papa, y mis muchos primos.
Irene Blea has published her 10th book. Beneath the Super Moon, is Dr. Blea's latest novel, the 3rd in her Suzanna trilogy. Like many of her nameless contemporaries, Suzanna did her part where she lived on the west side of town, part of, but isolated from the mainstream. Your local book store can also order it for you. For book signing and other speaking dates visit Dr. El Censo de de la Gomera y El Hierro. El Censo de de la Gomera y El Hierro: With English Guidewhich may be obtained at Amazon.
Taken in by the Catholic church, the census captures the lives of 1, households - listing the full names, ages, relationships and other valuable details of the 7, residents - in short, a treasure trove of demographic information for genealogists, historians, anthropologists and statisticians. Vera was able to locate a manuscript copy of the census buried in an obscure lawsuit found at the Archivo Historico Provincial de Las Palmasin Gran Canaria.
After securing a digital scan of the manuscript, Vera worked for a year painstakingly deciphering its archaic script and transcribing every word. He has now published it in book form. Finally, he created a full index of all its surnames and even added an English Guide to facilitate access by English-speaking researchers. Vera, a writer who holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles, graduate film school and a Master of Library and Information Sciences from the same university recalls, "It started out as a search for my own ancestors who lived in the islands at that time.
As editor of Somos Primos she is in contact and engaged with the Hispanic Community nationwide and internationally —she has a wealth of information to share with her audience! Volunteers will provide research assistance from 9 a.
For information, contact Letty Rodella at lettyr sbcglobal. It'll be a lively evening of OC History Celebrate Black History Month! This event is free of charge to people residing in the 15th District of Los Angeles. The list has grown to Every colonia had a name. Even after I was able to drive, those places seemed far away. I used to attend all the games and some were in San Pedro, which I thought was another country. The team was co-sponsored by El Encanto, a solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults, one block away.
Sal Flores salflores outlook. Albert V Vela, PhD. Capistrano Beach Cypress El Toro. El Pirripe north of Chapman Ave. Hollywood south of Chapman Ave. Santa Ana grads set record for bi-literacy, and state seals the deal by Jessica Kwong, staff writer Santa Ana Register, June 19, A record number of Santa Ana high school students graduated last week with a Seal of Bi-literacy, a glowing badge of their fluency in English and at least one other language.
J During graduation ceremonies held Tuesday through Thursday, 1, seniors received state-issued seals affixed on their diplomas - an increase of students from the previous year, according to the Santa Ana Unified School District. To earn the seal, seniors were required to be "proficient" or "advanced" in. English; have a GPA of 2. Proficiency in Spanish was the most common, followed by French. The district also offers Vietnamese and German classes. About 60 percent of students are English learners, with Spanish, Vietnamese and.
Khmer the most common languages spoken at home. The school district embraces students' ability to be bi-literate, Powell said. We think it's an asset. Don't Just Cry, Qualify! Ortiz, the Hobo Professor by Rudy Padilla. Pasadena, CA www. A few years ago, when writing the weekly Caminos, I read an amazing article about Martin Ortiz. I spoke with the writer, Michael Quintanilla and we had a conversation.
Ortiz, he gave me permission to use his article. I had a very nice conversation with him in early and I agree — what a nice man. Unfortunately, when we spoke last fall his health has deteriorated.
I received a call from him at the home where he is convalescing. SinceI have spoken with his friends who grew up with him and his family. The Ortiz family is highly respected in the Mid-west. One of the family members was a running back for the University of Nebraska. The following was written by Michael Quintanilla — permission granted to reprint.
Not even Ortiz, a retired Whittier College elder known as El Jefe the bosscan control the pandemonium his presence is causing. As a young man, restaurateurs, barbers, hostelers and landlords turned him away because of his Mexican heritage. Streamers in patriotic red, green and white flutter like kite tails above the throng. Ortiz, in a receiving line, manages to break away.
He takes three steps before a former student hits him with a kiss and asks if the man she considers her surrogate father might give her away at her July wedding. Wearing a gorgeous braid and fringed shawl, she wraps her arms around his waist, snuggles against his chest and smiles, revealing several gold-capped teeth. But Ortiz, a painfully shy man, flatly refuses to take credit. The praise, he says, should be showered on the parents and their kids.
He is the foot soldier who has made it work. A few days later, Ortiz is strolling across the velvety green grounds of Whittier Collegefounded by the Quakers years ago. He never forgets a name or a face. Destiny must have brought Ortiz to a place where he could touch many lives, where he could help tear down the barriers that keep many Latinos from going to college.
Through the decades, in his low-key but persuasive style, he tells parents who never finished high school, who never considered higher education, to change history by giving their kids a shot at the American Dream. He reassured Latinos that attending college, instead of working full time to help their families, is the right thing to do. And he manages to alleviate fears about fitting in at Whittierwhere wealthier Anglo students are in the majority.
He speaks from his own experience. His father never encouraged education because he never went to school. His wife died when Martin was 4. He later remarried, but Martin never bonded with his stepmother. There were too many children. The oldest of 12, he worked whenever he could to help. Mitchell sat me in the corner of the classroom by myself. She emptied all the desks around me and pinned a sign on my shirt. Every morning, his classmates would dance around him, laughing, pointing to the solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults that proclaimed: And he solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults forged lifelong friendships.
As chairwoman of the Hispanic Parents Advisory Council, a support group that meets at the center, she sees Ortiz work his magic on parents as well, arranging financial-aid workshops and other programs. He translates at meetings, visits parents at home and invites them to campus for walks and lunch. Today, her youngest daughter, Judi, a sophomore, is in the same good hands. Guatemalan-born Joseph Solorzano, a year-old senior and Hispanic Student Association member, credits Ortiz with keeping him in school.
Ortiz told the students of his own brief escape from school. He and two friends went to the local railroad yard and caught the first freight train headed for Kansas City.
He remembers jumping aboard boxcars filled with two or three families, riding atop and underneath cars, and getting locked inside one for days at a time. He dug up potatoes, picked cotton and harvested apples. He slept in hobo jungles, heated solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults in tin cans over campfires, and learned to speak English. Ortiz never planned to attend college. He had to work and was content sacking groceries at the neighborhood Safeway. But one morning a friend rousted him out of bed and took him to Friends Universitya Quaker-run school on registration day.
He had faith in me. Three years ago, Ortiz was the guest speaker at his high school reunion in the very hotel where he had been barred as a youth because of his brown skin. In the back of the ballroom sat his four buddies, wiping away tears as he spoke. Ortiz put in one summer at Friends, then signed up with the Marines inserving in the South Pacific as an aerologist and language specialist.
His skin color, his last name, his sack lunches of tacos, who knows why, he says, kept him from feeling accepted by other students. Then his wife, Maria was found to have a brain tumor. After two operations she lapsed into a coma that would last over four years.
She died at He and his wife Linda, a bilingual kindergarten teacher, shared a home in La Habra with Peluso, a floppy-eared rabbit, Valentine, a turtle, Perlita and Emi, two cats.
Iggy the iguana, and Foxy, a mutt found beaten and left for dead 11 years ago. But his kids always come first. He stops and his eyes water. First contact occurred in between the Maya-Pipil of Mesoamerica and the European conquistadors, led by the ambitious, heartless, and relentless captain and military leader, Pedro de Alvarado. Reading the online digitized documents about the case and the proceedings concerned with appearance of witnesses and their questioning, I was surprised to learn that Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo was a passenger on the ship, travelling to Spain with some other citizens of Guatemala.
I offer additional background on my areas of research and prior acquaintance with Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo to contextualize the circumstances of this finding. So Cabrillo had been a topic of interest for a long time and I was certainly intrigued that, unlike most of the conquerors of Guatemala, his place of birth and country of origin had not been ascertained.
