08/14/2024 The year of our Lord (2024)

Table of Contents
Protestor, 61, Gets Lengthy Prison Sentence for Chanting ‘Who the F***k Is Allah?’ White Cops Win Landmark Discrimination Case. Reston Man Arrested After Sexual Assault of a Child Massive cyberattack rocks Central Bank of Iran, computer system paralyzed - report Ukraine approves $20 billion plan to increase renewable energy production by 2030 J.K. Rowling, Elon Musk Named in ‘Cyber Harassment’ Lawsuit Filed by Algerian Olympic Boxer at Center of Gender Controversy The U.S. Navy is Running Dangerously Low on Munitions Report: State Department Releases Document Showing Hunter Biden Sought U.S. Government Help for Ukrainian Company Suspected sabotage against the Bundeswehr – contaminated tap water? Grandma Imprisoned by Tim Walz for Defying COVID Lockdowns Issues Warning: ‘You Don’t Want Tyranny at This Level’ Jeremiah Wright 2.0: Kamala Harris's Radical Pastor Blamed U.S. for 9/11 [Dr. Amos Brown] Nation’s Top Hackers at DEF CON Conference Once Again Easily Breach U.S. Voting Machines — Yet Republicans Continue to Ignore This Crisis Year After Year Plane Diverted From Jackson Hole Airport Because Pilot Not Qualified Columbia University [Arab] President announces resignation. A MASSIVE DATA BREACH WITH HACKERS PERHAPS GETTING THE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OF EVERY AMERICAN. THE HACK FROM NATIONAL PUBLIC DATA REVEALED IN A LOS ANGELES TIME NEWS STORY..."X" TRENDING (Updated) Two French warplanes colliding in the skies over France today. One crew member safe with two others dead. President Emmanuel Macron announcing the deaths tonight...(BFM-TV France) The two Rafale aircraft that were returning from a resupply mission to Germany...BFM-TV France (Translation Prompt) Chaos Erupts as Pro-Palestine Protesters Storm Democratic After Party Event, Throw Smoke Bombs During Kamala Harris Campaign Trump pledges to slash energy and electricity prices by one-half within 12 months WATCH: New Video From January 6 Shows Police Officer Carrying a Bag Toward Location of DNC “Pipe Bomb” 15 Minutes Before ‘Explosive Device’ Was Discovered The New York Times Admits that the Biden Regime is Accelerating Citizenship Pathways for Immigrants In Order To Rig 2024 Election Tennessee adults, children brawl during chaotic kindergarten graduation ceremony FAQs


The "edgelord influencers," make up a young and MALE segment of voters who have huge online followings, eschew TikTok, and promote alpha males. Trump and his VP running mate JD Vance have been speaking to these influencers and appearing on their podcasts and shows, so who knows how many have tuned in Monday night? So far, over30 million people(and counting) have already plugged into Trump's X conversation with Musk.

While many are writers, the political class, and the MAGA base, among that number are probably undecided voters or people who pay little attention to the legacy media. The Kamala coronation is either passing over their heads or viewed like a person with three heads. But the iconic former president who survived an assassination attempt?

And how is she so sure that it gains nothing with undecided and swing voters? The people who tend to make up this demo do not respond to debates, and the media noise gives them a headache. But a conversation where Trump gets to lay out policy, discuss how the assassination attempt affected him, and define his opponent? That is something they can be drawn into.

The legacy media is so focused on rebranding Kamala Harris and running interference for Tim Walz that they cannot even recognize the brilliance of this pivot. X is the one platform that isn't working overtime to either ignore, misrepresent, or drown out Trump's campaign and message. Much to their chagrin, with this X interview, Trump has blown a hole through their propaganda wall and reached past to voters that they had no idea existed.

Trump on X Taps Into a Voting Bloc That Legacy Media Doesn't Even Know Exists – RedState


“‘Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven’” (Matthew 6:20).

The believer is to be generous in his giving.

The early church was not interested in accumulating great wealth for itself. In Acts 2, for example, thousands of pilgrims gathered in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. When Peter preached the gospel on that day, 3,000 persons became believers, and soon afterward thousands more were added to the church. The pilgrims who became believers didn’t want to return to their former homes since they were now part of the church. So the believers in Jerusalem had to absorb them. Since many of the inhabitants were undoubtedly poor, the early church had to give to meet their needs. As a result, believers “began selling their property and possessions, and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need” (Acts 2:45). The early church illustrates what it means to lay up treasure in Heaven.

Like the early church, we are to lay up for ourselves treasure in Heaven (Matt. 6:20). What is our treasure in Heaven? In a broad sense it is “an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you” (1 Peter 1:4). We could say that, above all, our treasure in Heaven is Christ.

In a specific sense, Jesus is referring in Matthew 6:20 to money, luxury, and wealth. He is saying that to lay up treasure in Heaven is to be generous and ready to share the riches God has given to us, instead of hoarding and stockpiling them. By being generous, you expose yourself to the full potential of all that eternal life can mean. First Timothy 6:18-19 says you are “to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for [yourself] the treasure of a good foundation for the future.” The more you send into Heaven, the greater the glory when you arrive. The greater the investment, the greater the reward. Make it your aim to invest for eternity, where you will never lose your reward.

Ask the Lord to help you be generous toward others who are in need.


eschatology is the doctrine of the second coming of Christ. One quarter of the entire bible concerns itself with these amazing prophecies.

I am as Peter who was commanded to preach to the people of Jerusalem. After being arrested, whipped, and badly handled, a notable Pharisee named Gamaliel, stood up and said these words…

“And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.”(Acts 5:38,39)

This advice is as good today, as it was so many years ago.

If the ancient King of Babylon (Iraq) was told his kingdom was at an end because it was weighed and found ‘wanting’ (deficient) – what would God say to America? (Daniel 5:27)

When a nation starts clamoring for this, the word deficient may be too weak to describe our condition.

