KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (2024)

KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (1)

The new test server patch has been released featuring the new boss, Limbo! Normal Mode has already been cleared by a few parties and I believe there’s a party that was close to beating Hard Mode. It also has various other additions such as Hexa Stat II, the buff display settings feature, and the boss cutscene skip feature. Director Changseop had a Maple Now stream as well.

A few things to note that are not all related to this patch:

  1. Kobe and Steve have been unbanned (yay) so business will resume as usual!
  2. They released the beta MacOS client on the test server a couple of weeks ago. No timeline on when it will be released to the official server yet though.
  3. Nexon has applied for a new trademark titled ‘MapleStory Memories 2005’. It could mean nothing but also maybe an official pre-Big Bang client? The user-created MapleLand (in MapleStory Worlds) has been very popular so maybe they want to make their own version.
  4. In this patch, certain parts of the game data have been encrypted, meaning they can no longer be datamined. If they continue with this and encrypt the rest of it, I probably will not be able to extract items/skills/effects anymore so all screenshots will have to be taken manually in-game, which will be both more work and a lot less comprehensive. For example, I won’t be able to extract any gifs for anything from Limbo (which is sad because the visuals are amazing).

Thankfully this Maple Now was a bit shorter than usual. He said that a lot of the stuff in this patch was already mentioned and talked about during the Milestone showcase so he would focus on the new stuff instead.


  • Only about 5% of the Hyper Burning characters created this summer have reached level 260 so far (perhaps partly because there are two of them at the same time). Together with the various growth path changes and additions, they wanted to push players to reach level 260 and experience 6th job but felt that it still wasn’t enough looking at that number. Therefore, they created the Burning Express event to help provide additional level up support.
  • Arkarium, Orca, and Suu’s stories have been added to the One Page in Memory event. In addition, if you play through all of the Commanders’ stories, you can see the Epilogue and get a pretty chair.


  • The 17th Master Label: the Master Seraphim set has been released. It is designed with an angel concept + musket concept.
  • Not many people had the full set of Luna Petite pets. To give a little more incentive to buy them all and to reward players that already had them (considering its pretty expensive), they added a feature where the item loot range is slightly increased when you have a full set of 3 Luna Petite pets.
  • The new Skin Prism item allows you to change the hue, saturation, and brightness to create a custom skin colour.


  • They focused on the concept of Specters for this boss, and felt they did a very good job in both the cutscenes and boss designs.
  • Similar to Suu which could only be challenged in a party of 1~2 players, Limbo can only be challenged in a party of 1~3 players. They’re trying to change the ‘meta’ of always fighting bosses in a party of 6 and give players a different type of experience.
  • Of course, things are still subject to change when it comes to the official server.
  • As mentioned in the showcase, Limbo drops the new Whisper of the Source ring, a Limboroid, and the Distorted Desire’s Crystal which can be collected and used to get the new Ethernal Shoes/Gloves/Cape.
  • In addition, new Ethernal Armor Boxes have been added to Chaos/Extreme Kalos, Hard/Extreme Kaling, and Hard Limbo. These respective boxes let you choose one of the Ethernal pieces that each boss currently provides.
  • The Frenzy of the Source event is similar to the event held for the Suu remaster, where players were rewarded for clearing the new boss. However, this time, Hard Limbo is a higher tier boss that less players will be able to clear than Extreme Suu so it’s a little bit different.
  • Hard Limbo will not be accessible in the official server right after the patch ends. Instead, it will open the next day, on Friday July 19 at 7:00 PM. Although they’re working hard to make sure there are no bugs, usually there ends up being changes and minor patches on the first day of a patch so they want to add some leeway for last minute bugs. Practice Mode will still be available for players to try out.

Boss Reward Changes

  • This was something not mentioned in the showcase so he wanted to talk about it and explain their intentions.
  • Seren (Hard/Extreme), Kalos (Chaos/Extreme), and Kaling (Hard/Extreme) now drop already crafted Small Enriched Experience Accumulation Potions. Kalos (Chaos/Extreme), and Kaling (Hard/Extreme) now drop Ethernal Armor Boxes that let you choose one of the Ethernal pieces they provide instantly.
  • They wanted to try and solve the issue where in many cases, challenging a harder boss ended up being less rewarding for players. They also wanted to make those items more easily accessible at the same time.
  • Intense Power Crystals are now separated into Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Crystals. The total number of Crystals that can be sold per week remain the same at 180.
  • However, you will now only receive the mesos for the top 12 Weekly Crystals you sell. In exchange, the selling prices of Crystals for bosses above a certain level have been increased. You can think of it as getting a similar amount of mesos as before. The exception is Chaos Dusk, which was lowered (and Hard Will was notably increased). This was because they looked at the clear rates and there was a big difference in difficulty between those two which was not represented in the Crystal prices.
  • The reason for this change was that as they continue adding more bosses at this increased pace, lower tier bosses lose any sort of challenge and just end up being meaningless ‘homework’. This system will allow players to skip more lower tier bosses while still getting about the same amount of mesos by just killing the top 12 bosses they can. They have no intention of drastically changing the amount of mesos received from bossing.

Hexa Stat

  • The second Hexa Stat Core requires more Sol Erda/Sol Erda Fragments to activate. This was done to adjust the consumption of Fragments to an appropriate level of difficulty.
  • A new Sunday Maple effect has been added where if your Hexa Stat’s Main Stat is level 5 or higher, the chance of enhancing the Main Stat is increased by 20%. They added this because as they were looking at Hexa Stat, they saw that most players achieved a certain level of Hexa Stat and kept them like that, so they wanted to motivate players to aim for a higher level.

