Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

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Nashville Banneri

Nashville, Tennessee

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xitr MAAnrtixm ST3 Ft ar5- atopfng for cloth pr ary thing eJaa be ttarUd for the rtar of the tact yard Furtbr Actio la xhm attar nf IK tibV aa-a LLxs Lcs JYi when fortanately he fonbd carriage with eoUon cover over it and into thi TUUKSDAT JULY 14 11 upaad4 Oflwf FoatpmiMKl To at arrov A Oaaai al tor-(utsaio Wadd ha took reisgsv The negro haviim no design Bpon him of eoara wect on Aotjur iiug to a pTkxi anoocnoraterit -AT- tissir'ltK and ignorant of tbe tronhie they had caused Next saoraine wham th in the BAVaca tba called mMtktf of tb i(-w I'ulae CommiawiuDera took plac at tb breakfaal waa annoaaoed tha Italian dwd Tiiftmns' Tea and foBee House 28 Market Street New York CSIo 127 and 129 Water Si New York E-trLfallT aaaeaae-e their aeru rtr ad the trade that la wrder not show op search waa luds hot be oottld not be found aod when on exam ataie rweta fer their Urre FALL WnltK MtK li OF LOTItiM they alii oHil aavtklar lift hav la their llae ha-alae AT ttST raralatlar mt Mem' ltha Iie aad I aiidrea's offioa af ilror 1 botuA A Karoberal at 4 o'clock yesterday altaraooB to Uka action ia tb caae of lk anipuuoa Ij Captain YsUr of cfflorr EJvard Foley royal Sijt nJ ining hia room bis etotbte wet fotand in their proper place the bad rumpled and no sign of tbe gentleman tba duheat aapieioo arose as to what had beeocb lethlar aad terat I'arwUhiar tte ef the Uteat Btvle a4 eirw Kirry wty reaaertfaltr iailtrd rail KDh SAUK TO OttUiiM Ut MiUKT UIH LANNOM MERIWETHER Ko 18 Public Spuarc Nashville Tfa foUovisg ga from ih Uaynr JQMRAMA G-E SON Th dog law if wa well tieested ia thi section of tba city woeld be of in girrato ben fit to all boys have tn'rodaneO a new but dangeroQ plaything It is tb turpentine or coal oil bail which they Boon after sandowa and toss prosatsoo-onaly to th detrixoent of all kind of property It ia jast ia tb bad bow sad oar pohoemeu a boo id "aip" it while it is so yvang With so much dried grasa on the ground and tba dried conditio) of oar fraui botue it would take bat little to start a fir etas fir Io oar midat are aaor youthful Fieooh harp lata than can be found in a proportion atoly populated circle Tbe perf urxaanoa of some ob this faosArsment i truly wonderful a regard oorrtcsneea sod of ram-derirg sweet muaic Tb aooordaoaiist of the finest culture is greatly inferior ia producing snob sweet harmooiou and charming tone with inch excineea The rendition by soma in I he ctlllneM of afctting forth tha ebargaa aa raad to tba CooiaiiMiooftn: of him Hoar past and still ao tutor tbe wood war aearched and K-clland Ma Jnjy IS orcek was to ha beam dragged for th eopposed aelf-doatrojed body bra for i i i To tk Boa Petto CosaaUatioaarat Gctlrmea: Yoa aro breby eaUed to 48 XTOX2TII COIJLEGE STJIXCT Offer a Superior Stock of GAITERS SHOES and SLIPPERS Tro best Goods In the market and at prices that defy competition tanately tbe fathe' of tb amid meet in tfaia offioa at 4 o'clock thta aftor-dooo for tbo parpoe of taking aocfa ae- the rxvE-CEirr cxGAnt tutor waa addti'y called to Nashvuta which aeneasitated he carriage being tKi aa tM law reqoiraa artd aa ia Uid doarn ia tba mlea gortromg tba Polio fore of tb city eooearcing cbarge againirt Edward Foley a roacuuer of tba i I need The coach roan having bitched cp th mole wa about to uncover tba vehi SBaCTSnftl tawafel IHIM am rKRSOXAL MISCELLANEOUS cle he ha BtartJcd by hearing a born an urn nrsr tes-cxut croATtt futoa who baa btea anapeodod upon tba following ciiArgea by bia aopetior ofii- vote ia th carriage which upon examination proved to be th Italian tutor Ia night i grand for ao insignificant an in- Jiff Ila iacbarged with baric bean Witb abaacttinfi himanlf al niifbt from I tWk hi fright be took refuge there and aa ha stroment- WJCDT XASariLLK Lewis of Boston i la tie city Mi Little of BheibjvUl is in town Bof ord of Pulaski earn in Bladeoe of LooiavUla ia PavsTDsurr Qiintu'i piotur for as! at Orchard' iS Union jrll 4t A rou and beautiful line of cream white Spanish lace jmt room Ted at Lovemaa Co'e 1 3 2 -V JJ TgpQT jLnwj I had failed to attract tbe attention of any paasuis by before was oraed to re mfsm mmwtr -ww turn mmxm sri'ia' WJ wnTiT nouqin Hi Ordm will Itttht irncrl AttcaUi doty wit boat peraiinatun knowleda or oonHDt of bia ao per lor offioor aa ia ro-qoirf i by law and tb rale and ragnla- Mr AJderaoa ia spending a Absolutely Pure XzfnU Ur tha above Fss? Eraais few week with friends near Smyrna main eoneeaUed until hia clothe eonld be brought him Tber ara many living witness to the troth of tb above story i -i rr a) a a nu Etta Prewett of Williamson Mad from Orec-a Cra he other LlHSron patry IW -aiT county ia visiting relative in West Spoctaolccj "Havax Baxrae Ptrww Co Iw York Dormaa at Co NaabriUa have joat pubHabed "Dree ma1 a song by Mies Alix Kooaia muaio by CtenDoehlea Frrcsi' Stax Fowaa lea For convenience of our enstorotr we have opened aa ice era d-pot at £3 Hammer jast below First Prenbyteriaa Caarch We are eoniUime nasbx with orders Tbe Barest and best rqantntee for ached ale time la to tote tbe ereera yourself We deliver creara as promptly aa pOHtuble bat it's mighty pood and 3oo a quart C5o a half gallon 1 a gallon YuU can sample the cream at toe depot for io Paper buckets half pints pint aud rUled with ttotiie jiy at popular prior Factory 323 Cherry street 9 tf GEO OWEN tVboloaola A(l fur Uw NEW ELDREDGE abb paaw iu auvxas It ia gem and ia destined to have a large run Dr UDTCIIINSOrra dfm wapBTb aa-kiatB AH0mM SP 9mm a SPECIFIC Tk lariralfd RttratiT In tl rurwia of Mervoa I ebiinr 1 ea uf ateae-0ti HM-t hi aaeea Inahtlbl ItilBa I aa of Apl'ett'-i toeaof vjv1 hwf alar 1 and ev-rf kt -d cf M'tM IVHly pced0ed br Ovetword I j- ttlacrrtaotia aa eK KM)H TO I MIL ttaa aw cald tbe eea of tbe bue-t Aai Mttjtty Prto to 1 pet pa as ft-r Fcr aaue aU trtt ee wm Br oa r(j4 rl pM- utw saaraiitrv-4 or aoe raaoael 'aln asrc aar avtl ei 11 e-fr write fv a 44t-ea vrui un iRhi A i IB rnanhllH at -wet New Tata Mr Mayo and littl daughter left yesterday foe Marfreeaboro to spend few