Abortion on babies to the last month and even after birth

Cutting children to change their sexual anatomy

Acceptance of any sexual or moral depravity imaginable

Open borders to anyone at anytime

Our treasures, wealth and taxes given to support anyone who wanders into the country

Taxing the people out of earnings and profits until they are choked out of home and business

Silencing of opinion and free speech that seems contrary to the government

The arrest, prosecution and or the assassination of all political opponents to the ruling party

An endless growth of government and the diminishing of the private citizen

Attacks on religion, the Bible and believers

Communism, socialism and wokeism

If this is not ‘wanting’ or a deficiency, then God didn’t’ make little green apples.

We are not part of a circus America, but we are a well-founded nation that will not survive as a circus carnie worker in a treacherous new world that is about to erupt.

From experience I can say that God will show us something good and he will not refrain from revealing something profoundly evil. The more theologically correct question is to ask – why.

God can and does use evil or good to guide a person or an entire nation. (Ro 8:28)

The Bible is abundantly clear. After Israel is returned to her homeland, approximately one generation of time is left until the appearance of Jesus Christ for the second time. He comes in full power not as a suffering dying Savior sent to die for the sins of the world, that job is finished.

Old Testament prophets agree that when Israel is called home once again, time is running down to the last not so golden days. The New Testament finds Jesus being far more specific, He speaks of Israel’s return and the last days as one big singular package. The entire 24thchapter of Matthew’s gospel is one such example.

Israel came back in 1948 and subsequently recaptured Jerusalem in 1967.

Regardless of when the generation began, 71 years ago in 1948 or, 57 years ago in 1967, time is running down according to the bible.

for America, a period of severe poverty and scarcity will come upon us. Call it a crash or any other name you may choose but it is today knocking at the door.

Since Christ said no man will know the day or the hour, I will not break that rule.

More than ever before I have come to believe that the appearance of the last world dictator (the antichrist) is coming down the pike

When he takes power, the world will begin reeling for a period of seven years. Before he is done, everything we now know as normal – will have vanished.

I invite you to change that outcome with a simple, but genuine cry to the Savior, to forgive your sins and be born again.

“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” – John 6: 37


According to E.U. Commissioner Breton, the bloc is ready to “make full use of our toolbox, including by adopting interim measures,” against Musk and X if the E.U. feels the Trump interview violates E.U. regulations.

Social media users immediately labeled the letter a sign of foreign election interference in the U.S.’s 2024 presidential race, while Musk replied, “Bonjour!” In another post, Musk appears to brush off the threats, likening Breton to a French character from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

The European Union has been threatening censorship and action against Musk for months under the DSA, with Breton declaring last December that the bloc was going after X. Musk, meanwhile, went public in July about an alleged illegal secret deal the European Union offered to tech giants to quietly censor posts on their respective platforms.

“The European Commission offered X anillegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal. X did not,” Musk said.


Protestor, 61, Gets Lengthy Prison Sentence for Chanting ‘Who the F***k Is Allah?’

David Spring, a 61-year-old who participated in an anti-mass migration protest following the deadly mass stabbing of several young girls in Southport, England, has been imprisoned for 18 months. He is accused of chanting, "Who the f**k is Allah?" and, per local media, making "hostile gestures" towards police and calling them "c***s."


White Cops Win Landmark Discrimination Case.

Three white police officers have succeeded in a discrimination claim after an employment tribunal determined that they were bypassed for a promotion due to their race. The tribunal found that the officers, Detective Inspector Phillip Turner-Robson, Inspector Graham Horton, and Custody Inspector Kirsteen Bishop, faced disadvantage by being excluded from a promotional opportunity within Thames Valley Police.


Yet what was more striking to me than the have-a-go hero was that little girls and their mums can now be stabbed in broad daylight in the heart of tourist London. That's not the same as coming home late at night on a darkened street in a sketchy part of town. Leicester Square is one of the most famous addresses in the world. It's in the songs:

Goodbye, Piccadilly!
Farewell, Leicester Square!
It's a long long way to Tipperary...

Actually, not as long as it used to be. County Tipperary now boasts several mosques and Islamic cultural centres. So the contrast drawn in the song between the great metropolis and the small town of the author's grandparents is no longer applicable: you've got to go a much longer way from Leicester Square to be free of "diversity".

Starmer is not, as has been suggested, simply 'tone-deaf'. He is seizing his opportunity, as Washington did on J6 and Justin did with the Canadian truckers. You know how that worked out for law-abiding grannies on their first trip to America's capital, or for prairie donors who'd dropped fifty bucks via credit card on the Ottawa convoy. And you know how muted public protest aboutanythinghas been in either country since. The full powers of Britain's 'system of espionage' - the 24/7 panopticon state - are about to be brought down on the despised masses. Because J6 was about a dodgy election and the truckers were objecting to lockdowns and vaccine mandates, but a pushback against mass migration is a threat to the absolute inviolable core uniparty policy.

I'm worried that justice is turning into something like vengeance. That this isn't just law and order but also a kind of centrist revenge against the lower orders. Am I wrong?

He cites a few examples:

Stacey Vint from Middlesbrough who has been jailed for 20 months for pushing a wheelie bin at a line of riot police before falling flat on her face. She's an idiot, clearly. She might also be a bad person, I don't know. But nearly two years in the slammer for a failed bin attack on heavily armed police? Admit it, it's a bit much.

Or what about the gay couple, in Hartlepool, whose chief crime, as far as I can tell, was 'dancing and gesticulating at a line of police officers'. They also struggled as they were arrested. They have both been jailed for 26 months. Let's not relitigate the 'two-tier policing' debate, of which we've all had a gutful, but it's worth reminding ourselves that the knifeman who terrorised staff at a kosher supermarket in Golders Green in January, demanding to know their views on 'Israel and Palestine', was given a suspended sentence.