Other Information

  • To improve accessibility, for players that have visual impairments and had trouble doing the existing Macro Detection system tasks, they have designed a Sound Lie Detector as an alternative. Players that require this accomodation can talk to Customer Support to have their account setting updated.
  • They have also added an Accessibility page on their website and encourage all players to share if there are any things that can be done to improve the game’s inconveniences as needed.
  • They have applied DirectX 11 on the test server for testing. While players probably won’t see any differences, it’s an essential change that will allow them to expand content more in the future.
  • You can now move from boss entry map to boss entry map through the Boss UI/Maple Scheduler. You don’t need to leave the map before you go to the next boss anymore, so it’s more convenient.
  • The next patch after this will be done on the official server on a Tuesday rather than the usual Thursday due to the public holiday, National Liberation Day of Korea.
  • Replying to some of the comments, he said that as mentioned in the Milestone showcase, they’re currently working on some skill changes but they’re still prioritizing other tasks at the moment. They will release them when its appropriate.
  • New Boss: Limbo
  • Frenzy of the Source
  • Ethernal Equipment
  • Boss Reward Changes
  • New Boss Medals
  • Intense Power Crystal Reorganization
  • Exceptional Enhancement Reorganization
  • HEXA Stat
  • Macro Detection System <Sound Lie Detector>
  • Buff Display Settings System
  • DirectX 11 Application
  • Boss Battle Cutscene Skip Feature
  • Cash
  • Improvements
    • Bosses
    • Skills
    • Quests
    • Items
    • Androids
    • Maps
    • UI
    • Events
  • Error Fixes
    • Skills
    • Quests
    • Items
    • NPCs
    • Maps
    • UI
    • Quick Character Change
  • Events
    • Burning Express
    • Zero to One Hundred
    • One Page in Memory
      • Spirits’ Emotions
      • Von Leon’s Elite Swordsmanship
      • Event Achievements
    • Burning World 1st Early Leap

Limbo, who tried to become a true Specter, has encroached on Keira. Inside Limbo’s imaginary space, stop him from reaching the knowledge of the Source!

Participation Requirements:

  • Level 285 or higher characters that have completed the ‘[Carcion] Letter from Across the Continent’ quest.

Participation Method:

  • Enter through the Gate in Carcion: Temple of Tears.

※ In the official server, Hard Mode can only be entered starting on July 19 at 7:00 PM.

※ Hard Mode’s challenge time may change. If there are any changes, it will be notified through a separate notice.

The following items have been added.

  • Whisper of the Source
    • Level 250 ring
    • 10 all stats, 500 HP/MP, 5 attack/magic attack
    • 3 slots
    • Tradable until equipped, can be traded with the Platinum Karma Scissors (5 Scissor Count)
    • Only drops from Hard Mode.
  • Limboroid
  • Distorted Desire’s Crystal
  • Desired Ethernal Armor Box
    • Only drops from Hard Mode.
  • Limbo’s Soul Shard

※ You can use the Desired Ethernal Armor Box to acquire 1 Ethernal Shoes, Gloves, or Cape.

Limbo’s Souls have been added.

  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (15) Limbo’s Soul
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (16) Magnificent Limbo’s Soul

Limbo’s Soul Skills have been added.

  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (18) Surging Shadow: [Master Level: 2]
    Using the Soul Weapon’s power, the summoned Surging Shadow unleashes a powerful strike on nearby enemies.
    • [Level 2]
      Consumes 200 Soul and deals 1200% damage 4 times on up to 15 enemies. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (21) Limbo of the Source: [Master Level: 2]
    What appearance does Limbo take after reaching the Source? When you use the Soul Skill, either Limbo That Reached the Truth – Black or Limbo That Reached the Truth – White will be summoned. Each Limbo has a different attack pattern.
    • [Level 2]
      Consumes 250 Soul and summons 1 Limbo for 120 seconds that deals 2200% damage.
      The Soul Weapon summon’s damage is calculated differently than the character.
      Cooldown: 150 seconds.

Limbo related achievements have been added.

  • [Limbo] Slowimbo Defeat Completed
  • [Limbo] You Can Never Escape Hahaha!
  • [Limbo] Until I Take Your Soul!
  • [Limbo] Lie Down and Do the Limbo
  • [Limbo] To Survive Means To Be Strong
  • [Limbo] I Don’t Listen to Orders From Those Weaker Than Me
  • [Limbo] Hmph, Is This All There Is?
  • [Limbo] What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
  • [Limbo] Defeat Isn’t in my Dictionary!
  • [Limbo] The Turmoil of the Mind… I Just Took Advantage of That
  • [Limbo] 5 Kills 0 Deaths
  • [Limbo] I’ve Never Been Eroded by Darkness
  • [Limbo] Now Limbo Is… In. Your. Hands.
  • [Limbo] Whisper of the Source, You’re Mine!
  • [Limbo] Limbo’s Foolish Desire
  • [Limbo] I Thought This Might Happen, So I Equipped a Whisper of the Source

Boss Limbo’s Story Mode has been added.

  • The monster Limbo that appears in the ‘[Carcion] Last Chance’ quest has been replaced by the boss Limbo’s Story Mode.

※ If you haven’t completed the ‘[Carcion] Last Chance’ quest yet, you must re-challenge Story Mode Limbo.

[Back to Overview]


Limbo has two Modes and can only be fought in a party of 1~3 players. Both Modes require 500 Authentic Force.

  • Normal Mode:
    • Level: 285
    • HP: 2.1q/2.1q/2.625q
    • Defense: ?%
  • Hard Mode:
    • Level: 285
    • HP: 4.2q/4.2q/5.61q
    • Defense: ?