day Tba people living on West Broad street were very much frightened last night A horse that waa attached to a boggy became seared started to run and threw oct cm of the occupant and dragged him some dtlauoe bat fortunately ha was not aerionsly in a red Tb Jaty comber of "Tbe Boore" a uona IQe Oepartrornt With obtaining a cbaoga of Lia beat from tha regular ward aaigod him by making miaatatemmiU and ruwreprarita-tioaa to tb affect that "bia reiaUre wer dasgerooalT aick" acd aakiog perroiaaioa to be near them wbeo ia faea aaiJ per aooa meotiood were not aick th excatta being ooly a DMaca and aabtarfa*ga to ab himablf and ibirk bia doty aa an offioer lie hi charged a Lao with a general 113-leot from time to time wbeo on doty by idling bia tiro away and atupping by the wayside to talk with diver atixeo on general matter not pertaining ia the leeat to btuineee in tb line of hi pro-femioa a aa officer all of which i in atrict violation of tb law aod regolatioba governing the dpartmejit which toudrrs him onflt and to the poaition of an officer Keapectinily Thoma A Kbbcbb-vai Major A boot twelve witneaaea were raamined journal of music published iu Boston by mum la tb Klrlred- will be found a perfaac Bewlas Machine Examination and Boinpartaoa wit other Invited 1 trnAm ayictilne tboronjfblv 4 City Ordinance atToa-a OFFtca kaaanua aJaM'a last Waa The Maya aa4 City Owwerfl of Kaahviu piaia aa arttutaaoa appro lama BO IWl Mutttnai pavparty ownars tha kaarth ad ut pbaa ana frowa MrVay sirt to tartaaaa (Ua mnia hwwta-baluw givwal to bwlU dwwaiaa aa oa all aorth sad of Put atnwt ao aordla to tb pian and apaclnoanowa of th Ciiy KnarUrar aa report to tha Mayer ahd City Couaell la aaad aaaa How thai I to aotify sQ sac paraoaa and protwrty eareer ajrtiaottei oa k1 soHh aid of Iftt aowat thai tbey ehau forihwuh pcoiMwa to hail4 aad eenaajnaet aald walaa aa eerbuasa at tbaav owe laiai hi par-uancw of aatd ordinance nd plan aa er-lS-uatiuw of tn City AaiwUiw lb amaa wf tbaesBMira etuabe uf fee fneH and tb onaracer of tb work required ara 1 vro ut eat oae lb peMScallue Iwr tb work eaa fouwd aa tb ja of tn titty ktxrtaeer aa and tn eeoeaaary tin aatd arwaea tor tb cuta-Hnaika of tb wwrfc will be frr Iwd a ear lot npw i4i mltee ef tb property eauaw to aid kfta-tneer The liu jwluc la th erdtnaauaa aad Baaaea of th partta referred to City Ordtauaace m-nos 1 Be aeaeted hy th Mayor and City Council of Kathvtlia xhm th raperl of tb ('It Kuatioeer deetsnattn UM oa tb noc aa ut Pina ilnk from MrMairy to rxatatoa atreet aa ba hw oelufcaa raqatna Mdewai and 4ocMher wtta tb naaita of done by wbimwI workmen sad All work war-' ranted for but year Oil Ndl Part and Attachment for an Macnin A paV-iktrMKNT physician of Naahville used Tabler's Buckeye Pit Ointment and recom mends it aa a supei ior remedy for that diaeasa Berg Jc Mathews keep it I Mr Tboruaa Lewis Grand Matter of the Odd Fellows will visit Aurora Lodge No 105 to night and desire ail Odd Fallow in tho city to be present 13 Sc 15 SUMMEH ST AO EST WAXTKi Kumars Good Rofriferatora wstar coolers alien kwcreauu fret-sera beer oou'ois Sating machinea laortdry gxkda in faot everything -txceery and convenient for kite ben during room laundry aud dairy is to be found at Phillip BuUorff ard Co 'a bd29 tf Fcbxitckjc carpets stove sewing machine clocks crimptrn mirror spring rriaUreaaes ehromoe and clothe wringers Sol a areata for the oelobrated "Active" 03el and wood cooking afovea The fastest best and most economical bakers in tbe market All goods sold low for caush or on monthly or weekly pay-taents at Riley Bro's 72 Cherry street near Broad rLD EOIMMi SlfdMlS Maco Cetjnty Tcrt Otn WltLt-aNiiWS AHO lilUA I ble ar aw eiwn an wtil a aU tliwea ail wbe aaay btre to eU tbua aelwa ef ilwar cetbiied waer curtt far kdoey aod ber tieea drvwy eroruia aad KT otber etWApleUftta in tha caae which ocoopied about one i 1 boar'a time It wa decided by tha Com mission to poat pone action in the mat McMURRAY ter ontil 8 o'clock thia motnicg After a DRUGGIST abort aeaaion at th above hoar to-day tareat trupmeeea ata beMt Wido ta lat awana-aea built Mt avail a rnlii 4 and Ua aetir eetaniielinaawt pu4 In swod repetr Ol tb oaae waa again poetponed nntil to Beed'a Gilt Edge Tonic core habitual OLD JTVORXACK ISA MTVRK duett morrow (Friday) morning on aoooont of the lamination of one or two witaeaaca John Perry A Co contain -Marga-retta" "In IUuk and File" "Come Unto Him" -Home" "KathltoayWooiog" aud "hfmn Tune" "Tba Boor" is a first clasa (eriodicaJ and deserve the hearty support of lovers of good music The Boston Maaioal Herald the July number of which has Jos' reached us ia on of th beet journals of the kind in th country The July iasu contains besides a quantity of atisceUane ous matter: B'eeed Be The Lord" "At th Ferry" "Summer Rambling and "Vacation Walla" No musical library ia oomplet without thai Musical Herald Divorce aad Bfaxrlafe Few people are aware of the great number of cases on the divorce docket ef our Circuit Court It ia a pity there are ao many vidanoe of domeatio onbappiness Divoro ia th shadow cast by matrimony and perhaps it may be said tb shadow is cast temporarily if not permanently by the majority of marriAge which now take place The law of divorce ia like the poison in the sphinx-headed ring the heroin of which have all aeen Bernhardt act so interestingly every man and woman think that should th worst eome to the worst he or she could swallow a little cf that toxia law and ao get rid of tbe pain of matrimony It is Cor Cherry and Union Street Taaatnn Honda which will be anmmoaed to-day Aa WafxMBB Soccaaa Virrroa Babt Food Twenty-five cent All druggist Tb determination to reorganize tb Carries fall and eomptet Una of Tennessee bonds jumped from 70' cent to in New York after the announcement of Chancellor Merrill' entire force aeem to be gaining ground Ica Gnus Fitch's steam power ice EXTRA CHOICE TEAS SPICES cream 850 a quart 65e half gallon tn kit owner tb number of faa to lot and tb plane and peatt-wllia fuc tl25 a sallon Leave order at 8 decision in th injunction every day and will meet with the hearty approbation of tha people It ia nnderetood that charge will be Drugs and Medicines At prices that tutor satisfaetioa