The United Kingdom, as I always say, is the land where everything is policed except crime. Under Scotland Yard and Britain's other woeful constabularies, convictions for reported rape and robberies are at all but statistically undetectable levels. But thoughtcrime the Starmtroopers can hunt down with ruthless efficiency. The gay couple in Hartlepool are an instructive example in the emerging hierarchy of identity groups. They were strolling back from the bingo, possibly a little over-lubricated, when they stumbled on a "far-right" "riot":

At that point he saw a 'red mist' and stepped in to defend Mailen. He was captured on video waving a finger at police officers and shouting at them: 'I pay your wages.'

He also refused to step back and a police dog was deployed which latched itself onto his buttock, almost dragging off his shorts, which [Crown prosecutor] Ms Masters said 'had the effect of dispersing the crowd'.

And don't think you need to dance in your shorts and commit the crime of yelling "I pay your wages". Just being a lethargic bystander is more than enough. FromBelfast:

You will be refused bail even if you only watched riots from the sidelines, judge warns

They're teaching you a lesson: go gentle into that good Eurabian night - or else.

And in doing so they are ensuring that there will be many more stabbed schoolgirls on Britain's funeral pyre.

On this issue, politicians and policemen and judges have failed the people. If peaceful protest ("watching riots from the sidelines") is not to be permitted, there's only the other kind left.

Farewell, Leicester Square! :: SteynOnline


You, thedemos,give us, officialdom, the power to take whatever we like from you: your savings, your liberty, your stuff, your identity, and your posterity — because we are the boss-of-you, and don’t you forget it. . . and, by the way, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

It’s really that simple, though the deceptions cooked up to hide it are convoluted to the max. Like: engineering the illegal entry to the US of millions from other lands and then using procedural hocus-pocus such as motor-voter registration and public assistance applications (free money + automatic voter registration) to stuff the election drop-boxes with the ballots of non-citizens — who, get this, don’t even have to be the ones casting those ballots, which can just be harvested, like so many oven-ready pullets, by lowly hired shills. If you catch onto the ruse, you’ll be instructed that borders are arbitrary roadblocks tosocial justicethrown up by the old white male patriarchy, and that these are “free and fair elections.” And if you object loudly enough, you lose your job, your livelihood, your Facebook account, and maybe get thrown into solitary confinement for a year. Our democracy.

And, by the way, HRC could remind said delegates: you have allowed a laughing hyena who drinks her lunch to land at the head of the ticket for the worst reasons (viz., DEI) minus any votes from the party membership, and then managed to duct-tape a China-owned, Cluster-B head-case to her as the veep sidekick. . . and maybe when all the hee-hawing and hooting dies down, you’ll discover what a pair of losers you’ve allowed to be undemocratically implanted to (ha!) represent you. And also, by the way, I happen to be available as her capable-and-experienced replacement. . . whomyou can actually vote foron the convention floor, if you manage to get your sh*t together. . . you know. . .our democracy, and all. Just sayin’.

Some of that discussion could happen in the (so far) one scheduled September 10 debate. If Mr. Trump can manage to be polite, he can press Kamala Harris to explain herself on things like the wide-open border, failure to negotiate with the Russians to end the Ukraine War, her party’s antipathy to public safety, her party’s promotion of gender identity insanity, its Gestapo-style lawfare operations, its endless hoaxes, and its disgraceful documented efforts to censor free speech. The record is pretty clear on all of that, and there’s a fair chance that Ms. Harris can’t possibly explain it away. Or laugh it off.

Mr. Trump has requested two more head-to-head debates, which Ms. Harris apparently wants to forego. Mr. Trump has come up with an excellent alternative: two “town hall” format appearances in which he fields questions from citizens, or from news reporters, or some combo of both. That would be much to his advantage, without Ms. Harris on stage to defend her positions — or, more likely, to dodge any coherent reply by repeating “racist racist racist,” and laughing her head off.

That is, if she even remains the nominee. Let’s see how it goes this week leading to the convention. For instance, if she and Mr. Walz can still weasel out of taking any questions from the news media. Or whether the White House (remember “Joe Biden” still lives there) and his blob compadres can engineer a major escalation into world war, to take everybody’s mind off the election race. Or if any tremors of apprehension emanate from the delegate corps packing their rolly-bags for the dreaded party confab in Chicago. You have to kind of wonder if they’re bringing any riot gear.

The Party Line Is a Mighty Squishy Line - Kunstler


The Daily Callerreportedrecently that Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz attends a church, all right, but you will not be surprised to learn that it’s not exactly a bastion of Christianity as it has been known up until these enlightened days. Walz attends Pilgrim Lutheran Church in St. Paul, Minn., where the worship is as woke as it can be. If it weren’t for the folks walking around in robes and the occasional prayers, Walz might sometimes get confused and think that he is at a Democrat party meeting, for Pilgrim Lutheran is little more than the Democrat platform in ecclesiastical trappings.

Pilgrim Lutheran’s stances on everything are tediously predictable, and 100% in line with the latest far-left wisdom. The Caller notes that “materials published by Pilgrim Lutheran Church instruct parishioners not to refer to God using male pronouns, push congregants to support reparation funds, encourage them to celebrate Ramadan and include a modified gender-neutral version of the Lord’s Prayer, among other liberal practices.” Of course. Anything else would be racist, bigoted, sexist, and “Islamophobic.” Pilgrim Lutheran’s leadership would no doubt rather be burned at the stake rather than be accused of any of those beyond-mortal sins.

Walz’s church is, of course, not singular to his corner of the Minnesota Soviet Socialist Republic. Woke churches have spread all over our fair land, and are full of the blue-haired, gender-confused, and heavily tattooed whenever they feel the need to give the appearance that God or Gaia or Almighty Whoever heartily approves of their activities.

Pilgrim Lutheran itself is an outpost of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which ditched traditional Protestant Christianity quite some time ago in order to chase after the left’s latest cultural fads and imbue them with a patina of sanctity. And so it is no surprise once again that the ELCA not only has female bishops but lesbian bishops, as well as female bishops who are really men but have demanded that everyone around them pretend that they’re women.