Modern historians turned up insubstancial evidence for his logical place of birth—Spain but the similarly insubstancial evidence for his alleged birthplace, Portugal, meant that the issue was unresolved. This is remarkable because in the conquest of New Spain, the largest group of foreigners were the Portuguese conquistadors, and information of this type was not generally concealed. Nancy said that she and her husband are excited with this new finding.
Please go to the article for more information: You'll find an outstanding collection of historical articles on San Diego and California history. Textiles and Clothing Consultant. The color was dark brown, blue, or black, or if light colored wool was used may have been dyed a bright color. They were also made of leather. They were worn to the side or far back on the head--Very Dashing.
Often ribbons were tied on the ends. Side bums were worn to the jawbone. A handkerchief was worn over the hair covering the forehead and tied in the back. They were black or colored and made of cotton or silk. The hat was worn over the handker- chief. The shirt was made of linen or cotton and it was white with white or colored embroidery.
It was worn with an open neck. The shirt had a roll or a high collar. The style had drop shoulders, gathered sleeves; yoke in front and a gathered bodice. Shirts had a front inset with hand stitching in white or colors.
A vest called a waistcoat was not always worn. Fabrics were very fine. Brocaded satin, velvet, calico, or damask, in various colors that contrast with the jacket and pan Is. The vest only came to the waist.
Fabrics for jackets ranged from nankeen a buff-colored cotton clothtwill, broadcloth, corduroy, satin, velvet, or velveteen, and deerskin. The colors were blue, green, black, and red. The design was a round back slightly fitted to the form with no shoulder pads. Shoulders have a round not a square look.
The jacket may have had a narrow roll collar with lapels or no collar. It was worn open in front, and had rows of silver, copper, or gold, buttons or coins. Bound edges were of tile same or contrasting color. Cuffs were velvet or silk. Breeches short pants were made of the same types and colors of fabrics as jackets but usually did not match the jacket.
They were gathered around tile waist on cord and had an open band below solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults knee. The breeches had an outside seam open about six inches above the knee. The edges were usually lined with calico. They were laced or buttoned above the knee with button holes on tile front.
The band at the knee could be fastened with a buckle but was usually worn unfastened. A sash was worn by both men and women.
They were of red, purple, yellow, or another bright color. They were made of silk or satin and wound around the waist two or more times. The sash kept the shirt from being seen between tile solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults and pants. The sash may be tied on either side with tile ends to the knees for men and to tile skirt hem for women.
Also, the ends may be worn tucked in. Drawers underwear were made of white linen. Garters were one to one and one half inches I-I Y2" wide and about thirty-six inches 16" long. They were tied in large bunches on the outside leg.
They came to the knees and were tied with the garters. Shoes were either boots with turned up toes and no spurs or the same flat soil leather slipper women wore. In cool weather the men wore a poncho or manga.
This is a flat oval, sleeveless cloak. The opening for the head was a center slit from front to back. The opening was fastened with frogs in the front and back. The width was to the wrist when the arms are out stretched, and the width was to the mid-calf. The poncho was made of a dark broadcloth often blue or black.
It may have had a short, velvet, shoulder cape. The cape and poncho would have been trimmed with gold or silver or other embroidery. As with all clothing it would have been lined with a contrasting color and print. Chaps or botas were of light brown leather and wrapped around the calf, flaring over the boot. They had embroidery on the exposed outer edge.
The embroidery on the bottom edge is about eight inches 8" with a more narrow edge of about four to five inches " at the top. Pantaloons or calzoneras were long pants which were high waisted with a "bam door" flap in front. Solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults flap was buttoned on both hips with about four or five buttons.
The pantaloons had an outside seam open hip to floor. The front and back seam edges were lined with bright colored print cotton or silk in a contrast color. Pantaloons were made of the same fabrics as jackets but may have been of darker colors. The front edge had buttonholes bound with contrasting colors. The back seam edge had buttons of silver balls, gold coins, or other metal.
Pants were fastened from the hips to knee with either buttons, laces, or the seam was sewn to the knee. Laces were gold, silver, colored ribbon.
Below the knee, the pantaloons were open showing leggings stockingsdrawers, etc. A tall comb was then placed between the bun and head. The mantia was placed over the comb and hung over the hair in front. The neck was round or v-shaped. For parties a woman might have a white muslin or lawn skirt, worn with a colored bodice. Women also used colored embroidery, flouncing, ribbons, or spangles of gold.
Stockings for women were silk and in colors of white or flesh. Shoes could be satin in white, blue, green, or to match the costume. Shoes had round or slightly pointed toes, a low cut, and small heels or no heel for dancing. Shoes were kept on with ribbons like a ballet dancer and may also have artificial flowers.
Shoes for day wear were made of calfskin, morocco leather, or brown fabric from hemp. Shoe heels were made of light wood. Women always wore jewelry. Styles were; pearl necklaces, one strain, to knees; eardrops, gold brooches, bracelets, rings, earrings, set with diamonds, emeralds, etc.
The shawlrebozo or mantilla was the only wrap women wore. The shawl was worn to church and parties, as was the mantilla. The shawl was a silk solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults square about sixty inches 60" which was heavily embroidered in colorful figures and had a long fringe about ten to twelve inches " in length. A rebozo was a rectangular cotton cloth with bright stripes.
A rebozo was worn for daily wear and by poorer people. The mantilla was for very wealthy women. A mantilla was lace in either black or white. Mantillas were either rectangular, triangular or shaped. The shape for a mantilla was a long narrow oval with wide gathered lace flouncing and a large square on one side.
The square was placed over the head, folded back once and used to cover the face in church. The high tortoise shell comb was worn stuck in the hair bun and extending to the top of the head. The sash was colored scarlet, purple, turquoise or some other color to contrast with the costume. The sash was made of silk or satin. Hikers who only have access to the former railway resort by foot, will find nothing but ruins, a few steps and other clues, basic stone foundations of the old luxury hotels and rusted metal remains from the railway.
Friis Kleinigkeiten pp He died at age 93 having been born in the year after the U. José de la Guerra and The Father of All A V ela cristorey38 comcast. Juan Jose de la Guerra Burial: Father stated as Francisco de la Guerra and mother is stated as Concepcion Sepulveda. Juan De la Guerra Enlistment Date: Santa Barbara, California Side Served: Enlisted as a 1st Serge ant on 25 July When Don Antonio Maria De la Guerra, accepted leader, former Mayor, Stat e Senator, came forward ardently for the Union, Santa Barbara's response resulted in the formation of a company of eighty-four volunteers for the Union.
Headquarters of the volunteers were taken up in an adobe house on Anacapa Street, not far from the famous De la Guerra mansion, out of which had come the strength of leadership and the fountainhead of enthusiasm for this patriotic effort.
Able as well as handsome in his dashing way, Antonio Maria De la Guerra, by common con sent, became Captain. This was Juan, then a boy of only 17 years.
Don Juan still lives today, last but one of the gallant company that marched out from Santa Barbara to save the Union in the sum mer of Juan had learned to speak English while at school at the old Santa Ynez College. Neither his uncle, the Captain, nor his brother and cousin, the Lieutenants, spoke anything but Spanish. Probably they were the only officers of the entire Union army who did not speak the language of the nation they offered themselves to preserve.
So little Sergeant Juan bore the responsibility of s peaking for the entire staff. Unbelievable as it seems, these California caballeros started on their way to Los Angeles from Santa Barbara on foot, although many of them had never walked a mile entire in their lives before.
They were destined to become a cavalry company after they reached General Winfield Scott's headquarters in Wilmington, but as infantry they plodded wearily down the coast an d across the mountains to Los Angeles. One night on the way, the Company made camp in Cahuenga Pass, almost on the very spot where only seventeen years before Fremont, representing the nation they, a s Volunteers, were going to defend, had received the surrender of their fathers.