ba and in aanaa at as ail tbln-a GEORCM01IJ CO Jewelers ei OiMas A FuU Btook of Jewelry and Silverware A Complete Btoot ef Spectacles and Eye Glasses Procoplo and Pbbl LnJ Giaei tht WiU PruirTi lii Sijit Speotaol at 25 Cent a Pair and at aa prior to suit cvary one That Wanta New Eyes fV Kapairtag Prwaaptly Attoaded d33-eod-ly Braa Dane and Barbecue Duckworth A Co'e corner Union and Cherry street or at a Collier's 124 Church atreet near High atreet and preferred against a certain officer for na PrMcrtptlong Carefully Compounded John Harri man's 325 8 Cherry (tree becoming conduct while on dnty at the Hau Be it further MMctod tbt It afcatl be 1 he duty of tb never whoa nana and tot altubed ca tb nortb ab of Pin aUwet Iweeai McNatry Mreet end tietoa Mreet embraced uf tbe fonwatia report of Ibe City ernirtneer to euweiriart aaid pavement and rrvt tb aaiy crt-lnji wiUua tbtrty d33-oawf-ly-ay Ther waa a big bran dance and bar been given at William Hobaon's Grov on th Brick Church pik Tboae who were taooat enada to ttaa nfannr rroot taaauawe AUee taaa a new bak m-U tea daUy feuta teallaua to tba hprtat I b-et--a payaaoaa raaiibntt fto4 bnard and uaueae btllt lr ItOAKla-Par werk Jajal pa aaontb wr alay ebiWra aad aar vaatte bail prte 1 MOM AS arlt avals aefr Bat I rvprtetor J10NT EU1LE srRlXCS 'ljlk MOBT CtiSVItKIBBT ABU ACCBB-Mbla SMuatmer raaort for Bonthent faaiiliee aa to be fun tad oa lb fair Plateau of Ota Cwaaboe hand Mtntlia ba Tatani'aaav It elba lb pur air taf lh sea aid wttnout tb eteprarpor' t4vat ao-t and fu- but yauruay by rau and poeaeaeeetba Bttpertor ataractloaa of bealtb-Kiliv enuaerai atnni-a aad utountaia cenery aa tatunwqiae aatd riMuauaoe a Btlarleial licaaatna IBat li ta axily matfca-r of Ut wbaaa tbt I'laicaa aunet beaaum tta rbaeaia bbananer raireaa if taoutba rtaae aatd eimpiy aniu-tjtiti Ibe Uaea-ttaal4B blaMtt kaa to Nft la itatl aataa MBU ab a-tlns tbe neaknwl etnl tKaaat a rw al in aud ary aaay Kut tbeuralile aite tn every ea epet-a aau 1 1 entire I late-tv hav Totted uierb new hfrfel mt Mrat I earns Ina wttb ao tuamUlkMa Ivr Hie uuttdrt! yaaeet It pra eitt a face1 lal in I i iU by IM fwet Iu JONES Loaiaville depot on the night of the reception of the Porter Bine Now that th work of organizing the force ha been present enjoyed a good time day afur U-a dan' pn -uwtluef thia or-tu jtll'4 tf "50o hair restorer" Gieenhalge's 2io Pib Gret nhalg' Calx and see tha 2250 Singer war A KMll HtVll Mayor A IH Lib 01 Reourdrr Calico Hop DENTIST I Burr of Columbia is at th Nicholson House Lavillr of Chattanooga ia at tie Scott Horn Brewster arrived from New Orleans to day Simmon and wife of Memphia ar in th city Oliver Ceranstoa cam ap from Atlanta thia morning Georg Sunme of St Louis wa in th city yesterday Blackburn left thia morning for Obion Station A Listenberger of Sooth Bend lud is at th Maxwell House New York ia represented to day by Hinds and Rose Charles Ament and wife left thi afternoon for Ban Aqua Spring Mr Tucker and A Cochran of Memphis arrived yesterday Dr Provine and family leave for Epperson Springa to morrow morning Mr Meads and Mis Lixzie Mead passed through tho city thia morning Goo ArmiKtead editor of the Bolivar Bulletin paid the Bakxbb a visit thia morning Mrs 8 Hesiao of Wart race and her littl daughter Bertie have returned from a visit to Georgia Mr White-hurst and Leon White-hurst of Eufaula Ala ar registered at th Nicholson Mrs Isaac Harby with her two children left yesterday morning for Fernvale Spring where they will pas the remainder of the summer Alex Bradford formerly of this city but now of the extensive wood and willow-war firm of Samuel Cupple A Co of St Louis ia visiting friend and relatives in the oity Mis Louiss Page accompanied by ber charming little cousin Lillie May Nolan departed this morning for Hurricane and other resort where tbey will whilo away th sultry summer months Mia Kiltie Gaest of Shelby ville who ha been spending several week with Mis Nannie Bown of North Nashville left last night for Miirfreesboro to remain a few week with friends aod re It tires Mfcees Bessie and Maud Mason of Louisville John 1 Toole Maoon Dr Lindsley of Arkansas Hughes of Jackson and Boobanan of Donelaon visited the Capitol to day Professor Patrick Campbell of Ftank-Iin Male Academy on of the best teachers and moat urbane gentlemen in the State ia in the city He apeaks of taking up hi in Florence Ala Thia will be iocs to educational interests in Tennessee we can illy afford though our later State will be tbe gainer correspondingly The following parlies from thia city are ruvticating at Bad Boiling Sulphur Spring Maoon county Mr Orr of Orr Bros Mr Jackson of Phillips Jackson A Co William Joyce Long's family Mr Bell Dudley Porter Jack Price Misera Mary and Katy Swin of Eaat Nashville Misa Emma Woolarin and Johnny DougUs commenced it i earnestly hoped it will be poshed forward nntil every inefficient A fancy calico hop will be given at the omcB Hotl Da Gorselious Tnllahoma tomor offloer ia removed I Vi Bald Baiae of tiwaera of l-Am nntttber of ami bwete? of Wurk referred to la aooa aeo bona ace a ulkow i 141 Chorch St row night to which the ladiea and gen ranted for three years at Stick ley 'a No 69 Union street jut to th aa tf The Bllkan Tie tlemen of thia are respectfully invited ana ntothaa lylota Franklin's New Paper Mr John A Campbell and Mua Eva Carter both of thU city wer nnited in marriage yesterday at 430 o'clock m- even oonceivabla that before a man enter tbe married state he may have familiar Atkins and James A McNntt Sr 3 B-aSlEIl left thia morning for Franklin where at the First Couiberlaad Presbyterian ized himself perfectly with the divorce laws a they contradict each other in oar UrrllK AND BUIORNCBi thay go to take charge of tba new paper OeaHb Ibe fattilture Ma rrw aatd tbe eiillnent ratairl Tlae latled' Hot I AUCTION SALE WnTONS FARM LANDS In 11 tli DUIriel Taeiday JbIj SC 1SSI al It Vlotk Charoh by Rev Provine Th btide ia on of the most accom ana tbe Progress Mr Wat kins will be editor- emmmm tU tls ti end ca-llar titltcd thirty-eight States in order that he may Cor So Cfloin asd Sumiacr Sts in-chief Tb first issue will appear next be fully prepared for "com what com North bide Mameawf "toft Oharactar of Work Proptrty Owner front hxiulre Imi) So atdrwalk aad Curbtns John Iranian a) da do Snr PrH-biu so do J-a HtwAer do do Alea Tulnw do Ale TrltDte SO do do laroea MrKeaud 4a Hhalr do do Hrr ar-n-hltl 60 do Mr rorter- nwd do do In lwu 0 hew aldewalk Faober Si do do Mr 4 Vnder- wood do do plished yonng ladies of oar city and the BEFERfNCES-Drs Son Wednesday may" Hera woman ha the disadvant groom ia most elegant gentleman The Oh What a Coooh Will you heed th wnmiug Tbe signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease oofiHumpOon Ask yourselves if yon can afford tor the sake of 50 omits to run the rink and do nothing for it- We know from experience that Shilob's Core will cur yocr cough It never fail Thi explain why more than a million bottles were sold the past yoar It relieve eronp and whooping oougb at once Mothers do not be without it For lame beck side or cheat use Shilob's Porous Plaster Sold by Barge A Mathews corner Fifth and Woodland streets East NaRh ville A Rosooe corner Cedar aud Cherry streets and DemovUle A Oo- Faanvwe or 1 fciuoe i-igeneiu apl lit ool ethp age She never goes into the study of Reed's Gilt Edge Tonio is sold by all PEOPLE'S COLUMN druggists i each remote contingencies for should they be forced on her attention she would consider them remote nnleea she have the love of legal science in her blood and bride wa attired in stool colored aatin trimmed in peaaamenterie and steel beaded fringe with bonnet to match with a long plume winding aronnd in front and falling off behind and glove to match The room wore the conventional suit of WAJfTKD Board of Cotnanon Council cbitceet avad rarfa at tnt flm I wr th eataaapa enent of raaaola Lb-re ate bl'lerd rt-nama Taaa I'la Alley lu rr i-ka-nur lUik ball rowan Iwewr a-ronb(te fur li cemjaaet srauaada teiaaia caaurt aad etlltitt'r hvueeeaal-Sj rareea auad aal nana ttr lt of it)4" to ta tnaait polata mxuitalu aacaa Br drive Tba til la ever )at (aet l-o II ee lei fit antialn fuur bi-ura riie from baabaUla and three buur fcKtn 'ltlanoteja 1 ha a- ruaa I tbe aumnait by rail rtieaiann a all the cbaruaa of a-ejai taial aaneaiaiian Reabitwd ralliwad rat 1 Teruta a per onth tit I- week ft day Meud bar "Pbnrt qat 1 enaeawtw" Tea eraih and dalty maw I ot-no June tat okl Manacwr Mont Baa-Va Taeaw my ia aa Bon Aqua Springs lllrkmfta C'onnly Trnal A 000k at 33 NMommr The Board of Common Council will meet to night in regular session Among Lis a blue stocking from tbe cradlo When that I the case however the very disposi IT to amoke the and other business the matter of granting a tfbvok with gloves and crarat to mat oh the' cigar jy7irmow 11 tion that leads her to such study also leads right of way to the Line atreet and Wat-kins Psrk Railway will be taken under iNTSU- Hmoker to try th new bnnd her to avoid the connubial Scylla and "Uandl" Jys rrmow in consideration i dree of th bride The bride reooired about forty fine silver presents beaidea many other that were very bPAntifal The nsber wer Messrs Collier Hperry Moor and Cowan They were eaoorted AS TICD boy UMi korw Plac ard Roe 1JU Cherry street Ju2 tf Charybdis and to keep herablf in a high-toned condition of acientif virginity Th attention of Congress should be in vited to thia subject It ia one which af- teo ToBaatoea rlNTED Ocja-ropaat for a large front room freeldeat Matavasor it Ni ri JOHN HfllOHtlL uruiahed or uni artiuaeU antb Brat ciesa Tbe Fasksb acknowledge th receipt thia morning of a fine bunch of tomatoes crown by Miss Olah BgswsIIJ of North from the chaich to the depot by a gteat board Vina Jult! A loUon of amy kind io It Nashville Tbey ar very fine and com hotieel not afraid of work Aaoroes ing from such aa excellent lady are all Boa No 31a Lebanon laun ailttf the more appreciated Oit-TtKJMT corner Cherry and Church street DrsPKPaiA akd Ltvk CoifPiAnrr I it not worth tho snndl price of 75 cent to free yourself of every yrcpUira of ttuee diatre9ng oompla nta If you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh'a Vitalizer Every bottle ba a prii'ttd guarantee on it use accordingly and it it doe not do you good it will eoxt yon cothius Sold by Barpe A Mathews comer Fifth and Woodland streets East Natthville A Uoicoo corner Cedar and Cherry atroeta and Deotoville A Co cor Cherry and Church fobltuthfaWly We have a roinedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker mouth and headache in Srnijou" Cataabu Kivikdt A nvjil injector free with each bottlo Use it if you desire health and sweet biwith Price BO certs Sold by Burge A Mat-hew enrcur Fifth and Woodland street Eatrt A Hog coo corner Cedar and 'Larry wt-ej-tB nd Deuurville A Co ooriier Cherry and Chrrch febl tnthw Wly fc the heeHh pnd perhaps the of million In the United State neither marriage nor divorce is poaaeaaed of the dignity which it ahould enjoy Th reason ia that people are too easily made one and just as easily made two Tha facility with which this by-menial arithmetic one and one make one and one from on lesvea -ia performed haa made our rulea on th subject The Bop at Cayee'a Springa The bop and supper at Cayoe'a Spring" TX1H Rfvtdraa rlo ill Main atrart Kat Naakvllla for tanna apply to 14 aud )6 Sontli kUrkrt auaat or te A at Uutbne oofnr Idaia Jr'oortn 11 lw A 8 EXECUTOR OF THS FSTATk OF THK late Hama-t Watklea 1 wll he farm-li lend of aatd deraiMl altuauwl Id lliu t-tv1 iliatriet of iJuwteon Bounty on tbe Hlllaboro pike anddwtant aaout I we mile rrona til city llnaita "THE ANDERSON TRACT ooutaln S04 acre and win old ettber aa a wbot or tn two ir-taa may ta dtcnted bwtcua-talmnc kH I SO and IO aerea 1 hia tana I writ fenced and a rood country bona un it Uood aprlag It eontaina tillable and umbered land "THE WHARTON TRACT" contain 390 aere and will ba Bold In two or mm tract On It I a wo-aiory brlrk real-dente and otOer farm boonea It wU fenced irood veil aud atrek water on rl Tbi tra naa everal very very choiee balltllna ita wtta Sne timbend and paator tauda aa well aa anany na)d for ciiittvauon Alao two am all Iraru from to 1 acre withottt Inip-oveiwent AU ut a property Iruuta oa ta MUitoro pik and I escaoaed attb th nry best rork plank and rail fn- 1 be anil ia (ocxt and prod toe well and well adapie1 to etoek-rande