Unchanging dogma? Inspired scripture? Come on, man! Pilgrim Lutheran Church is far too up-to-date for that. In 2015, itadopted“Commitments and Guidelines for Language in Worship” that call for “recognition that a patriarchal culture gave birth to the writing of scripture and the selection of the canon. Unless the language is adjusted as we use scripture in the more inclusive culture of the 21st century, the worship service can be an alienating rather than a welcoming and evangelizing experience.”

All right. It’s reasonable in principle to try to communicate with the people you’re trying to reach in their own language, but when Pilgrim Lutheran speaks of “evangelizing,” it’s not at all clear which gospel it is exactly that they’re trying to spread. The guidelines direct people at Pilgrim Lutheran to “choose non-anthropomorphic language for God (examples: Eagle, baker, hen, bread), being careful not to limit these by following them with male or female pronouns.”

Okay, so God is an eagle, God is a baker, God is a hen, but never fear, God is still also Father, sort of. The guidelines say that people at Pilgrim Lutheran should “choose titles that suggest the activity of God but do not imply gender. (Examples: Advocate, Healer, Refuge, Sustainer, Creator).” However, they alsousean ersatz Lord’s Prayer that ditches “Our Father who art in heaven” for the trendier “Our Guardian, Our Mother, Our Father in heaven.” At least they got “Father” in there, but the way things are going, He may soon lose his place to OurTrans God.

No aspect of traditional Christianity is spared. The Incarnate God of traditional Christianity became a male, but the guidelines try to help churchgoers gloss over that embarrassing detail: “Keep in mind that although Jesus was male, his humanity is more significant to our faith than his gender. Consider using terms like Christ, Teacher, Emmanuel, Savior, Redeemer, Word in addition to or as substitute for Lord or other exclusively male descriptors.”

The church issued a statement recently that read: “We white citizens and congregants have been complicit in the systematic exclusion of Black, Indigenous, Immigrant and other People of Color from full participation in and benefit from the common good. We lament the suffering caused by our racism. We endeavor to live more fully a Gospel commitment to love our neighbors as ourselves by listening well, changing our hearts, and partnering with our neighbors in building an antiracist community of justice where all may thrive.” In other words, press that blue lever in November.

Pilgrim Lutheran is hardly Christian, and as Chesterton said, when men discard Christianity, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything. At Walz’s church, that includes Islam: Pilgrim Lutheran encouraged its people to “attend meals celebrating the Muslim holy day of Ramadan and by providing them signs to paste in their windows wishing those around them a ‘Blessed Ramadan.’” Got to be inclusive, doncha know. Never mind that one can become so very inclusive as to have no principles of one’s own, and that’s where Pilgrim Lutheran and Tim Walz are. If the Democrats ever change their stance on an issue, so will Pilgrim Lutheran Church. It’s a leftist mouthpiece posing as a church, just as Walz himself is a leftist mouthpiece posing as a patriot.

God the Hen, God the Baker... | Frontpage Mag


As a senator, Kamala Harris voiced her "unequivocal" support for slashing America's defense budget and "redirecting funding to communities in need." Years later, the vice president and Democratic presidential nominee won't say where she stands on the issue.

Harris in 2020 released astatementaddressing an amendment from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) that would have redirected 10 percent of the Pentagon's budget—$74 billionin total—into an annual federal grant program. While Harris voted against the amendment, she assured constituents that her issue was with its specific wording, not its general goal.

The Biden-Harris administration has come under intense fire for its decision to freeze and slow-walk American arms deliveries to Israel as it faces down Hamas. American diplomats are using the arms sales as a way to pressure Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu into inking a ceasefire deal with Hamas.


Reston Man Arrested After Sexual Assault of a Child

  • 8/14/2024, 8:48:20 AM · by COBOL2Java · 3 replies

    Fairfax County [VA] Police Department News ^ | 14 August 2024 | FCPD Public Affairs Bureau

    Reston Police District – Detectives from our Major Crimes Bureau have arrested a man after he sexually assaulted a child in a store in Reston. On August 9, at 10:30 p.m., officers responded to the 11100 block of South Lakes Drive in Reston for an assault. Officers learned a 7-year-old child and her mother were inside a store and were being followed by Arturo Elmore-Adon, 25, of Reston. Arturo touched the child inappropriately and took a picture of the child without consent. Arturo fled the area before police arrived. The victim did not sustain any injuries. On August 12, Arturo...


Massive cyberattack rocks Central Bank of Iran, computer system paralyzed - report

  • 8/14/2024, 8:43:57 AM · by ChicagoConservative27 · 8 replies


    The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and other banks were targeted on Wednesday as part of a significant cyber attack that led to widespread disruptions in the country's banking system, Iran International reported. #BREAKING A major cyberattack has targeted the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and several other banks, leading to widespread disruptions in the country’s banking system, @IranIntl has learned. Initial assessments indicate this could be one of the largest cyberattacks ever against… pic.twitter.com/6TiuNrxosL — Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) August 14, 2024 According to reports, all the computer systems of the banks in Iran were paralyzed following the cyber...


Ukraine approves $20 billion plan to increase renewable energy production by 2030

  • 8/14/2024, 8:34:56 AM · by E. Pluribus Unum · 14 replies

    Reuters ^ | August 13, 20246:39 AM CDT | Reuters

    KYIV, Aug 13 (Reuters) - Ukraine will need $20 billion in investments to develop its renewable power sector under a plan which seeks to boost its share in the country's energy mix to 27% by 2030, the government said on Tuesday. The country's energy sector has lost half of its generating capacity as a result of Russian missile and drone attacks, which intensified in spring 2024, forcing it to rely on its nuclear plants as well as solar and wind generation. The plan approved by the government aims to add around 10,000 megawatt of new generation facilities. The share of...


“Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:19–20

This is a bold and awe-inspiring promise from our Lord. This passage reveals Jesus’ desire that we pray with others, uniting our prayer as one and offering it to the Father. Jesus says that when we do this in union with His prayer, our prayer will be answered.

The first thing to note is that this passage could easily be misunderstood. For example, is Jesus telling us that if two or more people get together and pray that it rains, then it will happen? Certainly not. The key to understanding this passage is found in the last line: “...there am I in the midst of them.” This means that the goal of gathering together with two or more people in prayer is to unite our unified prayer to the prayer of Jesus.

