Limerence - aavocadotoastt - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)



the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person

"to be in a state of limerence is to feel what is usually termed 'being in love.'"


Shadow eyed the brilliant gold walls of the palace as he walked slowly down the hall towards the throne room, a chatty white hedgehog at his side. He sighed. Visiting the kingdom of Green Hill is always pleasurable, but his lord-in-waiting, Silver, was ruining the peaceful nature surrounding them.

Silver was rambling on about any and everything, their travels, how beautiful the kingdom was, how nice everyone has been, the list went on. “-so wonderful to be here again! Your Highness, I must say,”

Shadow swiftly cut him off, replying, “Are you sure you must?”

Silver chuckled. “Why, yes sir! It is so nice to be invited back here again, but we were just here only last month. I checked your calendar and you have no engagements…so…”

Shadow’s patience was running thin. “Get to the point.”

Silver startled. “Right, yes sir. Well, I was just wondering, what exactly is it that we are doing here?” he said, a nervous pitch to his voice.

The dark prince kept his eyes forward, the throne room finally in sight. “It is none of your concern, Silver. The King invited me here on a personal matter.”

“Aw!” Silver laughed cheerfully. Shadow turned, red eyes boring into gold with an intensity that put Solaris to shame.

They continued to walk down the long hallway, Shadow’s thoughts turning to the King. His confident, headstrong nature caught the prince’s eye the minute they met.

King Sonic was fair and just, putting his people above all. No law was ever enacted without the King personally going to every village to collect opinions. He was loved, and the kingdom of Green Hill remained peaceful because of it.

However, the people had begun to grow restless, wondering when King Sonic would take a Queen or Prince Consort. Shadow recalled his last visit to Green Hill, staring into beautiful emerald eyes as the young king, sweating and exerted after their recent activities, shared his troubles with the prince.

“I’d ask you, but..,” Sonic chuckled sadly, seemingly not able to voice a reason.

Shadow sighed. This wasn’t their first time meeting like this and it certainly wouldn’t be their last, if Shadow had any say in it.

“It’s your life, Your Majesty,” he said with a teasing lilt. “I would be honored to be a part of it in any way you’ll have me.”

Sonic shrugged “I don’t know. The people want me to have an heir, and I’m not going to force you into that if you don’t want it.”

Shadow considered for a moment before pulling his counterpart close. “If an heir is what you desire,” a dark hand reached up, holding Sonic’s chin as if he was a piece of porcelain and tilted his head. Shadow watched his eyes become half-lidded and a fierce blush travel from his pretty cheeks to his ears. “Then an heir is what you shall receive, Your Majesty.”

Shadow shuddered recalling that memory.

The throne room was magnificent. Flags of all the provinces the King ruled over hung from the high ceiling, moving ever so slightly back and forth like a metronome.

The King sat high upon the throne, stealing Shadow’s breath. Regal, handsome, and incredibly sexy, Sonic never lost his effortless look of ease. His eyes met Shadow’s as he entered the long room, a sly grin making its way across his face. He stood, stepping down the dais as the advisor he was speaking to stepped off to the side to let him pass.

“Your Highness! Welcome back. It is a pleasure to host Your Grace once again.” The prince knew it was ridiculous for Sonic to be using his royal titles in greeting him due to their differences in status. Oh, how he missed the king’s teasing.

“Your Majesty, you flatter me. Silver and I are most grateful for your hospitality.”

Sonic subtly rolled his eyes at the forced formality, then looked to the white hedgehog a few paces behind the prince. “Oh, yeah! Hi Silver, it’s great to see you again!” His smile could put the sun to shame. It was no wonder he was so adored.

“You are so kind, Your Majesty. It is an honor to be here,” Silver replied.

“Well, I’m sure you both are hungry, it was a long journey for you. I think dinner will be ready shortly. Miss Vanilla, would you mind showing our dear friend Silver to the dining room? The prince and I have much to discuss. We’ll be there shortly.”

Shadow loved how the servants often ate with him. It was humility not often seen in royalty, and the prince’s heart swelled.