There are three main mechanics that are shared between all 3 phases of Limbo.

  • Erosion Value:
    • This value is displayed below the timer and in the party member HP UI (however, they are opposite, e.g. 300 Erosion Value will be displayed as 700 in the party UI).
    • If the Erosion Value hits 1000, you will die out of the boss.
    • If you die by hitting 0 HP, the Erosion Value will go up by 150.
    • This value is separate for each party member.
    • Various attacks and mechanics will increase and decrease the Erosion Value.
  • Purifying Energy:
    • This is a special skill you can use by pressing the Harvest/NPC Chat key.
    • It will slowly charge up over time, and can be used when it’s full.
    • In each phase, it will lower the Risk Gauge and have an additional special effect.
  • Risk Gauge:
    • This gauge is displayed above the Purifying Energy skill.
    • In each phase, it will function differently.

Phase 1

In this phase, you will face Specter A and Specter B. The two bosses share the same HP bar. The phase will start against Specter A, then every 1 minute 40 seconds, it will swap to the other Specter. You can see the time until the next swap underneath the Erosion Value, and Limbo in the background will also grow bigger and bigger.

In this phase, the Risk Gauge starts at 100% and is separate for each party member. Every time it swaps to the other Specter, your Erosion Value will be increased by the value of the Risk Gauge and then the Risk Gauge will be reset to 100%. You must use the Purifying Energy skill 10 times to fully empty the Gauge.

  • Specter A:
    • Specter A creates an Erosion Area across the entire map, which will increase your Erosion if you stand in it. You must stay within the circular barrier around Specter A to avoid this.
    • You can use the Purifying Energy skill to avoid having your Erosion increased if you are outside the area, for 5 seconds.
  • Specter B:
    • The platforms along the bottom of the map will be destroyed intermittently by Limbo and Specter B’s attacks.
    • If you fall into the spaces left behind when a platform disappears, your Erosion Value will be increased.
    • You can use the Purifying Energy skill to restore a destroyed platform.

Phase 2

In this phase, you will face Specter C and Specter D. This phase is split into two segments. You will fight Specter C in the first segment and Specter D in the second segment.

In this phase, the Risk Gauge starts at 0% and is shared by the entire party. It will gradually increase over time, and as it increases, each boss will use extra attacks and patterns. If it reaches 100% in either segment, special patterns will be activated.

  • Specter C:
    • Along both sides of the map, there will be Carnivorous Plant Specters that attack if you go near them.
    • When the HP reaches 80%, it will fuse with the Carnivorous Plant Specters on the sides of the map and use them as its arms.
    • If the Risk Gauge reaches 100%, it will move to the center of the map and use a powerful attack. It will do a set of preview effects that indicate either up or down, and you will have to dodge the following attacks in that same order. Then it will attack left and right.
    • You can use the Purifying Energy skill to weaken the Specter C’s separated energy.
  • Segment:
    • When the HP reaches 50%, a special map pattern will activate. You will be moved to ‘The Space Where the Other Side of Truth Exists’ for a short minigame.
    • You will be in a circular map where the Shadow of the Source appears. You must jump on the Thought Fragments to create thorns on the other side of the circle to hit the Shadow.
    • The Shadow of the Source will be defeated after being hit 3 times. If you do so, your Erosion Value will be decreased by 150.
    • There is no penalty for not killing it in time, but the faster you do, the faster you can start fighting Specter D in segment 2-2.
  • Specter D:
    • Tightening Predator marks will appear above a random player at regular intervals. After a short time, a horizontal or vertical teeth-shaped attack will occur at the player’s location. If you dodge this attack, an afterimage will be left at that location. If you touch the afterimage, a laser in the same direction as the teeth attack will be activated at that location.
    • If the Risk Gauge reaches 25%/50%/75%/100%, barriers will be created on the map that block off the left/right/bottom/top parts of the map. If the Risk Gauge falls below each value, the corresponding barriers will disappear.
    • If the Risk Gauge reaches 100%, you will not be able to use any skills or the Purifying Energy skill, and the barriers will cover the entire map, forcing all players into an Orb Avoidance pattern. You must avoid the small floating Orbs that explode when you go near them as well as the large flying Orbs that move along straight paths randomly. Getting hit will increase your Erosion Value. You cannot use any movement or invincibility skills.
    • You can use the Purifying Energy skill to remove some nearby Tightening Predators’ afterimages.

Phase 3

In this phase, you will face Limbo That Reached the Truth – Black and Limbo That Reached the Truth – White. The two bosses share the same HP bar. Every 1 minute 40 seconds, it will swap to the other form. You can see the time until the next swap underneath the Erosion Value.

In this phase, the Risk Gauge starts at 100% and is separate for each party member. Every time it swaps to the other form, your Erosion Value will be increased by the value of the Risk Gauge and then the Risk Gauge will be reset to 100%. You must use the Purifying Energy skill 10 times to fully empty the Gauge.

Note: I am using the Namu Wiki page for these mechanics and they haven’t added Phase 3 yet. I’ll try to add what I understand so far from watching videos but hopefully it will be more detailed by the official server release.