and rrurral fortulns purpoe Ita nearueaa to tie nty eoinnrend It for rell-nr altes or larmhiK purpoae Im ut the pr pert can be aeenal the otnoa o' the Mreota and It will be aold accard ug to a plat titat wUl be eifelfetted oa fty vl aae Tn nib no- all! leave tb ediota of ins aswnl at a o'rlock on dy of eat TtHllH nix third eh real tne at 1J IS and mfmtha with lnu-rpt fruta dts and aBOrt-)tge to arenre deferred l'v enta lftaA'1 Lit TON locator Tnoa CnlVn-Vr No 51 Cherry Amnr Ion Farrar Weaaley Cc4r at Agent jjStda THE CELEBRATED Hecla Coal of which mention waa made in the Ban-meb a few days sine and which waa to have taken placs to-night ha been in IOS BiCN Suit of three alvut room on nrat naar at KaH bouUi iigh iuwL 1 at Uiviiaa Jul4 iw definitely postponed on account of the millB FIFVATFli CIlaftbtlKfl BCMMBB 1 reaort a tiiated mi lea weet of haebvilba tm th haebetue Tuat-atore ballrtaatt alii cp- a for the rmrfrfton taf ti-iwra Jumm I IBS I Fur pur mountain air health fivln mineral eprtaaw and ptctatrq i aal claim aaHantaae otunarpeaaed In Ua -tauaay Mouth For lb Bujtaenl of out ntrn bar a areOcJaa band taf muatc buwitof aUeya bake for boet ilnajt Uer eaatluat ttaa utadar the r-OUal uperTletMa of I'aOfeeaaar ary Levi and eeery tatber swaiiea aeeet aucb placaw tienally aSord (atar baeaiUful eaa taajea are acpauraled from tb butei sttB on (it aonreelence and prlracy of bona life rioard per mouth! cbitl-eu under If yeatr aad rraauLa half ft ice A baati com -ei aiilai rw AaVdreea JOiDI atit'LI ltos Aaua Brtna Tauta BaaBO waa wefr (xnDL LEES (IFFff'K-Ha ai aaa aa-elta Urwls's ltterwbaavlll Ton childUh and absutd invalids who are at tbe Springs THO A KXRCUKVAU Myr July 12 liwl JyU lot To'Eaioal Toiilrs Sf-ALKD F1K1POSA1 WILL BE HF-oelved by th SiaabTlUe (haitaaoosa A ML Lout Ball aay until Aagatt 1 al aooa for th sradiag and naanary of tba divtetes of th Bparta Branch railroad aataadtng front Caney Fork lirer to Bparta While aounty Trnn a dlaUno of II mttee Bid wtU ba received for th whole work or for en or anor aertioaa and for tha whole of th anaaonry or for th aaaonry for plan at Caney Fork which wUl ka noaUyof brick at Town Craek end for th equara drain aaaaonry uaratly Th protl aped Action and plana ef tha saaaonry can era at th otnc of th on lera'mwt la Kaab-vUl Tnn Partbe wuhtntf to MJ mnt ataai-ln Ih work brfore btddtne Satla'actory et-deaia of ability to corn let tb work bid for wlQb required of bidden be or tb work a awarded to tnxau Th aompany reaarv th sbt Io Jed any or alt bid MORHIS BMnt Entnr A St I Euflneer'a OfB(W eb B'y I NaahTtlK Tana July laaL jy in BANNER COMPOSITION 30 CENTS PER POUND Club Hon a Club Houses are peculiarly Ecglish in Coop de Bolell stitntions and however well tbey may be Yesterday evening at 4:30 o'clock John Behren died of sunstroke at ths resi iJK 8LK-A hauJaoma dark gray bona 1 7ara (Md lopUoually Alia mmAAm borav aod trota aiuajta or aoDbta Appiy to i MaJdin a cnarrjt at JU tnaa A 1XJK lha aud cigar bjr A lot ran C'u jj Irnjowe lm dence of Mr Hulbert North Spruce CAPITOL NOT EH MtKPORK tHU REco*kVKIC street He was taken sick last Tuesday imiiuied elsewhere ere not seen in perfection cut of England particularly in tbe larger cities In London Pall Mall ths favorite locality for theee princely edi fise is almost entirely occupied by them on hia arrival here A physician waa bOU BALE-Tba news oact cigar and Try it i tt (rna lm called in hot seemed to give him no re lief He Buffered intensely until his JJ Boon aud lot in Wai 'uhUlr For term aod daenpuon apply to Smitn at Adtroa and noutcarn taureaa Company om Here have the Army and Navy Club death The deceased was a tobacco mer exclusively for eweors of these two chant of Baltimore This is the first branches of the aetvicra The Travelers' Jalt Brawefr ly lor4p FASHION fatal cave of sunstroke that ha been re iiii Hudson v-lored a-iiJt si battery opon the ih ron rf jcX IU Otlorf flnd 10 Tilda Pliiil pa cjlord mif cegriation find $-5 Jennie SishBhn a-wsoH and bsitery and drunk Bad disorderly conduct fintxl Adetine II cka colored dirdrly cn-duc fiu-d 10 Jt ori-Phillip colored miscfg-nstion fined 5 tbe Keform the Carlton the Junior Carl ported in this city I ton the Junior United- Sivice the IOR Wlaaiug to tatirr from bnatnraa on aacviiil of bad beaiib 1 wJU aelt my afco*ck of gooda conaiUag of raoerlaa hard-war and t)uauaar Anyone dcaliou of entering Into tkia of buaittaaa 1U 6ud It a rara opportauity aa It la oh of llv otilmt aud bMt hikiao aland in tha city '1 ha bum ana bona will a rented far out year with th pnvtfoge of Thatched Houss and others Bound the A TaU alleln Stalk I'rlrfaj Xlotl ii There ia a mullein stalk on Main street corner in St Jaua street ia the 8' James While'a Boodle and the Parthenon But thirty-six feet high "Any gentleman' aocus lanaar Utf 0 uaerry treat Jyll Andrew Jackson once said who doabta 4- all over London clubs abouud An Eng A It If I AO riCKXSKH tbii statement is referred to fx -Sheriff Bingham who olsima said mullien lishman and above all a Londoner PR 8H-Om Sua large bironcba horaa li band bgtiat Ptcaard JUm'i atabla I Mi Cherry atreet Jyt tf Franklin Review and Journal without a club doe not exist The mili tary the sporting tha political tbe ar We have no disposition to doubt the Best Lump Coal I 6c cents per Bushel by Car Load dV-Uvaml to anv part of Uw city Hew la tb time Io lay in your wntnr'a tnpply Price win advenes July 1 laoraaaed faeflitlea for mlntse: and transportation wlllauabla Ba to supply this popular eoal in aay qnantity Band your order before th mab bnslna Our Nat or Krg Coal haa no oinal for eookua pnrpnaas F-L Um villi wIjaI trvmsi swa? Tn tb IftMiBd- ta 4tay Ami 1 rvtatviia rttfjatrit Boattro Aii nt n-arh uidtf kmiim mmttmrn Tatol WAX it tlKKltH UAi for wbBBtj Ar tr ati-dl4 TxVrr lw Um vbBut tHmett bWbbbV Ck ar4f Art ll TCtlrv Witi Mt' Ami cvnifiirt ihtta tf 'Lan THa-ir ir riimmt WUl 1 M-- ttl tdVOM fBttltHtFUB mM AtVd KAT llsdrtea AMAlSI AT VtAIN 4 WALKER'S FASHIONABLE MRS statement aa to the length of th stalk STIUVKll Oft "TOLEN STRAVELj OH A black war muls year oia 16 handa b'go ittura to CAN k'(' Uo aud get reward Jy 2t Gov Hawkins received a telegram from Haniingdun yesterday announcing the