A tall female rabbit, Miss Vanilla, stood from a chair against the wall and walked over to them, bowing at the regal men before turning to Silver. “Come, sir, the chefs are making the King’s favorite this evening in honor of your arrival.”

Shadow watched as the two of them made their way out of the throne room and the large double doors closed behind them, leaving him and the King alone. Turning back, he was met with a bright grin from the blue hedgehog.

“Your favorite in honor of our arrival? Seems counterproductive.” The prince teased.

“In my defense, Your Highness, you never told me what your favorite food was.” They fell back into their banter almost immediately after spending a month apart.

Shadow chuckled and took a step forward. “Respectfully, Your Majesty, yes I have.”

“Jog my memory, then,” Sonic murmured as the prince entered his personal space.

The dark hedgehog leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the King’s waist, whispering in the space between their mouths, “I have encountered nothing of sustenance since I tasted you.”

Dinner was magnificent as always, Sonic’s chefs were the best in the kingdom and they were brought out and praised heavily for their exceptional work.

Shadow and Silver were the guests, so they were served first, then the King, then all of his staff. The staff sat with them at the incredibly long dining table, and there were still extra seats. They chatted for much of the evening, Silver sharing stories of home with the table as Sonic and Shadow exchanged glances.

“Thank you for the meal, Your Majesty, we are most grateful,” Shadow said to the king after the plates had been cleared.

“Oh, it’s my pleasure,” the way he accentuated the word made a spark run down Shadow’s spine. It was a promise.

After dessert was served and cleared, Miss Vanilla ushered the household out, telling them in almost a motherly fashion that it was time to prepare for bed. “You too, Silver. We have a room prepared for you,” Miss Vanilla said kindly. Silver bowed at the royalty before following the rest out.

“Thank you for your help today, everyone!” Sonic called after them. Miss Vanilla also bowed before closing the doors to the dining room behind her.

Before Shadow could say anything, he suddenly had a mouthful of the king. Sonic had moved off of his chair and onto the prince’s lap so quickly he couldn’t even kiss back right away. Once his muscle memory kicked in, his tongue slipped into Sonic’s mouth, exploring and tasting him as if he was a starved man.

Their tongues crashed together forcefully over and over, as if it was years and not a month since they’d last held each other. “Chaos, I missed you, Your Highness,” Sonic breathed into his neck before pressing soft kisses down to his shoulder.

“Likewise, Your Majesty,” Shadow replied, every kiss sending heat to his groin.

The king sat up in his lap, green eyes half lidded and hazy, and it made Shadow want to ravish him.

“Shall we take our activities elsewhere?” The blue hedgehog asked.

“Whatever you desire, Your Majesty.”

“Whatever I desire, huh?” Sonic replied cheekily. “You mean that?”


Shadow wouldn’t say he was an easy man, but when Sonic threw him a bag and told him to get changed, he was ready to follow any orders, as long as he could have him.

Now, as he stood in the king’s chambers, he almost wished he could take it back. Sonic had thrown the most ridiculous outfit imaginable at him. It was for “roleplay” he had said.

“Do you want a safeword?” Sonic asked as he took his bracelets off. “Just so you’re comfortable?”

“I don’t need one. If I really need to break the scene, I’ll just hit you.”

Sonic laughed. “Any excuse to hit me, huh?”

“Don’t say it like that. I enjoy sparring with you, not hurting you.”

Sonic reached for his hand and squeezed it. “Shads, I know. It’s okay. I was just messing with you. Seriously though, let me know if I go too far, okay? We can stop at any time. I’m just happy you’re here, and that I have blackmail material for the rest of your life because wow do you look ridiculous in that outfit.”

“Shut up,” Shadow replied, his scowl not matching the bright colors he wore. Sonic put him in a jester costume of all things. When he brought it out, Shadow almost said no way, but he saw Sonic’s hopeful smile and couldn’t resist. Anything to make him happy.

“You’re so cute,” Sonic giggled as he flicked the bells on the outfit. “Thanks for letting me play with you tonight. Next time you can have your revenge.”