  • Limbo That Reached the Truth – Black:
    • Limbo creates an Erosion Area across the entire map, which will increase your Erosion if you stand in it. You must stay within the circular barrier around Limbo to avoid this.
    • Periodically, contaminated areas will be created along the floor. If a certain number of contaminated areas cover the map, the special pattern will activate.
    • In the special pattern, a blue water droplet shaped barrier will spawn on the map. You have to stay in the barrier until the end of the pattern. However, Limbo will continously teleport to you and try to push you away. If you are pushed while inside the barrier, it will gradually get smaller and smaller. If you successfully pass this pattern, your Erosion Value will be decreased (and increased if you fail).
    • You can use the Purifying Energy skill to remove 1 contaminated area and avoid having your Erosion increased if you are outside the area, for 5 seconds.
  • Limbo That Reached the Truth – White:
    • Barriers will be created periodically that block off the left/right sides of the map.
    • If around 2/3 of the map gets blocked off, the special pattern will activate.
    • In the special pattern, where pillars will fall across the map. You must get hit by the blue pillars to create a barrier that protects you from the final attack. If you successfully pass this pattern, your Erosion Value will be decreased (and increased if you fail).
    • You can use the Purifying Energy skill to slow down the rate at which parts of the map are blocked off.


Since I can’t extract gifs for the boss and I’m not strong enough to do the entire boss fight on the test world, I’ll share this video made by the MapleStory YouTuber 춘자. I suggest you watch the whole thing because the visuals of this boss are insane (it probably wouldn’t have looked a fraction as good even if I could show gifs), but here are the important timestamps.

  • 0:10: Phase 1 entry cutscene
  • 0:28: Phase 1 Specter A
  • 2:11: Phase 1 swap cutscene
  • 2:17: Phase 1 Specter B
  • 6:05: Phase 2 entry cutscene
  • 6:25: Phase 2-1 Specter C
  • 6:43: Phase 2-1 Specter C absorbs the Carnivorous Plant Specters
  • 7:55: Phase 2-1 Specter C 100% Risk Gauge special pattern
  • 8:54: Phase 2-1 segment minigame
  • 9:20: Phase 2-2 Specter D
  • 10:38: Phase 2-2 Specter D 100% Risk Gauge special pattern
  • 13:09: Phase 3 entry cutscene
  • 13:40: Phase 3 Limbo That Reached the Truth – Black
  • 15:24: Phase 3 swap cutscene
  • 15:30: Phase 3 Limbo That Reached the Truth – White
  • 16:45: Phase 3 Limbo That Reached the Truth – White special pattern
  • 21:18: Phase 3 defeated
  • 21:30: Reward map

[Back to Overview]

Limbo, the Specter that has reached the Source, is trying to devour Carcion and all life. Stop Limbo and unleash the power of purification!

Event Participation Requirements:

  • Level 101 or higher characters. Or a Zero character that has completed Chapter 2.

Event Period:

  • July 18, 2024 after the maintenance ~ August 12 at 11:59 PM.

Event Reward Claim Period:

  • July 18, 2024 after the maintenance ~ August 13 before the maintenance.

You can select the‘Frenzy of the Source’ event in the Event Listand click the‘Participate’ buttonto start the ‘[Frenzy of the Source] Cradle of Fading Life’ quest.

You can clear Normal or Hard Mode Limbo and receive rewards from each mission. If you clear Hard Mode Limbo and meet the conditions for the First Defeat mission, you can receive special rewards. If any party clears Hard Mode Limbo during the event period, all users who have participated in the event will receive congratulatory rewards.

※ If you are logged in to another account in the same Nexon ID at the same time, you cannot participate in the Defeat event.

※ You cannot participate in each Defeat event mission if you are not on Green PC.

Defeat Mission

You can complete the Defeat Mission by defeating Normal or Hard Mode Limbo 1 time during the event period. The Defeat record is shared between characters within the sam world, and all rewards can only be claimed 1 time per Maple ID.

Waving Source1Can only be put into storagePermanent
Specter Mask Voucher1Can only be put into storage7 Days

※ You must enter the reward map after defeating Limbo to meet the event participation conditions.

※ You can participate in this event even if you defeat Limbo in a party of 2 or more players.

※ Story Mode Limbo is not included in the event participation conditions.

※ The item acquired from using the Specter Mask Voucher is permanent and untradable.

First Defeat Mission

You can complete the First Defeat Mission by being one of the first 3 parties that defeat Hard Mode Limbo during the event period. If you complete the First Defeat mission, you can acquire the following rewards through the Event List during the separate reward claiming period.

5m Maple Points Voucher1Untradable7 Days
Ruler of the Source Medal1UntradablePermanent
Shadow of the Source Effect Voucher1Can only be put into storage7 Days
Source’s Nametag Ring Voucher1Can only be put into storage7 Days
Source’s Chat Bubble Ring Voucher1Can only be put into storage7 Days

※ Limbo (Hard) entry will be available after July 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM.

※ The First Defeat mission rewards can only be claimed 1 time per Nexon ID.

※ The First Defeat mission rewards can be claimed after the August 13, 2024 maintenance.

After defeating Limbo (Hard), you must defeat the reward monster ‘Paradoxical Truth’ to meet the event participation conditions.

※ The items acquired from using the ‘Shadow of the Source Effect Voucher’, ‘Source’s Nametag Ring Voucher’, and ‘Source’s Chat Bubble Ring Voucher’ are permanent and untradable.

※ If you participate in the event in an abnormal way, your game or content usage will be restricted and you will not be eligible for rewards even if you were one of the people who successfully defeated the boss first.

※ If your game usage is restricted due to violations of the operating policy during the event period, you may be excluded from receiving the First Defeat mission rewards.

Congratulatory Rewards

If Limbo (Hard) is defeated for the first time during the event period, all participants who have completed the event beginning quest through the Event List can claim congratulatory rewards.

VIPBooster10Can only be put into storage7 Days
1 Festival Record Voucher1,000Can only be put into storage7 Days
Prepared Spirit Pendant Voucher(30 Days)1Can only be put into storage7 Days
Soft/Blush Petal Skin Voucher1Can only be put into storage7 Days
Light of Purification Effect Voucher1Can only be put into storage7 Days

※ Each reward can only be claimed 1 time per Maple ID.