death of hia little grand daughter He lett immediately for Huntingdon to attend tbe funeral Commissioner Hawkins returned yesterday morning from West Tenuette He reports the crops prcruibtLg but beginning to show the need of rain He sttc-nded public met it gs and delivered addresses at Humboldt Jackson and Trenton state that a great deal of interest is shown in the immigration movement improved implements of agriculture and the introduction of manufacturing enterprises The first enumeration of the voiiog population wa eat in to by the censu enumerator of Squatchie county Toe Secretary of Slate id low prepared to Lwue certificates of indebtedness in lieu of bonds held by charitable institution in accordance with the provisions of an act passed by the late General Assembly John Hutchison County Court Clerk of Robertson county haa filed with th comptrolUr th aseminent for 1831: Total value ot taxable property 31 17-670 Increase of $17230 over the snf earn en of 1P80 tistic literary and dramatic classes all have their dubs and as exclusive from one class aa tbe other Tradesmen have WHtTK John C'mupbell to Eva Cnrtt Lewis Pmdfcll to Floreooe livti DuucMi to Acia Joins but having som kuow ledge of the ex their clubs so do common laborers and sheriff we do doubt thst he ever had any personal acquaintance with Andrew Jackson or that Jackson ever knew anything rocjfu Special Rate to Dealer about the aforementioned stalk voxrurAscBs or hkai T7OlrTD Lmnon conductor on tba I- 1U wiU bud Ut x'k6ook by calling on Bob Campbell at tha Comptrviir' onlee and paying fur Uua advertiatnwit 1 ttioe place of retreat are there fur their members Words cannot expreea tho luxury to be found ia the wealthier establishments and in the others I'HI ITP8 IKDf01I CO June f'hll'pa iKxlaou Wm Kandle It is made of tho best material Good rollers' good printing Bad rollersbad printing Directions for preserving rollers sent with every package We arc prepared to supply the composition at 30o per pound or cast rollers at reasonable prices Banner Publising Co Acknowledgment OrneeM Cherry jail Bouat ly 4 PUM-10 HiJCAKK Ill George A Dszay administrator etc to A Howell laud io Texas David Thompson to linger Eaatman lot in Rock Castle plan 7:0 Ont that and la tba beat Pent cigar midg Jy8 frmowe lm and to be tea boaa of aU I eit el(rre J8 fx too we lm The Basnrb acknowledge tho receipt of an invitation to attend the meeting of fie Simpson County Agricultural and Exposition Building F01X SAXE Mechanical Association at Franklin Ky MISCEt-LASr-OCS No wo tux need suffer when Warner' Safe Kidney and Liver Core can be so easily obtained and ao sn't'y osd THE HYGEIA IIOTEL Oltl Polet Comfort Xm Bitaaiad KM yards from Fort Von roe Open afl the year Eqnal to any hotel ra th Uolted Btatesaaaasmaaarreavrt nn4 for otrcn ktr deaoriljin hyrVtde adTan1an eta HAJiRlS PHOT BLR Ti ln Prrtprtotov For fine amok try tba and Jy frmowe lm to be held daring the balanoe of the week commencing Thursday September 15 A military drill for a 9300 caah many lady and gentlemen friends who congratulated them before they took the train for New York and a general toar through the East At the German Lutheran Church at 8 o'clock to-night Mr Findell of the Signal Service offioe of thi city will be united in marriage to Mias Florence Jackson by the Kev Pesohaa The nhers will be Hoary Mocker William Unellebrand James Dalton and Josncofsky while the attendance will be Frank Frtswilliama with lifts Lizzie Mocker and OUo Uier with Mia Clara Garth After the marriage the con la accompanied by a few invited gneta will be given a reception at the reaidexoa of Mr Mocker in North Naah-vi He The wishes of a host of fiienda will accompany tho bride and groom daring their voyage throogh kfe Rldicnlona DetM at Camp G) Many yean ago when Method it were more consistent in their mode of life and devotion under the exceedingly aim pie life laid down by John Wenley for them as neoeasary to follow Nashville Metbo-diata boasted of their carop groands and glorioos meetings held there Many of the best citizens bad their tent (Which in reality were rough honees without any regard to architeotaal design) Into thee they would move at a certain time of the annimer and there remain a week or tea day Moat of them bad a regular eauip outfit and with it they would maka these booses very comfortable for the time they remained It waa free to all comers breakfasts dinners and sappers aa well aa lodging grataitooa it went into rivalry aa who of the "tester" could accommodate the moat guest Thea building! were constructed around a large square in the center of which waa a hnge sued devoted to purposes of worship then daring the week could be heard the brightest lights of Methodism and under the icftaenoaof their teaching thou hands wei called to the mourner's bench to in humility seek forgiveness for their iis and become newly born and in Christ lead a different li'e Our colored population most of whom were of thia persuasion formed a very important feature specially in the very demonstrative part of th religious exerciaea Theee good people held their meetings at one end of the shed while th white occupied the other To attempt description of hundreds of scenes that transpired in the many year the writer of thia attended these meetings would be a task too difficult to undertake but on more than th other that impressed him wa on the conversion of a negro woman who had persistently been to th mourner's bench several daya before the happy change took placa At last it oaroe ber excitement joy and wild actions were beyond description the moment she row to ber feet she started in frill run followed by at least fifty "brndder and sisters' for one of the "tents" which happened to that of very wealthy and influential Methodist who bad but one child upon whom be doted and for whom he had an Italian tutor Thia latter gentleman was a curious xcentrie character himself and had never been to one of the meeting before and the noise and strange sights disconcerted him very much Ha stood it all however nntil thia climax Ee heard the toad and exciting songs of tbe blacks and finally heard their footaeps coming in th direction of his room in coold bear it no loo par frightened