The Father always hears and answers the prayer of the Son. No matter what the Son asks the Father, it is granted. Thus, this passage tells us that the goal of gathering together in prayer with others, that is, with the Church, is to unite ourselves with the one and eternal prayer of God the Son. This is first and foremost fulfilled within the Sacred Liturgy.

When we come together in the Liturgy, our prayer is always heard. Why? Because the Liturgy is first an action of God the Son in which He invites us, the Church, to share. And the prayer that is offered is the one and eternal prayer by which God the Son asks the Father to bring salvation to all those who accept the saving action of His sacrifice on the Cross. When we join in this prayer, it is granted.

What type of prayer is not answered? First, God does not grant that which fails to serve His mission. Second, if we pray for God’s will but fail to do our part, then our prayer cannot be answered. For example, if you pray that you overcome a particular sin but then fail to respond to the grace God gives, then this is not the fault of God. Third, praying for vengeance on those who have hurt us is ineffective. And fourth, praying for the conversion of one who refuses to repent will also be unable to be fulfilled, unless they ultimately repent. These are but a few examples.

What type of prayer is effective? As already mentioned, the prayer of the Liturgy as the one Sacrifice of Christ is always heard when we participate in it. But there are other ways that our united prayer will be fulfilled with certainty. For example, if you gather with others and together pray for the grace of deeper conversion, you can be certain that the grace will be offered. It is then up to you to open your heart to that grace so that it is effective. Or if you pray that God offers His mercy to someone caught in sin, you can be certain that that grace will be offered, even if the person refuses to accept it. And the list could go on. Simply put, if we gather with others and seek to unite our prayer to the one and perfect prayer of God the Son as it is offered to the Father in Heaven, then that prayer of the Son in which we share will be answered...

Reflect, today, upon God the Son praying to the Father. What is His perfect prayer? What does He ask the Father? Look for ways in which you can join with others to unite your own prayer to this prayer of the Son of God. Do this first and foremost in the Sacred Liturgy, but look for other ways in which you can practice this form of prayer. Praying together with others in union with the one prayer of Jesus will always be answered by the Father in Heaven.

My perfect Lord, all that You ask of the Father is granted to You. Please draw me and all the members of Your Church into Your perfect prayer to the Father. May we participate in this prayer especially through the Sacred Liturgy, and also as we gather as two or more. May we pray only with You and in accord with Your perfect will. Jesus, I trust in You.


J.K. Rowling, Elon Musk Named in ‘Cyber Harassment’ Lawsuit Filed by Algerian Olympic Boxer at Center of Gender Controversy

  • 8/14/2024, 8:13:47 AM · by Tench_Coxe · 14 replies

    Breitbart ^

    Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who is alleged to have male XY chromosomes and who competed against women to win gold at the Paris Olympics, has filed a criminal complaint to French authorities claiming that author J.K. Rowling and tech billionaire Elon Musk participated in a campaign of “cyber harassment.” (snip) Nabil Boudi, the Paris-based attorney of Khelif, told Variety that the complaint had been filed the anti-online hatred center of the Paris public prosecutor’s office on Friday.


The U.S. Navy is Running Dangerously Low on Munitions

  • 8/14/2024, 8:10:55 AM · by whyilovetexas111 · 21 replies

    National Security Journal ^ | 8/14/2024 | Jim Fein

    You can be the best shot in the world, but your expertise won’t count for much if you run out of bullets. The same principle holds true for a country’s armed forces. Just ask the U.S. Navy. It’s getting low on munitions—yet the Pentagon is refusing to ask for sufficient supplies to replace them.


Report: State Department Releases Document Showing Hunter Biden Sought U.S. Government Help for Ukrainian Company

  • 8/14/2024, 7:37:30 AM · by ChicagoConservative27 · 21 replies

    Breitbart ^ | 08/14/2024 | Wendell Husebø

    Hunter Biden sought the State Department’s help for a Ukrainian energy company while President Joe Biden was vice president, according to the New York Times, which obtained the information from the agency via a FIOA request dating back to 2021. The release of the document is significant for three reasons. First, the agency released the document after Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection, underscoring concerns among Republicans that the Biden administration covered up Hunter’s foreign business dealings that enriched the Biden family while Joe Biden was vice president. Second, Hunter did not register as a foreign agent for...


Suspected sabotage against the Bundeswehr – contaminated tap water?

  • 8/14/2024, 7:09:14 AM · by dynachrome · 11 replies

    Der Spiegel ^ | 8-14-24 | Matthias Gebauer and Marina Kormbaki

    The Bundeswehr barracks Cologne-Wahn is sealed off. According to SPIEGEL information, the authorities investigate the suspicion of a crThe Bundeswehr barracks in Cologne-Wahn was completely sealed off on Wednesday morning. According to SPIEGEL information, the police, field hunters and the military shielding service of the Bundeswehr suspected sabotage action against the Bundeswehr. Apparently the barracks were broken into. The tap water of the Bundeswehr site may be contaminated. In internal communications, soldiers and civilian forces were urged not to extract drinking water. In the meantime, no other soldiers are allowed to enter the site.ime. Soldiers are not allowed to draw...


Grandma Imprisoned by Tim Walz for Defying COVID Lockdowns Issues Warning: ‘You Don’t Want Tyranny at This Level’

  • 8/14/2024, 6:59:20 AM · by Sam77 · 30 replies

    The Daily Fetched ^ | 14 August 2024 | Jason Walsh

    Lisa Hanson, a grandma and the owner of a restaurant in Albert Lea, Minnesota, was thrown in jail by Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) for defying his draconian lockdown orders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hanson, who is also a mother of eight, said her business was devastated by the vice presidential candidate’s mandates.