※ The Festival Record Vouchers can only be used by characters that have completed the ‘[Book of Forgotten Festivals] Festivals Forgotten in Memory’ quest.

[Back to Overview]

The following Ethernal equipment have been added.

  • Ethernal Knight Shoes
  • Ethernal Mage Shoes
  • Ethernal Archer Shoes
  • Ethernal Thief Shoes
  • Ethernal Pirate Shoes
  • Ethernal Knight Gloves
  • Ethernal Mage Gloves
  • Ethernal Archer Gloves
  • Ethernal Thief Gloves
  • Ethernal Pirate Gloves
  • Ethernal Knight Cape
  • Ethernal Mage Cape
  • Ethernal Archer Cape
  • Ethernal Thief Cape
  • Ethernal Pirate Cape

You can use 10 ‘Distorted Desire’s Crystals’ acquired by defeating Limbo to acquire 1 of the newly added Ethernal Shoes, Gloves, or Cape.

The Ethernal equipment’s 6, 7, and 8 set effects have been added.

6 SetAttack/Magic Attack: +40
Boss Damage: +15%
7 SetAll Stats: +50
Max HP/MaxMP : +2500
Attack/Magic Attack: +40
Boss Damage: +15%
8 SetAttack/Magic Attack: +40
Boss Damage: +15%

[Back to Overview]

New boss rewards have been added.

  • Chosen Seren (Hard/Extreme)
    • Small Enriched Experience Accumulation Potion (tradable, permanent)
  • Watcher Kalos (Chaos/Extreme)
    • Determined Ethernal Armor Box (untradable, 7 days)
    • Small Enriched Experience Accumulation Potion (tradable, permanent)
  • Kaling (Hard/Extreme)
    • Ferocious Ethernal Armor Box (untradable, 7 days)
    • Small Enriched Experience Accumulation Potion (tradable, permanent)

※ You can acquire 1 Ethernal Hat, Top, or Bottom from the Determined Ethernal Armor Box.

※ You can acquire 1 Ethernal Top, Bottom, or Shoulder from the Ferocious Ethernal Armor Box.

※ These items are dropped at a set rate, and item drop rate increasing effects are not applied.

※ The item drop rates are based on the boss monsters’ difficulties.

The following boss rewards have been removed.

  • Chosen Seren (Hard/Extreme)
    • Primal Essence
    • Small Experience Accumulation Potion
    • Small Enriched Experience Accumulation Potion Recipe
  • Watcher Kalos (Chaos/Extreme)
    • Primal Essence
    • Small Experience Accumulation Potion
    • Small Enriched Experience Accumulation Potion Recipe
  • Kaling (Hard/Extreme)
    • Primal Essence
    • Small Experience Accumulation Potion
    • Small Enriched Experience Accumulation Potion Recipe

[Back to Overview]

New medals have been added that can be acquired when you defeat Grandis bosses on Hard/Chaos Mode or higher.

  • Chosen Seren: The One That Fought Against the Sun
  • Watcher Kalos: The One That Liberated the Watcher
  • Kaling: The One That Returned the Four Seasons
  • Limbo: The One That Uncovered the Source

[Back to Overview]

Intense Power Crystals have been split into Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Crystals.

It has been changed so that only up to 12 Weekly Crystals can be sold per character.

  • You can check the record for the weekly bosses’ Intense Power Crystal sold this week through the Collector NPC. The sale record and number will be reset every Thursday at 12:00 AM.
  • If you have a Crystal whose value is higher than the value of a Crystal you have already sold, you can acquire mesos equal to the difference. In this case, the additionally sold Crystal will not be included in the per world limit.
  • Through the ‘Sell Weekly’ button, you can sell the Weekly Boss Crystals with the highest values among the ones in your inventory. If you have Crystals with a higher value than the ones you have already sold, you can acquire mesos equal to the difference.
  • Through the ‘Sell All’ button, you can sell all of the Crystals in your inventory. If the Weekly Crystal limit has been reached, all Crystals other than Weekly Crystals will be sold.

The selling prices for Intense Power Crystals of certain high difficulty bosses have been increased.

  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (48)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (49)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (50)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (51)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (52)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (53)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (54)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (55)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (56)

[Back to Overview]

Exceptional Parts have been changed into Exceptional Hammers as follows.

Nightmare FragmentExceptional Hammer(Belt)
Gravity ModuleExceptional Hammer(Face Accessory)
Mark of DestructionExceptional Hammer(Eye Accessory)
Helmet of LoyaltyExceptional Hammer(Earrings)

※ When the official server is updated, Exception Parts currently in characters’ inventories will be changed into the corresponding Exceptional Hammers.

Exceptional Enhancements have been changed as follows.

  • The Exceptional Enhancement UI can now be opened by using an Exceptional Hammer or through the Wandering Blacksmith NPC.
  • Accessories in the Pitched Boss Set can be granted up to 1 Exceptional Enhancement. Accessories in the Brilliant Boss Set can be granted up to 3 Exceptional Enhancements.
  • Starting from the 2nd Exceptional Enhancement, the success rate will decrease. Through the success rate additional increase option, you can increase the Exceptional Enhancement success rate by using additional Exceptional Hammers and mesos.

A feature to extract Exceptional Hammers using mesos has been added.

  • When extracting, the registered equipment’s number of Exceptional Enhancements will be decreased by 1 and an Exceptional Hammer matching the equipment type will be extracted.
  • The Exceptional Hammer extraction has a 100% success rate.