as wa nearly oat of his wits he jumped from hi bed tbe voice eome closer and closer nntil finally losing control of himself withoot and dgar tha ieadina 5 cant Jy4 frwovw lm LITER Alt XOTKH prize will be one of the interesting fea tures of ths oooasion IO-DA r'S AUVKRTISKM EXTS JM FCItucAJICIt TO 1 "BTIICCTKl? OF tbe Motcuaakeir to the Ouarantee Fund of aba aeabrlile tlwtaatitavl ktpwtilaia aaf lees aad Ita Indnetrial Aaptiaaluoe of 11 will offer at prtrat eai wtrtll Jul S(Mh th EtaealUa Haall'llee anueaaa feacea Praaeated to the Mayer Pocket book fooud Get one of President Uarfleld'a pictare they have ever comfort Woratn alao had c'abu but they tifcver proved a great suectMUl until ths eitul ii'-bccerit of Baau Club in Ke-cnt ptrwt Thia ia mixed club j'h ladies and gentlemen ara eligible Of course tbe strictest scrutiny has to be used to prevent any abuse of tb privilege but ao far it ia a toocess being patronized by the clergy th nobility and the literati of the metropolis The building is spaoioua on one of tbe finest thoroughfares in the ciiy beautifully furnished supplied with every periodical and journal published in th world a fin library bath ard reading rooms aa excellent restaaraut and iu fact all that ths most laxariou could desire Tbe admission fee tf 26 end sn annual subaoription of 26 more Gentlemen pay about doubt for tbe privilrgr Ther is no symptom of independence assumed by th ladies more than tbey would show at home and it is decided by them all a convenience beyond estimate Mayor Kerch eval received from the Mayor of Charleston Sooth Carolina thia morning a valuable map which is gotten up ia good style showing the com awa aaad water papea aaad otner flataarea attuaart IITTTTR fc CO Healer la HAY GHAIX FLOUR COOKED FEED Ko 130 and 1S1 North Collate Steeet NASHVILLE TENN wall tf oa tb eorner of itroad and I bvw atreet vailfe tb aoea i Jeaiaary I aw" tb ty ef baabnue a Bargain List of Property FOB BALK UT DAVIS S3 Pablie Square Howe and 1M feet vrownd Fatherland atreet roosa and a rmiry owtbnaaia en How It Hani aad luo feet trrauid fenaaaQ Mraet 1 rooota oivtuo 121 feet trroond WootUaod etreet on Una Mi per foot or 00 IW) feet srawnd II etre oa time rt pnr fuot or for whole X10 10 feet trroand lioeeoble eu-eet 1VJO per foot oc for wuoia oa naa TOO Bona aud tot comer Coiietaid atailory atraeta XW0 tea of Icaee wititttilK i mercial position of that city and which ia published by the Chamber of Commerce for tbe benefit of tbe trade leading to and from that point Ia addition to th map i sent a well printed book giv per eorjirart wub btMr A Ltndaary Skan and paad op ba Ja-uery I l-brj Ale aU Uae paweaMaal perty c-o-aetiu- of abavlr tabtea Hatf rau-d fouitalaaa tout taupae-Baearta electric ai aaacea decoratiotaa etc If Uae batltiinaj etaamid nwt be sold I Wednee day Jaly Bu at btber wtab any of tb ya a aoual firtevty ffrmalgatrs unaaad will OS poaaed to eale at pubuc (j 'ie to tba Bibt bidder further naittc of watch will giai to dee taiu AU talrt to be for awl aad not othaarabaia join ti AXlJkUmjNOaittaaa Jyl frnowa at 1 ing the reports cf tbe various department of the city government condition of the JUSTRECEIVED At th enteaut al lh Store No ate street SOO pair ef aani-Ue HeiMa arl Sltue whirh ere to be aold at half price at vrcaara A splendid bone i offered for Bale Bee cheap col a run The fiim of Miisom Jobnaton of the Haaonia Theatre has been dissolved by mntaal con seat Johnston retiring Charleston ia aekcowledeed to be the leading port for Western Central aud Sooth America West India and Karopeaa trade and aa such ia attracting the attention of shippers to these ocan-trtes Already large or hoaaes in that city are cotiduclirtg an extensive bnsinea wi those countries and the outlook for a large increaae ia very fbttter-irg One of the most prominent and aobabuitiAl eomtoiaviion firma of Cnarlett-ton is that of Kobeon Son Ko C3 East Bay We take great pleaaare in directing the attention of Tennessee shipper to thia solid firm We trust they will receive Urge baainews from oar State mark te article on the educational in Two booaeat aod MV feet arson Bool feaenmv tret fa uu Cliai bale taaa aw terests of that section and Various map showing the poaition of th city from 1 the year 1671 down to th present tiro Tb document are vary valua Falling of a Handing Yesterday afternoon an accident occur reel on South Market street in tbe rear end of Corbet Bro'i wholesale and retail saddlery and harness establishment which cam near resulting in a loes of life Th aJj lining bai'ding was undergoing repairs which necessitated th catalog ia of hole ia th center wall for the pcapose of admitting joihta The wall Was a nine inch one and in making th hole it became very much weakened Several men and boys wer working in th second story of th tuildirg just a few minute befora it waa notioed that the wall wer about to give way A brickmaaon saw what waa coming and immediately notified Mr Corbett who rushed up stair to notify hia workmen of tha impending danger A few minute after they vacated tbe room the center wall cam down with a crash covering ia its way a large amount of valuable property among which waa a great deal of made cp work ready for delivery and th tools of tbe mechanic It waa a narrow eacao from death that th men paoeed through aa they had barely reached tbe frost d-mr when th accident came Tb toas to th firm will about 5000 Tbe property belonged to John Gaot It will be speedily rebuilt Xaalavllt wears! ef BaeaUciw and Iw no to i on 1 on 1 uo I 7 tw 1 uo 9 8 I on i oi a en 1 on i ia) 1 os 1 so iu IM ee 1 oo uo 1 oo 1 ble (Vents' Own OaKers Oenta" Tie hoe tlMta' Ixiw-ctrt Calf bho Oeota' (aU Oder jhnsta Iw Ilutton Shoe Oeece' Flmbroidered Silppera eVrtita' Liacdns tnmp boy' Low eb(M Lad' Urw-mt Bl-ir lAMtvem' hox-to Uernlirdt Larttea' Streri rtaaaaa Ladiea Rtrap Hnttoaa TV Ladle' (lot eport Tka loray tuna par an IM About aera kaad Murfreertwro ptka 1 sole from oarporatton Una naeaS ub art piao la paeadaee oownty on -oeafttta 1X1 Fane of 1T acre rieh land WUaoa coun- county oa too tune tAtm Thro buueea and Iota cheap and oe tlwea on Ramllbn aad Bolt tram Bon haehrbla now ranttn ar par snoot each 1 Boo and srewed Cherry atiaa bewwa