Shadow chuckled deep and low, the sound not matching his current appearance. “As you wish.”

Locking eyes with him, Shadow watched as the king took off his robes slowly and placed them on the four poster bed, as if to tease, yet kept his crown on, adjusting it just so, and his gloves. “As I wish, huh?” he asked, moving back towards the prince like a cat stalking a mouse. “On your knees, then.”

Shadow swallowed and slowly kneeled before the king, his head hung low. This was completely new territory for him, he had never roleplayed before, and a fierce blush rose from his neck to his ears at the thought of his partner using him as he wanted.

“A few ground rules,” the king started. “You will not speak unless spoken to. You will not touch yourself unless given permission. Only I will decide when you receive pleasure, and you will only get it if you’re good for me. You will let me use you as I see fit. You are your King’s toy tonight. Do you understand?”

Shadow underestimated how arousing this whole situation would be. There he sat, submissive, vulnerable, and powerless, so different from what he was used to, his only purpose to bring his king pleasure. He f*cking loved it.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Use me.”

Sonic smiled and crouched down so he was eye level with his new jester. “Seriously, stop me if it gets to be too much, okay? This is new for me too.”

The prince smiled and nodded, and Sonic gave him a quick peck on his lips.

Sonic stood and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up, the bells behind him jingling, and spoke in a low tone. “Now take care of your King.”

Shadow knew the significance of this. It wasn’t about titles. They were from different kingdoms, and if they wanted to get technical, Shadow and Sonic were equals. But in Sonic’s chambers, he held the power. Whatever he wanted, he would get.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the prince whispered as his chin was released and his eyes moved to blue furred thighs in front of his face. He could smell the king’s arousal, hearty and sweet. Shadow didn’t realize how into this whole roleplay thing Sonic actually was, and while he could argue this was the stupidest thing he had ever worn and the most humiliated he ever felt, he was also proud he could turn his partner on so much just by being submissive. The king never took advantage of his power like this, and it was hot. Running gloved hands up to Sonic’s hips, he pressed soft kisses on his lower belly, watching with satisfaction as he twitched and involuntarily sucked his stomach in, almost evading the sensations.

Shadow bit the glove off of his right hand, revealing trimmed and filed claws on three fingers. Slowly, experimentally, he ran his pointer and middle fingers lightly up the inside of Sonic’s thigh, earning him a frustrated whimper. Shadow knew he could get punished for denying him pleasure, but it was worth it to hear noises like that come from the proud, co*cky king.

Those two fingers snuck up to Sonic’s cl*t, making him jump and grab onto Shadow’s hat, the bells ringing suddenly and adding more sound effects to their activities. He moved his digits in tight circles, admiring Sonic’s anatomy all the while. The king’s body was so familiar to him now but he was still in awe every single time.

“Speak,” Sonic breathlessly commanded.

“I live to serve you, my King,” the prince responded immediately, still playing with Sonic’s cl*t but moving ruby eyes to meet emerald. “I shall give you anything you desire. I am yours.”

The words of worship hung in the air for a moment, neither of them saying anything. Their fun was just that so far, hookups and secret meetings and an alliance between their kingdoms. As the phrases left Shadow’s mouth, however, he finally recognized their relationship for what it truly was. The realization left him in awe.

Shadow was in love with the king. Through all of their interactions, he fell further and further, and he suddenly felt like he was looking at the world in a whole different light. He fell until he splashed down and Sonic pulled him up for air over and over again.

His fingers moved away and before Sonic could voice his protests, a long tongue replaced them, tearing a surprised gasp from the blue hedgehog.

Shadow ate him like his life depended on it, which in the fantasy world they were currently living in, it could. Shadow was nothing but a plaything, a fool, for Sonic to do whatever he wanted with.

The thought made him work even harder to bring his King to ecstasy. Past memories of the times he made Sonic come undone by his hand surfaced, and Shadow felt his hand move down in between his legs, feeling his swollen pouch and moaning around the wetness coating his lips.