An Exceptional Enhancement related NPC has been added.

  • Wandering Blacksmith

The following achievements’ completion conditions have been changed to use Exceptional Hammers.

  • [Exceptional] Gravity Control Limiter Release
  • [Exceptional] Unescapable Nightmare
  • [Exceptional] The Wolf Released From Its Shackles
  • [Exceptional] I Pledge Eternal Loyalty

[Back to Overview]

The Stat Core II can now be activated.

  • Only characters level 265 or higher and have a level 20 Stat Core I can activate Stat Core 2.
  • Stat Core II requires 10 Sol Erda and 200 Sol Erda Fragments to activate.
  • Stat Core II requires 20m mesos to reset its enhancement information.

A Hexa Stat related Sunday Maple effect has been added.

  • When the Main Stat level is level 5 or higher, the chance of enhancing the Main Stat is increased by 20%.

[Back to Overview]

The Macro Detection System <Sound Lie Detector> has been added.

  • The <Sound Lie Detector> is a lie detector system that replaces the existing macro detection system only for players that have difficulty using the existing system due to visual impairments.
  • When the <Sound Lie Detector> is activated, a separate minigame UI is displayed and a random four digit number is designated as the correct answer.
  • When you click the Play button at the top left of the UI, the correct answer is played as a normal sound effect. You can enter the correct answer by clicking the number buttons on the right side of the UI.
  • You will be giving a 60 second time limit and 5 tries to input the correct answer. If the time limit ends or you do not input the correct answer within 5 tries, it will be treated as a failure.
  • If you fail repeatedly, your game usage may be restricted in accordance with the operating policy regarding repeated lie detector detections.

※ Separate supporting documents are required to use the Sound Lie Detector as an alternative. Players who wish to use it can submit a 1:1 inquiry through the [Customer Support] menu.

※ Only 1 Maple ID per game account name can be designated to use the alternative Sound Lie Detector.

[Back to Overview]

The Buff Display Settings system has been added.

  • A system to set the character’s buff display format has been added.
  • You can set the buff display format by using Buff Automatic Sort and Minimize, and Buff Bookmarks.
  • This feature can be used through the in-game Settings – Options.

You can set the display format of the upper right buff display area using the Buff Automatic Sort and Minimize feature.

  • When the Buff Automatic Sort feature is applied, the upper right buff display area will be sorted in the following order.
    • Skill buffs from the character’s job.
    • Common skill buffs.
    • Item buffs.
    • Skill buffs from other jobs.
  • The Buff Minimize feature allows you to hide each buff section grouped by the Automatic Sort, and is only applied when the Automatic Sort is being used.

You can display bookmarked buffs in your desired location using the Buff Bookmark feature.

  • You can use the Options UI to turn the Buff Bookmark feature on or off.
  • You can set the detailed list of skills registered as Buff Bookmarks using the Buff Bookmark Settings UI. This UI can be opened through the Options UI’s Buff Bookmark Settings button.
  • All skills learned by the character can be registered as Bookmarks. However, certain skills, including guild skills, riding skills, and event skills, cannot be registered.

In the in-game Settings – Options, the UI tab has been added.

  • The existing Graphics tab’s UI category has been moved to the UI tab.
  • The existing Game tab’s Input category has been moved to the UI tab.
  • The Buff Display Settings category has been added.

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DirectX 11 will be applied to MapleStory.

  • This will be applied only to the test world and will be applied to the official server after sufficient stability testing and optimization.

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The Boss Battle Cutscene Skip feature has been added. This applies to the following bosses.

  • Suu
  • Demian
  • Lucid
  • Guardian Angel Slime
  • Will
  • Jin Hilla
  • Black Mage
  • Seren
  • Kalos
  • Kaling
  • Limbo

If the party leader presses the ESC key during a boss cutscene, the cutscene will be skipped.

  • If the party leader disconnects, the feature will be delegated to another party member.

[Back to Overview]

The Luna Petite pets’ 3 set effect has been changed.

  • The attack/magic attack boost has been increased from 12 to 18.
  • When the 3 set effect is activated, each Luna Petite pet’s item acquisition range will now be increased.

[Back to Overview]


It has been improved so that you can move between boss entry maps through the Boss UI/Maple Scheduler.

  • When you exit a boss entry map, you will be moved to the map you first attempted to enter.
  • If you use a Teleport item or move to a boss entry map through an adjacent map’s portal, you will be moved to the adjacent map when you exit.

[Back to Overview]



  • Fixed an issue where Sol Janus: Dawn activated when using certain skills. The changed skills are as follows.
    • Common Archer – Guided Arrow
    • Archmage (F/P) – Ignite
    • Bowmaster – Quiver Cartridge, Flash Mirage, Silhouette Mirage, Arrow Rain
    • Battle Mage – Dark Lightning, Dark Genesis
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (71) Hero’s Echo/Exclusive Spell/Intensive Time: The cooldown has been changed to 300 seconds.


  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (72)KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (73) Fox Spirit/Fox Spirit VI: When the targeted enemy disappears, the re-search range for nearby enemies has been decreased by about 13% vertically and increased by about 10% horizontally.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (74) Soul Splitter: When Soul Splitter hits an enemy but there is no platform where the Wall of Flames can be created and the cooldown is reset, a system message will now be displayed.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (75) Fox God Beginning: When the Fox Spirit Orb’s targeted enemy disappears, the re-search range for nearby enemies has been increased by about 119% horizontally.

[Back to Overview]


It has been improved so that only characters that have completed the 1st job advancement or higher can proceed with the level 190 Cross Hunter quests.