Jeremiah Wright 2.0: Kamala Harris's Radical Pastor Blamed U.S. for 9/11 [Dr. Amos Brown]

  • 8/14/2024, 6:29:58 AM · by SunkenCiv · 17 replies

    Breitbart ^ | August 13, 2024 | Joel B. Pollak

    ...Harris and Brown, the longtime pastor of San Francisco's Third Baptist Church, have known each other for nearly a quarter century, and the two have remained close throughout her vice presidency. In July of 2023, Harris posted a picture of the two to the vice president's Instagram account and described Brown as "an inspiration to me always."At a memorial service for victims of the 9/11 terror attacks held just six days after al Qaeda murdered nearly 3,000 Americans, Brown used the occasion to point the finger at the United States in remarks that, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, "set...


Nation’s Top Hackers at DEF CON Conference Once Again Easily Breach U.S. Voting Machines — Yet Republicans Continue to Ignore This Crisis Year After Year

  • 8/14/2024, 6:28:12 AM · by bitt · 34 replies

    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com ^ | 8/14/2024 | JIM HOFT

    Where did this come from? Since when did the far-left legacy media start reporting on election fraud? Politico on Tuesday broke the news that “the nation’s best hackers” were able to break into voting machines. Over the weekend, some of the world’s top hackers convened in Las Vegas for the annual DEF CON conference, specifically at the Voting Village event, to probe and expose vulnerabilities in voting machines set to be used in the upcoming November election. From Friday through Sunday, hackers at Voting Village tested various voting machines and related equipment, attempting to bypass security measures. Meanwhile, election officials...


08/14/2024 The year of our Lord (1)


FROM THE REBEL STATES: Arrival of Deserters at Washington; Rumored Heavy Reinforcement of Gen. Early from Richmond (8/14/1864)
New York Times archives – Times Machine ^ | 8/14/1864

Posted on 8/14/2024, 6:26:17 AM by Homer_J_Simpson

WASHINGTON, Saturday, August 13.

Six refugees and twenty-one deserters from the rebel army arrived here to-day from City Point.

The former left Richmond by stealth on Thursday night and came into our lines. They tell a long story, representing that on Saturday last four trains of twenty cars each arrived in Richmond, bringing a body of troops from Petersburg, said to be a division, and they left immediately on the Central road, to reinforce Gen. EARLY.

A large body of rebel cavalry arrived the same day coming by railroad, and departed for the same destination.

One of this party worked on Belle Island, and states that when he left there were but five Federal prisoners there, the others having all been sent South, to Georgia.

There are but few Federal prisoners in the Libby Prison -- in fact none but the sick and wounded are kept there, and these only for a few days after their reception.

At the time the Danville Railroad was cut our prisoners were made to walk on foot some seventy miles before they took the railroad, and these men heard the guards when they returned say that many gave out and died on the road.

There are no troops in or about Richmond, except in the fortifications, those on the south side being fully garrisoned, while those on the north side have barely enough men in them to keep things in order.

The deserters from the rebel army have belonged to different regiments, and have left their lines at different times, some as late as Monday. Most of them are from Florida, Alabama and Georgia, and have not, generally, served over one year, but they say that year has been enough for them.


Plane Diverted From Jackson Hole Airport Because Pilot Not Qualified

  • 8/14/2024, 8:10:19 PM · by logi_cal869 · 3 replies

    Cowboy State Daily ^ | 8/13/2024 | Jake Nichols

    Passengers aboard an Alaska Airlines flight bound for Jackson Hole, Wyoming, were miffed last week after the pilot explained over the intercom that he could not land the plane at their destination. Instead, the flight was diverted to Salt Lake City. - snip - “Hey, I’m really sorry folks, but due to me not having the proper qualification to land in Jackson Hole, we need to divert to Salt Lake City, Utah. We’ll keep you posted on the next steps,” the pilot explained. - snip - After the flight diversion to Salt Lake, the Reddit poster said the pilot offered...


Columbia University [Arab] President announces resignation.

  • 8/14/2024, 7:57:24 PM · by Words Matter · 2 replies

    INN ^ | Aug 14, 2024 | Elad Benari

    Columbia University President Dr. Minouche Shafik resigns following months of criticism for her handling of campus antisemitism.





It's a murky situation some saying Hamas won't even be involved but the talks will go ahead anyway...(Times of Israel)...

Israel, Egypt, Qatar and the United States will be at the table.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Qatar's prime minister warning sides not to undermine the talks.

That warning said to be aimed in three directions (Hamas, Iran and Israel)...News Agencies-The New Arab...

President Donald Trump said to have spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about those talks.

One source telling "Axios" that Trump encouraged Mr. Netanyahu to accept a mediated deal with Hamas...News Agencies-Times of Israel





(Updated) Two French warplanes colliding in the skies over France today.

One crew member safe with two others dead. President Emmanuel Macron announcing the deaths tonight...(BFM-TV France)

The two Rafale aircraft that were returning from a resupply mission to Germany...BFM-TV France (Translation Prompt)


"No anti-Israel decision or anti-Zionist decision will stop Jewish construction"

Israel's finance minister Bezalel Smotrich proclaiming construction of a new settlement in the "West Bank".

The decision to create "Nahal Heletz" and other communities in the disputed territories linked to the recent decisions by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize a Palestinian state...ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS


Chaos Erupts as Pro-Palestine Protesters Storm Democratic After Party Event, Throw Smoke Bombs During Kamala Harris Campaign

  • 8/14/2024, 7:04:24 PM · by hardspunned · 56 replies

    X ^ | 8/14/24 | Rawsalerts

    Currently, numerous pro-Palestine protesters have stormed a Democratic after-party event in Harlem, Manhattan, following Kamala Harris's campaign. The protesters began setting off smoke bombs and causing chaos at the restaurant hosting the event.


Trump pledges to slash energy and electricity prices by one-half within 12 months

  • 8/14/2024, 6:59:14 PM · by Golden Eagle · 25 replies

    FOX News ^ | August 14, 2024 | On Air

    Former President Trump shares how his administration plans to bring down energy and electricity prices if he wins in November.