Among the new troopers there were even some who had taken part in that contest against the "Yanquis. Francisco Maria de Lugo], an old man who had been for many years the servant of Sergeant Juan De la Guerra's father, Francisco De la Guerra, led the young office r to a large tree near an old adobe house. Registered 10 January Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, Federal census Juan J.
García served with Famous Group. Only one surviving member of the famed cavalry companies, which quelled lawlessness threatening California during the Civil War, was left yesterday to mourn the death of Manuel García, 99, at Sawtelle. García, who was buried with full military honors in the Veterans' cemetery, had been the last member of the GAR in Ventura. His death placed Juan de la Guerra of Sawtelle as the only remaining member of the daring group of horseman, which maintained order in the Southwest during the Civil War.
De la Guerra nearingalso is at Sawtelle. Maria de la Concepción Sepulveda b: Transcribed by Sandy Neder. The extraordinary horsemanship displayed by the native Californians led to the belief that a battalion of cavalry, composed entirely of such, would render excellent service in Arizona.
Accordingly a telegram, a copy of which is here inserted, together with the reply, was sent to the War Department. San Francisco, December 19, I request authority to raise four companies of native cavalry in the Los Angeles District, to be commanded by a patriotic gentleman, Don Andreas Pico. Secretary of War gives authority to raise four companies native cavalry in Los Angeles District. On July 4thtwo companies of an unusual cavalry unit observed Independence Day in traditional Californio style, with a bull-and-bear fight at a "grand arena" near the old mission town of San Buenaventura.
Neither the men nor their officers seemed concerned that they were expected to ride in a parade some sixty miles away in Los Angeles that very day. Nearly a week late for their scheduled arrival at Drum Barracks in Wilmington, the troopers had stopped for a few days of rest and revelry-a break in a long overland march that would ultimately take them to a forsaken post on the Arizona-Sonora border.
It was immediately obvious to the casual observer that these troopers were different from the thousands of other loyal Californians who had joined volunteer units solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults the Union army since the beginning of the Civil War-more than half the horsemen carried lances, a throwback of sorts to the proud Hispanic heritage of California.
The Panama American
The men themselves were heirs to that tradition, or, as one correspondent put it, they were of the "vaquero class As early asCalifornia state senator Remauldo Pacheco of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties had observed that California's Mexican-American population or Native Californians in the vernacular of the day comprised an exceptional pool of cavalry recruits already well versed in the arts of horsemanship and life in the field.
A former officer in the Mexican army and a Union loyalist, Pacheco was eager to give his fellow Californios an opportunity to prove their patriotism. He proposed the formation of a regiment of "native cavalry," which would draw recruits from the vast ranches of Southern California and the central coast to serve as lancers in Texas.
His novel idea was well received and, in Januarythe War Department authorized raising a four-company battalion. Initially, the unit was "to be commanded by a patriotic gentleman, Don Andreas [sic] Pico" The choice was at once inspired and ironic, for Andres Pico had commanded the Californio lancers who humiliated a force of regular cavalry and volunteers under Gen.
Stephen Watts Kearny at the battle of San Pascual in In the process, they not only gave the United States its only clear defeat of the Mexican War, but also forced the previously unimpressed Americans to recognize the skill and mettle of the California vaquero. Pico's popularity and Union loyalty made him a good choice for the position. The result was that it was not only a good idea, but a necessity in order to show and share everyone's work, and to keep updated on latest advances and technologies on plasma physics.
It was decided that for new researchers as well as students of Physics, it would prove to be the best way to keep them posted on such matters. This was the birth of a series of meetings known as Latin American workshops on plasma physics that take place every two years in a different Latin American country.
In Venezuela we have had the opportunity to organize two editions of this interesting and important reunion of physicists. The first of these Latin American workshops on plasma physics was held in Cambuquira Brazil in It was designed with a structure similar to the first edition. It developed in two stages, a first week devoted to short courses with lecturers in different fields of plasma physics and a second week for contributed and invited presentations.
Participants from sixteen different countries were present, half of them from this continent and the other half from overseas, demonstrating the international character of this meeting. There have been four more editions of the workshop and once again, we have had the opportunity to organize this latest edition of the series: The structure was modified, because contributed and review papers were together during the first stage, with short courses realized during the second one, called mini-courses, and given by several high level contributors such as José Boedo, Leopoldo Soto, Claude.
Estudio del Impuesto sobre Solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults Urbanos en la ciudad de Caracas: El estudio del Impuesto sobre Inmuebles Urbanos que se presenta solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults continuación se fundamenta en las teorías económica, tributaria y urbanística, con el fin de evaluar su desempeño en relación con objetivos de recaudación, equidad, eficiencia y control urbano.
Se utilizan como fuentes de información las Ordenanzas de Impuesto y de Presupuesto e Informes de Memoria Se trabajó con 78 equinos Pura Sangre de Carrera con lesiones del aparato locomotor.
Se colectó muestras de sangre para estudio hematológico, bioquímico y hormonal paratohormonaasí como muestras de orina para determinar niveles de fosfatos.
Se les practicó la eutanasia debido a la severidad de las Los resultados muestran que Compactación y redistribución de una planta industrial de fabricación de parachoques de coches. Este proyecto se basa en la reorganización de una planta industrial de producción de parachoques de coches ubicada en el municipio de Sant Andreu de la Barca, debido a su adquisición por parte de una compañía líder en el mercado.
Transformaciones del modelo Neogranadino de parroquialización. Modelo de necesidades demostradas, visitas a las instituciones virreinales y verificación de méritos que se puede comprobar desde el caso de la parroquia moderna de San Francisco Xavier del Pie de la Cuesta Santander, Colombia, la cual pasó de ser un sitio irregular a la próspera Villa de San Carlos del siglo XIX.
Full Text Available The present paper is the second in a series devoted to the revision of the Pliocene naticids of Northern and Central Italy.
It concludes the section covering the calcareous operculum-bearing Naticinae and expands to 18 the total number of species and subspecies of this subfamily recovered so far from the Pliocene deposits of Italy. Of the six taxa considered in this study, two epigloafuniculata and fredianii fully match the characters of the genus Cochlis Röding,one koeneni is assigned to the genus Tanea Marwick,the rest astensis, prietoi and tectula belong to the genus Tectonatica Sacco, All the six taxa considered in this paper are described and commented in the systematic account.
One, Cochlis fredianii, is proposed as new. In the chapter treating the generic assignment of the studied taxa, the range of Tanea, hitherto used to allocate several Indo-Pacific species, is extended to the Mediterranean Basin as well, and the relations between Tectonatica and Cryptonatica Dall, are discussed.
This study further demonstrates that the morphological characters of the teleoconch solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults of low significance in species recognition. In fact, should the characters be ranked, the operculum comes first and is the primary element, sufficient to distinguish each species.
The protoconch and the color pattern are the second and third relevant attributes that can be used diagnostically for several taxa, but not always. The other shell features appear to be useful tools in separating species only occasionally. Some species lack distinctive shell characters and do require operculate specimens in order to be confidently. El machismo en la conducta sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes varones escolarizados de la parroquia de Nulti-Azuay Las actitudes machistas o de sexismo en la adolescencia pueden ser precursoras de un comportamiento de superioridad o de violencia contra las mujeres en la vida adulta, por lo que se hace importante su identificación en la adolescencia.
Determinar los factores asociados al machismo en la conducta sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes escolarizados de la Parroquia Nulti, Azuay Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo, trasversal y an Los conventos dominicos de Caracas y Mérida: Full Text Available El presente texto se enmarca en el estudio de las escabrosas relaciones entre la Iglesia Católica y los nuevos gobiernos formados en los primeros decenios del siglo diecinueve, especíicamente en el nacimiento de estos nuevos Estados.