It has been improved so that you can freely enter and exit the level 190 Cross Hunter quests’ maps.

It has been improved so that even if you disconnect while doing the ‘[Alliance] When a Decision Must Be Made’ quest, the progress will not be reset.

The ‘[Zakum] Fear of the Giant Statue’ quest has been changed to inform you that you can enter through the Boss UI instead of teleporting you.

The Seren story boss has been added to the ‘[Cernium (After)] Divide and Rule’ quest.

[Back to Overview]


Fixed an issue where there was an awkward message if you used the Spiegella’s Golden Strawberry Farm Entry Ticket in an area where you could not move to the <Golden Strawberry Farm Entrance>.

It has been improved so that Experience Coupon items can be more easily distinguished.

  • 1.5x Experience Coupon and 3x Experience Coupon items’ icons have been changed.

It has been improved so that Soul Enchanters and Soul items can be used by double-clicking them.

  • When you double-click an item, you can instantly use it on equipment in your inventory.
  • Soul Enchanter items’ descriptions have been changed to match the additional usage method.

It has been improved so that when using Gold Hammers, the special UI will no longer be displayed and they are instantly used.

The following buffs will no longer be lost when the client disconnects.

  • Union’s Luck Stage 1
  • Union’s Luck Stage 2
  • Union’s Luck Stage 3
  • Union’s Wealth Stage 1
  • Union’s Wealth Stage 2
  • Union’s Wealth Stage 3

Guide text has been added to the Blush Goblin Voucher tooltip.

It has been improved so that when trying to equip a Cash shield on a Zero character, a guide message that indicates it cannot be equipped will appear.

The Colouring Prism UI has been changed so that you can now adjust the hue/saturation/brightness by inputting numbers.

The Syncroid’s item description has been changed.

[Back to Overview]


The item slots that can be equipped on Androids have been expanded.

  • Weapon
  • Eye Accessory
  • Earrings
  • Rings

Androids will apply one-handed weapon motions. You cannot equip items that only cover two-handed weapons.

It has been improved so that the Android’s hair, face, and skin information are displayed in the Android Equipment UI.

[Back to Overview]


The Secret Record Recovery (Battle Map)’s map size has been slightly increased.

[Back to Overview]


The number of characters that you can move with the Burning World Leap will now be displayed in Burning World’s Character Select screen.

Fixed an issue in the Maple Guide UI where certain button images were awkward.

The design of the 2nd password input window displayed in-game has been changed.

  • The design of the 2nd password input window displayed on the login screen will remain the same.

In the Event List, if there is an event reward that can be claimed, it will be displayed on the corresponding event’s tab.

  • The period during which this information is displayed may vary depending on the event.

In the Character Select screen, Aran and Eunwol’s insignia images have been changed.

[Back to Overview]


The ‘Book of Forgotten Festivals’ 30th Basic Investigation reward has been changed to a ‘Fairy Heart Voucher’.

[Back to Overview]



  • Fixed an issue where if you tried to re-use Noblesse skills without enough mesos, the ‘This skill cannot be used yet’ message would be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Another World’s Goddess’ Blessing skill’s Another World’s Void sometimes activated abnormally.
  • Fixed an issue where the icon when hovering over the Petite Lantern Butterfly set’s Butterfly Garden’s Light Lv. 3 skill looked awkward.

Soul Master

  • Element: Soul’s skill description has been changed.
  • Fixed an issue where some of Soul Eclipse’s effects sometimes did not disappear.


  • Fixed an issue where Adrenaline Boost Activate’s skill icon looked awkward if you changed channels during Adrenaline Maximum’s Hyper Awakening.
  • Fixed an issue where after entering Adrenaline Maximum’s Hyper Awakening, if you entered Adrenaline Boost after Hyper Awakening’s duration ended, the duration would sometimes be applied inconsistently.
  • Advanced Final Attack’s skill icon has been changed.


  • Fixed an issue where if you changed maps or channels or used the Cash Shop while using Reincarnated Fox God, Fox Light’s activation duration would be reset.
  • Spirit Gate’s skill description has been changed.
  • Fixed an issue where Spirit Gate was displayeed as a buff icon.


  • Fixed an issue where MP was not consumed when Xenon used Hero’s Echo.


  • Fixed an issue where Glory Wings: Mortal Wingbeat and Glory Wings: Mortal Wingbeat VI’s damage was sometimes not applied properly.
  • Fixed an issue where there was an awkward system message displayed when using Crystal Skill: Deus.

[Back to Overview]


Fixed an issue where the Ereb map did not change even after completing the ‘Accident in Ereb’ quest.

Fixed an issue where characters that did not have a weapon and secondary weapon equipped could not complete quests in Strange Mu Lung, Strage Another Entrance, and Strange Ariant.

Fixed an issue where you could continuously receive Kinesis’ weapon and secondary weapon from the NPC Jay.

Fixed an issue where the ‘[Black Heaven] Battle of the Head-On Breakthrough’ quest could not be completed.

Cygnus’ appearance in the ‘[Root Abyss] Nineheart’s Emergency Call’ and ‘[Root Abyss] World Tree Rescue’ quests has been changed.

Fixed an issue where the ‘Watcher Tracking’ quest could not be completed properly.

The ‘[Lion King’s Castle] In the Land of Winter’ quest has been changed so that it cannot be completed in areas that do not allow teleports.

Fixed an issue in the ‘[Cross Hunter] Final Battle’ and ‘[Cross Hunter] Incident End’ quests where Elywn and Lily were not visible on the map.

Fixed the typos in the ‘[Mileage] Defeat Extreme Suu’ quest.