WATCH: New Video From January 6 Shows Police Officer Carrying a Bag Toward Location of DNC “Pipe Bomb” 15 Minutes Before ‘Explosive Device’ Was Discovered

  • 8/14/2024, 6:34:14 PM · by Macho MAGA Man · 15 replies

    Gateway Pundit ^ | August 14, 2024 | Cristina Laila

    For years we’ve been told an unidentified suspect planted pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC headquarters on January 5, the night before the Capitol riot. The FBI still ‘can’t find’ the person who planted the bombs. The US Capitol was shut down on January 6 after the feds found the bombs near the Republican and Democrat Party headquarters. But did this so-called suspect actually plant the bombs the night before? New video from January 6 shows a police officer carrying a bag toward the location of the DNC ‘pipe bomb’ at 12:51 pm on Jan. 6 – just 15...


The New York Times Admits that the Biden Regime is Accelerating Citizenship Pathways for Immigrants In Order To Rig 2024 Election

  • 8/14/2024, 6:32:38 PM · by bitt · 16 replies

    https://bigleaguepolitics.substack.com/ ^ | Aug 14, 2024 | José Alberto Niño

    According to a report by the New York Times, the Biden regime is fast tracking the naturalization of migrants in America as part of a plan that consists of “reshaping the electorate, merely months before a pivotal election, per an observer that was quoted in the article. “The federal government is processing citizenship requests at the fastest clip in a decade, moving rapidly through a backlog that built up during the Trump administration and the coronavirus pandemic,” the New York Times highlighted. One Honduran woman cited in this article was amazed at the fact that immigration authorities were able to...


Tennessee adults, children brawl during chaotic kindergarten graduation ceremony

  • 8/14/2024, 5:39:03 PM · by simpson96 · 75 replies

    NY Post ^ | 5/26/2024 | Richard Pollina

    Distressing footage captured at least 10 adults and children fighting during a Tennessee kindergarten graduation ceremony earlier this month, according to a report. The chaos unfolded at Buckley Carpenter Elementary in Somerville, Tenn., on May 15, 2024, when tensions between two women in the crowd boiled over into violence, police told Fox 13 Memphis. The adults, identified as Tyeisha Humphreys and Kierra Smith, were seen brawling down the gymnasium bleachers as witnesses tried to escape the madness. Beyond the bleacher brawl, at least two other people on the basketball court exchanged several punches. According to the outlet, Tyeisha Humphreys told...


08/14/2024 The year of our Lord (2)


Legendary beauty products seller Avon files for bankruptcy
Avon filed for bankruptcy to address its debts and legal liabilities from talc-based product lawsuits



08/14/2024 The year of our Lord (3)


.S. Rep. Michael McCaul isn't giving up hope that a second Donald Trump presidency will support Ukraine in its war against Russia, even after Sen. J.D. Vance, a vocal Ukraine aid critic and outspoken isolationist, was nominated to the vice presidency.

Vance's selection as running mate sets up some potential tension between a future Trump administration and the congressional defense hawks like McCaul, who played a role in securing Ukraine aid last April. Vance has been skeptical of sustained aid for U.S. allies abroad and voted against continued assistance for Ukraine, including the aid package McCaul advocated.

Both are cornerstone priorities for McCaul, an Austin Republican who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee. McCaul said he's "a little" concerned Vance could portend greater withdrawal by the United States on the world stage, but he isn't throwing in the towel just yet.

He's a hardcore anti-Trumper who supported the impeachment against Trump. Though Trump, for reasons that make sense only to Trump, decided to endorse this creepy Deep State operative.

Former President Donald Trump has endorsed the reelection bid of Representative Michael McCaul, despite the Republican's previous denouncement of Trump for his actions on January 6.

McCaul was one of three GOP Texas congressmen whom Trump endorsed on Thursday. Although McCaul did not vote in favor of Trump's second impeachment, where he was charged with inciting the U.S. Capitol riot, he issued a statement condemning the former president's "rhetoric and behavior" and explained that he voted against the impeachment because it was rushed, while urging a "peaceful transition of power" for the incoming Joe Biden.

Trump made no mention of McCaul's assessment of his behavior on January 6 in the endorsem*nt.

He is a tireless campaigner for the right of the DC Swamp to make all foreign policy, against the wishes of the people or their chosen representatives. Because Biden is aligned with the Swamp, McCaul supports Biden.

Jerry Dunleavy is a right-leaning reporter (on the Establishment side) who joined the investigation into the Afghanistan evacuation.

He says that "Republican" Foreign Affairs Chairman McCaul has refused to dig into Biden's responsibility for it.

Jerry Dunleavy IV

NEW: I resigned in protest from Chairman McCaul's House Foreign Affairs investigation into the Biden-Harris Admin's disastrous & deadly Afghanistan withdrawal. Resignation letter below. Despite my repeated urging, McCaul failed to seek answers on & accountability for the debacle.

While the Committee's investigation has indeed unearthed further evidence detailing the Biden-Harris Admin's responsibility for the horrific events of August 2021 & for the dangerous global fallout which followed, McCaul & his team have also been derelict in their duty to pursue answers for the Abbey Gate Gold Star families, to seek the proper documents, to bring in the proper witnesses, to ask the tough questions, to fully pursue the truth without fear or favor, & to do everything in the Committee's power to ensure that a deadly humiliation like this never happens again. McCaul & the Committee made promises to the Abbey Gate Gold Star families & to the American public at large -- & those promises simply have not been kept.

I did not come lightly to this decision to resign & to blow the whistle publicly, but I could not be a part of this sham any longer & my conscience simply will not allow me to be silent -- after a year of pushing the Committee to do the right thing & to run a serious investigation that relentlessly searches for the truth, it has become undeniably clear to me that McCaul & his team are unwilling to take even the most basic steps necessary to ensure that President Biden, VP Harris, & all the top Biden-Harris diplomatic & national security & military leaders are made to answer for the horrors which unfolded & continue to unfold in Afghanistan & around the world. The Committee's disappointing lack of courage & lack of moral clarity just cannot go unremarked.