Before Shadow could get far, Sonic grabbed his chin and shoved him backwards, causing him to spread his legs and catch himself.

“Is everything alright, Your Majesty?”

Panting, Sonic chuckled. “You dare touch yourself without my permission?”

sh*t. He honestly forgot touching himself was against the few rules the King had for him. Only I will decide when you receive pleasure, and you will only get it if you’re good for me.


“Did I give you permission to speak?” Sonic interrupted. “You deliberately disobeyed me. Maybe I should punish you.”

Sonic stalked towards Shadow again, who was still on his knees, but bracing himself on his arms after being shoved backwards. The blue hedgehog grabbed the quills hidden beneath his ridiculous hat and pulled, hard.

“But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Sonic whispered in Shadow’s ear as his breath sped up. “You’d like to get a punishment from your King. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how hard you are for me. I know you’d do anything to be inside me right now, wouldn’t you?”

“Y-yes, Your Majesty,” the prince whispered hotly, reduced to kneeling, panting, and so aroused he could feel adrenaline in his fingertips. Peach fingers drifted down his abdomen, making him flinch, and refused to give his aching co*ck the attention it so badly craved. When did he take his gloves off?

Shadow was then roughly pulled up by his quills and thrown onto the bed. The jingle of the bells on his gaudy outfit only made his red cheeks burn brighter, the humiliation of this whole situation making him feel both meek and completely turned on. Throughout all their play, they had never done anything like this before, but Sonic had suggested it, and Shadow could never back down from a challenge, even if the challenge wasn’t imposed on him forcefully. He was proud and stubborn, but despite that he was determined to give Sonic any and everything he wanted.

Shadow was his, mind, body and soul.

Flipping over onto his back, he felt the warmth of Sonic’s body as he climbed over him. “You’re mine,” Sonic whispered as he kissed up the side of Shadow’s neck. “You will not touch me unless I tell you to. You’re going to be nothing but my dild* tonight, do you understand?”

The prince nodded, raising his arms above his head to avoid temptation. The king grinned down at him like he could eat him alive and rocked his hips, finally giving him the smallest taste of friction. “You’re a good boy, Shadow. So good for your king.”

He nodded again and moaned as Sonic continued to grind on him. He could feel his dick slipping out faster than it ever had before, Sonic’s teasing and degrading words doing something unnatural to his libido.

“Don’t think you got out of your punishment though,” the king said as Shadow’s dick emerged fully and was coated in slick. “Maybe I want to watch you squirm until you can’t take it anymore, or maybe I want to edge you until you cry. Maybe I want to see the look in your eyes as you beg for me.”

If only he knew how close Shadow actually was to begging. The dark hedgehog never thought it could feel so good to give up power like this, he was normally the one to take control.

Sonic’s hips lifted and an involuntary whine escaped the prince’s throat. “Look at you, so needy. If you’re that impatient, maybe I should make you wait longer.”

Shadow pleaded with him by the look in his eyes, it was getting unbearable. “No,” he breathed, “no, please, Your Majesty.”

“Please, what?” the king responded as he leaned over so his face was inches with Shadow’s. “You want something? I thought you were just my dild* tonight. You’ll take what I give you.”

Scarlet eyes widened as a similar colored blush rose to his face. Damn. Sonic lifted the prince’s dick and the feeling of the king grabbing him made his hips buck involuntarily. Sonic glanced at his face, but took mercy on him and said nothing. Instead, he slowly started decending on him, teasing Shadow’s head inside his tight hole as he made circles with his hips, keeping what the makeshift jester really wanted just out of reach.

“f*ck,” he whispered under his breath. It was so good in the worst way, giving him just enough sensation to want more. Sonic lifted his hips and dropped them down a little further each time, but it still wasn’t enough.

“Quiet,” Sonic commanded in a way Shadow had never heard before, not even to his servants. “dild*s don’t talk, do they?”

Shadow shook his head and fought to hold back his frustrated moans. This was torture.