Restricciones funcionales en la elisión del Marcador de Plural en el Español de Caracas. Full Text Available In Caracasas in most socially clustered cities, modal split is highly related to income. It is not surprising that, during the 's, a high proportion of Caracas 's middle and high-income citizens were systematically using their car even in areas where there was a good offer of public transport. What is more unusual is to realise that, since when the metro system was inaugurated, there is a new pattern of travel behaviour.
The metro has mainly attracted high-income people. Besides the few of them who have transferred from surface to underground public transport, many of the wealthier patrons seem to be regular car users that presently take the metro when it provides a good alternative. Currently, the transit system in Caracas is comprised of four main modes: CA Metro operates the metro and, sincemetro-bus lines, which are bus feeder services to its heavy rail metro operation that extend the cover area of the system into the less central zones of the city.
While the metro and metro-bus offer transit services to middle and high income users, the mini-buses and jeeps provide flexible transit service to low income groups. The metro and metro-bus services are more reliable and offer higher quality that mini-buses and jeeps.
This higher quality service is one of the main attributes attracting the wealthier. We use a combination of crossed laser-molecular beam experiments and velocity map imaging experiments to investigate the primary photofission channels of chloroacetone at nm; we also probe the dissociation dynamics of the nascent CH3 C O CH 2 radicals formed from C-Cl bond fission.
The Solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults C O CH 2 radicals are formed with a considerable amount of energy partitioned into rotation; we use an impulsive model to explicitly characterize the internal energy distribution.
The data are better fit by using the C-Cl bond fission transition state on the S1 surface of chloroacetone as the solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults at which the impulsive force acts, not the Franck-Condon geometry.
Contribución a una visión económica del asociativismo religioso - el caso de la localización de las parroquias activas de Lisboa. El presente trabajo, pionero en Portugal, responde a éstas dos preguntas.
A través de la validación empírica, usando modelos logit, el artículo identifica como determinantes de la localización de las parroquiasla diversidad humana de las localidades y la tradición de las mismas; el artículo no confirma la hipótesis de la importancia del poder adquisitivo local. Consecuentemente, se confirma que las restricciones de recursos de éste tipo de grupos sociales incluyen la cultura y la tradición en detrimento de la exclusividad de las restricciones de presupuesto.
Los bienes de las parroquias altoaragonesas en el Museo de Lérida: Full Text Available Entras la reforma de los límites diocesanos entre las antiguas sedes episcopales de Lérida y Barbastro, se ponía en marcha un litigio canónico por la propiedad de los bienes artísticos procedentes de las parroquias altoaragonesas que, desde finales del siglo XIX, fueron trasladados al Museo del Seminario ilerdense, después Museo Diocesano.
La Nunciatura Apostólica decretó en que las piezas estaban en Lérida a título de depósito y que la propiedad pertenecía a las parroquias que habían pasado a formar parte de la diócesis de Barbastro-Monzón.
El litigio canónico se zanjó enpero actualmente las piezas protagonizan varias causas en los tribunales civiles, entre las que destacan las abiertas por dos ayuntamientos cuyas parroquias pertenecen, desdea la diócesis de Huesca. Algunos de los bienes en litigio tienen un notable valor artístico, pero es su valor como símbolo histórico y de identidad, como herencia del esfuerzo y de la devoción de unas comunidades rurales, lo que reclaman los aragoneses.
Así mismo, las instituciones catalanas, abogan por la propiedad de unas piezas cuya conservación fue posible gracias a la labor del obispado de Lérida. In after the reform of the diocesan boundaries between the former Episcopal sees of Lérida and Barbastro a canonical dispute was initiated in order to establish the property of the artistic goods from the High Aragon, which at the end of the 19th century were moved to the Seminary Museum of Lerida, called afterwards Diocesan Museum.
The Apostolic Nunciature solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults in that the pieces were in Lérida in storage and that they belonged to the parishes which had formed part of the diocese Barbastro- Monzón.
The canonical dispute ended inbut the pieces are involved presently in several civil court cases, among which are those opened by two councils whose parishes belong since to the Diocese of Huesca. Some of the historical and disputed.
De la sociabilidad vigilante a la urbanidad privativa. Homogeneización residencial, usos citadinos y ciudadanía en Caracas. El diseño de este plan constó de tres fases; en la primera: En la segunda fase se determinó la misión, visión, valores, políticas, objetivos estratégicos, programas y proyectos, se fijó el tiempo de ejecución para cada proyecto mediante un cronograma y se estableció el respectivo presupuesto. Reaction between ethylenediamine and acetone solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults a platinum II complex.
The crystal structure of the compound determined by x-ray absorption analysis and 1 H and 31 P NMR spectral data of the compound are reported. Asthma is a significant public health problem in Venezuela affecting the predominantly urban and poor majority of the population.
Information regarding home and the social environment, key elements in asthma, is found to be deficient in these deprived socioeconomic sectors. This study was carried out to depict a life with asthma in this context which has been served over the years by a National Asthma Control Program. A survey of families residing in a socioeconomically deprived community of Caracas was carried out with the assumption that this community reflects the image of a life with asthma emanating from our deprived urban areas.
Home physical settings were inspected for the following items: The presence of people with asthma was observed and their status of control was assessed through the asthma control test ACT.
Comparisons were made between families with solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults and those without asthmatics. Randomly, of families No significant association was found with respect to the previously explored items in those families with or without the presence of asthmatics. Medically diagnosed asthma was found in Disponer de un modelo de gestión por procesos aplicados al sector artesanal comunitario de la parroquia Bayas como herramienta para definir su direccionamiento estratégico.
Se realizó un estudio transversal con enterobacterias aisladas de pacientes de ocho centros hospitalarios de CaracasVenezuela, desde el 15 de octubre de al 15 de enero de Asimismo, se encontró un alto porcentaje de carbapenemasas tipo KPC. Se demostró que los métodos de detección requieren una interpretaci. Efectividad de la crema de Aloe vera en pacientes con psoriasis vulgar de la Parroquia San Fernando. Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de intervención terapéutica en 20 pacientes con psoriasis vulgar, pertenecientes a la Parroquia San Fernando, en Montes, Estado Sucre Venezuela, de mayo a diciembre delquienes fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente y asignados en 2 grupos de idéntica cantidad de integrantes: Así, pudo concluirse que la terapia con Aloe vera es efectiva para tratar pacientes con psoriasis vulgar.
Propuesta de desarrollo comunitario para fortalecer la identidad cultural de la parroquia Puela, cantón Penipe, provincia de Chimborazo. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer una propuesta de desarrollo comunitario para fortalecer la identidad cultural de la parroquia Puela, cantón Penipe, provincia de Chimborazo, la misma que se desarrolló en tres fases.
Situación de salud del adulto mayor en el sector Tomebamba de la parroquia Monay febrero-marzo Es un estudio descriptivo transversal, en una muestra selectiva representada La desamortización en la institución parroquial. Migración, familia y remesas: La Escuela como centro gestor de la nutrición saludable: Recuento censal nocturno de las personas de la calle que circundan por las parroquias El Llano y Sagrario de la ciudad de Mérida.
A través de la aplicación de entrevistas estructuradas y fichas de observación, fueron registradas personas viviendo en las calles, la mayoría hombres, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 82 años, venezolanos, solteros Transmisión patrimonial hereditaria y reproducción social en una parroquia rural de la Provincia de Maracaibo Venezuela a fines del Antiguo Régimen. No se evidencian distorsiones significativas del modelo hereditario igualitario predominante en la parroquia en función de factores como el género o la primogenitura, lo cual confirma hallazgos previos que evidencian la predominancia en la parroquia de una ética de legitimidad entre generaciones basada en el principio de la parentela cognaticia, donde la vida social se representa como una red de relaciones entre parientes consanguíneos colaterales.
Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase KPC -producing bacteria are amongst the most important causative agents solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults nosocomial infections worldwide. Isolates of this bacterium have been identified in Venezuela but little is known about their local spread. The aim of this study was to perform the molecular characterization of KPC-producing strains isolated from to in a public hospital in CaracasVenezuela.
Finally, conjugation and electroporation assays were used to determine whether the bla KPC genes were found in plasmids. All isolates contained the bla KPC-2 variant, and 21 of the 22 were associated with the Tnb isoform. The strains were distributed in 8 sequence types STthree of which were new. Conjugation and electroporation assays indicated that This study on circulating bacterial strains and the identification of KPC alleles may help to understand solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults routes of dissemination and control their spread within this hospital.
Frecuencia y causas de mortalidad en caballos pura sangre inglés de carreras en el hipódromo "La Rinconada", CaracasVenezuela. El impuesto predial urbano. El presente trabajo muestra un avance de investigación en relación con aspectos teóricos tributarios, económicos y urbanísticos, adaptados a este particular instrumento fiscal, también recoge algunas referencias internacionales de diseño del impuesto.
Finalmente se realiza una primera aproximación a la evaluación del caso de la ciudad de Caracaspara el cual se identifican algunas fortalezas y debilidades, pero sobre todo la necesidad de desarrollar líneas de investigación para el estudio detallado de los instrumentos disponibles.
Ello tiene como fin aportar conocimientos que permitan reforzar la autonomía presupuestaria local, en el marco de políticas de bienestar y de descentralización político-administrativa. Frecuencia y resistencia bacteriana de Staphylococcus aureus en infecciones nosocomiales en el Hospital Universitario de Caracasaños y Determinar la frecuencia de infecciones nosocomiales y resistencia a meticiclina de S. Estudio descriptivo para determinar frecuencia de infecciones intrahospitalarias IN y resistencia a meticiclina de S.
En el año se registraron 1. Existe diferencia en la frecuencia de infecciones hospitalarias producidas por S. Historiografía musical de las parroquias en España: Full Text Available Most of the studies carried out in Spain about religious music have taken the cathedrals and collegiate churches as their source of study, classifying and transcribing works, analyzing the musical resources of the centers, the circulation of interpreters among them, the way the ecclesiastical economy affected their music or the evolution and acceptance of the different styles.
However, the musical study of the parish churches did not have the same success, although it was there where the works that most of the people listened were solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults and sometimes they had the material and human resources typical of churches with collegiate and even cathedral standing. So in this article it is covered the Spanish musical historiography about parish churches, determining the state solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults the topic and thus favoring solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults studies about the subject.
Sin embargo, el estudio musical de las iglesias parroquiales no ha tenido la misma suerte, a pesar de que era en éstas donde se interpretaban las obras que escuchaba la mayoría de la población y que, en ocasiones, dispusieron de recursos materiales y humanos propios de templos con rango colegial e incluso catedralicio. Por ello, en este artículo se hace un recorrido a la historiografía musical española sobre parroquiasdeterminando el estado de la cuestión y favoreciendo así la realización de futuros estudios sobre el tema.
Edificio Ince - Caracas Venezuela. Full Text Available This project includes a tall building, headquarters of the owning organisation, a four storey block, used for professional training purposes, and an auditorium.
In addition there is underground space used as car park, and a small plaza with gardens, meant as an open air exhibition space for sculptures.
The structure of the buildings is reinforced concrete, and the curtain walls are of anodizod aluminium. Su estructura es de hormigón armado y los cerramientos son de aluminio anodizado. Orígenes y desarrollo de una élite regional. Estudio de la implementación en coches de metro de Madrid de un sistema de energía renovable y sostenible basado en baterías de ion-litio.
Debido al agotamiento de las reservas de los combustibles fósiles, se hace necesario el desarrollo de fuentes alternativas limpias y renovables. Las baterías de ion litio cumplen estos requisitos ya que son baterías con energías específicas elevadas y de larga vida.
En los primeros capítulos de este proyecto se muestran las características y propiedades de las baterías de Ion-Litio. Como aplicación se ha elegido la batería del coche tipoque es el modelo de vagón de Metro de Madrid que Comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer en la parroquia "Castor Nieves Ríos" Behavior of low birth weight in the "Castor Nieves Ríos" parish church. The mother's obstetrical histories were reviewed and some sociodemographic variables were identified. Fue una investigación de tipo expl Propuesta para la implementación de un servicio de promoción y orientación a la lectura en las instalaciones del Metro de Caracas.
This study is a proposal for the implementation of reading orientation and promotion modules in Metro de Caracas facilities as a new library service to address Caraqueños' reading needs. Issues regarding the Public Library Metropolitan Network such as the scope and inadequate supply of library services, lack of library policies and planning to promote reading, role alteration and conception of the public library are dealt with in this study since these issues have brought about people's lack Full Text Available This article reveals the evolution of the medieval houses that were successively of the bishop don Vasco Ramirez de Rivera and of Laso de la Vega family It proposes a plan of the houses at the end of the 15th century and the situation of the native house of the poet Garcilaso.
Aunque esta casa ha sufrido varias transformaciones hasta su destrucción en el siglo XX, el autor ha podido restituirla al final del siglo XV, usando el estudio del parcelario, y situar la casa donde nació el poeta Garcilaso. Proyecto de factibilidad para la implantación de un sistema de recolección de residuos sólidos en la ciudad de Quito parroquia calderón. Actualmente el sistema de Recolección de Desechos Sólidos presenta deficiencias en su manejo, ocasionando, así, problemas directos sobre la población, por este motivo el presente documento se ha elaborado con el objetivo de analizar la factibilidad de implantación de un servicio de soporte para el actual sistema de solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults de desechos sólidos en el cantón de Quito, parroquia Calderón, el cual consiste en la propuesta de un servicio de contenedore Plan de negocio para una empresa importadora de bisutería a base de cristal y similares procedente desde China, y comercializada en la Ciudad de Guayaquil Parroquia Tarqui.
Con la globalización y la eliminación gradual de las barreras y fronteras al comercio entre los países, se han ido explorando nuevas y diversas formas de estar involucrado en este mercado importador de bisutería.
Debido a lo anterior, existe un problema claramente identificado en el mercado de bisutería en la Parroquia Tarqui de la Ciudad de Guayaquil. Dicho problema se resumen en no tener al momento en esta zona un lugar donde comprar piezas de bisuterías, nuevas, modernas y d Pequeña microempresa para madres solteras y personas de escasos recursos en solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults parroquia de San Joaquín del cantón Cuenca, provincia del Azuay Nuestro interés como Educadores Sociales es poder intervenir y crear estrategias de desarrollo comunitario que Implementación de un programa estructurado de bailoterapia, para reducir los niveles de sedentarismo en las familias de la parroquia Nazón Mediante este proyecto se intenta concientizar a las personas la importancia de realizar actividad física con frecuencia.
This project is managed A través de este solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults se ha pretendido conocer los niveles de desagrarización de las comunidades en estudio, así co La prevención del maltrato al adulto mayor, barrio Paraíso, parroquia José Luis Tamayo, cantón salinas, Solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults maltrato constituye un problema social que afecta al desarrollo humano del adulto mayor que habita en el barrio Paraíso de la parroquia José Luis Tamayo, limitando sus libertades y capacidades.
El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en analizar cómo prevenir el maltrato hacia estas personas. Full Text Available In this article we study the musical activity developed in the parish church of Our Lady of The Rosary in the village of Salobreña ,Granada, during the 18th century.