Fixed an error with the ‘[Mushroom Castle] Leave Me Alone’ quest where the cutscene was in an awkward situation.

Fixed an error where the ‘Zero Tutorial’ video sounds and background music overlapped.

Fixed an error where the ‘[Rose Garden] Credentials’ quest’s guide and completion conditions were incorrect.

Fixed an issue where the ‘King’s Majesty’ medal quest could not be completed.

Fixed an issue where the Luminous job quest ‘The One Who Lost The Most Precious Thing’ could not be completed.

Fixed an issue where you did not receive the ‘Forgotten Hero’ medal after completing the ‘Fox God’s Gift’ quest.

Fixed an issue where [The Day After] quests for non-Eunwol Hero jobs displayed Eunwol’s illustrations from before the remaster.

Fixed an issue where the Kritias weekly quests did not appear in the NPC Brundel and Dostov’s chat bubbles.

[Back to Overview]


Fixed an issue where after equipping the Gold/Diamond Safe Hat, your hair would disappear when hanging on a rope or ladder.

Fixed an issue where the Victoria Cup Trophy Display Case Chair’s border looked thicker when it was filled with all of the Ornaments.

Fixed an issue where the Memory Engraved Bottle Riding looked awkward.

Fixed an issue where using a Soul Enchanter or Soul item on a weapon did not play sound effects.

Fixed an issue where Spiegelmann’s Magic Hat could not be searched in the Maple Auction.

[Back to Overview]


Fixed an issue where after completing the Black Heaven quests, users could not complete the ‘Defeat Subversive Elements’ quest because the NPC Baban disappeared.

Fixed an error where ‘Young Ifia’s dialogue window illustration was awkward.

[Back to Overview]


Fixed an issue where other users’ characters were visible in the following maps.

  • Strange Foggy Forest
  • Strange 100 Year Old Herb Field
  • Strange Temple Entrance
  • Strange Collapsed Temple
  • Strange Sahel Area

Fixed an issue where the ‘Specter Mine Area’ map background was displayed awkwardly.

Fixed an issue where if you disconnected while doing the ‘Black Wing’s Strange Movements’ quest, you would leave the quest map.

Fixed an issue in High Mountain Stage 8 where you could fall from the platform in the High Mountain Wreckage map.

Fixed an issue where the Knight NPC was not visible in certain situations in the ‘A Village in the El Nath Mountains’ map.

Fixed an error in [Origin of Records] Hilla story maps where the BGM was awkward.

Fixed an issue in the ‘1st Square’ map where the platform on the left appeared to be cut off.

Fixed an issue where certain map images were displayed awkwardly in the Eunwol character creation stage.

Fixed an issue in Bounty Hunting Steal the Dragon Egg content where if you reached the top floor, the Dragon Egg would not exist intermittently.

Fixed an issue in certain Carcion maps where the Elite Champion Dark Wolf would not appear intermittently.

Fixed an issue where after moving to boss entry maps through methods other than the Boss UI/Maple Scheduler, you would sometimes be moved to an incorrect map after exiting.

  • Teleport usage restrictions will be added to Tristan’s Grave and Temple of Tears.

[Back to Overview]


Fixed an issue where the Cursed Rune effect applied to yourself was also reflected in the Character Info window of other characters.

Fixed an issue in the Maple Guide UI where certain Main Quests’ completions could not be confirmed.

Fixed an issue in the Equipment UI where the Skin slot was displayed awkwardly.

Fixed an issue in Zero’s Beta’s Outfit Preset where if the lowest ring slot was being used, the second ring slot could not be used by double-clicking.

Fixed an issue in the Guild UI’s guild member tab where the Character Info menu displayed when right-clicking on an online character name was awkwardly positioned.

Fixed an issue in the Hyper Stat window where the remaining pointsi nformation was sometimes displayed awkwardly.

Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where if you used the Sold Search or Currently Selling Search in the Preview window, the Wish List or Completed Trades Details were not displayed.

Fixed an issue for Aran characters in the New Name Auction where they could not click the Claim Name button.

Fixed an issue in the login screen where the 2nd password input window’s spacing was awkward.

Fixed the typos in the Gold Hammer and Soul items’ tooltips and the system messages displayed when using them.

Fixed an issue where double clicking enhancement items inside bags in Zero’s Weapon window did not register them.

Fixed an issue where if you hovered over a button while using the Quick Move feature, sometimes the button image would be displayed awkwardly.

Fixed an issue in the Maple Scheduler UI where the ‘[Weekly Quest] Diligent Investigation Reward’s reward information incorrectly displayed Arcane Symbol: Road of Vanishing Vouchers instead of Core Gemstones.

Fixed an issue where if you tried to re-enter Monster Park Extreme after clearing it, the Maple Scheduler UI’s Monster Park Extreme clear record would be reset.

Fixed an error where daily quests and weekly quests could not be started or completed using the quest UI.

The red cross image will no longer be displayed in the ‘Fight! Legends Return’ related UI.

Recollection Fragments and Memory Fragments will no longer drop in Temple of Time’s Star Force maps.

Fixed an issue in Burning World where certain levels were displayed incorrectly when claiming Hyper Burning level achievement rewards.

Fixed an issue where the ‘Giving Out the Reboot Gift Box’ quest was not displayed in the Event List.

[Back to Overview]

Quick Character Change

Fixed an issue where the login screen’s BGM and sound effects were played in the loading screen when using Quick Character Change.

Fixed an issue where the client would freeze intermittently on the loading screen when using Quick Character Change.

Fixed an issue where certain characters’ faces were not displayed properly in the Quick Character Change UI.

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KMST ver. 1.2.176 – New Boss Limbo! (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.