Without warning, Sonic dropped down completely, tearing a cry from Shadow. He was so tight; he could feel the moist walls twitching as they struggled to accommodate the sudden girth.

“Chaos, do I need to gag you? Or maybe I should stop, and let you lay there while you watch me cum. Is that what you want?” The king spat, hips still and a hand on Shadow’s chest as it quickly rose and fell, his fur damp with sweat.

Shadow closed his eyes and shook his head again, trying not to make any noise, but he knew Sonic better. This wasn’t their first rodeo, and he knew Sonic would be wanting the whole castle to hear him sooner rather than later. He just had to be good for this part.

When he didn’t respond, Sonic lifted his hips and slammed back down, taking his entire co*ck in one swift movement. He grit his teeth as Sonic grinded on him still deep inside. “Oh? What do we have here?”

Shadow opened his eyes, but didn’t have time to process anything before they were rolling back at the sensation of Sonic moving his hips back and forth while a peach hand dropped down and started squeezing his swelling knot.

“Look at you, so f*cking beautiful,” Sonic mumbled, Shadow was unsure if he was supposed to hear that or not. All he could focus on was the king riding him with a hand on his sensitive gland, taking whatever pleasure he wanted from his jester.

Sonic set the pace, blue hips rising and falling in a steady rhythm that would speed up and slow down over and over until the prince knew he was being edged. The torture was becoming unbearable, he was so close to begging again.

This pleasure, while a game, was also intimate. This was vulnerable in a way neither of them had ever experienced before. He watched himself disappear between blue thighs as Sonic’s eyes closed and threw his head back, one hand teasing his cl*t and the other grabbing at his chest, fingers playing with his nipple. He was a damn tease.

The king’s hand grabbed his face, tilting it so Shadow couldn’t look away.

“Who do you belong to? Tell me.”

Breathlessly, Shadow let out a soft moan that he had been holding back. “I’m yours, Your Majesty, f*ck, I belong to you.”

The king’s hips set a faster and more consistent pace. “Do you know what I want from you, my jester? I want you to knot me. I want you to fill me with your cum and give me an heir. You can do that for me, can’t you?”

The rational side of Shadow told him he should call a time-out, but he wasn’t using his rational side. “Anything for you, my King.”

Sonic’s breathy moan sent a shiver down his spine. “f*ck, I can’t take it anymore. Touch me.”

Immediately, a dark hand started rubbing his cl*t and the other grabbed his hip, guiding him up and down his dick, Sonic’s desperation pulling him closer to the edge than he would have liked. The king’s cries seemed endless, becoming louder every time the prince’s knot became closer to popping inside. He was the most regal like this, so beautiful. This was the closest Shadow would ever get to the divine.

“Shadow, Shadow, f*ck, I love you. f*ck.”

All he could do in that moment was lean forward and bury his face in the king’s squishy chest, feeling the exact same emotion but unable to voice it. All he could do was thrust up into Sonic harder, giving him what he knew he wanted.

“Ugh, f*ck me harder.”

Shadow growled, snapping his hips into Sonic’s faster and harder, kissing his cervix with each thrust.

“Shadow, I want you to look at me.”

He forced his eyes open and bit his lip, taking in Sonic’s debauched expression. Shadow proved he could be what his king needed, he must have, because Sonic licked his lips and threw his head back as he moaned, loud and long.

The makeshift jester was close, he knew it, but he couldn’t come before his king. He doubled his efforts, his fingers moving faster against his bud and digging his claws into his hip. Sonic shifted and changed the angle, pressing the tip of his dick right against his sweet spot deep inside, tearing a cry from him.

“Chaos, Shadow, you’re so f*cking good for me, you’re gonna make me f*cking cum. Is that what you want? You want your king to cum all over your hard co*ck?”

In lieu of responding, he worked him faster. He felt how close he was, the way his walls tightened around him, squeezing him for all he was worth. His face was grabbed again and forced to meet the king’s eyes.

“You respond when I’m speaking to you.”

“Y-yes, Your Majesty,” Shadow replied breathlessly, never ceasing his movements.

“Do it, jester. Make me cum.”