With this it is shown that the collegiate churches and cathedrals were not the only churches which used the music as a normal liturgical element, but the parish churches, even the modest ones which did not have a musical chapel or a great choir for the divine services, also included in their worships musical solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults to increase their solemnity.
In addition, these celebrations were often sponsored by brotherhoods or individuals. Calidad microbiológica y parasitológica de lechuga Lactuca sativa y cilantro Coriandrum sativum expendidos en la Parroquia Santa Rita, Aragua, Venezuela. Full Text Available Las hortalizas aportan grandes beneficios para la salud debido a sus innumerables propiedades alimenticias; sin embargo, solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults una gran variedad de factores que ponen en riesgo la calidad sanitaria de las mismas constituyéndose en vehículos para enfermedades de transmisión alimentaria ETA.
No se evidenció coliformes fecales en ninguna de las muestras. Se debe concientizar a la población sobre medidas sanitarias preventivas que deben aplicar antes del consumo e implementar medidas de control que mejoren las condiciones higiénicas en la cadena de comercialización.
Caracterización de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en una parroquia venezolana Characterization of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a Venezuelan church. Its prevalence was determined and some sociodemographic variables were explored.
Its prevalence was identified in smokers and its connection with some risk factors was determined. It was found that 72 patients had it. Most of them were males.
The chief complaint was cough, accounting for Smoking and exposure to dust of mineral origin were the main risk factors associated with the disease. Cebidae en tres exhibiciones zoológicas de CaracasVenezuela. Para estimar el efecto del confinamiento sobre el comportamiento social de C.
Se determinó el repertorio de conductas sociales y la frecuencia, duración y tiempo dedicado por individuo a cada comportamiento. Se realizaron observaciones focales de cada individuo, barridos del grupo y observaciones ad libitum. Se estableció la dominancia relativa y las asociaciones afiliativas entre individuos.
El repertorio de conductas sociales fue similar entre grupos y respecto a lo observado en condiciones naturales. Las diferencias entre grupos se explican por la condición del cautiverio. Sugerimos que con el confinamiento incrementa la tensión social y la probabilidad de encuentros agonísticos, en contraposición, la afiliación reduciría esta tensión. Por otra parte, la convivencia prolongada, la imposibilidad de mantener distancias individuales óptimas o de migrar del grupo promoverían la reducción del agonismo, a largo plazo, lo que explicaría las diferencias con los grupos naturales.
En los tres grupos hubo cierta estructura social relaciones de dominancia, afiliaciones y. Se diseñó y aplicó una encuesta a los diferentes agentes que realizan funciones de comercialización; productores P, acopiadores A, industria pasteurizadora IP y artesanal IA y, detallistas D.
Los resultados muestran la comercialización de tres productos: Se determinaron dos canales de comercialización: Dos bancos en CaracasVenezuela. Full Text Available 1. Three main zones can be differentiated in this building.
The safety section strong rooms, control and vigilance of valuables, etc. These are located in the four top floors. This bank is one of the most important new features of the city, and helps towards the formation of a civic centre, involving the National Financial Centre. In the second bank, the ground floor is taken up with public rooms and halls. The second floor contains the executive offices, and the remaining standard floors are available to let.
At the top of the building there is a staff club. Some of the main features of this block are the sound use of the ground site, the plastic quality of the external surfaces, and the flexibility of the internal distribution. En este edificio podemos distinguir tres zonas principales: Sus características fundamentales son: The relationship between the real audiencia of Caracas and the venezuelan episcopate during the colonial period.
El caso de San Buenaventura de Ejido. The case of San Buenaventura of Ejido. Toma forma fruto de la experiencia de trabajo por alrededor de 20 años en los Centros Infantiles Campesinos en calidad de promotores comunitarios, experiencia que nos ha permitido valorar y aprender sobre la necesidad de mejorar los procesos de La parroquia de San Carlos, provincia de Orellana, ha sido objeto de varios estudios relacionados con la contaminación por petróleo y las enfermedades asociadas.
Diseño de un plan estratégico de marketing para el Bar Solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults Rincon Amazónico ubicado en le Valle de los Chillos, cantón Rumiñahui, parroquia de Alangasí, en el Tingo.
El Rincón Amazónico solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults encuentra ubicado en el Tingo, Parroquia de Alangasí, a pocas cuadras del balneario. Este local se inició con la venta solo de jugos de caña y batidos naturales, la decoración era bastante modesta, ocupaba solamente la parte del estacionamiento de la familia, pero en la mente del propietario el Sr. Conforme fueron pasando los años el local fue El proyecto sobre el cual tratamos, se refiere el uso de la técnica molecular PCR-DGGE, para la caracterización de bacterias, y su potencial existencia en las aguas del río Gala de la parroquia Tenguel.
La selección del sitio se basó al alto grado de contaminación con metales pesados en la que este se encuentra este rio. La probabilidad sobre la presencia de microorganismos con capacidad metalofijadora, es alta dada sus características biológicas y bioquímicas con las que cuenta esta bacteria En el añoEstados Unidos contaba con 50? Tarquino Idrobo fue amigo e ilustre colaborador, razón por la cual se crea la escuela con el nombre de Tarquino Idrobo vista la necesidad del bienestar de la gente indígena de esta comunidad.
Los problemas sociales, políticos y económicos se han agudizado en todos los pueblos del mundo. Esta realidad no es ajena a la vida diaria de la comunidad educativa de la Escuela "Antonio Granda Centeno" de la Parroquia de Río Blanco, para tener una visión real del problema que hemos investigado se aplicó cuestionarios de autoevaluac Novel approach for decentralized energy supply and energy storage of tall buildings in Latin America based on solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults energy sources: This paper analyzes the concept of a decentralized power system based on wind energy and a pumped hydro storage system in a tall building.
The system reacts to the current paradigm of power outage in Latin American countries caused by infrastructure limitations and climate change, while it fosters the penetration of renewable energy sources RES for a more diversified and secure electricity supply. The suitability, applicability and the impacts generated by such power system are furthermore discussed at economic, social and technical level. La Inmaculada Concepción de La Cañada Full Text Available Esta investigación de tipo documental y empírica tiene el propósito de analizar la armonización contable material de las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad nic y las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera niif de los entes emisores no financieros; para ello, se abordó inicialmente el proceso de aplicación de las mismas en el nivel mundial, así como el proceso correspondiente en Venezuela.
Summary reports of three study group meetings: Irradiation techniques at research reactors, held in Istanbul November ; Research reactor operation and maintenance problems, held in Caracas December ; and Research reactor utilization in the Far East, held in Lucas Heights 28 February - 4 March Irradiation techniques at research reactors, Istanbul, November ; Research reactor operation and maintenance problems, CaracasDecember ; and Research reactor utilization in the Far East, Lucas Heights, Australia, 28 February - 4 March These meetings were the latest in a series designed to promote efficient utilization of research reactors, to disseminate information on advances in techniques, to discuss common problems in reactor operations, and to outline some advanced areas of reactor-based research.
Full Text Available Spanish abstract En éste artículo se establece como el control previo, concurrente y posterior, puede lograr que los emprendimientos tengan éxito y contribuyan al desarrollo socioeconómico de los sectores, mismos que proporcionan fuentes de trabajo, e insertan directa e indirectamente a su población en actividades económicas.
Por lo que se sugiere que los gobiernos de turno impulsen emprendimientos facilitando los procesos de créditos, siempre y cuando éstos estén direccionados al cambio de matriz productiva y al plan del buen vivir que son los principales lineamientos de los gobiernos.
Abstract This article considers how previous, concurrent and subsequent control can achieve successful ventures. Entrepreneurship contributes at the same time to the socioeconomic development of sectors That provides jobs, and insert directly and indirectly to population into economic activities.