From the troubling handling of the hearings with General Milley & General McKenzie & Zalmay Khalilzad to the refusal to drag in key witnesses at the State Department & CENTCOM & elsewhere, and from the refusal to properly investigate the ISIS-K attack at Abbey Gate to the failure to look into dozens of obvious & important leads, McCaul & his team have allowed a crucial opportunity for a real & deserved reckoning to potentially slip away.

I feel a significant obligation to the Abbey Gate Gold Star families, to all Gold Star families from this two-decade war, to all the U.S. service members who fought & especially those who died in Afghanistan, & to the American public -- they all deserve to know how this Committee has refused to fulfill its important obligation to thoroughly expose the Biden-Harris Admin's duplicity & its atrocious decision-making during America's retreat & defeat in Afghanistan.

House Republicans had (and, for at least a few more months, still have) a congressional majority which empowered them to run serious & credible oversight investigations -- the power to compel sworn witness testimony, the power to force the production of hidden documents, the power to issue subpoenas -- but, with regard to the investigation into the Biden-Harris disaster in Afghanistan, McCaul has failed to wield this awesome power with anything resembling strength or consistency.

As I repeatedly made clear to the Committee, I fear that those in the halls of power -- the White House, State Dept, intel community, Pentagon -- have failed to learn the needed lessons from America's defeat in the war in Afghanistan. Washington has a widespread culture of unaccountability, & that has been especially true related to this war. I fear that this Committee's investigation will embolden, rather than remedy, that perverse culture. If those responsible aren't held accountable, and if necessary lessons aren't learned, I fear there will be even more Gold Star families in the future as a direct result.

As I did as a reporter, an author, and a now-former senior investigator on Capitol Hill, I will continue my fight for the truth no matter what. The stakes are simply too high to do otherwise. More to come.

His tweets and his actual letter of resignation are here.

Like I said, Dunleavy is one of the soft-handed pro-Establishment "moderate" wing of the party -- but kudos to him for resigning, and doing so publicly, when the Deep State operative McCaul went too far in his covering-up for the Deep State's agent, "Scranton Joe."


08/14/2024 The year of our Lord (4)
08/14/2024 The year of our Lord (5)


08/14/2024 The year of our Lord (6)




















































08/14/2024 The year of our Lord (2024)


What does it mean to say the year of our Lord? ›

idiom. formal. used before a year to say that it is after the birth of Jesus Christ. The couple married on this day in the year of our Lord 1954.

What does the year of our Lord stand for? ›

It indicates the number of years before the birth of Jesus (although Jesus himself was born in 4 B.C.). A.D. stands for the Latin phrase Anno Domini. That translates to “In the year of our Lord.” It's used to mark years after the birth of Jesus.

What does the Bible mean by the acceptable year of the Lord? ›

The “year acceptable to the Lord” that Jesus spoke about that day in Nazareth was a reference to a Jubilee Year in the Hebrew tradition. The Book of Leviticus prescribes a special year, a Jubilee Year, in which debts would be remitted, lands restored to their original owners, and the liberation of slaves.

How many years does the Lord give us? ›

NLT Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away.

Why are we in the year 2024? ›

It's because calendars are manmade, and the people who make them can use whatever starting point they want. The year 2024 is defined as such in the ISO 8601 standard, which sets how computers talk about time.

Is the year of the Lord's favor the same as the year of jubilee? ›

The expression of Isaiah 61,2 "year of the Lord's favour" clearly refers to the prescriptons in the Book of Leviticus on the jubilee year (Lev 25,10-13). Therefore at Nazareth Jesus was proclaiming a Jubilee year.

What does the Bible say about the year of the Lord? ›

Luke 4:19 In-Context

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,because he has anointed meto proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisonersand recovery of sight for the blind,to set the oppressed free, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.”

What is the acronym for in the year of our Lord? ›

Definition: A.D. is the Latin abbreviation for Anno Domini, which means 'in the year of our Lord,' or, more fully, anno domini nostri Jesu Christi 'the year of our Lord Jesus Christ. ' A.D. is used with dates in the current era, which is considered the era since the birth of Christ.

Was Jesus born 2024 years ago? ›

Everything before the birth of Jesus is considered B.C. (“Before Christ”) or, often now, B.C.E. (“Before the Common Era”). The calendar our world uses tells us that it has been roughly 2,024 years since his birth.

Why is 2024 the year of our Lord? ›

But Jesus' sovereignty lives on in our dating system, both because the traditional date for his birth was roughly 2,024 years ago (though the exact year remains a matter of debate) and because his footprint in history is so great that He founded a “common era” that even His would-be suppressors would rather forget.

Why is it always the year of our Lord? ›

This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus, AD counting years from the start of this epoch and BC denoting years before the start of the era.

What did Jesus mean by the year of the Lord's favor? ›

In terms of the phrase “Year of the Lord's Favor”, the answer is that context is the key. Originally, it was a reference to the Old Testament “Year of Jubilee” which was a literal year. Yet, that event (the Year of Jubilee) was a foreshadowing of a greater fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

How many years does God want us to live? ›

God's Spirit, in this sense, seems to be His "breath of life." Humans cannot live without God's Spirit or life-force; we are dependent on God to continue to exist. Now God declares that He will place a natural limit of 120 years on that mortal existence.

How many years does God say man will live? ›

Abstract. When mankind had become corrupted in the period preceding the flood, God said: 'My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh; his days shall be a hundred and twenty years' (Gen.

What is the current year of our Lord? ›

We stand in the year of our Lord, 2024. While not biblical in origin, the time table of Before Christ (BC) and Anno Domini (AD) goes back to Pope Gregory XIII. In 1582, he devised his “Gregorian” calendar to improve upon the Julian calendar, and the Western world has used this time table ever since.

What is the year of the Lord called? ›

According to the exegetes, the expression “the year of God” in the book of Isaiah refers to the so-called “Jubilee year” set by God and celebrated in each 50th year – once in seven times seven years. It was the year when people had to rest from their work, free their slaves and forgive any debts.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.