Shadow had his arm completely wrapped around the king’s waist now, lifting him and slamming him back down, rubbing him with vigor.

With one last powerful thrust, his knot slipped inside the desperate king, swelling into place and plugging him. The moment the prince felt himself sheath fully in Sonic’s hole, the king tensed and convulsed, his org*sm taking another long moan of relief from him. His walls gripped Shadow’s length, the pleasure nearly consuming him. The makeshift jester removed his hand from Sonic’s cl*t but maintained slow, shallow thrusts to avoid overstimulating him.

Panting, Sonic fell forward. Dark arms cradled him like something precious, holding him as if he never would again. Shadow let his eyes fall closed and placed chaste kisses against his shoulder, still holding back from chasing his own peak.

The shallow thrusts made the prince grit his teeth. “Your Majesty,” he mumbled into blue fur, “please.”

Sonic chuckled and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. “Please what? Tell me what you want.”

Shadow mumbled incoherent sentences into the king’s shoulder as Sonic rolled his hips, teasing.

“Please, I–I want to cum.”

Sonic wore a satisfied grin. “You wanna cum for me? You’ve been so good, go ahead. Give it to me.”

Given permission, Shadow finally f*cked into Sonic the way he’d been wanting to the whole time, short thrusts due to his knot locking them together, but no less steady or powerful. He could feel the warmth of pleasure that began to flow through his veins, the feeling mind-numbing, and Sonic was the only one who could get him there.

Sonic grinded his hips in time with Shadow’s thrusts, intensifying his pleasure, his reward for being such a good plaything. The feeling of satisfaction that he pleased his partner, the sensation of Sonic’s wet heat, and the dirty praises being whispered into his ear took him right up to the edge, and a low moan from the king sent him over it.

The prince groaned as the sensations that had been building up crashed into him like a tidal wave leaving him a breathless, soaked mess. He gasped and cried out as his dick pulsed and he emptied into the king, filling him up and giving him the heir he wanted.

Sonic was petting his head over his gaudy hat, soothing him as he came down, whispering that he did so well, he was so good for his king. Shadow smiled tiredly as he rested his face in the crook of Sonic’s neck.

They sat in each other’s arms for a long time, just breathing and holding each other.

“Did you mean it?” Shadow shifted and asked into the quiet space after some time, still locked inside Sonic.

Sonic lifted his head off of Shadow’s shoulder and tilted his head to the side, making his ears flop in the cutest f*cking way known to man. He glanced down and reached to release the clasp under his chin that held the jester hat on the prince’s head. “Did I mean what?”

“You said you loved me. Did you mean it?” Shadow knew he sounded pleading and uncertain, but despite everything they had just done, a little more vulnerability didn’t feel out of place.

Sonic removed the hat and threw it off the bed, the bells jingling abruptly as it hit the floor, and turned his head back to meet Shadow’s eyes. “Of course I did. You’re all I think about. I was so excited to write that letter inviting you back that my hand was shaking when I wrote it. I mean, I understand if you don’t feel the same way. We never really labeled what we do and that’s fine! Just having you around is enough for me, honestly.” His smile grew farther from his eyes with each sentence.

“Your Majesty, you misunderstand me,” Shadow reached to cup the king’s face, holding him gently. “I am utterly devoted to you. Anything you desire, it is yours. I am yours, if you’ll have me.”

Sonic lit up with a blush as his smile returned. “So that thing about giving me an heir…” Shadow could feel fidgeting on the back of his neck as Sonic nervously linked and unlinked his fingers together.

“What’s done is done. Like I said, I would give you anything.” A dark thumb brushed across the tan fur of the king’s muzzle, still glowing with a post-org*sm grin and hearts in his eyes.

“Care to prove it?” Sonic asked with a smirk and a sassy head tilt.

The prince grinned and flipped the king onto his back, finally ready to take him the way he knew they both wanted. Leaning in, Shadow whispered in the inches between their lips. “Absolutely.”

Limerence - aavocadotoastt - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Views: 6197

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.