The applied methodology is descriptive, based on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative aspects of Quichinche Municipality. Results demonstrate that the control works in the entrepreneurship detecting inherent risks and allowing the application of immediate actions that mitigate risks and achieve the proposed objectives, since the financing is getting through the public sector assignments.
Therefore suggests that the municipality governments promote entrepreneurship, facilitating the credit processes. Seropositividad al virus linfotrópico de células T humanas tipos I y II en donantes del Banco Municipal de Sangre de Caracas y factores de riesgo asociados.
Las muestras repetidamente reactivas RR se estudiaron por inmunoblot de Western WB, como prueba suplementaria. Todos resultaron positivos en la RCP. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como título: Esta investigación se hizo necesaria realizarla en vista de que es preocupante la situación de rendimiento académico de los niños de esta escuela. Edificio de viviendas residenciales, en Caracas Venezuela. Full Text Available This is a very well designed building, both in its internal distribution and inner and outer ornamentation.
It has 12 storeys, and an outstanding feature of it is the exceptional landscaping solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults its terraces, and the very attractive aspect of the external elevations. There is every evidence of carefully and elaborate design, leading to a fine example of good taste and excellent architecture.
Todo denota un cuidadoso y elaborado estudio, que ha conducido al logro de una muestra perfecta de buen gusto y de arquitectura ejemplar. Compound 2 was characterised by a single solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults X-ray diffraction analysis and exhibits a flat butterfly of metal atoms, with the Ph2PCCPh ligand interacting with all four Ir atoms and the methyl group bonded terminally to a wingtip Ir atom.
The molecular structure of 5, established by an X-ray analysis, is similar to that of 2, except for the acyl group that remains bound to the same Ir atom. The process is reversible at both stages. El tema del presente trabajo de investigación es: Mediante un estudio de caso y control 62 niños de entre 7 a 12 años 31 con diagnóstico de erosión dental y 31 controles. Camilo Gallegos Domínguez de la parroquia San Andrés del cantón Guano provincia de Chimborazo en el año lectivo Se ha buscado información en relación a las dos variables, Urban violence in times of prosperity IDRC Interviews focus on building safe and inclusive cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Nivel cognoscitivo sobre higiene bucal y gingivitis crónica en adolescentes: Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo datar por medio del estudio magnético las baldosas de la parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Merced de la ciudad de Alta Gracia Córdoba, Argentina, lamentablemente levantadas encon la finalidad de aportar a la cronología absoluta de la estancia jesuítica, declarada por la UNESCO Patrimonio de la Humanidad en El intervalo de edad obtenido por medio del método arqueomagnético, usando el modelo global de predicción de campo geomagnético SHA.
Es decir, que es improbable que la colocación de las baldosas se llevara a cabo durante el periodo jesuita ni tampoco que ocurriera durante la corta estadía del virrey Santiago de Liniers en los primeros meses de This work aims to date the tiles of the parish of Nuestra Señora de la Merced in the city of Alta Gracia Cordoba, Argentina using a magnetic methodology.
The age interval — was obtained by means of the archeomagnetism using the SHA. This age corresponds to the stage of the Rodriguez administration —, in particular the period of Jose Rodriguez and his son Manuel, since later the property was rented out. In other words, it is unlikely that the tiles were laid during the Jesuit period or during the short stay of the viceroy Santiago de Liniers in the early months of Sen char nsory, acteris pequ physi stics o i Cary coche of Gree Campus - GO, with 2.
The formation of N 2 O is absent in the presence of both H 2 and CO together with oxygen in the feed, which will be the case in lean engine exhaust. Cerium lowers the reducibility of Pd species in the zeolite micropores. Combining results of the present study with those of previous studies it shows that the PdMOR-based catalysts are good catalysts for NO x reduction with H 2CO, hydrocarbons, alcohols and aldehydes under lean conditions at temperatures up to K.
El mundo del libro. Cuatro coches viajan hacia Bayona por Abelardo Forero Benavides. Novedades estéticas, sin desembocar en lo ramplón, vistoso, demasiado llamativo a los ojos. Con sobriedad, pero también cumpliendo una ejemplar tarea de renovación en la noble tarea editorial.
Don Bernardo Merizalde, quien maneja una cultura completa, tiene ese arte que llaman. To determine the cause of autosomal dominant hearing loss segregating in an American family. Otologic and audiometric examination was performed on affected family members. Genome wide parametric multipoint linkage mapping using a dominant. Reproduction of the caracal Felis caraca ] from the Cape Province of In spite of such predator control pro- grammes, the species remains common in the Cape Pro- vince Stuartin press.
Existing data on the reproduction of the caracal, which are based on a limited number of field obser- vations and observations of captive zoo animals, indi- cate that reproduction can Piscina olímpica de la Ciudad Universitaria, en Caracas. Full Text Available This sporting installation has two well differentiated zones. One is out of doors, and includes the swimming pools. The other is enclosed, and houses the management and administrative services, social activities and facilities for indoor sports.
The ground level of the first zone is taken up with the changing rooms, which can be reached from the street. It is connected with the pools, placed at a higher level, and with the servicing installations and other ancillary facilities.
Advantage has been taken of a small hill, to build on it the main public stands, and next to them the two Olympic swimming pools: The approaches and access roads for the spectators, and the public services are located beneath the stands. The indoor sports faciliaties comprise boxing and fencing halls, changing rooms, solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults and washing rooms.
On the top floor there is a social club, enjoying a view of the swimming pools; also a lounge, cafeteria, a room for sporting trophies, table tennis rooms, a gymnasium and offices. The external elevation shows the concrete structure, in its natural rough texture, whilst other surfaces are covered with coloured tiles.
The stands, the sun canopies and the forceful outline of the large overhangs are outstanding features which make a distinct impact on the onlooker. En la planta baja de la otra ala se encuentran las salas de boxeo y esgrima, vestuarios, sala de masaje, aseos, etc.
Periodontal status of mentally handicapped school children in CaracasVenezuela. Full Text Available Periodontal disease is a chronic multifactor pathology, characterized by the progressive destruction of the dental structures support tissues.
Patients with some type of disability have a higher predisposition to develop periodontal disease, due to bad hygiene, product of their motor and psychological deficiencies, and to their systemic alterations that difficult the defense against periodontopathogenic microorganisms.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the periodontal status of a group of children with special needs, and a control group. After gathering the data and tabulating the results, a 1. On the other hand, on the group of regular patients, there was a 1. Calculus percentage was similar on both groups. However, a large percentage of children with mild gingival inflammation was observed in the group of special patients Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue la elaboración del diagnóstico turístico de los recursos naturales y culturales con vistas a la elaboración y ejecución de otros proyectos a desarrollar en las actividades turísticas de la región.
Esta región a parte de los atractivos naturales posee manifestaciones solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults que representan la cultura montubia manabita entre ellas: Con la ejecución de este diagnóstico de recursos turístico, se constató que la región de Membrillo cuenta con un potencial de diversos recursos, con los cuales se pueden realizar actividades como: Parroquia católica en Oxford, Gran Bretaña.
Full Text Available This strange new building was commissioned Í0 accommodate the expanding activities of the Newman Community which acts as a religious and social center for the Catholics of the University of Oxford. The following have been constructed: Part of the already existing building was used for the installation of another kitchen and several bathrooms. The best possible advantage has been taken of the lot which is narrow and irregularly shaped.
Construction consists basically of brick walls, with columns, reinforced concrete stairs and castings.
Stress in nurses working in intensive care units El estrés de los enfermeros que .. respectively with phosphate-buffered saline, 1 mg ml(-1) of tinidazole, 20 mg .. on urban populations of L. intermedia and other species of the same genus. marina ssp. intermedia and Elodea nuttallii in lakes using biodegradable jute . RetroHorrorCartel De La Película. Some of the newest art additions by Salt Lake City artist, Tim Odland, include a new series of fan art, featuring Mars Attacks.