Oedar ln1-rvA atniia IO er aent ttn pane eat to Farta of 1 aw of iaajd VrhMe-a Craeh pou a aal rata Two beautiful buiMn Iota Baar ih enrkn factory as naontluy payatawta par foot aull aaua Sot "Tho Georgiana'" is attracting tbe favorable notice of the rritics Northern eriticfli sy that Mr Cable'a "Madame Dtlphine" is alredy a clsacio A nomljcr of Cardinal Richeliea 's unpublished letters wid shortly be mad public "Drun'a will psrsd in the third volume of the Round Robin erie It ia a'alod that Minister Jame Russell Lowell is collecting material for memoir of Hawthorne The AppiMous wilt publiah immediately tbe letWr of Mtdaine de Remaat The Harper hsv nearly ready iSf Joseph Hatton's "To Dsy tn America" 0-nerl Baauregusrd's new book pre-rcaturely announced will not be ready till 1882 Lee A Sbepard will shortly iu a summer novel entitled "ly Sister Kitty" by Miss Fanny Bete It is a little queer that som stalwart pnhlUbr fcaa cot aonoaDoed aa Dear! rt-ady a canjpvga Ufa of Guiteaa Jases OwxxJ A Co have jat issued Howell's "A Fearful RMBpcttsibili-ty" ia elegant style The volume also OTUius two shorter stories Ms M-iry Bryan's new story to iasurd prrsenlly by tbe Appletons is bawd on incident ia the Red rivar region of Louisiana Ita title a haa already been stated fa "Wild Work" Mr Park Godwin now that he ha retired from the maoagement of th Evening Post will devot him-telf to the preparation of tb literary remaining of Wm Cull en Bryant Thi work which will be published by the Appletons will fill several volume and will cootaio tbe eorr-spondooe a well aa tb Ufa of tbe poet Daring the summer Mr Stephen will be engaged on work the scope aod intent of which hav not been announced It haa been hinted however that the veteran statecmsa wilt gather up tb shreds of controversy which various Southern leaders hav left harping la th wind sad weave them into volume supple men tary to hi work oa th war between th Stat 1 on 1 LadiaW oa Oalteta LadM' Kid and aeaat Buttoa Eqwitabl Fir inurno Compny 4 I vfortb) C'aallrae btrewt Haasa-rua Tuib July J7 lasL Ai a BMwein of th Board of rHraotaar of this Oeoapany hM thia day a djradcaad of par nan Bpo tb eepibU atoefe of th ewaapany wa eaarad parable bt caeh oa daeuatirl Jy OH ABtigftaol- Bee'y 23oxx jH'lxAluisl Bntar ACCOVMTAXT WILL POrtT KOOKB TB TKIAL AL aneaa asak off anpownt billa torokw ef atoek atav aropy Irniortect dorueoenta alao wia (le proavpt atteaataon to tb axaUartiew ef Boaa aad acaxaunta beiijr aa aid aaper eaead kank-kaa'per ba all braaK-laaw of bwauieaa aaad aceeral reaxe ta banklaar bttatneaa oan In ore aa eorl Mil aaad eorrectly Oroer leA at tb ofhea of John Iilyrtt awj aiMnary-oavlaw ee a oo Tf 'wwrl ISO Ladiea' A and Ooat SewporU 1 Ladiea' Uoth klipoer 9 room for Theae naat aold Io make Mrs Janaew Polk Mis France Willard in a letter to th Independent about her recent trip South in the interest of th temperance reform aays: "labor own rare home I met dear Mr President Polk In her beautiful silks and black kid and past her eightieth year ah omed well preserved upper Southern lady of th day of the Mexican war Ber Christianity 1 of sweet savor and she is very popular tin throughout the South I proposed to ber that aa symbol of new unity between sections and a link between pest and present ber portrait should go' into honored position beside that of Mrs Haye ia the Whit House She smiled aod aosepted tbe offer pleasantly and I think that tba Southern ladies will gratefully accept tha task of placing tt there" fall and win-er alork Call at one WI sTEA Ii Jylllw al Tnaoe StreeC Enjoyioaj Boaai Lemon are just now on a boom th price materially advancing Cooler The thermometer doe not register inch great beat to-day a for sertral past Very lh i Thoma Stratton one of oar oldest citizens aerionsly 111 at hi residenoe on the Gallatin torn pike Tilt: TfANXIVILIaK GRAIN AND PROVISION XeXCXXAKGE 82 Cellar SL Eoera 4 Applicable to 'aehlUe Thia terrible weather moves an exchange to remark in heated terma regarding the sun's rays and copy his screed i applicable to Naahville just tt present "To aay thai the beat wa horrible jester-day eem like wasting pace Everyon who did not get into a refrigerator Buffered and simmered and broiled enffi client to last for a whole summer In fact it seemed aa though th sun waa exhausting it inter sal fire and extra supply of fuel in rendering humanity nvasrable All throogh the day the sun beat down on tbe brick walla and dusty avenues with a fierce intensity that dried all moisture and made life aim oat iasupportable A dead calm seemed to have settled over th city and whether in th boo or outside tb suffocating atmosphere was equally potent in it effects Keed Gilt Edg Toole the dyspepsia Jt charry etreet ar at Bay rwaoaata Bo as be re nwRaeoUala alien lleaa wlB Maarv elrea Cnaave of Hiaaaia 10-Cuthea oj Ceala la oraia aad far futor delivery 1 Chtcaco OO aaarstn Laieat nuotaOoaa are Elizabeth LLyti8MU posted oa our boar wttnewt oatay ti a ss to 3 aa BEASLEY DKAXXB IS FAIHTS OILS UASk Turpentine Varnish 3 Brushes Putty Glues etc ALSO OOKTSACTOH OF f' fv wlal l''i taa kta tail baaali CSITSOH STEZZT WAStrrtiLM mrr HAJtanis I Oral a par buahaL Pon paw barret 1 Lard lie pM- ll Btoeka at Koon To-day Memphis Charleeton 83' Norfolk 4 Western 60? Tenneaae Bonds 76 -77 LroaUviUe A Nashville 106 Mobil A A Calico Hop A calico hop will be given at lied Boil-ing Springa Maoon coony to-morrow night It ia expected that a very lArg crowd will be La ttendspe Diwatea arf tha Eva Ear and Throat of Worn) aatf Childrwa Si The July number of th Naahvill Journal of Medicine and Surgery edited by Dr Charles Briggs and published by EL Haaslock haa been received Thia Journal under th present management is destinvd to become one of th leading pubaemtioo of th country To Tlatt waakvllle Emit Ltndery Vic Consul of Sweedea and Norway who has done so much in regard to th introduction of immigrant in the Son th west ia visiting Keataeky( and propose to com to thi Stat in a short Ua 1 tt parhoahalo Orara COmnsSIOKS Vt' per barrel rera- par lu oa Lard Band tot avs la nabs stroular Jr aaw-er lm i ItuDdl KaaT BM Wooouaw Aa Baab-tlaa Taaa to 14 a aa dtollwBa- 1.

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.