Templos con pies de barro. Iglesias y parroquias en la arquitectura rural del Maule. Se recomienda conformarun clima emocional favorable en la escuela para facilitar el desarrollo socio afectivo de los escolares.
ABSTRACTThis investigation considers the self-esteem for the affective development of the students important; for that reason itsevaluation is considered.
It had like objective to analyze the answers emitted by children of Basic Education, before a testof self-esteem; to investigate the composition of the punctuation; to determine from what dimension of the test, more to thecomposition of the same is contributed; to establish possible comparisons according to schooling levels and sort. The results indicate that the global punctuation of self-esteem is conformed at the expense of items referred the affectivecomponent; also were differences between the groups, with significant correlations between age and self-esteem.
Oneconcludes that the self-esteem of this group of students is based on the affective dimension; the idea of the existence of anevolutionary change in the variable leans, which obeys to aspects of maturity and experiential type.
The development isrecommended to conform a positive emotional climate in the school facilitating affective partner of the students. On September 20, when a mission conformed by five 05 officials: Those people that entered to the warehouse were able to extract the armor-plating in whose interior its were found an important number of sources of Cs in disuse, used in the decade of 70 and 80 in treatment of cancer of the uterine neck, by means of the Brachytherapy technique of Differed charge manual, low dose rate, as well as, lead sheets with the apparent intention of selling them as junk.
The intruders extracted a total of 58 radioactive sources of Cs of its armor-plating for then to disperse them inside warehouse and in the external areas to this. An important number of the dispersed sources its had lost it integrity what gave place to a combined scenario of exposed dispersed sources in a public area with the danger of radioactive contamination by Cs A task force conformed by the following institutions: All the radioactive sources dispersed in La Ciudadela achieved to be recovered.
The experience of the accident and as learned lesson it was the importance of harmonizing the Generic Procedures for the Evaluation and Answer during Radiological Emergencies, IAEA-TECDOC technical document, Vienna, Augustwith the procedures of the answering in charge of responding to accidents with dangerous materials.
At this regional colloquium 13 papers were presented concerning the relationship between education and employment. The superficial mycoses are very common infectious diseases and therefore are a frequent reason for medical consultation. The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic frequency of superficial mycoses in the Mycology Department of the Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel" during 14 years A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed to review the mycological records of patients with presumptive diagnosis of superficial mycosis.
Nails, hairs and epidermal scales were the processed samples. The identification of fungi was performed by macro and microscopic observation of colonies and biochemical and physiological tests, as required of the isolated agent.
For the investigation of Malassezia spp. The most frequently isolated dermatophyte was Trichophyton rubrum Complex The most frequent ringworms Were: Candida parapsilosis complex The identification of the etiological agent is essential to guide appropriate treatment.
This study constitutes an important contribution to the knowledge of the epidemiology of superficial mycoses in our country. Order in progressive construction: Manifestation based on housing in two barrios slums of the city of Caracas. In the barrio zones it is the family that undertakes, from the beginning, the gradual construction of its house, without any intermediary and with scarcely qualified construction workers.
In this context, featured by th The quantum yield of formation of CH3 and CH3CO in the pulsed laser photo-excitation of acetone at and nm was investigated at several pressures 60 to Torr and at either or K. The organic radicals generated were monitored indirectly following conversion by reaction with Br2 to Br atoms, which were detected by resonance fluorescence.
The photolysis of Cl2 in back-to-back experiments at the same wavelength and under identical experimental conditions served as chemical actinometer. The pressure and temperature dependent quantum yields obtained with this method are in good agreement with previous literature values and are reproduced using the parameterisation solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults by Blitz et al.
This is explained by the reactive quenching of thermalized triplet acetone T1 solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults Br2. The electric car as a source of exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities; El coche electrico como fuente de explotacion de oportunidades emprendedoras.
Energy and environmental crisis along, with technological advances in new kinds of batteries and electric cars, is making the electric car emerges strongly as a great opportunity in the automotive sector. In fact, political leaders see it as a lever to exit the economic crisis as a challenge and an opportunity not only for auto makers, but also for suppliers of related goods and services to the sector and producers and distributors of electricity.
A zirconium-hafnium separation process for application in nuclear industry is presented. The extraction of zirconium and hafnium thiocyanates in chloride medium by hexone-HSCN solvent was studied.
The extraction process was developed, varying the parameters, such as, concentrations of the metals, the thiocyanate ion, the sulphate ion and free acidity in aqueous phase. Main Report and Environmental Appendix. Contributions to NED by a. Prevalencia y factores asociados a maltrato en adultos mayores de la parroquia Yanuncay de la ciudad de Cuenca, El presente trabajo muestra un avance de investigación en relación con aspectos teóricos tributarios, económicos y urbanísticos, adaptados a este particular instrumento fiscal, Igualmente, a veces se relaciona con la persona que diseña, crea o estudia el objeto o con la que lo usa regularmente.
En el español venezolano, diferentes autores, tales com Targeted next-generation sequencing for deafness-related genes was used to identify the mutation in the proband in family The probands of family and family 32 with the same p.
CY mutation were followed for more than 3 years to evaluate the progression of hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction using pure-tone audiometry, caloric testing, electrocochleogram, vestibular-evoked myogenic potential, and video head-impulse test.
The disruption of normal cleavage to produce secreted LCCL domain fragments and the tendency to form aggregations of mutant cochlins were tested by in vitro cell experiments. The two families showed different clinical symptoms.
Family 32 was solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults as having early-onset, progressive sensorineural hearing loss, similar to the symptoms in DFNA9 patients with cochlin mutations in the vWFA domain. The proband of family endured late-onset recurrent paroxysmal vertigo attacks and progressively deteriorating hearing, similar to symptoms in those with cochlin mutations in the LCCL domain.
We therefore suggest that the disrupted cleavage of the LCCL domain fragment is likely to cause vestibular dysfunction, and aggregation of mutant cochlin caused by mutations in the vWFA domain is responsible for early-onset hearing loss. CY mutation causes either disruption of LCCL domain fragment cleavage or aggregation of mutant cochlin, resulting in the different phenotypes in the two families.
This study demonstrates that DFNA9 families with the same genotype may have significantly different phenotypes. The mutation site in cochlin is related to the pathological mechanism underlying the different phenotypes. The energy dependence of the branching ratio, dissociation kinetics, and translational energy distribution for the two types of methyl groups have been investigated using microcanonical ensembles and specific mode excitation.
In each case, the dissociation favors the loss of the newly formed methyl group, in agreement with the experiments. For microcanonical ensembles, the branching ratios for methyl loss are calculated to be 1.
The energy dependence of the branching ratio is seen more dramatically in the excitation of individual modes involving C-C-O bending. For modes 3 and 6, the branching ratio rises to 1. For mode 8, the branching ratio continues to rise monotonically solteros de salt lake city nurse police officer assaults 1. Full Text Available Resumen: Para realizar este desarrollo, se consideran dos fases: El desarrollo debe permitir aplicar diferentes estrategias de control de fuerza con robots industriales, utilizando para ello una plataforma de prueba consistente en el robot IRB de ABB y un sensor de fuerza industrial JR3 de 6 grados de libertad.
Como arquitectura de control, se presentan dos alternativas. En la segunda solución, se ha modificado el controlador original S4CPlus del robot, proporcionando una arquitectura abierta de control que permite la implementación de nuevos algoritmos de control de movimiento y fuerza en el robot industrial.
Effects of high reaction temperature and SO2 exposure on the deactivation process. The presence of sulphur strongly deactivated the catalyst towards methane oxidation, while the poisoning effect was less drastic in the oxidation of CO. Estudio de caracterización de emprendedores de la Parroquia Salinas de la Provincia de Bolívar - Ecuador.